56 research outputs found

    Fluxo de Informação em ambiente organizacional.

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    The issue of the exchange of information in an organizational environment occupies the context of the central discussion of this article, when considering the importance of the flow of information for the construction of individual and collective knowledge. We discuss the behavior of information in an organizational environment and the importance of the flow of information to share information in an effective way as well as on the contribution that Information Science can offer in this sense. The purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of information exchange so that formal (structured) and informal (unstructured) information flows become effective in the organizational environment. The sharing of information is closely related to its context, and this is decisive for the exchange of information and effectiveness of information flows in the organizational environment. Knowledge by its attributes: collective, subjective, element of information transformation, among others, represents explicit and tacit expression potentiality not always diffusible even among actors and/or people inserted in a networked environment. In network space, for example, relationships are woven as information and knowledge are shared from practices and experiences of the group. The exchange of information and tacit knowledge can be considered the necessary condition to conceive greater significance to the information flows

    Fluxo de Informação em ambiente organizacional.

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    The issue of the exchange of information in an organizational environment occupies the context of the central discussion of this article, when considering the importance of the flow of information for the construction of individual and collective knowledge. We discuss the behavior of information in an organizational environment and the importance of the flow of information to share information in an effective way as well as on the contribution that Information Science can offer in this sense. The purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of information exchange so that formal (structured) and informal (unstructured) information flows become effective in the organizational environment. The sharing of information is closely related to its context, and this is decisive for the exchange of information and effectiveness of information flows in the organizational environment. Knowledge by its attributes: collective, subjective, element of information transformation, among others, represents explicit and tacit expression potentiality not always diffusible even among actors and/or people inserted in a networked environment. In network space, for example, relationships are woven as information and knowledge are shared from practices and experiences of the group. The exchange of information and tacit knowledge can be considered the necessary condition to conceive greater significance to the information flows

    Informação e conhecimento: análise da rede apl têxtil de Americana/SP-Brasil

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    This paper reports on the analysis knowledge building process in the context of networked companies, more specifically in the American Textile Network APL/SP-Brazil (Local Productive Arrangement). To do so, a case study was used to analyze the information exchange for the development of joint activities in the Textile Network APL that incorporates several links of the textile supply chain (Spinning, Processing, Weaving and Tailoring), located in the surrounding of Americana,Sao Paulo. Based on earlier studies regarding the process of knowledge construction developed by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1997), a questionnaire with 7 (seven) questions was applied to the experts making up the APL Textile network. The study involved 37 participant companies out of 51. From this instrument, it was possible to collect data to support the research regarding information exchange and knowledge sharing for the development of joint activities among the case study members. The work highlights the importance of sharing tacit knowledge that allows reconstructing and exploiting knowledge more broadly. That is why the externalization of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge is also required in a networked environment

    Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Um Discurso em Disputa

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    Present on the global agenda during virtually the entire second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first century, and formally institutionalized in 1987 by the United Nations, Sustainable Development is today one of humanity’s greatest concerns and a discourse in constant dispute. Coming from the combination of concepts of development and sustainability, Sustainable Development is important for understanding and solving problems faced by humanity. However, it is a concept that is still under construction. This article seeks to present Sustainable Development as an ideologically disputed field that faces conceptual and political conflicts. It is important to recognize that Sustainable Development is not unrelated to the levels of consumption and production that its conceptual scope addresses. Therefore, the relations of power towards Sustainable Development must lead to a collective agency. Thus, the objective of this study is to describe the dispute over the concept of Sustainable Development existing between the theories of Strong Sustainability and Weak Sustainability. The results obtained were analyzed by the authors and helped to draw a temporal panorama of the clashes between these two antagonistic theoretical lines

    Estudo do uso de fontes de informação para inovação tecnológica na indústria brasileira

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    O uso de fontes de informação internas e externas à empresa para a geração da inovação tecnológica é fator determinante para a competitividade de qualquer economia. O presente trabalho analisa a importância atribuída às fontes de informação internas e externas à empresa para a introdução de inovação tecnológica nas indústrias, a partir da Pesquisa Industrial de Inovação Tecnológica (Pintec – 2000) do IBGE, que investigou as atividades de inovação tecnológica em cerca de 70 mil indústrias brasileiras. As empresas foram instadas a avaliar o uso e importância de diferentes tipos de fontes de informação. Identificou-se na pesquisa o caráter secundário, em geral, das informações provenientes do departamento de pesquisa e desenvolvimento e das universidades e institutos de pesquisa e, em contrapartida, o papel fundamental das informações provenientes do mercado, concorrência e fornecedores. constatou-se também que a importância conferida e a diversidade de fontes consultadas (P&D e universidades, inclusive) dependem do grau de competitividade do setor industrial, tendo desdobramentos importantes do ponto de vista do desempenho em inovação tecnológica. Palavras-chave Fontes de informação; Pesquisa industrial; Inovação tecnológica; Inovação tecnológica; pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Study on the use of information sources to technological innovation in brazilian manufactures Abstract The use of internal and external sources of information to create technological innovation in companies is a crucial factor to the competitiveness of the any nation’s economy. This paper analyses the importance of external and internal sources of information to innovation practices, by using Technological Industrial Innovation Research – Pintec 2000 from IBGE- that investigated the technological innovation activities in about seventy thousand brazilian manufactures. Companies were told to evaluate the use and importance of several types of sources of information. R&D Departments and Universities are considered less important than information brought by Market agents. The data showed also that the importance and diversity of sources of information used – including R&D and Universities- depends on the industry competitiveness, yielding important impact on Technological Innovation rates. Keywords Information sources; Industrial research technological innovation; Technological innovation; Research and development

