14 research outputs found

    Ekonomski efekti proizvodnje ozime pšenice na poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima u Republici Srbiji za 2006. i 2011. godinu

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    Based on the comparative analysis of gross margins in 2006 and 2011, the economic impact of winter wheat production on farms in the Republic of Serbia was estimated. The subject of the analysis was variable costs for purchased seed, fertilizers, pesticides, and contract harvesting services. Based on the analysis of the gross margin for winter wheat, it was noted that the value of production (VP), total variable costs (TVC) and gross margin (GM) were significantly higher in 2011 than in 2006. In 2011, VP was higher due to a significantly higher yield and the higher price of winter wheat grain. In addition to higher prices of all inputs, the increase in variable costs was mostly influenced by the higher price of fertilizer. Comparing the two time periods in winter wheat production, it was concluded that the value of GM in 2011 increased by 30%.Na osnovu uporedne analize vrednosti bruto marži u 2006. i 2011. godini procenjen je ekonomski efekat proizvodnje ozime pšenice na poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima u Srbiji. Analizirani su varijabilni troškovi, koji su se odnosili na utrošak novčanih sredstava za nabavku semena, đubriva, pesticida i ugovorene usluge za žetvu. Na osnovu analize kalkulacija bruto marži za ozimu pšenicu konstatovano je da su u odnosu na 2006. vrednost proizvodnje (VP), ukupni varijabilni troškovi (UVT) i bruto marža (BM) bili značajno veći u 2011. godini. U 2011. godini veća VP uslovljena je značajno većim prinosom i višom cenom zrna ozime pšenice. Na povećanje varijabilnih troškova, pored viših cena svih inputa, u najvećoj meri uticala je cena đubriva. Poređenjem ova dva vremenska perioda u proizvodnji ozime pšenice, vrednost BM u 2011. godini bila je veća za 30%

    Kriterijumi potrošača pri kupovini konzumnih jaja i kvalitet jaja u marketima na području grada Beograda

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    In order to examine the consumers' attitude towards eggs, 239 respondents in the area of the City of Belgrade were surveyed, and the assessment of the quality of eggs on the Belgrade market was done by examining the quality of eggs in super/hypermarkets. In the survey, consumers expressed their views about the place of purchase of eggs, the criteria for purchasing and the significance of certain quality traits/properties. In the egg quality test eggs of class A were used, and it was done on egg samples from 5 super/hypermarkets, from a total of 10 egg manufacturers. Based on the results of the study, it was found that most egg consumers buy in super/hypermarkets (39.62%), that the brand/manufacturer was not important for 30.37% of the respondents, that they preferred to buy larger eggs (SS, S and A classes). The quality of eggs is very important for 73.28% of subjects, and the colour of the yolk preferred by the respondents was extremely yellow (62.76%). The supply of table eggs on the market was different (from 1 to 5 manufacturers) per retail store. The quality of eggs, observed for all super/hypermarkets and all manufacturers, expressed in Haugh units, decreased with the shelf life of eggs. The quality of eggs from category 1 to 10 days, in all super/hypermarkets, observed for all manufacturers, was within the studied class A, with egg weight ranging from 60.9 to 64.1g, egg shell colour from 3.6 to 4.2, egg cleanness 4.4 to 5.0, the colour of the yolk (Roche) from 10.9 to 13.2, and the number of Haugh units from 73.2 to 91.7. The results of the research indicate that consumers in the City of Belgrade are placing importance on the quality of table eggs, that there are differences in the supply and freshness of the eggs between the markets, and that there are differences in the quality within the same market, regardless of the manufacturer.U cilju ispitivanja stavova potrošača jaja anketirano je 239 ispitanika na području Grada Beogradu, a ocena kvaliteta jaja na beogradskom tržištu obavljena je ispitivanjem kvaliteta jaja u super/hipermarketima. Kroz anketno ispitivanje potrošači su se izjasnili o mestu kupovine jaja, o kriterijumima pri kupovini i o značaju pojedinih osobina kvaliteta. Ispitivanje kvaliteta jaja odnosilo se na jaja klase A, a obavljeno je na uzorcima jaja iz 5 super/hipermarketa, za ukupno 10 proizvođača jaja. Na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja konstatovano je da većina potrošača jaja kupuje u super/hipermarketima (39,62%), da pri kupovini nije bitna robna marka/proizvođača za 30,37% ispitanika, da najradije kupuju jaja veće mase (SS, S i A klase). Kvalitet jaja veoma je važan za 73,28% ispitanika, a boja žumanca koju preferiraju je iz kategorije izrazito žuta (62,76%). Ponuda konzumnih jaja bila je različita (od 1 do 5 proizvođača) po marketu. Kvalitet jaja, posmatrano za sve super/hipermarkete i sve proizvođače iskazan kroz Hogove jedinice opadao je sa starošću jaja. Kvalitet jaja iz kategorije 1 do 10 dana, u svim super/hipermarketima, posmatrano za sve proizvođače, bio je u okviru ispitivane klase A, pri čemu se masa jaja kretala od 60,9 do 64,1g, boja ljuske od 3,6 do 4,2; čistoća jaja od 4,4 do 5,0; boja žumanca (Roche) od 10,9 do 13,.2, a broj Hogovih jedinica od 73,2 do 91,7. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na zaključak da potrošači u Gradu Beogradu poklanjaju pažnju značaju kvaliteta konzumnih jaja, da između marketa postoje razlike u pogledu ponude i svežine jaja, kao i da unutar jednog marketa i posmatrano na nivou svih marketa postoje razlike u kvalitetu, u zavisnosti od proizvođača

