245 research outputs found
Risk of Adverse Health and Performance Effects of Celestial Dust Exposure
Crew members can be directly exposed to celestial dust in several ways. After crew members perform extravehicular activities (EVAs), they may introduce into the habitat dust that will have collected on spacesuits and boots. Cleaning of the suits between EVAs and changing of the Environmental Control Life Support System filters are other operations that could result in direct exposure to celestial dusts. In addition, if the spacesuits used in exploration missions abrade the skin, as current EVA suits have, then contact with these wounds would provide a source of exposure. Further, if celestial dusts gain access to a suit's interior, as was the case during the Apollo missions, the dust could serve as an additional source of abrasions or enhance suit-induced injuries. When a crew leaves the surface of a celestial body and returns to microgravity, the dust that is introduced into the return vehicle will "float," thus increasing the opportunity for ocular and respiratory injury. Because the features of the respirable fraction of lunar dusts indicate they could be toxic to humans, NASA conducted several studies utilizing lunar dust simulants and authentic lunar dust to determine the unique properties of lunar dust that affect physiology, assess the dermal and ocular irritancy of the dust, and establish a permissible exposure limit for episodic exposure to airborne lunar dust during missions that would involve no more than 6 months stay on the lunar surface. Studies, with authentic lunar soils from both highland (Apollo 16) and mare (Apollo17) regions demonstrated that the lunar soil is highly abrasive to a high fidelity model of human skin. Studies of lunar dust returned during the Apollo 14 mission from an area of the moon in which the soils were comprised of mineral constituents from both major geological regions (highlands and mares regions) demonstrated only minimal ocular irritancy, and pulmonary toxicity that was less than the highly toxic terrestrial crystalline silica (Permissible Exposure Limit [PEL] 0.05 mg/m3) but more toxic than the nuisance dust titanium dioxide (TiO2 [PEL 5.0 mg/m3]). A PEL for episodic exposure to airborne lunar dust during a six-month stay on the lunar surface was established, in consultation with an independent, extramural panel of expert pulmonary toxicologists, at 0.3 mg/m3. The PEL provided for lunar dust is limited to the conditions and exposure specified therefore additional research remains to be accomplished with lunar dust to further address the issues of activation, address other areas of more unique lunar geology (Glotch et al., 2010; Greenhagen et al., 2010), examine potential toxicological effects of inhaled or ingested dust upon other organ systems, such cardiovascular, nervous systems, and examine effects of acute exposure to massive doses of dust such as may occur during off-nominal situations. Work to support the establishment of PELs for Martian dust and dusts of asteroids remains to be accomplished. The literature that describes health effects of exposure to toxic terrestrial dusts provides substantial basis for concern that prolonged exposure to respirable celestial dust could be detrimental to human health. Celestial bodies where a substantial portion of the dust is in the respirable range or where the dusts have large reactive surface areas or contain transition metals or volatile organics, represent greater risks of adverse effects from exposure to the dust. It is possible that in addition to adverse effects to the respiratory system, inhalation and ingestion of celestial dusts could pose risks to other system
Comparative Benchmark Dose Modeling as a Tool to Make the First Estimate of Safe Human Exposure Levels to Lunar Dust
Brief exposures of Apollo Astronauts to lunar dust occasionally elicited upper respiratory irritation; however, no limits were ever set for prolonged exposure ot lunar dust. Habitats for exploration, whether mobile of fixed must be designed to limit human exposure to lunar dust to safe levels. We have used a new technique we call Comparative Benchmark Dose Modeling to estimate safe exposure limits for lunar dust collected during the Apollo 14 mission
Inhalation Toxicity of Ground Lunar Dust Prepared from Apollo-14 Soil
Within the decade one or more space-faring nations intend to return humans to the moon for more in depth exploration of the lunar surface and subsurface than was conducted during the Apollo days. The lunar surface is blanketed with fine dust, much of it in the respirable size range (<10 micron). Eventually, there is likely to be a habitable base and rovers available to reach distant targets for sample acquisition. Despite designs that could minimize the entry of dust into habitats and rovers, it is reasonable to expect lunar dust to pollute both as operations progress. Apollo astronauts were exposed briefly to dust at nuisance levels, but stays of up to 6 months on the lunar surface are envisioned. Will repeated episodic exposures to lunar dust present a health hazard to those engaged in lunar exploration? Using rats exposed to lunar dust by nose-only inhalation, we set out to investigate that question
