1,548 research outputs found

    Practical Color-Based Motion Capture

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    Motion capture systems have been widely used for high quality content creation and virtual reality but are rarely used in consumer applications due to their price and setup cost. In this paper, we propose a motion capture system built from commodity components that can be deployed in a matter of minutes. Our approach uses one or more webcams and a color shirt to track the upper-body at interactive rates. We describe a robust color calibration system that enables our color-based tracking to work against cluttered backgrounds and under multiple illuminants. We demonstrate our system in several real-world indoor and outdoor settings

    Water use efficiency of two soybean cultivars differing in leaflet orientation

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    Attaining economic soybean (Glycine max L. Men) yields in areas or seasons of limited water supply is a topic of great interest. The first step in realizing this goal is to exploit physiological processes that would be of benefit under such conditions. Heliotropic leaf movement is a characteristic that enables soybean plants to respond to, and perhaps avoid environmental stress. This study was conducted to (i) compare the transpiration rates and water-use-efficiencies of Dare and Essex soybean cultivars chosen to represent extremes in leaflet orientation; and (ii) evaluate the qualitative versus the quantitative genetic nature of transpiration rates of the F1 hybrid of the two cultivars. Transpiration rates of the two soybean cultivars were measured under greenhouse and field conditions. In the greenhouse, plants of each cultivar were placed in a plexiglass chamber with constant temperature and light intensity, and the net CO2 assimilation rate and transpiration rate were recorded every 30 min over a 3 h period. In the field study transpiration rates of each cultivar were measured at the R4 and R6 growth stages via sap flow measurements over an 8 h time period. Leaf temperatures were recorded on upper and lower surfaces of leaves of each cultivar exhibiting different heliotropic orientations. Potassium concentrations were measured in leaf and pulvini tissue from samples collected during paraheliotropic and diaheliotropic orientations. In the greenhouse at the R1 growth stage, Essex had a lower rate of transpiration than Dare under stress and non-stress conditions. However, at the R4 growth stage under non-stress moisture conditions. Dare had a lower rate of transpiration than Essex, but under stress, there was no difference between the cultivars. Under field conditions, Essex had a lower rate of transpiration than Dare at both the R4 and the R6 stages of growth. Essex maintained a cooler canopy than did Dare (29.1 versus 31.1 °C). Essex had higher levels of K in leaves and pulvini than did Dare, which could help explain why Essex has greater heliotropic movement. In the field Essex produced approximately the same amount of yield as Dare with less than half of the water. The water-use-efficiency of Essex was .00169 kg f \u27 compared to .00078 kg ℓ-1 for Dare

    Improving Grammaticality in Statistical Sentence Generation: Introducing a Dependency Spanning Tree Algorithm with an Argument Satisfaction Model

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    Abstract-like text summarisation requires a means of producing novel summary sentences. In order to improve the grammaticality of the generated sentence, we model a global (sentence) level syntactic structure. We couch statistical sentence generation as a spanning tree problem in order to search for the best dependency tree spanning a set of chosen words. We also introduce a new search algorithm for this task that models argument satisfaction to improve the linguistic validity of the generated tree. We treat the allocation of modifiers to heads as a weighted bipartite graph matching (or assignment) problem, a well studied problem in graph theory. Using BLEU to measure performance on a string regeneration task, we found an improvement, illustrating the benefit of the spanning tree approach armed with an argument satisfaction model.

    Idéologies et formations sociales

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    Robert Paris, maître de conférencesavec Dominique Spengler, psychiatre des hôpitaux Idéologie, imaginaire, inconscient : les violences originelles Tout en concédant qu’est souvent stimulante, voire éclairante, la notion de « refoulé historique », on s’est interrogé sur la pertinence de son utilisation en histoire. Amnésie, refoulement, évitement, déplacement, occultation, effacement, oubli, scotomisation, non-dit, de quel terme désigner des phénomènes qui comportent tous une zone d’ombre, une..

