706 research outputs found

    Die C-Zell-Hyperplasie als häufigstes pathologisch-anatomisches Substrat auffälligen Calcitonin-Screenings erfordert die Isthmuserhaltende Totale Bi-Lobektomie (ITBL) als optimiertes Operationsverfahren

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    Einleitung: Die pathologische Stimulierbarkeit von Serum-Calcitonin (CT) im relativ niedrigen Bereich (über 100 bis 300 pg/ml) trennt nicht hinreichend zwischen C-Zell-Hyperplasie (CCH) und C-Zell-(Mikro-)Karzinom (CCC), bei Überwiegen der Fälle mit CCH. Der Schilddrüsenisthmus ist frei von C-Zellen (Lit. mult., eigene Studie). Dies führte zur Methode der ITBL , welche nun an einer größeren prospektiv dokumentierten Serie von Patienten evaluiert wird. Material und Methoden: 102 Patienten mit präoperativ gering bis mäßig erhöhtem CT (stim.≥100 ≤400 pg/ml) wurden mit der Intention zur ITBL operiert. Bei 30 erfolgte die Komplettierung zur totalen Thyreoidektomie (TTX), davon 27 in gleicher Sitzung, im Fall von Malignität unter Einschluss der systematischen Lymphknotendissektion (LNX). Gründe zur Komplettierung waren Mikrokarzinome (12 medulläre, 7 differenzierte) oder benigne Isthmusknoten (n=11). Ergebnisse: Bei allen 72 Patienten mit definitiver ITBL (darunter 2 Mikro-CCC, übrige CCH) lag, ebenso wie bei den 30 Patienten mit TTX, das postoperative CT unter der Messgrenze (unter 2 pg/ml), mit einer Ausnahme (3 pg/ml, nicht stimulierbar); maximal stim. CT war bei 5 der 72 Patienten im unteren Normbereich messbar (3 – 4,6 pg/ml), bei den übrigen ebenfalls unter der Messgrenze. Alle 102 Patienten waren "biochemisch geheilt". Schlussfolgerung: Die ITBL hat sich mit hinreichender Sicherheit als optimale Operationsmethode für Fälle mit CCH erwiesen und ist bzgl. ihrer Radikalität der TTX gleichwertig, unter Belassung eines gesunden Schilddrüsenrestes (Isthmus) von funktioneller Relevanz (2 – 5 g)

    Expression in Escherichia coli of a cloned DNA sequence encoding the pre-S2 region of hepatitis B virus

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    A DNA sequence encoding the entire pre-S2 region (amino acids 120-174; serotype ayw) of human hepatitis B virus envelope protein has been inserted into the lacZ gene of the plasmid pSKS105 yielding a recombinant, pWS3. Lac+ colonies of the Escherichia coli M182 (lacIOPZYA), isolated after transformation with pWS3, produced a pre-S2 peptide-ß-galactosidase fusion protein. This fusion protein, which comprised as much as 3% of the total bacterial protein, was purified to >90% homogeneity by affinity chromatography on p-aminophenyl-ß-D-thiogalactoside-Sepharose. It is immunoprecipitable with rabbit antibodies to a synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acids 120-145 of the pre-S2 region of serotype adw [pre-S(120-145)] or with antibodies to hepatitis B virus. pre-S(120-145) completely blocked the binding of either antibody to the pre-S2 peptide-ß-galactosidase fusion protein. These results indicate that there are antigenic determinants on the fusion protein that are closely related to, if not identical to, determinants on synthetic pre-S(120-145) and on pre-S2 sequences of native hepatitis B virus particles. Thus, bacteria transformed with pWS3 can provide an abundant source of pre-S2-ß-galactosidase fusion protein, which may prove useful either as a diagnostic reagent possessing marker enzyme activity suitable for ELISA tests or as an immunogen with potential to contribute to active prophylaxis of hepatitis B

    Palmitoylation of Desmoglein 2 Is a Regulator of Assembly Dynamics and Protein Turnover.

