12 research outputs found

    repair of congenital mitral valve dysplasia in infants and children is it always possible

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    Objectives: Surgical management of congenital malformation of the mitral valve (MV) in the pediatric age group remains a therapeutic challenge for the wide spectrum of the morphological abnormalities and the high incidence of associated cardiac anomalies. We reviewed our experience so as to assess whether MV conservative surgery is always advisable and its results are superior to MV replacement. Methods: Thirty-four consecutive children (20 male and 14 female) with a mean age of 5.9 years (range 45 days‐18 years) treated surgically for congenital MV disease between January 1987 and June 1999. Four patients (11.7%) were under 12 months of age, while 21 patients (62%) were younger than 5 years. Twenty-two patients presented with MV incompetence (or prevalent incompetence), while 12 presented with stenosis (or prevalent stenosis). Associated cardiac lesions were present in 22 patients (62.8%). Results: Mitral valve reconstruction was possible in all. There were no operative deaths. Three patients required reoperation for MV restenosis (a re-repair in one and MV replacement with mechanical prosthesis in two) 4 months, 27 months and 5.6 years after repair with no operative deaths. There was only one late death for prosthetic valve thrombosis. Follow-up data reveal that the 33 surviving patients are asymptomatic and well 4 months‐12 years (mean 72 months) after surgery. At 12 years, actuarial survival and freedom from reoperation are 96.8 and 85.9%, respectively. Echocardiography performed in all of them shows no or mild incompetence or stenosis in 26 (78%), while residual moderate MV incompetence persists in six. Conclusions: Our experience indicates that MV reconstructive procedures in infants and children with congenital MV dysplasia may be effective and reliable with low mortality and low incidence of reoperation rate. Mitral valve repair should always be attempted, especially in infants, despite the frequent severity of MV dysplasia, to avoid the drawbacks of the currently available prostheses. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    610 Fontan associated kidney and liver disease: can we predict organ involvement with echocardiographic assessment of systolic function and atrioventricular valve insufficiency?

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    Abstract Aims Fontan operation represents the surgical palliative option for congenital heart disease with single ventricle physiology. With the improvement of surgical and percutaneous technique, we are facing a growing population of patients with an unique pathophysiology and potential complications. Methods and results Patients that underwent Fontan palliation in our centre between 1993 and 2016 were included in this prospective study. We excluded patients with major congenital renal anomalies, those that underwent cardiac transplantation, and redo-Fontan patients. All the subjects underwent clinical evaluation, laboratory exams with complete renal and hepatic function, transient hepatic elastography, and complete cardiac evaluation. We used Schwartz equation for estimating glomerular filtration rate in patients younger than 18 years, and CDK-EPI equation for adult patients. We enrolled 35 patients, 46% female (N = 16), and 54% male (N = 19). Medium age was 17 years old, median age 15 years old (range: 10–31 years old). Medium time from Fontan completion was 160 months (range: 57–340 months). Regarding to cardiac anatomy, 10 patients had functional single left ventricle (FSLV, 28.5%) and 21 a functional single right ventricle (FSRV, 60%); 4 patients had undetermined single ventricle (11.5%). Total cavo-pulmonary connection (TCPC) with intracardiac lateral tunnel was performed in 7 patients (20%, N = 7), whereas 28 patients had TCPC with external conduit (80%). Data from echocardiographic evaluation showed a medium EF established with Simpson's method of 60% in patients with FSLV; patients with a FSRV or undetermined single ventricle had a medium FAC of 41.1%, with 15.1% having a reduced FAC < 35%. No FSLV patients had an EF < 50%. When using creatinine-based formula, data about renal function in our population showed a stage 2 chronic kidney disease (eGFR: 60–89 ml/min 1.73 mq) in 11% of total population (N = 4), that became 26% when using cystatin C-based equation (N = 9), with one patient showing a moderate reduced loss of kidney function (eGFR: 40–59 ml/min 1.73 mq). Urinalysis showed 29% (N = 10) of patients having microalbuminuria (microalbumin/creatinine ratio between 30 and 300 mg/g). Statistical analysis demonstrated a negative correlation between systolic function (TAPSE for FSRV) and cystatin C blood levels (Pearson's R −0.428, P = 0.053), and between systolic function (FAC and Simpson) and microalbuminuria (Pearson's R −0.414 with P = 0.049 and Pearson's R −0.754 with P = 0.019, respectively). Transient elastography reported 10 patients (29.4%) with abnormal hepatic stiffness for Fontan patients. That condition appeared to be more frequent in patients with higher grade of AV valve insufficiency (P < 0.05). Conclusions Our population showed an higher prevalence of FSRV Fontan patients, with an expected lower systolic function compared with FSLV. 2D evaluation of systolic function showed a linear inverse correlation with renal function, suggesting that Fontan patients need a closer renal monitoring. Hepatic stiffness, which is a warning sign of potential hepatic cirrhosis need to be monitored in all Fontan patients, especially those with a worse AV valve insufficiency