    Preferences of consumers from Serbia toward organic eggs

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    In order to examine consumers’ preferences toward eggs from organic production and their willingness to allocate more money for these eggs, 581 respondents were surveyed in three regions of Serbia (the Belgrade region, the Šumadija and the Western Serbia region, and the Southern and Eastern Serbia region). Through the survey questionnaire, respondents declared themselves whether they are buying organic eggs and how much money they are ready to allocate for this type of eggs. Answers from surveyed respondents who are buying organic eggs were analyzed by gender, age, status, education, monthly income and the region in which they are living. According to the survey results, it can be concluded that in Serbia, there is a very small number of consumers who are buying organic eggs (2.41%), and that all of them are located in the Belgrade region. Furthermore, only 8.34% of consumers were willing to pay 30% higher price for organic eggs, on average for all three regions. Analyzing data within the category of organic eggs consumers, the highest tendency for buying organic eggs was determined for female respondents (76.92%), those with the higher education level (61.54%), the employed respondents (92.31%), the respondents aged from 36 to 55 (61.52%) and the respondents with the highest monthly household income (46.15%). The results of the present study indicate that the percentage of consumers who buy organic eggs in Serbia is very small, it is present only in certain regions and the willingness to pay more for organic eggs is low

    Consumer criteria for purchasing eggs and the quality of eggs in the markets of the city of Belgrade

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    In order to examine the consumers' attitude towards eggs, 239 respondents in the area of the City of Belgrade were surveyed, and the assessment of the quality of eggs on the Belgrade market was done by examining the quality of eggs in super/hypermarkets. In the survey, consumers expressed their views about the place of purchase of eggs, the criteria for purchasing and the significance of certain quality traits/properties. In the egg quality test eggs of class A were used, and it was done on egg samples from 5 super/hypermarkets, from a total of 10 egg manufacturers. Based on the results of the study, it was found that most egg consumers buy in super/hypermarkets (39.62%), that the brand/manufacturer was not important for 30.37% of the respondents, that they preferred to buy larger eggs (SS, S and A classes). The quality of eggs is very important for 73.28% of subjects, and the colour of the yolk preferred by the respondents was extremely yellow (62.76%). The supply of table eggs on the market was different (from 1 to 5 manufacturers) per retail store. The quality of eggs, observed for all super/hypermarkets and all manufacturers, expressed in Haugh units, decreased with the shelf life of eggs. The quality of eggs from category 1 to 10 days, in all super/hypermarkets, observed for all manufacturers, was within the studied class A, with egg weight ranging from 60.9 to 64.1g, egg shell colour from 3.6 to 4.2, egg cleanness 4.4 to 5.0, the colour of the yolk (Roche) from 10.9 to 13.2, and the number of Haugh units from 73.2 to 91.7. The results of the research indicate that consumers in the City of Belgrade are placing importance on the quality of table eggs, that there are differences in the supply and freshness of the eggs between the markets, and that there are differences in the quality within the same market, regardless of the manufacturer

