83 research outputs found

    Gestire la qualitĂ  dei servizi nell'ottica della multicanalitĂ : un approccio integrato per misurare la customer satisfaction

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    The Thesys aims to study the opportunities of benchmarking and improvement given to a public organization by the Customer Satisfaction Process Oriented Model (CS-ProMod) in order to measure citizen’s satisfaction for public services provided in multi-channelness. The main research question is to test the methodological assumptions of the CS ProMod Model and specifically to provide efficient information in order to improve public service satisfying citizens and measuring the service quality provided in an integrated multi-channel way (Cappelli et al. 2010). These hypothesis have been checked by a survey result analysis done in an Italian public Health Agency, which took place - in 2010 - in the model CS Pro Mod experimental stage. “Booking medical visit centre” - which supplies medical reservations in specific areas - was the survey objec

    Gestire la qualitĂ  dei servizi nell'ottica della multicanalitĂ : un approccio integrato per misurare la customer satisfaction

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    The Thesys aims to study the opportunities of benchmarking and improvement given to a public organization by the Customer Satisfaction Process Oriented Model (CS-ProMod) in order to measure citizen’s satisfaction for public services provided in multi-channelness. The main research question is to test the methodological assumptions of the CS ProMod Model and specifically to provide efficient information in order to improve public service satisfying citizens and measuring the service quality provided in an integrated multi-channel way (Cappelli et al. 2010). These hypothesis have been checked by a survey result analysis done in an Italian public Health Agency, which took place - in 2010 - in the model CS Pro Mod experimental stage. “Booking medical visit centre” - which supplies medical reservations in specific areas - was the survey objec

    An Audience-Centric Approach for Museums Sustainability

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    therefore, in order to become sustainable, museums should pay attention to audience and its internal diversity. In this way, a cultural site can plan tailored strategies to increase the number of visits and re-visits and to achieve community support. For this reason it is necessary to understand the cultural needs of visitors, acquiring appropriate monitoring tools, such as qualitative and quantitative ones. Generally, quantitative analyses are more reliable and complete, even if they require a considerable number of observations for the reliability of the results. Moreover, qualitative analysis provides more in depth information, even if their data do not allow us to make generalizations. The qualitative and quantitative methods for the detection of satisfaction are usually used separately, but their integration may bring significant added value in terms of the wealth of information. This study follows the analysis of the potential of the integration of qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques customized with respect to different types of targets. The results of the experimentation performed on ethnographic museums shows a consistency of the results obtained by the two different tools that increase the capacity information of survey instruments

    The Relation between Collaborative Consumption and Subjective Well-Being: An Analysis of P2P Accommodation

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    The present paper investigates the relationships between Collaborative Consumption (CC) and well-being. Specifically, the study aims to understand the antecedents of subjective well-being (SWB) in peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation services. The research adopts a mixed-method approach by integrating qualitative (focus groups) and quantitative (survey) methods with sequential logic. A conceptual model was developed and validated through structural equation modelling (SEM). The model confirms that the SWB, which has three indirect antecedents (the social, environmental and economic dimensions), was positively influenced by the attitude towards P2P accommodation services, and the relation between this construct and SWB emphasizes the originality of the study. This research contributes to the current sharing economy debate, unveiling theoretical advances on the link between collaborative services and well-being

    Exploring the Motivation of Healthcare Professionals to Adopt New Information and Communication Technologies in a Digital Transformation Perspective

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    A role of great relief for National Healthcare Systems can be played by companies and health professionals that operate in a privatised regime and that have the potential to provide proximity services by decentralising their provision compared to more traditionally public and centralised organisations, such as hospitals. This research was grounded on the Transformative Service Research theory (TSR), an emerging movement aiming to analyse the impacts of services on individual and collective well-being. TSR distinguishes itself from traditional service research in relation to the investigated outcomes. As a matter of fact, the healthcare sector has received great attention from the service communities because it was identified as a research priority

