28 research outputs found

    Text und Textgeschichte des Buches Tobit

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    Literatur 9; 1. Einleitung 11; 2. Die drei Textformen und ihr Verhältnis zueinander 21; 3. Der Charakter der Zeugen der Textform LXX(I) 49; 4. Der ursprüngliche Text der Textform LXX (I) 73; Verzeichnis der wichtigsten besprochenen Stellen 93; Verzeichnis der wichtigsten besprochenen Vokabeln 9

    Probleme der Überlieferung der Auslegung und der Ausgabe

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    Einleitung 5; 1. Kapitel: Text (Schreibweise) 9; I. Kontraktionsschreibung ? 9; II. Orthographica 12; III. Grammatica 15; 2. Kapitel: Form (Stil) 18; I. Zusätze und Auslassungen 18; 1. Die griechische Überlieferung 18; 2. Die lateinische Überlieferung 21; II. Der Stil im allgemeinen 28; 1. Der Stil der Briefe in Mac. II 1,1-2,18 28; 2. Der Stil der erzählenden Teile 31; 3. Kapitel: Wort (Inhalt) 35; I. Appellativa 35; 1. Synonyma? 35; 2. Wechsel im Ausdruck 43; II. Nomina propria 47; III. Satz 52; Ertrag 5

    Text und Textgeschichte des Buches Judith

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    Literatur 8; 1. Einleitung 9; 2. Die Textformen der Rezensionen und der Unzialen mit abhängigen Minuskeln 14; 3. Die gegenseitige Zuordnung der Textformen 75; 4. Der ursprüngliche Text 78; Verzeichnis der wichtigsten besprochenen Stellen 110; Verzeichnis der wichtigsten besprochenen Vokabeln 11

    Merger of two dispatch centres: does it improve quality and patient safety?

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    Dispatch centres (DCs) are considered an essential but expensive component of many highly developed healthcare systems. The number of DCs in a country, region, or state is usually based on local history and often related to highly decentralised healthcare systems. Today, current technology (Global Positioning System or Internet access) abolishes the need for closeness between DCs and the population. Switzerland went from 22 DCs in 2006 to 17 today. This study describes from a quality and patient safety point of view the merger of two DCs. The study analysed the performance (over and under-triage) of two medical DCs for 12 months prior to merging and for 12 months again after the merger in 2015. Performance was measured comparing the priority level chosen by dispatcher and the severity of cases assessed by paramedics on site using the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) score. We ruled that NACA score > 3 (injuries/diseases which can possibly lead to deterioration of vital signs) to 7 (lethal injuries/diseases) should require a priority dispatch with lights and siren (L&S). While NACA score < 4 should require a priority dispatch without L&S. Over-triage was defined as the proportion of L&S dispatches with a NACA score < 4, and under-triage as the proportion of dispatches without L&S with a NACA > 3. Prior to merging, Dispatch A had a sensitivity/specificity regarding the use of lights and sirens and severity of cases of 86%/48% with over- and under-triage rates of 78% and 5%, respectively. Dispatch B had sensitivity and specificity of 92%/20% and over- and under-triage rates of 84% and 7%, respectively. After they merged, global sensitivity/specificity reached 87%/67%, and over- and under-triage rates were 71% and 3%, respectively CONCLUSIONS: A part the potential cost advantage achieved by the merger of two DCs, it can improve the quality of services to the population, reducing over- and under-triage and the use of lights and sirens and therefore, the risk of accidents. This is especially the case when a DC with poor triage performance merges with a high-performing DC

    Fragen Um Die Entstehung Der Lxx

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    Text und Textgeschichte des 2. Esrabuches

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    Literatur 3; 1. Einleitung 7; 2. Die Textformen der Rezensionen und der Unzialen mit abhängigen Minuskeln 16; 3. Die gegenseitige Zuordnung der Textformen 309; 4. Das textgeschichtliche Ergebnis 315; 5. Der ursprüngliche Text 32

    Text und Textgeschichte des 1. Esrabuches

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    Literatur 9; 1. Einleitung 11; 2. Die Textformen der Rezensionen und der Unzialen mit abhängigen Minuskeln 20; 3. Die gegenseitige Zuordnung der Textformen 44; 4. Der ursprüngliche Text 5