37 research outputs found

    Cauchy Noise and Affiliated Stochastic Processes

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    By departing from the previous attempt (Phys. Rev. {\bf E 51}, 4114, (1995)) we give a detailed construction of conditional and perturbed Markov processes, under the assumption that the Cauchy law of probability replaces the Gaussian law (appropriate for the Wiener process) as the model of primordial noise. All considered processes are regarded as probabilistic solutions of the so-called Schr\"{o}dinger interpolation problem, whose validity is thus extended to the jump-type processes and their step process approximants.Comment: Latex fil

    Przestrzeganie zaleceń terapeutycznych u pacjentów chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane

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    Introduction. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, inflammatory, immune demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. The effectiveness of MS treatment depends primarily on the effectiveness of drugs and the patient’s compliance with the principles of therapy.Aim. The main aim of the study was to assess the level of adherence to therapeutic recommendations in patients with multiple sclerosis.Material and Methods. The research was carried out at the Department of Neurology and Clinical Neuroimmunology of the Regional Specialist Hospital in Grudziądz. On average 165 patients suffering from multiple sclerosis were qualified for the study. The study was conducted using the method of diagnostic survey. The variables were measured using the proprietary questionnaire containing sociodemographic and medical data and the standardized adherence scale in chronic diseases (ACDS).Results. The analysis of own research showed that patients with high-level multiple sclerosis adhere to the therapeutic recommendations (p = 0.001). The study group reported the fatigue syndrome at all ACDS levels (p = 0.002). There was no relationship between the occurrence of adverse effects of pharmacotherapy and the level of compliance with therapeutic recommendations (p > 0.05).Conclusions. It was found that the level of adherence to therapeutic recommendations in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis in the study group remained at a high level. (JNNN 2020;9(3):103–107)Wstęp. Stwardnienie rozsiane jest przewlekłą, zapalną chorobą demielinizacyjną ośrodkowego układu nerwowego o podłożu immunologicznym. Skuteczność leczenia SM zależy przede wszystkim od efektywności działania leków oraz związanego z tym przestrzegania zasad terapii przez pacjenta.Cel. Głównym celem badań była ocena poziomu przestrzegania zaleceń terapeutycznych u pacjentów chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane.Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono w Oddziale Neurologii i Neuroimmunologii Klinicznej Regionalnego Szpitala Specjalistycznego w Grudziądzu. Do badań zakwalifikowano 165 pacjentów chorujących na stwardnienie rozsiane. Badanie przeprowadzono za pomocą metody sondażu diagnostycznego. Do pomiaru zmiennych wykorzystano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety zawierający dane socjodemograficzne i medyczne oraz standaryzowaną skalę adherence w chorobach przewlekłych (ACDS).Wyniki. Analiza badań własnych wykazała, że pacjenci ze stwardnieniem rozsianym na poziomie wysokim przestrzegają zaleceń terapeutycznych (p = 0,001). Badana grupa na wszystkich poziomach w skali ACDS zgłaszała występowanie zespołu zmęczenia (p = 0,002). Nie stwierdzono związku pomiędzy występowaniem działań niepożądanych stosowanej farmakoterapii, a poziomem przestrzegania zaleceń terapeutycznych (p > 0,05).Wnioski. Stwierdzono że, poziom przestrzegania zaleceń terapeutycznych u pacjentów chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane w badanej grupie utrzymuje się na wysokim poziomie. (PNN 2020;9(3):103–107

    Symptomy występowania depresji a czynniki socjodemograficzne chorych ze stwardnieniem rozsianym