Quantum signaling in cavity QED
We consider quantum signaling between two-level quantum systems in a cavity in the perturbative regime of the earliest possible arrival times of the signal. We present two main results: First, we find that, perhaps surprisingly, the analog of amplitude modulated signaling (Alice using her energy eigenstates g,e, as in the Fermi problem) is generally suboptimal for communication, namely, e.g., phase-modulated signaling (Alice using, e.g., {+,-} states) overcomes the quantum noise already at a lower order in perturbation theory. Second, we study the effect of mode truncations that are commonly used in cavity QED on the modeling of the communication between two-level atoms. We show that, on general grounds, namely for causality to be preserved, the UV cutoff must scale at least polynomially with the desired accuracy of the predictions
Crew Health and Performance Improvements with Reduced Carbon Dioxide Levels and the Resource Impact to Accomplish Those Reductions
Carbon dioxide (CO2) removal is one of the primary functions of the International Space Station (ISS) atmosphere revitalization systems. Primary CO2 removal is via the ISS s two Carbon Dioxide Removal Assemblies (CDRAs) and the Russian carbon dioxide removal assembly (Vozdukh); both of these systems are regenerable, meaning that their CO2 removal capacity theoretically remains constant as long as the system is operating. Contingency CO2 removal capability is provided by lithium hydroxide (LiOH) canisters, which are consumable, meaning that their CO2 removal capability disappears once the resource is used. With the advent of 6 crew ISS operations, experience showing that CDRA failures are not uncommon, and anecdotal association of crew symptoms with CO2 values just above 4 mmHg, the question arises: How much lower do we keep CO2 levels to minimize the risk to crew health and performance, and what will the operational cost to the CDRAs be to do it? The primary crew health concerns center on the interaction of increased intracranial pressure from fluid shifts and the increased intracranial blood flow induced by CO2. Typical acute symptoms include headache, minor visual disturbances, and subtle behavioral changes. The historical database of CO2 exposures since the beginning of ISS operations has been compared to the incidence of crew symptoms reported in private medical conferences. We have used this database in an attempt to establish an association between the CO2 levels and the risk of crew symptoms. This comparison will answer the question of the level needed to protect the crew from acute effects. As for the second part of the question, operation of the ISS s regenerable CO2 removal capability reduces the limited life of constituent parts. It also consumes limited electrical power and thermal control resources. Operation of consumable CO2 removal capability (LiOH) uses finite consumable materials, which must be replenished in the long term. Therefore, increased CO2 removal means increased resource use, with increased logistical capability to maintain necessary resources on board ISS. We must strike a balance between sufficiently low CO2 levels to maintain crew health and CO2 levels which are operationally feasible for the ISS progra
Generalized "Quasi-classical" Ground State for an Interacting Two Level System
We treat a system (a molecule or a solid) in which electrons are coupled
linearly to any number and type of harmonic oscillators and which is further
subject to external forces of arbitrary symmetry. With the treatment restricted
to the lowest pair of electronic states, approximate "vibronic"
(vibration-electronic) ground state wave functions are constructed having the
form of simple, closed expressions. The basis of the method is to regard
electronic density operators as classical variables. It extends an earlier
"guessed solution", devised for the dynamical Jahn-Teller effect in cubic
symmetry, to situations having lower (e.g., dihedral) symmetry or without any
symmetry at all. While the proposed solution is expected to be quite close to
the exact one, its formal simplicity allows straightforward calculations of
several interesting quantities, like energies and vibronic reduction (or Ham)
factors. We calculate for dihedral symmetry two different -factors (""
and "") and a -factor. In simplified situations we obtain . The formalism enables quantitative estimates to be made for the dynamical
narrowing of hyperfine lines in the observed ESR spectrum of the dihedral
cyclobutane radical cation.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure
Group velocity control in the ultraviolet domain via interacting dark-state resonances
The propagation of a weak probe field in a laser-driven four-level atomic
system is investigated. We choose mercury as our model system, where the probe
transition is in the ultraviolet region. A high-resolution peak appears in the
optical spectra due to the presence of interacting dark resonances. We show
that this narrow peak leads to superluminal light propagation with strong
absorption, and thus by itself is only of limited interest. But if in addition
a weak incoherent pump field is applied to the probe transition, then the peak