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    Desmosomes are prominent adhesive junctions present between many epithelial cells as well as cardiomyocytes. The mechanisms controlling desmosome assembly and remodeling in epithelial and cardiac tissue are poorly understood. We recently identified protein palmitoylation as a mechanism regulating desmosome dynamics. In this study, we have focused on the palmitoylation of the desmosomal cadherin desmoglein-2 (Dsg2) and characterized the role that palmitoylation of Dsg2 plays in its localization and stability in cultured cells. We identified two cysteine residues in the juxtamembrane (intracellular anchor) domain of Dsg2 that, when mutated, eliminate its palmitoylation. These cysteine residues are conserved in all four desmoglein family members. Although mutant Dsg2 localizes to endogenous desmosomes, there is a significant delay in its incorporation into junctions, and the mutant is also present in a cytoplasmic pool. Triton X-100 solubility assays demonstrate that mutant Dsg2 is more soluble than wild-type protein. Interestingly, trafficking of the mutant Dsg2 to the cell surface was delayed, and a pool of the non-palmitoylated Dsg2 co-localized with lysosomal markers. Taken together, these data suggest that palmitoylation of Dsg2 regulates protein transport to the plasma membrane. Modulation of the palmitoylation status of desmosomal cadherins can affect desmosome dynamics

    Towards standard setting for patient-reported outcomes in the NHS homeopathic hospitals

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    We report findings from a pilot data collection study within a programme of quality assurance, improvement and development across all five homeopathic hospitals in the UK National Health Service (NHS).<p></p> <b>Aims</b> (1) To pilot the collection of clinical data in the homeopathic hospital outpatient setting, recording patient-reported outcome since first appointment; (2) to sample the range of medical complaints that secondary-care doctors treat using homeopathy, and thus identify the nature and complexity of complaints most frequently treated nationally; (3) to present a cross section of outcome scores by appointment number, including that for the most frequently treated medical complaints; (4) to explore approaches to standard setting for homeopathic practice outcome in patients treated at the homeopathic hospitals.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> A total of 51 medical practitioners took part in data collection over a 4-week period. Consecutive patient appointments were recorded under the headings: (1) date of first appointment in the current series; (2) appointment number; (3) age of patient; (4) sex of patient; (5) main medical complaint being treated; (6) whether other main medical complaint(s); (7) patient-reported change in health, using Outcome Related to Impact on Daily Living (ORIDL) and its derivative, the ORIDL Profile Score (ORIDL-PS; range, –4 to +4, where a score ≤−2 or ≥+2 indicates an effect on the quality of a patient's daily life); (8) receipt of other complementary medicine for their main medical complaint.<p></p> <b>Results</b> The distribution of patient age was bimodal: main peak, 49 years; secondary peak, 6 years. Male:female ratio was 1:3.5. Data were recorded on a total of 1797 individual patients: 195 first appointments, 1602 follow-ups (FUs). Size of clinical service and proportion of patients who attended more than six visits varied between hospitals. A total of 235 different medical complaints were reported. The 30 most commonly treated complaints were (in decreasing order of frequency): eczema; chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS); menopausal disorder; osteoarthritis; depression; breast cancer; rheumatoid arthritis; asthma; anxiety; irritable bowel syndrome; multiple sclerosis; psoriasis; allergy (unspecified); fibromyalgia; migraine; premenstrual syndrome; chronic rhinitis; headache; vitiligo; seasonal allergic rhinitis; chronic intractable pain; insomnia; ulcerative colitis; acne; psoriatic arthropathy; urticaria; ovarian cancer; attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); epilepsy; sinusitis. The proportion of patients with important co-morbidity was higher in those seen after visit 6 (56.9%) compared with those seen up to and including that point (40.7%; P < 0.001). The proportion of FU patients reporting ORIDL-PS ≥ +2 (improvement affecting daily living) increased overall with appointment number: 34.5% of patients at visit 2 and 59.3% of patients at visit 6, for example. Amongst the four most frequently treated complaints, the proportion of patients that reported ORIDL-PS ≥ +2 at visit numbers greater than 6 varied between 59.3% (CFS) and 73.3% (menopausal disorder).<p></p> <b>Conclusions</b> We have successfully piloted a process of national clinical data collection using patient-reported outcome in homeopathic hospital outpatients, identifying a wide range and complexity of medical complaints treated in that setting. After a series of homeopathy appointments, a high proportion of patients, often representing “effectiveness gaps” for conventional medical treatment, reported improvement in health affecting their daily living. These pilot findings are informing our developing programme of standard setting for homeopathic care in the hospital outpatient context

    Proton dynamics in cancer

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    Cancer remains a leading cause of death in the world today. Despite decades of research to identify novel therapeutic approaches, durable regressions of metastatic disease are still scanty and survival benefits often negligible. While the current strategy is mostly converging on target-therapies aimed at selectively affecting altered molecular pathways in tumor cells, evidences are in parallel pointing to cell metabolism as a potential Achilles' heel of cancer, to be disrupted for achieving therapeutic benefit. Critical differences in the metabolism of tumor versus normal cells, which include abnormal glycolysis, high lactic acid production, protons accumulation and reversed intra-extracellular pH gradients, make tumor site a hostile microenvironment where only cancer cells can proliferate and survive. Inhibiting these pathways by blocking proton pumps and transporters may deprive cancer cells of a key mechanism of detoxification and thus represent a novel strategy for a pleiotropic and multifaceted suppression of cancer cell growth