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    Introduction. Multiple sclerosis is a common, chronic disease of the central nervous system. It is a disorder that causes major changes in an organism and disorganizes to a large extent both patient’s and his family’s life. Mainly, it can worsen the functional ability of a patient in all aspects of daily life. One of the symptoms that occur in the course of the illness is depression (with a broad spectrum of its severity).Aim. The aim of this work is to analyze the occurrence of depression symptoms in correlation with sociodemographic factors in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis.Material and Methods. The research was carried out in the neurology ward and rehabilitation studio at Ludwik Błażek Multispeciality Hospital in Inowroclaw. The participants were 91 patients with multiple sclerosis. The research was done with the use of diagnostic survey method (a survey technique based on a questionnaire prepared by the researchers) and Beck’s Depression Inventory.Results. The sociodemographic factors that affect the occurrence of depression symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis are: their age (p=0.000), level of education (p=0.009) and professional activity (p=0.001).Conclusions. The research showed that more than half of participants have depression symptoms with a broad spectrum of its severity. (JNNN 2016;5(1):4–9)Wstęp. Stwardnienie rozsiane jest przewlekłą i bardzo często występującą chorobą ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. To schorzenie, które wprowadza istotne zmiany i w dużym stopniu zaburza życie chorego i jego rodziny. Przede wszystkim pogarsza sprawność funkcjonalną chorego we wszystkich aspektach życia codziennego. W przebiegu stwardnienia rozsianego bardzo często spotykane jest zjawisko depresji, z różnym stopniem jej nasilenia.Cel. Celem pracy była analiza występowania symptomów depresji w korelacji z czynnikami socjodemograficznymi u osób ze stwardnieniem rozsianym.Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono w Szpitalu Wielospecjalistyczny im. Ludwika Błażka w Inowrocławiu na Oddziale Neurologii i Pracowni Rehabilitacyjnej na grupie 91 pacjentów ze zdiagnozowanym stwardnieniem rozsianym. Badania wykonano metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, techniką ankietową z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety oraz skali depresji Becka.Wyniki. Do czynników socjodemograficznych różnicujących występowanie symptomów depresji należą wiek (p=0,000), wykształcenie (p=0,009) i aktywność zawodowa (p=0,001) chorych na stwardnienie rozsiane.Wnioski. Przeprowadzone badania wskazały, że u ponad połowy badanych występują symptomy depresji o różnym stopniu nasilenia. (PNN 2016;5(1):4–9

    Ornstein-Uhlenbeck-Cauchy Process

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    We combine earlier investigations of linear systems with L\'{e}vy fluctuations [Physica {\bf 113A}, 203, (1982)] with recent discussions of L\'{e}vy flights in external force fields [Phys.Rev. {\bf E 59},2736, (1999)]. We give a complete construction of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck-Cauchy process as a fully computable model of an anomalous transport and a paradigm example of Doob's stable noise-supported Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Despite the nonexistence of all moments, we determine local characteristics (forward drift) of the process, generators of forward and backward dynamics, relevant (pseudodifferential) evolution equations. Finally we prove that this random dynamics is not only mixing (hence ergodic) but also exact. The induced nonstationary spatial process is proved to be Markovian and quite apart from its inherent discontinuity defines an associated velocity process in a probabilistic sense.Comment: Latex fil

    Schroedinger's Interpolating Dynamics and Burgers' Flows

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    We discuss a connection (and a proper place in this framework) of the unforced and deterministically forced Burgers equation for local velocity fields of certain flows, with probabilistic solutions of the so-called Schr\"{o}dinger interpolation problem. The latter allows to reconstruct the microscopic dynamics of the system from the available probability density data, or the input-output statistics in the phenomenological situations. An issue of deducing the most likely dynamics (and matter transport) scenario from the given initial and terminal probability density data, appropriate e.g. for studying chaos in terms of densities, is here exemplified in conjunction with Born's statistical interpretation postulate in quantum theory, that yields stochastic processes which are compatible with the Schr\"{o}dinger picture free quantum evolution.Comment: Latex file, to appear in "Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

    Effect of the pandemic on prehospital management of patients with mental and behavioral disorders: a retrospective cohort study

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    The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection and the accompanying coronavirus disease (Covid-19) have shifted the priority of human and technical resources toward their handling, thus affecting the usual standards of care for populations diagnosed with other clinical entities. The phenomenon becomes even more apparent in patients with presenting symptoms of mental and behavioral disorders, a category already vulnerable and underrepresented in regard to its prehospital approach and management. For the purposes of the current retrospective cohort study, we used records of the Polish National Emergency Medical Service Command Support System for the time period between April 1, 2019 and April 30, 2021, the official register of medical interventions delivered in Poland by Emergency Medical Services (EMS). We aimed to examine the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across the Masovian Voivodeship on individuals seeking medical care for mental and behavioral disorders pertaining in the “F” category of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10). We examined the individuals’ baseline characteristics, prehospital vital parameters and EMS processing times in a population of 59,651 adult patients (04/2019–03/2020, 28,089 patients, 04/2020–03/2021, 31,562 patients) handled by EMS teams. Compared to pre-COVID-19, EMS personnel handled fewer patients, but more patients required mental and behavioral care. Throughout the duration of the pandemic, all prehospital time periods were significantly delayed due to the increased time needed to prepare crew, vehicles, and technical equipment to ensure COVID-19 prevention and overcrowding in Emergency Departments (EDs)