    The Attitudes of Table Egg Consumers in Serbia on the Welfare of Laying Hens

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    In order to examine the attitude of egg consumers about the poultry welfare and their willingness to spend more money to buy eggs produced in accordance with animal welfare principles, 529 consumers were surveyed in three regions of Serbia (Belgrade, region of Šumadija and Western Serbia and South and Eastern Serbia region). Through the survey questionnaire, consumers have stated how important the welfare of laying hens is to them and if they are willing to spend more money on eggs produced acording to principles of animal welfare. The answers of the surveyed consumers were analyzed by gender, age, education, number of children in the family and the environment in which they live. According to the results of the survey, it can be concluded that in Serbia, poultry welfare is moderately important to 28.17% of egg consumers and very important to 50.77% of consumers, while not at all or little to 21.13%, and that there are differences between individual regions. The willingness to pay more for eggs produced according to welfare principles was expressed by 78.53% of consumers, on average for all three regions. The analysis of data within the category of consumers for which the poultry welfare is very important, revealed that 54.15% are women and 44.02% are men, and that the welfare is more important for consumers with higher education (52.66%) compared to middle school (47.67%), also, for consumers in the 35-55 age group (55.60%) compared to younger and older respondents and those with three or more children in the family (52.94%) compared to families with fewer children. The survey results indicate that consumers in Serbia attribute more importance to the welfare of laying hens, and show their willingness to pay more for eggs produced in compliance with the welfare principles. In the coming period, the education focusing on the increase of consumer awareness of the importance of the welfare of laying hens and the connection with the quality of the product will be necessary

    Attitudes of Serbian producers and consumers of table eggs on the ban on conventional batteries and the transition to enriched cages and alternative production systems

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    The aim of the survey was to determine how the egg production sector is complying with animal welfare legislation, which requires a ban on conventional cages and the transition to permitted systems for rearing laying hens - enriched cages and alternative systems, as well as the attitudes of egg producers and consumers on the impact of permitted systems of egg production/purchase and hen welfare. The survey included producers (50), with 1000 and more hens, where in the sample, the percentage share of producers was according to the capacity - the size of the farm, i.e. similar to the share in the total egg production in Serbia. A consumer survey (261) established their views on the impact of the welfare of layers and the rearing system when buying eggs. According to the test results, it can be stated that: when switching to permitted rearing systems, enriched cages were the choice of all surveyed producers (100%) and that in the transition period from 2014 to autumn 2020, 16.3% of respondents switched from conventional cages to enriched ones (2.04% in full and 14.29% in part). According to the results obtained, 80.49% of them are planning to switch from a conventional cage system to another rearing system, of which 60.98% said they would do so if they had the financial means, while about 19% of producers believe they will be forced to leave production. All producers expect that the transition to enriched cages will lead to a reduction in their production, and 83.33% of them believe that it will be from 20 to 40%. Surveyed producers (87.18%) expect that the transition from conventional cages will increase production costs, and 65.11% believe that this will not affect Nataša Tolimir et al. 464 the welfare of layers. A survey of consumer attitudes found that when buying eggs, the production system was very important for 19.91% of consumers, and for 19.41% of consumers it was not important at all, while the welfare of layers was very important for 26.84% and not at all important for 10.32% of consumers. The conclusion of the research is that in Serbia the transition to permitted rearing systems is slow, that harmonization with legal regulations is a great challenge and that changes are expected in the coming period that may have far-reaching consequences for the sector of table egg production