    Cardiac Arrhythmias in Pediatric Age: Are They Triggered by SARS-CoV-2 Infection?

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 is a highly contagious infectious disease. Research on heart rhythm disorders in children affected by COVID-19 infection is quite lacking. An infant and a congenital heart disease (CHD) teenager with a pacemaker presented fascicular tachycardia and atrial flutter, respectively, during COVID-19 pauci-symptomatic infection. The hemodynamic condition was always stable. The self-resolving trend of the atrial flutter and progressive resolution of the ventricular tachycardia occurred in conjunction with the negativization of the swab. These particular tachyarrhythmias have been reported as a form of potential arrhythmic complication during active pauci-symptomatic COVID-19 infection for the first time ever

    Role of Transient Elastography to Stage Fontan-Associated Liver Disease (FALD) in Adults with Single Ventricle Congenital Heart Disease Correction

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    Fontan-associated liver disease (FALD) is an arising clinical entity that can occur long after a successful Fontan operation for correction of single ventricle (SV) congenital heart disease (CHD). Occurrence of FALD is characterized by liver cirrhosis and other hepatic complications, and determinates an increased morbidity and mortality. Currently, there is no consensus on how to stage FALD. We report here our experience by an observational study in 52 patients with SV-CHD after Fontan operation that were recruited through a period of 36 ± 9.3 months. All cases underwent lab tests and liver and cardiac imaging evaluation, including liver stiffness (LS) measurement by transient elastography (TE) (FibroScan®). According to selective criteria for liver disease, we identified 23/43 (53.5%) cases with advanced FALD that showed: older age (p < 0.05), larger hepatic and cava veins diameter (p < 0.05), worsened NYHA class (p < 0.05), abnormal lymphocytes (p < 0.01), platelet count (p < 0.05), and GGT, prothrombin time (INR), albumin and cystatin C levels (p < 0.05), with respect to cases without advanced FALD. LS values were significantly increased in cases with advanced FALD, at cut-off values higher than 22 kPa (p < 0.001). LS, and its combined score with spleen diameter and platelet count (LSPS) successfully helped to detect 100% of cases with portal hypertension (p < 0.001). In conclusion, LS can be effective to stage FALD and to uncover cases with severe risk of complications, avoiding higher morbidity and mortality related to advanced FALD

    Utility of Fetal Cardiac Resonance Imaging in Prenatal Clinical Practice: Current State of the Art

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    The field of prenatal cardiac imaging has revolutionized the way we understand and manage congenital heart diseases (CHD) in the developing fetus. In the prenatal period, cardiac imaging plays a pivotal role in the diagnostic pathway, from screening to classification and follow-up of CHD. The ability to visualize the fetal heart in utero allows healthcare professionals to detect abnormalities early, thus enabling timely interventions and informed decision-making processes for both the mother and the medical team. Early CHD detection improves preparation for delivery, postnatal care, and postnatal outcomes. Advancements in medical technology and imaging techniques have provided clinicians with insights into the fascinating workings of the fetal heart. Several imaging modalities have proven to be helpful in this field, with echocardiography undoubtedly representing the primary modality for evaluating the fetus. By providing detailed anatomical and functional information, fetal cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging contributes to better prenatal counseling and enhances the coordination of care between obstetricians, maternal–fetal medicine specialists, and pediatric cardiologists. Shortcomings of fetal CMR are due to technical concerns related to the intrauterine position of the fetus and subsequent challenges to following a standard scan protocol. The aim of this paper was to revise the current state-of-the-art in the field of fetal CMR and its clinical applications and to delve into methods, challenges, and future directions of fetal CMR in prenatal imaging

    Mid- and Long-Term Atrio-Ventricular Functional Changes in Children after Recovery from COVID-19

