983 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of Quasar Candidates from SDSS Commissioning Data

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has obtained images in five broad-band colors for several hundred square degrees. We present color-color diagrams for stellar objects, and demonstrate that quasars are easily distinguished from stars by their distinctive colors. Follow-up spectroscopy in less than ten nights of telescope time has yielded 22 new quasars, 9 of them at z>3.65z> 3.65, and one with z=4.75z = 4.75, the second highest-redshift quasar yet known. Roughly 80% of the high-redshift quasar candidates selected by color indeed turn out to be high-redshift quasars.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "After the Dark Ages: When Galaxies were Young (the Universe at 2<z<5)", 9th Annual October Astrophysics Conference in Marylan

    Exploratory Chandra Observations of the Three Highest Redshift Quasars Known

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    We report on exploratory Chandra observations of the three highest redshift quasars known (z = 5.82, 5.99, and 6.28), all found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. These data, combined with a previous XMM-Newton observation of a z = 5.74 quasar, form a complete set of color-selected, z > 5.7 quasars. X-ray emission is detected from all of the quasars at levels that indicate that the X-ray to optical flux ratios of z ~ 6 optically selected quasars are similar to those of lower redshift quasars. The observations demonstrate that it will be feasible to obtain quality X-ray spectra of z ~ 6 quasars with current and future X-ray missions.Comment: 15 pages, ApJL, in press; small revisions to address referee Comment

    High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data IV: Luminosity Function from the Fall Equatorial Stripe Sampl

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    This is the fourth paper in a series aimed at finding high-redshift quasars from five-color imaging data taken along the Celestial Equator by the SDSS. during its commissioning phase. In this paper, we use the color-selected sample of 39 luminous high-redshift quasars presented in Paper III to derive the evolution of the quasar luminosity function over the range of 3.6<z<5.0, and -27.5<M_1450<-25.5 (Omega=1, H_0=50 km s^-1 Mpc^-1). We use the selection function derived in Paper III to correct for sample incompleteness. The luminosity function is estimated using three different methods: (1) the 1/V_a estimator; (2) a maximum likelihood solution, assuming that the density of quasars depends exponentially on redshift and as a power law in luminosity and (3) Lynden-Bell's non-parametric C^- estimator. All three methods give consistent results. The luminous quasar density decreases by a factor of ~ 6 from z=3.5 to z=5.0, consistent with the decline seen from several previous optical surveys at z<4.5. The luminosity function follows psi(L) ~ L^{-2.5} for z~4 at the bright end, significantly flatter than the bright end luminosity function psi(L) \propto L^{-3.5} found in previous studies for z<3, suggesting that the shape of the quasar luminosity function evolves with redshift as well, and that the quasar evolution from z=2 to 5 cannot be described as pure luminosity evolution. Possible selection biases and the effect of dust extinction on the redshift evolution of the quasar density are also discussed.Comment: AJ accepted, with minor change

    Five High-Redshift Quasars Discovered in Commissioning Imaging Data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We report the discovery of five quasars with redshifts of 4.67 - 5.27 and z'-band magnitudes of 19.5-20.7 M_B ~ -27. All were originally selected as distant quasar candidates in optical/near-infrared photometry from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and most were confirmed as probable high-redshift quasars by supplementing the SDSS data with J and K measurements. The quasars possess strong, broad Lyman-alpha emission lines, with the characteristic sharp cutoff on the blue side produced by Lyman-alpha forest absorption. Three quasars contain strong, broad absorption features, and one of them exhibits very strong N V emission. The amount of absorption produced by the Lyman-alpha forest increases toward higher redshift, and that in the z=5.27 object (D_A ~ 0.7) is consistent with a smooth extrapolation of the absorption seen in lower redshift quasars. The high luminosity of these objects relative to most other known objects at z >~ 5 makes them potentially valuable as probes of early quasar properties and of the intervening intergalactic medium.Comment: 13 pages in LaTex format, two postscirpt figures. Submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Evidence for Reionization at z ~ 6: Detection of a Gunn-Peterson Trough in a z=6.28 Quasar

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    We present moderate resolution Keck spectroscopy of quasars at z=5.82, 5.99 and 6.28, discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We find that the Ly Alpha absorption in the spectra of these quasars evolves strongly with redshift. To z~5.7, the Ly Alpha absorption evolves as expected from an extrapolation from lower redshifts. However, in the highest redshift object, SDSSp J103027.10+052455.0 (z=6.28), the average transmitted flux is 0.0038+-0.0026 times that of the continuum level over 8450 A < lambda < 8710 A (5.95<z(abs)<6.16), consistent with zero flux. Thus the flux level drops by a factor of >150, and is consistent with zero flux in the Ly Alpha forest region immediately blueward of the Ly Alpha emission line, compared with a drop by a factor of ~10 at z(abs)~5.3. A similar break is seen at Ly Beta; because of the decreased oscillator strength of this transition, this allows us to put a considerably stronger limit, tau(eff) > 20, on the optical depth to Ly Alpha absorption at z=6. This is a clear detection of a complete Gunn-Peterson trough, caused by neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium. Even a small neutral hydrogen fraction in the intergalactic medium would result in an undetectable flux in the Ly Alpha forest region. Therefore, the existence of the Gunn-Peterson trough by itself does not indicate that the quasar is observed prior to the reionization epoch. However, the fast evolution of the mean absorption in these high-redshift quasars suggests that the mean ionizing background along the line of sight to this quasar has declined significantly from z~5 to 6, and the universe is approaching the reionization epoch at z~6.Comment: Revised version (2001 Sep 4) accepted by the Astronomical Journal (minor changes