    Antimicrobial efficiency of medicinal plants and their influence on cheeses quality

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    Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi najstarija su i najčešće konzumirana hrana širom svijeta. Ističu se kao izvor visokokvalitetnih proteina i najvažniji izvor bioaktivnih peptida. Mliječni proteini imaju visoku nutritivnu vrijednost i izvanredna ljekovita svojstva. Poznati su kao potencijalni sastojci funkcionalne hrane koja promiče zdravlje, a mliječna industrija već je komercijalizirala mnoge mliječne proteine i proizvode na bazi peptida koji se mogu konzumirati kao dio redovite dnevne prehrane. Osim toga, sir je vrlo osjetljiv na kontaminaciju patogenim i mikroorganizmima kvarenja, što rezultira smanjenjem njegovog roka trajanja i uzrokuje ozbiljne rizike za zdravlje potrošača. Danas se prehrambena industrija sve više specijalizira, a metode obrade se stalno razvijaju kako bi zadovoljile potrebe i zahtjeve potrošača. Potrošači zahtijevaju proizvode koji su sigurni i po mogućnosti bez sintetskih aditiva, što je dovelo do potrebe za traženjem prirodnih alternativa. Ljekovito bilje i njihovi ekstrakti zanimljiva su prirodna alternativa za očuvanje i poboljšanje kvalitete sira. Neke su tvari pokazale dobre učinke protiv većine uzročnika kontaminacije sira, kao što su Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus i Salmonella spp. Ipak, nije sasvim jasno utječe li dodavanje ljekovitog bilja na promjene karakteristika sira. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati učinak dodanog ljekovitog bilja, začina i eteričnih ulja na sireve u funkciji zaštite i kvarenja uzrokovanog patogenima i mikroorganizmima, kao i njihovog utjecaja na kvalitetu sira.Milk and dairy products are the oldest and most widely consumed nutritious foods worldwide. They are highlighted as a source of high-quality proteins and the most important sources of bioactive peptides. Milk proteins have high nutritive value and remarkable medicinal properties. They are known as potential health-promoting ingredients of functional foods, and the dairy industry has already commercialized many milk proteins and peptide-based products which can be consumed as part of a regular daily diet. Besides, cheese is highly susceptible to contamination by pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms, which results in a decrease in its shelf life and cause serious risks to the consumers’ health. Nowadays, the food industry is continuously becoming more specialized towards meeting consumer needs and demands. Consumers demand safe products, which are also preferably free of synthetic additives. Therefrom to the need to search for natural additives has emerged. Botanicals and their extracts came to an interest as a natural alternative for cheese preservation and quality enhancer. Some substances have demonstrated good effects against most pathogens of cheese such as Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella spp. Nevertheless, it is not quite clear do the botanical addition affect cheese quality characteristics. This review aims to present the effect of added botanicals such as medicinal plants, herbs, spices and essential oils to cheeses in the function of protection against pathogens and spoilage microorganisms, as well as for their influence on the cheese quality

    Utvrđivanje raspona dobi i reproduktivne aktivnosti smeđih medvjedica (Ursus arctos) iz zatočeništva pomoću morfohistološke pretrage jajnika - kratko priopćenje

