28 research outputs found

    Gentrification: eine Klassifikation von Wohnungsnachfragern auf dem Wohnungsmarkt

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    'Die Aufwertung innenstadtnaher Wohngebiete (Gentrification) ist seit einigen Jahren ein vielbeachtetes und untersuchtes stadtsoziologisches Phänomen. Eine besondere Rolle zur Beschreibung und Erklärung des Prozesses spielen dabei unterschiedliche Nachfragegruppen nach Wohnungen (speziell die sog. Pioniere und Gentrifier). Doch trotz jahrelanger Forschung findet man in der Literatur nur ständig variierende, empiristische ad hoc-Klassifikationen dieser relevanten Nachfragegruppen. Dadurch sind die Ergebnisse vieler Studien häufig nicht vergleichbar. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine theoretisch hergeleitete allgemeine Typologie von Nachfragern auf dem Wohnungsmarkt zu entwickeln, die auch, aber nicht nur, zur Analyse der Aufwertung innerstadtnaher Wohngebiete genutzt werden kann. Um die Nützlichkeit dieser Typologie zu veranschaulichen, werden Daten des kumulierten ALLBUS 1980-1990 hinsichtlich der Entwicklung der im Aufwertungsprozeß relevanten Nachfragergruppen analysiert.' (Autorenreferat)'For some years the revitalization of inner-city neighborhoods (gentrification) has been one of the main topics in urban sociology. The demand-side plays an important role in this process, especially with two groups: the pioneers and the gentrifiers. But in spite of many years of research there are only empirical ad hoc-classifications of the relevant actors. Therefore, the results of different studies are often not comparable. The aim of this paper is to develop a theoretically well-founded typology of the actors on the demand-side of the housing market. In order to demonstrate the usefulnes of this typology for the study of the revitalization process data from the accumulated ALLBUS 1980-1990 are analysed in the last step.' (author's abstract)

    Ethnic Homogeneity in Social Networks of Turkish Youth

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    Ausgehend von einer Differenzierung des sozialen Kapitals nach expressiven und instrumentellen Nutzen für die Menschen wird der Frage nachgegangen, was die Kreuzung deutsch-türkischer Kreise aus dem Blickwinkel türkischer Jugendlicher behindert. Vier Gründe werden als zentral angesehen: strukturelle Restriktionen, kulturelle Differenzen, Behinderungen durch Akteure des Aufnahmesystems und Behinderungen durch Akteure des Herkunftsmilieus. Es wird gezeigt, wie diese vier Wirkungsmechanismen es den türkischen Jugendlichen erschweren, intensive Kontakte zu Deutschen aufzunehmen. Des Weiteren wird das Zusammenwirken der Hindernisse analysiert und auf die Gefahr eines Desintegrationszirkels hingewiesen, da eine nicht gelungene Integration über soziale Beziehungen Rückwirkungen auf eine kognitive und strukturelle Integration haben kann. Dieser Teufelskreis kann nur durch Anstrengungen beider Seiten, des Aufnahmesystems und des Herkunftsmilieus, aufgebrochen werden. (DIPF/Orig.)Starting with differentiating social capital in an expressive and an instrumental dimension and looking from the point of Turkish youth in Germany the difficulties of building social ties between Turkish and German youth are analysed. Four reasons for the difficulties are pointed out: structural restrictions, cultural differences, barriers set up from german actors and barriers set up from actors of the milieu of origin. It is shown, how these four mechanisms hinder the Turkish youth to develop intensive social relations to Germans. Furthermore the interaction of the hindrances are discussed. An unsuccessful Integration through social relations can influence the cognitive and structural Integration. For these reasons there is a strong risk of a vicious circle of disintegration. This risk can only be reduced, if efforts from both sides are made, from the system of reception and from the milieu of origin. (DIPF/Orig.

    Brand Communication in a Digitalized World

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    The way in which we communicate is changing radically. In the analog world, promotional communication was consumed rather passively. In today’s digital age, consumers have become more active. Especially, the younger consumer generation - referred to as iBrains- are increasingly spreading their own product experiences across digital channels into the virtual world. Stimulus-response communication still has its place, but must be supplemented with interactive offers that enable a dialogue with consumers. Diverse communication channels must be utilized - analog as well as digital - in order to reach the young target groups. As consumers tend to be “always on”, they use different communication channels simultaneously, leading to continuous partial attention. Therefore, not only new channels are necessary but the entire communication style and design need to be adapted. It is not enough to simply make contact. Instead of thinking about shortening the message, creativity should be put into creatively combining different building blocks of communication

    Exit, Voice, Passivity. Or: Why Families Move?

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    Religiousness and Social Networks