    Social Life Cycle Assessment Application: Stakeholder Implication in the Cultural Heritage Sector

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    The word “sustainability” is often used to refer to equity within and between generations, as explained in the Brundtland Report (1987). The clarification of the concept in the triple bottom line is often used to illustrate the need to investigate the social, environmental, and economic decisions. The classification of stakeholders is still controversial and not universally agreed upon in the various analysis models, are a common point balance categories: customers, staff, suppliers, and the local community (Hinna 2005; Schwartz 2006a). The Social Life Cycle Assessment (SCLA) methodology can be described as a tool that allows a strategic vision and management of the social sustainability of the product and takes the form of an analysis that lets the company observe the social impact of the product through its sustainability evaluation throughout its life cycle (Benoit et al. Int J Life Cycle Assess 15, 156–163, 2010). The possible solution to this gap can be represented by models of assessment of social impacts based on Life Cycle Thinking, and especially through the application of the Social Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) methodology that is suitably integrated with the models until now mentioned in the literature (UNEP/SETAC, United Nations Environment Program, Paris SETAC Life Cycle Initiative United Nations Environment Programme, 2009b). The evaluation of the life cycle for the social aspects (social LCA) is a framework that allows the generation, organization, evaluation and communication of social impacts on the life cycle of a product, process, or service. The aim of this study is to create a framework for the social impact evaluation in the cultural heritage sector, through the association of existing Social Life Cycle Assessment tools with data resulting from social evaluation of the relationship between cultural services and stakeholders in order to point out the criticalities of the cultural heritage sector. This study introduced a theoretical framework for the evaluation of social impact on the cultural heritage sector, through the application of SLCA methods, and shows how it could be possible to classify the stakeholder subcategories in order to consistency. It is the preliminary approach of an integrative support to the SAM methods for SLCA

    La RealtĂ  Aumentata nel Settore dei Beni Culturali

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    "Il presente lavoro ha l’obiettivo di verificare l’impatto dell’ICMT (Information Communication and Media. Technologies) nell’ambito del settore dei beni culturali, focalizzando l’attenzione sull’adozione di tecnologie. all’avanguardia in grado di offrire nuove e dinamiche prospettive al visitatore culturale. In dettaglio, si. discuterà sullo stato dell’arte delle cosiddette “tecnologie della presenza”, con particolare riferimento alla. Realtà Aumentata. Questa applicazione, in fase di forte espansione sul mercato, ha lo scopo di sovrapporre. alla realtà percepita dal soggetto immagini ed etichette digitali per amplificare ed arricchire la percezione. dell’utente, fornendo informazioni aggiuntive sull’ambiente reale (Riva et al. 2009). Il lavoro indaga,. attraverso un’analisi desk, la diffusione della Realtà Aumentata ai beni culturali, mettendo in luce punti di. forza e criticità connesse all’applicazione di queste tecnologie al settore di riferimento. Tale applicazione,. ancora in fase di sviluppo embrionale, presenta ampie potenzialità di sfruttamento in termini di. differenziazione e ampliamento della gamma dei servizi offerti, impattando non solo sulla diffusione delle. conoscenze ma anche sull’esperienza di visita a livello emozionale ed educativo. È tuttavia necessario. analizzare il rapporto costo\/benefici dato dall’introduzione di questa tecnologia al fine di valutare. l’efficacia di tale tipo di investimento.

    The Augmented Reality in The Cultural Heritage Sector

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    "The technological prediction analysis provides useful indications to guide the. investments of market operators belonging to different sectors, with the aim of assuring. their competitiveness. The two Garthner’s Hype Cycle curves, respectively from 2008. and 2010, show the maturity level of technologies and their development in the market:. the x-axis represents the time and the y-axis the visibility. The comparative analysis. shows that in only two years, the Augmented Reality changed its position on the curve. from a starting phase of the technology to the peak of expectations. This demonstrates. that the market operators can consider it as an interesting element of attractiveness.