structure can be changed such that both sub- and superluminal light propagation
or a negative group velocity can be achieved without absorption, controlled by
the incoherent pumping strength
Signaling Pathways Involved in Lunar Dust Induced Cytotoxicity
The Moon's surface is covered by a layer of fine, reactive dust. Lunar dust contain about 1-2% of very fine dust (< 3 micron), that is respirable. The habitable area of any lunar landing vehicle and outpost would inevitably be contaminated with lunar dust that could pose a health risk. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the toxicity of Apollo moon dust in rodents to assess the health risk of dust exposures to humans. One of the particular interests in the study is to evaluate dust-induced changes of the expression of fibrosis-related genes, and to identify specific signaling pathways involved in lunar dust-induced toxicity. F344 rats were exposed for 4 weeks (6h/d; 5d/wk) in nose-only inhalation chambers to concentrations of 0 (control air), 2.1, 6.1, 21, and 61 mg/m(exp 3) of lunar dust. Five rats per group were euthanized 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months after the last inhalation exposure. The total RNAs were isolated from the blood or lung tissue after being lavaged, using the Qigen RNeasy kit. The Rat Fibrosis RT2 Profile PCR Array was used to profile the expression of 84 genes relevant to fibrosis. The genes with significant expression changes are identified and the gene expression data were further analyzed using IPA pathway analysis tool to determine the signaling pathways with significant changes
Persistent Expression Changes of Fibrosis-Related Genes in the Lung Tissues of Rats Exposed to Lunar Dust Particles
The Moon's surface is covered by a layer of fine, potential reactive dust. Lunar dust contain about 12% of very fine respirable dust (less than 3 micrometers). The habitable area of any lunar landing vehicle and outpost would inevitably be contaminated with lunar dust that could pose a health risk. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the toxicity of Apollo moon dust in rodents to assess the health risk of dust exposures to humans. One of the particular interests in the study is to evaluate dustinduced changes of the expression of fibrosisrelated genes, and to identify specific signaling pathways involved in lunar dustinduced toxicity. F344 rats were exposed for 4 weeks (6h/d; 5d/wk) in noseonly inhalation chambers to concentrations of 0 (control air), 2.1, 6.8, 21, and 61 milligrams per cubic meters of lunar dust. Five rats per group were euthanized at 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months after the last inhalation exposure. The bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was collected by lavaging with phosphatebuffered saline (PBS). A zymosaninduced luminolbased chemiluminescence assay was used to assess the activity of BAL cells. The lavaged lung tissue was snap frozen in LN2 and total RNA was isolated using the Qigen RNeasy kit. The expression of 84 fibrosisrelated genes were analyzed using the RT2 Profiler PCR Array technique. The expression of 18 genes of interest were further measured using realtime PCR technique in all the samples. 10 out of 18 genes of interest showed persistently significant expression changes in the local lung tissue exposed to lunar dust, indicating a prolonged proinflammatory response. The expressions of several of these genes were dose and timedependent and were significantly correlated with other pathological parameters. The potential signaling pathways and upstream regulators were further analyzed using IPA pathway analysis tool based on the gene expression data. The data presented in this study, for the first time, explore the molecular mechanisms of lunar dust induced toxicity, contributing not only the risk assessment for future space exploration, but also understandings of the dustinduced toxicity in humans on earth
Nonlinear Effects in Pulse Propagation through Doppler-Broadened Closed-Loop Atomic Media
Nonlinear effects in pulse propagation through a medium consisting of
four-level double--type systems are studied theoretically. We apply
three continous-wave driving fields and a pulsed probe field such that they
form a closed interaction loop. Due to the closed loop and the finite frequency
width of the probe pulses the multiphoton resonance condition cannot be
fulfilled, such that a time-dependent analysis is required. By identifying the
different underlying physical processes we determine the parts of the solution
relevant to calculate the linear and nonlinear response of the system. We find
that the system can exhibit a strong intensity dependent refractive index with
small absorption over a range of several natural linewidths. For a realistic
example we include Doppler and pressure broadening and calculate the nonlinear
selfphase modulation in a gas cell with Sodium vapor and Argon buffer gas. We
find that a selfphase modulation of is achieved after a propagation of
few centimeters through the medium while the absorption in the corresponding
spectral range is small.Comment: 4 figure
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