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    Background: Although most children may experience mild to moderate symptoms and do not require hospitalization, there are little data on cardiac involvement in COVID-19. However, cardiac involvement is accurately demonstrated in children with MISC. The objective of this study was to evaluate cardiac mechanics in previously healthy children who recovered from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in a long-term follow-up by means of two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (STE). Methods: We analyzed a cohort of 157 paediatric patients, mean age 7.7 ± 4.5 years (age range 0.3–18 years), who had a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection and were asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic for COVID-19. Patients underwent a standard transthoracic echocardiogram and STE at an average time of 148 ± 68 days after diagnosis and were divided in three follow-up groups (240 days). Patients were compared with 107 (41 females—38%) age- and BSA-comparable healthy controls (CTRL). Results: Left ventricular (LV) global longitudinal strain (post-COVID-19: −20.5 ± 2.9%; CTRL: −21.8 ± 1.7%; p p = NS). Moreover, regional longitudinal strain was significantly reduced in LV apical-wall segments of children with disease onset during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the first wave (second wave: −20.2 ± 2.6%; first wave: −21.2 ± 3.4%; p = 0.048). Finally, peak left atrial systolic strain was within the normal range in the post-COVID-19 group with no significant differences compared to CTRLs. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated for the first time the persistence of LV myocardial deformation abnormalities in previously healthy children with an asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic (WHO stages 0 or 1) COVID-19 course after an average follow-up of 148 ± 68 days. A more significant involvement was found in children affected during the second wave. These findings imply that subclinical LV dysfunction may also be a typical characteristic of COVID-19 infection in children and are concerning given the predictive value of LV longitudinal strain in the general population

    JAG1 loss-of-function variations as a novel predisposing event in the pathogenesis of congenital thyroid defects

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    reserved18noContext: The pathogenesis of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is still largely unexplained. We previously reported that perturbations of the Notch pathway and knockdown of the ligand jagged1 cause a hypothyroid phenotype in the zebrafish. Heterozygous JAG1 variants are known to account for Alagille syndrome type 1 (ALGS1), a rare multisystemic developmental disorder characterized by variable expressivity and penetrance. Objective: Verify the involvement of JAG1 variants in the pathogenesis of congenital thyroid defects and the frequency of unexplained hypothyroidism in a series of ALGS1 patients. Design, Settings, and Patients: A total of 21 young ALGS1 and 100 CH unrelated patients were recruited in academicandpublic hospitals. TheJAG1variantswerestudied in vitroandin the zebrafish. Results:Wereport a previously unknown nonautoimmune hypothyroidism in 6/21 ALGS1 patients, 2 of them with thyroid hypoplasia. We found 2 JAG1 variants in the heterozygous state in 4/100 CH cases (3 with thyroid dysgenesis, 2 with cardiac malformations). Five out 7 JAG1 variants are new. Different bioassays demonstrate that the identified variants exhibit a variable loss of function. In zebrafish, the knock-down of jag1a/b expression causes a primary thyroid defect, and rescue experiments of the hypothyroid phenotype with wild-type or variant JAG1 transcripts support a role for JAG1 variations in the pathogenesis of the hypothyroid phenotype seen in CH and ALGS1 patients. Conclusions: clinical and experimental data indicate that ALGS1 patients have an increased risk of nonautoimmune hypothyroidism, and that variations in JAG1 gene can contribute to the pathogenesis of variable congenital thyroid defects, including CH.mixedDe Filippis, Tiziana; Marelli, Federica; Nebbia, Gabriella; Porazzi, Patrizia; Corbetta, Sabrina; Fugazzola, Laura; Gastaldi, Roberto; Vigone, Maria Cristina; Biffanti, Roberta; Frizziero, Daniela; Mandarã , Luana; Prontera, Paolo; Salerno, Mariacarolina; Maghnie, Mohamad; Tiso, Natascia; Radetti, Giorgio; Weber, Giovanna; Persani, LucaDe Filippis, Tiziana; Marelli, Federica; Nebbia, Gabriella; Porazzi, Patrizia; Corbetta, Sabrina; Fugazzola, Laura; Gastaldi, Roberto; Vigone, Maria Cristina; Biffanti, Roberta; Frizziero, Daniela; Mandarã , Luana; Prontera, Paolo; Salerno, Mariacarolina; Maghnie, Mohamad; Tiso, Natascia; Radetti, Giorgio; Weber, Giovanna; Persani, Luc