    Information from managing information systems as a fundamental element to support decision-making in hospitals

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    This article deals with the activity of defining information of hospital systems as fundamental for choosing the type of information systems to be used and also the organizational level to be supported. The use of hospital managing information systems improves the user`s decision -making process by allowing control report generation and following up the procedures made in the hospital as well.Neste artigo abordamos a atividade de determinação das informações de um sistema hospitalar como primordial para a escolha do tipo de sistema de informação a ser utilizado e do nível organizacional a ser apoiado. O uso de um sistema de informações gerenciais em hospitais melhora a tomada de decisão ao permitir ao usuário do sistema a geração de relatórios de controle e acompanhamento dos procedimentos realizados no hospital212117122This article deals with the activity of defining information of hospital systems as fundamental for choosing the type of information systems to be used and also the organizational level to be supported. The use of hospital managing information systems improves the user’s decision -making process by allowing control report generation and following up the procedures made in the hospital as wel

    Corporate social responsibility in times of crisis: business actions during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Between the years 2019 and 2020, humanity was affected by one of the most serious pandemics in recent history, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The socioeconomic tragedy required the complete mobilization of governments, companies, and other organizations to contain and combat the disease. Shedding light on the role of companies, this article set out to analyze, through descriptive, qualitative and documentary research, the various manifestations of Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazilian companies during the pandemic, with the Agenda 2030 as a backdrop for Sustainable Development and related initiatives. It became evident that, while on the one hand, organizations are strongly invited to act in the containment of world events harmful to human life, by extension, socially responsible companies must bear the commitment to work together to mitigate the impacts of climate change and to eradicating hunger and poverty, equally urgent and necessary demands

    Fluxo de informação na perspectiva do ambiente em rede

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    No campo da Ciência da Informação, estudar o fluxo de informação na perspectiva do espaço social em rede requer um olhar atento para a circulação da informação considerando as práticas para troca de informação entre contatos diretos e intermediários. O ambiente em rede propicia interação entre seus integrantes, podendo ocorrer de acordo com interesses específicos, que são reconhecidos ou postos em questão por seus pares

    Mapeamento de metodologias de avaliação de projetos sociais

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    As organizações sociais desenvolvem programas que contribuem para o bem-estar social e o atendimento de lacunas do setor público, ao fomentar o exercício da cidadania de forma direta e autônoma. O conhecimento dos impactos destes programas é fundamental na comunicação com os diferentes stakeholders. Tendo em vista isso, o artigo objetiva mapear as metodologias de avaliação dos impactos de programas sociais a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica descritiva-explicativa. No desenvolvimento do trabalho foram consultadas as bases SciELO, Scopus e BDTD no sentido de investigar a produção científica sobre o tema avaliação de programas sociais ao longo dos últimos dez anos. Constatou-se que poucos trabalhos acadêmicos foram desenvolvidos e publicados, assinalando a necessidade de fomentar a cultura da avaliação, especialmente para colaborar com os gestores das organizações durante o processo avaliativo dos impactos dos programas desenvolvidos

    Determinant Factors of Social Innovation Capability in Nonprofit Organizations and Social Businesses

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    The ability to create alternatives to social problems in a sustainable way can be understood as social innovation. Social innovation is a way of equalizing social problems, being considered an option for market, state and society failures. Thus, social innovation presents itself as a possible and necessary alternative for solving the problems related to Sustainable Development, especially education. This study seeks, from the perspective of the Innovation Capability, to identify the Capability for social innovation in Associations, Businesses Foundations and Social Businesses that work in the area of Education in the Southeast of Brazil. In this research, the Social Innovation Capability is composed of five factors, namely: Facilitating Leadership; Strategic Intention to Innovate Socially; Democratic Management; Co-creation of Social Innovation and Open Social Innovation. The research methodology is qualitative descriptive. For the data collection, an online questionnaire was sent to a selection of organizations belonging to all three types of organizations studied (Associations, Businesses Foundations and Social Businesses) that work in the area of Education in the Southeast of Brazil. As results, the responses of eight organizations, each with three respondents, were analyzed. The organizations were identified as being three Associations, two Businesses Foundations and three Social Businesses. The results were analyzed in light of the social innovation literature. The results indicate that in the Associations, Businesses Foundations and in Social Businesses, the determinants factors of the Capability for social innovation Democratic Management and Open Social Innovation are highlighted. Among the results it is worth noting that the Co-creation factor of Social Innovation is not representative for the organizations studied