    UtopĂ­a y ciencia en el imaginario socialista

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    Volviendo una vez más sobre el Primero de Mayo, es pecĂ­ficamente sobre aquel lĂ­mite necesasrio de la jornada de trabajo, que Marx designa metafĂłricamente en El Capital, primer volumen, capĂ­tulo ocho, secciĂłn III, con el tĂ©rmino Thule, el artĂ­culo aborda algunas obras literarias en las cuales, sin dificultad, se podrĂ­a identificar lo que el autor denomin utopĂ­as tardĂ­as; siendo las más destacadas las posteriores al cĂ©lebre folleto de Engels (1880) que consagra, y hasta incluso sacraliza, la ruptura entre socialismo y utopĂ­a. Tales obras son: La Colonia Felice, de Carlo Dossi (1874), autĂ©ntica utopĂ­a, como anuncia su subtĂ­tulo; Un comune socialista, de Giovanni Rossi (1878); Un sogno, de Andrea Costa (1882); L’an 2000, de Edward Bellamy (1888); y, sobre todo, Nouvelles de nulle part ouun ère en repos, de William Morris (1891), cuyo  subtĂ­tulo se refiere a la reivindicaciĂłn del tiempo libre, cuestiĂłn central del Primero de Mayo. A esas obras de carácter ficcional, el autor suma el cĂ©lebre panfleto de Paul Lafargue, Le droit Ă  la paresse

    Idéologies et formations sociales

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    Robert Paris, maître de conférences Enseignement suspendu durant l’année universitaire 2009-201

    License GPL (> = 2) Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2009-04-28 10:10:13

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    Description mcsm contains a collection of functions that allows the reenactment of the R programs used in the book EnteR Monte Carlo Methods without further programming. Programs being available as well, they can be modified by the user to conduct one’s own simulations

    Quantifying the Concentration of 33-mer in Wheat Flour

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    Celiac Disease is a type IV hypersensitive response to gluten caused by HLA-DQ2 or HLA-DQ8 T-cell presentation, initiating destruction of intestinal epithelial cells. Currently, the only remedy for those suffering from celiac disease is the complete elimination of all gluten from the diet. Studies indicate that an indigestible fragment of the gluten molecule, alpha-gliadin subcomponent 33-mer, rich in proline and glutamine, is responsible for the hypersensitivity response. Determination of 33-mer concentration in wheat lines could be beneficial to the future development of wheat lines with reduced 33-mer concentration. In this study, gliadin protein from wheat flour was extracted and separated from other proteins of wheat flour. The extract of gliadin was then subjected to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique in order to quantify the concentration of the 33-mer fragment. This is the critical next-step in allowing us to identify and develop wheat lines with reduced concentrations of 33-mer. It is possible that wheat with reduced 33-mer may be suitable for consumption by individuals with celiac disease

    In quest of legitimacy: The theoretical and methodological foundations of entrepreneurship education research

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    This editorial discusses contemporary entrepreneurship education research and identifies the manner in which the three articles comprising this special issue contribute to advancing the theoretical and methodological foundations of the field. In so doing we seek to describe how and why entrepreneurship education research may struggle for legitimacy along with the complexities of working in this field. This special issue raises questions about entrepreneurship education research and, through the featured articles provides some responses. This special issue itself, however, is presented as part of an ongoing discussion about the nature and role of entrepreneurship education more widely and is intended to provoke further critical engagement and stimulate theoretical and methodological development

    Idéologies et formations sociales

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    Robert Paris, maître de conférences L’après-siècle : restauration et fantasmes de l’ordre Nos précédents séminaires – « Fin de siècle, fin d’un monde ? » – ayant mis en lumière l’effondrement des piliers traditionnels de l’ordre, notre réflexion a porté cette année sur les formes que revêt ce dernier au sortir de la Grande Guerre, et notamment sur la nouveauté radicale que constitue la « Révolution fasciste ». L’Italie invente en effet une forme politique neuve, le fascisme, et son corollaire..
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