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    The study aimed to determine reproductive span by investigation of the ovarian structures in young and elderly captive brown bear females (Ursus arctos). The ovaries of two 2-year-old females were obtained by ovariectomy and during the necropsies of 31 and 36 year old individuals. All the obtained ovaries were examined macroscopically and histologically. Histological examination of the ovaries of young animals (2+ years) revealed the presence of primordial, primary, secondary and tertiary follicles within the ovarian cortex. One ovary showed a mature corpus luteum, indicating recent ovulation, what is, to our knowledge, the first histological proof of the earliest age of ovulation recorded for captive brown bears. Ovarian atrophy accompanied by the development of multiple cystic subsurface epithelial structures (SES) in the case of the old bears in this study indicates that the ovaries of brown bears share similar degenerative and proliferative patterns with domestic canids. The oldest female had records of successful births at the ages of 26 and 28 years. Both recorded birth events represent one of the latest confirmed occurrences of ovulation, conception and birth amongst brown bears.Cilj istraživanja bio je pregledom građe jajnika utvrditi raspon dobi i reproduktivne aktivnosti u mladih i starih ženki smeđega medvjeda (Ursus arctos) iz zatočeništva. Jajnici su dobiveni ovariektomijom dviju dvogodišnjih ženki i tijekom razudbe 31-godišnje te 36-godišnje ženke. Svi su jajnici pregledani makroskopski i histološki. Histološkom pretragom u mladih su životinja u kori jajnika otkriveni primordijalni, primarni, sekundarni i tercijarni folikuli. U jednom je jajniku dokazano zrelo žuto tijelo (corpus luteum), pokazatelj nedavne ovulacije što je, prema nama dostupnim podacima, prvi zabilježen histološki dokaz najranije ovulacije u smeđih medvjeda u zatočeništvu. Atrofija jajnika povezana sa starenjem i praćena razvojem multiplih cističnih supseroznih epitelnih struktura (SES) u starih medvjeda u ovom istraživanju upućuje na to da se u smeđih medvjeda pojavljuju slične degenerativne i proliferativne promjene kao i u domaćih kanida. Najstarija ženka imala je zabilježene uspješne porođaje u dobi od 26 i 28 godina. Oba porođaja pripadaju najkasnijim potvrđenim pojavama uspješne ovulacije, začeća i porođaja u smeđih medvjeda

    Factors of profitability of cow's milk production on family holrsdgs [i. e. holdings] of Sumadija and Western Serbia

