2,189 research outputs found

    The 1st Balloon Valvuloplasty: An Historical Note

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    Balloon valvuloplasty (BV) is currently the treatment of choice for pulmonic stenosis in humans and dogs. Before permission was obtained to attempt the 1st BV in a child in 1982, the safety and efficacy of the procedure were tested in 1980 in an English Bulldog with spontaneous pulmonic stenosis. A fatal outcome would have caused indefinite postponement of BV in human patients, a procedure that currently benefits over 25,000 patients a year worldwide. This article describes the initial test procedure and its fortunate outcome in spite of unrecognized coronary anomalies in the bulldog. A small balloon was used in the test procedure, and fatal disruption of the anomalous left coronary artery (CA) did not occur as it has in several bulldogs since that time

    Historical-institutionalist perspectives on the development of the EU budget system

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    The EU budget has only recently started to feature in theories of European integration. Studies typically adopt a historical-institutionalist framework, exploring notions such as path dependency. They have, however, generally been rather aggregated, or coarse-grained, in their approach. The EU budget has thus been treated as a single entity rather than a series of inter-linked institutions. This paper seeks to address these lacunae by adopting a fine-grained approach. This enables us to emphasize the connections that exist between EU budgetary institutions, in both time and space. We show that the initial set of budgetary institutions was unable, over time, to achieve consistently their treaty-based objectives. In response, rather than reform these institutions at potentially high political cost, additional institutions were layered on top of the extant structures. We thus demonstrate how some EU budgetary institutions have remained unchanged, whilst others have been added or changed over time

    Geographic variation in the PRNP gene and its promoter, and their relationship to chronic wasting disease in North American deer

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    PRNP genotypes, number of octarepeats (PHGGGWGQ) and indels in the PRNP promoter can influence the progression of prion disease in mammals. We found no relationship between presence of promoter indels in white-tailed deer and mule deer from Nebraska and CWD presence. White-tailed deer with the 95 H allele and G20D mule deer were more likely to be CWD- free, but unlike other studies white-tailed deer with the 96S allele(s) were equally likely to be CWD-free. We provide the first information on PRNP genotypes and indels in the promoter for Key deer (all homozygous 96SS) and Coues deer (lacked 95 H and 96S alleles, but possessed a uniquely high frequency of 103 T). All deer surveyed were homozygous for three tandem octarepeats

    Expanding a Supercomputer Facility Using Modular Data Center Technology

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    With the expansion of high-end computing resources needed to support NASA's increasing demands for physics-based simulations, the facility housing Pleiades-the agency's largest supercomputer-recently reached its power and cooling capacity. In response, the NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division at Ames Research Center undertook a prototype project that resulted in a new facility based on modular data center technology. The facility, a ~1000 square-foot module on a concrete pad with room for 16-18 compute racks, was completed in fall 2016 and an SGI computer system, named Electra, was deployed there in early 2017. Cooling is performed via an evaporative system built into the module, and preliminary experience shows a Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of ~1.03. Electra achieved over a petaflop on the LINPACK benchmark, sufficient to rank number 96 on the November 2016 TOP500 list. The system consists of 1,152 InfiniBand-connected Intel Xeon Broadwell-based nodes. Its users access their files on a facility wide file system shared by all compute assets via Mellanox MetroX InfiniBand extenders, which connect the Electra fabric to Lustre routers InfiniBand fabric over fiber-optic links about 300 meters long. The prototype has exceeded expectations and is serving as a blueprint for future expansions.
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