    Sloan Digital Sky Survey Multicolor Observations of GRB010222

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    The discovery of an optical counterpart to GRB010222 (detected by BeppoSAX; Piro 2001) was announced 4.4 hrs after the burst by Henden (2001a). The Sloan Digital Sky Survey's 0.5m photometric telescope (PT) and 2.5m survey telescope were used to observe the afterglow of GRB010222 starting 4.8 hours after the GRB. The 0.5m PT observed the afterglow in five, 300 sec g' band exposures over the course of half an hour, measuring a temporal decay rate in this short period of F_nu \propto t^{-1.0+/-0.5}. The 2.5m camera imaged the counterpart nearly simultaneously in five filters (u' g' r' i' z'), with r' = 18.74+/-0.02 at 12:10 UT. These multicolor observations, corrected for reddening and the afterglow's temporal decay, are well fit by the power-law F_nu \propto nu^{-0.90+/-0.03} with the exception of the u' band UV flux which is 20% below this slope. We examine possible interpretations of this spectral shape, including source extinction in a star forming region.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Two figures added, minor changes to text in this draft. Related material can be found at: http://sdss.fnal.gov:8000/grb

    Photometric redshifts from reconstructed QSO templates

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    From SDSS commissioning photometric and spectroscopic data, we investigate the utility of photometric redshift techniques to the task of estimating QSO redshifts. We consider empirical methods (e.g. nearest-neighbor searches and polynomial fitting), standard spectral template fitting and hybrid approaches (i.e. training spectral templates from spectroscopic and photometric observations of QSOs). We find that in all cases, due to the presence of strong emission-lines within the QSO spectra, the nearest-neighbor and template fitting methods are superior to the polynomial fitting approach. Applying a novel reconstruction technique, we can, from the SDSS multicolor photometry, reconstruct a statistical representation of the underlying SEDs of the SDSS QSOs. Although, the reconstructed templates are based on only broadband photometry the common emission lines present within the QSO spectra can be recovered in the resulting spectral energy distributions. The technique should be useful in searching for spectral differences among QSOs at a given redshift, in searching for spectral evolution of QSOs, in comparing photometric redshifts for objects beyond the SDSS spectroscopic sample with those in the well calibrated photometric redshifts for objects brighter than 20th magnitude and in searching for systematic and time variable effects in the SDSS broad band photometric and spectral photometric calibrations.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX AASTeX, submitted to A

    Testing timed systems modeled by stream X-machines

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    Stream X-machines have been used to specify real systems where complex data structures. They are a variety of extended finite state machine where a shared memory is used to represent communications between the components of systems. In this paper we introduce an extension of the Stream X-machines formalism in order to specify systems that present temporal requirements. We add time in two different ways. First, we consider that (output) actions take time to be performed. Second, our formalism allows to specify timeouts. Timeouts represent the time a system can wait for the environment to react without changing its internal state. Since timeous affect the set of available actions of the system, a relation focusing on the functional behavior of systems, that is, the actions that they can perform, must explicitly take into account the possible timeouts. In this paper we also propose a formal testing methodology allowing to systematically test a system with respect to a specification. Finally, we introduce a test derivation algorithm. Given a specification, the derived test suite is sound and complete, that is, a system under test successfully passes the test suite if and only if this system conforms to the specification

    High-Redshift Quasars Found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data II: The Spring Equatorial Stripe

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    This is the second paper in a series aimed at finding high-redshift quasars from five-color (u'g'r'i'z') imaging data taken along the Celestial Equator by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) during its commissioning phase. In this paper, we present 22 high-redshift quasars (z>3.6) discovered from ~250 deg^2 of data in the spring Equatorial Stripe, plus photometry for two previously known high-redshift quasars in the same region of sky. Our success rate of identifying high-redshift quasars is 68%. Five of the newly discovered quasars have redshifts higher than 4.6 (z=4.62, 4.69, 4.70, 4.92 and 5.03). All the quasars have i* < 20.2 with absolute magnitude -28.8 < M_B < -26.1 (h=0.5, q_0=0.5). Several of the quasars show unusual emission and absorption features in their spectra, including an object at z=4.62 without detectable emission lines, and a Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasar at z=4.92.Comment: 28 pages, AJ in press (Jan 2000), final version with minor changes; high resolution finding charts available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~fan/paper/qso2.htm

    Reliability of Automated Biochemical Identification of Burkholderia pseudomallei Is Regionally Dependent

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    Misidentifications of Burkholderia pseudomallei as Burkholderia cepacia by Vitek 2 have occurred. Multidimensional scaling ordination of biochemical profiles of 217 Malaysian and Australian B. pseudomallei isolates found clustering of misidentified B. pseudomallei isolates from Malaysian Borneo. Specificity of B. pseudomallei identification in Vitek 2 and potentially other automated identification systems is regionally dependent