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    Предмет истраживања у овој дисертацији представљају одабрани организациони, одгајивачки, технолошки и економски фактора производње крављег млека на породичним газдинства која послују у региону Шумадије и Западне Србије. Циљ истраживања је да се утврди рентабилност производење млека и могућност њеног побољшања у зависности од утицаја анализираних фактора. Фокус је на тржишно оријентисана газдинства са којих се просечно врши испорука у млекаре 30.000 и више литара крављег млека на годишњем нивоу. Подаци су прикупљени анкетом којом је обухваћено укупно 391 узорак са 219 газдинстава на којима се производи кравље млеко. У првом тромесечју 2019. године анкета је спроведена на укупно 172 газдинства. Друго анкетирање извршено је након пола године, у трећем кварталу, и обухваћено је укупно 219 газдинстава (у томе 172 газдинства на којима је спроведена претходна анкета у првом тромесечју и 47 додатних). Анкетом су евидентирани број грла музних крава по газдинству; потрошња хране и других инпута, просечна годишња производња млека по музној крави, као и удео појединих класа мека - прве, друге, треће и млека ван класе. С обзиром да су величине фарми по газдинствима различите, за анализу је извршено груписање и то: прву групу чине фарме на којима се налази до 8 грла музних крава и оне заузимају удео од 24,83%, затим од 9 до 14 грла удела 44,77%, фарме од 15 до 20 грала удела од 22,67% и за преко 20 грла, односно 8,72%. Просечно учешће трошкова концентроване сточне хране у укупним варијабилним трошковима износило је 39,80%, а кабасте хране 29,80%, односно, трошкови сточне хране учествовали су са 69,60% у укупним варијабилним тошковима, а остали варијабилни трошкови (потрошни материјал за дезинфекцију и одржавање, ветеринарске, банкарске и друге услуге, и камате на краткорочне кредите) чинили су 30,40%. За наведене групе фарми, регресионом аназизом утврђена је рнтабилност производње крављeг млека у зависности од величине фарме, начина хране, квалитета млека, као и ефикасности примењених мера одгајивачко-селекциjског програма. На основу евидентираних података о производним капацитетима, зоотехничких норматива и биланса потребне хране за различите величине фарми музних крава од 8, 14, 20 и 30 грла, сачињени су модели различите величине породичних газдинстава. Према процењеним вредностима основних средстава на газдинству, утврђени су износи фиксних трошкова, а на основу плана хране и др. параметара, обрачунати су износи варијабилних трошкова. Калкулативним поступком утврђени су минимални обим производње млека, минимални приход од продаје и минимална продајна цена млека. Анализом критичних тачака рентабилности и потенцијалних ризика, сагледане су могућности померања границе рентабилности производње млека што би допринело ефикаснијем пословању, бољој конкурентности и одрживости производње на породичним газдинствива.The subject of research in this dissertation is selected organizational, breeding, technological and economic factors of cow's milk production on family holdings operating in the region of Sumadija and Western Serbia. The aim of the research is to determine the profitability of milk production and the possibility of its improvement depending on the influence of the analyzed factors. The focus is on market-oriented farms from which an average of 30,000 and more liters of cow's milk are delivered to dairies annually. Data were collected by a survey which included a total of 391 samples from 219 holdings producing cow's milk. In the first quarter of 2019, the survey was conducted on a total of 172 holdings. The second survey was conducted after half a year, in the third quarter, and covered a total of 219 holdings (including 172 holdings where the previous survey was conducted in the first quarter and 47 additional). The survey recorded the number of dairy cows per holding; consumption of food and other inputs, average annual milk production per dairy cow, as well as the share of certain quality classes - first, second, third and out-of-class milk. Since the sizes of holdings by farms are different, the analysis was grouped as follows: the first group consists of farms with up to 8 head of dairy cows and they occupy a share of 24.83%, then from 9 to 14 heads of share 44, 77%, farms from 15 to 20 grams share of 22.67% and over 20 heads, or 8.72%. The average share of concentrated feed costs in the total variable costs was 39.80%, and bulk feed 29.80%, ie, feed costs accounted for 69.60% in the total variable costs, and other variable costs (consumables for disinfection and maintenance, veterinary, banking and other services, and interest on short-term loans) accounted for 30.40%. For these groups of holdings, regression analysis determined the profitability of cow's milk production depending on the size of the farm, diet, milk quality, as well as the efficiency of the applied measures of the breeding and selection program. Based on the recorded data on production capacities, zootechnical norms and balance of necessary food for different sizes of dairy farms of 8, 14, 20 and 30 heads, models of different sizes of family holdings were made. According to the estimated values of fixed assets on the holdings, the amounts of fixed costs have been determined, and based on the nutrition plan, etc. parameters, the amounts of variable costs were calculated. The calculation procedure determined the minimum volume of milk production, the minimum sales revenue and the minimum selling price of milk. By analyzing the critical points of profitability and potential risks, the possibilities of moving the profitability limit of milk production were considered, which would contribute to more efficient business, better competitiveness and sustainability of production on family holdings

    Analysis of Insurance in Agriculture of the Republic of Serbia in the Period 2009-2018

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    The subject of this paper is the analysis of agricultural insurance in the Republic of Serbia, which includes the types of agricultural insurance that exist in Serbian insurance market, the subjects that could be insured, as well as the insurance companies that are active in agricultural insurance at national level. The main goal of paper is to define the basic terms in agricultural insurance and to show the products and procedures in agricultural insurance offered by the insurance companies. Additional goal is to show the level of development and coverage of agricultural insurance in Serbia, as well as to point out the importance of insurance for agricultural development. In paper are used descriptive and deduction method, as well as desk research and descriptive statistics methods. Based on the conducted research, it is concluded that the current state in agricultural insurance in Serbia is quite low, while the main factors influencing this situation are underdeveloped agriculture and the fact that agricultural insurance is not mandatory. Insurance is significantly more represented in the crop than in livestock production