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    Christian religiousness, social relations and networks. Topics: 1. Contact protocol: recording of information on up to 12 contact attempts regarding contact mode, contact result, reaching target person or another person as well as reason for refusal; time, date and identification of interviewer; size of household; year of birth, sex and degree of relationship with respondent. 2. Housing and satisfaction: date of moving in; residential status; manner of arranging residence; length of residence; positive and negative aspects of the residential area; satisfaction with housing situation in the part of town; selected aspects of satisfaction with housing in the part of town (scale); general contentment with life; feeling of loneliness. 3. Social net: person to confide in; persons for whom the respondent was a person to confide in; persons receiving and providing assistance; contact persons in leisure time; specification of age, sex, religious denomination, religiousness, marital status, type of household, education level, employment status, professional position, degree of relationship, place of meeting, frequency of telephone contact, frequency of personal contact, living in the part of town and personal closeness to persons of the social surroundings; judgement on the relations of the persons named among each other. 4. Belief and religion: scales of religious belief, religious experience, religious knowledge, religious practice and Christian rituals; frequency of church attendance; partner in church attendance; participation in Communion, Sacrament and church events; tie to church parish; participation in elections; reading of parish letters; baptism of children; reading the Bible; self-assessment of religiousness; belief in God; frequency of prayer; desire for church funeral; church wedding; religious affiliation; car possession; possession of a telephone. Also encoded were: presence of third persons during interview and their degree of relationship to the respondent; intervention of other persons in the interview; disturbances or interruptions of interview by radio, television or telephone; willingness of respondent to cooperate; problems with certain questions; peculiarities during the course of the interview; identification of interviewer.Christliche Religiosität, soziale Beziehungen und Netzwerke. Themen: 1. Kontaktprotokoll: Erfassung von Angaben über bis zu 12 Kontaktversuchen bezüglich des Kontaktmodus, des Kontaktergebnisses, der Erreichung der Zielperson oder einer anderen Person sowie des Verweigerungsgrunds; Uhrzeit, Datum und Intervieweridentifikation; Haushaltsgröße; Geburtsjahr, Geschlecht und Verwandtschaftsgrad zum Befragten. 2. Wohnen und Zufriedenheit: Einzugstermin; Wohnstatus; Art der Wohnungsvermittlung; Wohndauer; positive und negative Aspekte des Wohnviertels; Zufriedenheit mit der Wohnsituation im Stadtteil; ausgewählte Aspekte der Wohnzufriedenheit im Stadtviertel (Skala); allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit; Einsamkeitsgefühl. 3. Soziales Netz: Vertrauensperson; Personen, für die der Befragte Vertrauensperson war; Personen für empfangene und gegebene Hilfeleistungen; Kontaktpersonen in der Freizeit; Angabe von Alter, Geschlecht, Konfession, Religiosität, Familienstand, Haushaltstyp, Bildungsstand, Erwerbsstatus, beruflicher Stellung, Verwandtschaftsgrad, Ort des Kennenlernens, Telefonkontakthäufigkeit, persönlicher Kontakthäufigkeit, Wohnen im Stadtteil und persönlicher Nähe zu Personen des sozialen Umfelds; Beurteilung der Beziehungen der genannten Personen untereinander. 4. Glauben und Religion: Skalen des religiösen Glaubens, der religiösen Erfahrung, des religiösen Wissens, der religiösen Praxis und der christlichen Rituale; Kirchgangshäufigkeit; Partner beim Kirchgang; Beteiligung an Kommunion, Abendmahl und kirchlichen Veranstaltungen; Bindung zur Kirchengemeinde; Beteiligung an Wahlen; Lesen von Gemeindebriefen; Taufe der Kinder; Lesen der Bibel; Selbsteinschätzung der Religiosität; Glaube an Gott; Bethäufigkeit; Wunsch nach kirchlicher Beerdigung; kirchliche Trauung; Religionszugehörigkeit; PKW- Besitz; Telefonbesitz. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Familienstand; Kinderzahl; Schulbildung; Berufstätigkeit; Einkommen; Haushaltseinkommen. Zusätzlich verkodet wurden: Anwesenheit Dritter beim Interview und deren Verwandtschaftsgrad zum Befragten; Eingriffe anderer Personen in das Interview; Störungen oder Unterbrechungen des Interviews durch Radio, Fernsehen oder Telefon; Kooperationsbereitschaft des Befragten; Probleme bei bestimmten Fragen; Besonderheiten im Interviewverlauf; Intervieweridentifikation

    Characterization of uniaxial compressive response of bulk amorphous Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be alloy

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    Uniaxial compressive response of bulk amorphous Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be alloy, also called as Vitreloy-1, was investigated at quasistatic and high strain rates in the range of 10-3 and 103 s-1, respectively. The Vitreloy-1 specimens exhibited elastic response followed by catastrophic fracture along a narrow shear band. The ultimate strength of the specimens varied between 1800 and 2200 MPa irrespective of the strain rate and independent of the aspect ratio of the specimens. The quasistatically deformed specimens fractured into two or three large fragments. The fracture surfaces were relatively smooth and revealed well developed and uniformly distributed veinal pattern. The dynamically loaded specimens, on the other hand, fractured into several fragments with relatively rough fracture surfaces containing nonuniformly distributed and partially developed veinal patterns. Evidence of melting in the form of \u27liquid bubbles\u27 was also observed along the cracks on the fracture surfaces of the specimens subjected to high strain-rate loading. A comparison of the mechanical response of Vitreloy-1 with other bulk metallic glass systems is also presented. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Mechanical behavior of tungsten preform reinforced bulk metallic glass composites

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    Quasistatic and dynamic compression tests were conducted on four tungsten preform reinforced Vit105 (Zr52.5Ti5 Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10) and Vit106 (Zr57Nb5Cu15.4Ni12.6 Al10) metallic glass composites. All the composites exhibited large plastic strain under both quasistatic and dynamic compression. In general, the dynamic loading resulted in higher failure stress than the quasistatic loading. The deformation behavior was found to be dominated by the ductile W phase. Microscopic observation of the deformed and fractured specimens revealed shear banding in the glassy phase, cracking along the particle boundaries and severe deformation of W particles. It is also found that the processing methods have strong influence on the mechanical behavior of the composites even when they have the same matrix and the same volume fractions of the reinforcement. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Mechanical behavior of bulk (ZrHf)TiCuNiAl amorphous alloys

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    The thermodynamic and mechanical behavior of bulk (ZrHf)TiCuNiAl amorphous alloys was discussed. It was postulated that the observed strengthening might result from the microstructural changes with addition of Hf in place of Zr. The results showed that crystallization and glass transition temperatures, hardness and modulus increased with an increase in Hf content