    Silicon detectors for γ-ray and β-spectroscopy

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    Large active volume Si(Li) detectors were successfully developed for γ-ray spectrometry at room temperature that show a sufficient efficiency and an energy resolution that is better than scintillation detectors. The higher efficiency of the proposed detectors with respect to normal silicon diodes is achieved by increasing the active volume. For this purpose special attention is given to the selection of the initial material which has to show homogeneous electro-physical parameters, low concentration of oxygen impurities and high structural perfection. The technique of using lithium ions is used as these drift into large depths and hence the profile of the impurity distribution is optimized

    Regional analysis of multivariate compound coastal flooding potential around Europe and environs: sensitivity analysis and spatial patterns

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    In coastal regions, floods can arise through a combination of multiple drivers, including direct surface run-off, river discharge, storm surge, and waves. In this study, we analyse compound flood potential in Europe and environs caused by these four main flooding sources using state-of-the-art databases with coherent forcing (i.e. ERA5). First, we analyse the sensitivity of the compound flooding potential to several factors: (1) sampling method, (2) time window to select the concurrent event of the conditioned driver, (3) dependence metrics, and (4) wave-driven sea level definition. We observe higher correlation coefficients using annual maxima than peaks over threshold. Regarding the other factors, our results show similar spatial distributions of the compound flooding potential. Second, the dependence between the pairs of drivers using the Kendall rank correlation coefficient and the joint occurrence are synthesized for coherent patterns of compound flooding potential using a clustering technique. This quantitative multi-driver assessment not only distinguishes where overall compound flooding potential is the highest, but also discriminates which driver combinations are more likely to contribute to compound flooding. We identify that hotspots of compound flooding potential are located along the southern coast of the North Atlantic Ocean and the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea

    Long-term impact of myocardial inflammation on quantitative myocardial perfusion-a descriptive PET/MR myocarditis study

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    PURPOSE Whether myocardial inflammation causes long-term sequelae potentially affecting myocardial blood flow (MBF) is unknown. We aimed to assess the effect of myocardial inflammation on quantitative MBF parameters, as assessed by 13N-ammonia positron emission tomography myocardial perfusion imaging (PET-MPI) late after myocarditis. METHODS Fifty patients with a history of myocarditis underwent cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging at diagnosis and PET/MR imaging at follow-up at least 6 months later. Segmental MBF, myocardial flow reserve (MFR), and 13N-ammonia washout were obtained from PET, and segments with reduced 13N-ammonia retention, resembling scar, were recorded. Based on CMR, segments were classified as remote (n = 469), healed (inflammation at baseline but no late gadolinium enhancement [LGE] at follow-up, n = 118), and scarred (LGE at follow-up, n = 72). Additionally, apparently healed segments but with scar at PET were classified as PET discordant (n = 18). RESULTS Compared to remote segments, healed segments showed higher stress MBF (2.71 mL*min1^{-1}*g1^{-1} [IQR 2.18-3.08] vs. 2.20 mL*min1^{-1}*g1^{-1} [1.75-2.68], p < 0.0001), MFR (3.78 [2.83-4.79] vs. 3.36 [2.60-4.03], p < 0.0001), and washout (rest 0.24/min [0.18-0.31] and stress 0.53/min [0.40-0.67] vs. 0.22/min [0.16-0.27] and 0.46/min [0.32-0.63], p = 0.010 and p = 0.021, respectively). While PET discordant segments did not differ from healed segments regarding MBF and MFR, washout was higher by ~ 30% (p < 0.014). Finally, 10 (20%) patients were diagnosed by PET-MPI as presenting with a myocardial scar but without a corresponding LGE. CONCLUSION In patients with a history of myocarditis, quantitative measurements of myocardial perfusion as obtained from PET-MPI remain altered in areas initially affected by inflammation. CMR = cardiac magnetic resonance; PET = positron emission tomography; LGE = late gadolinium enhancement

    Long-term impact of myocardial inflammation on quantitative myocardial perfusion-a descriptive PET/MR myocarditis study.

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    PURPOSE Whether myocardial inflammation causes long-term sequelae potentially affecting myocardial blood flow (MBF) is unknown. We aimed to assess the effect of myocardial inflammation on quantitative MBF parameters, as assessed by 13N-ammonia positron emission tomography myocardial perfusion imaging (PET-MPI) late after myocarditis. METHODS Fifty patients with a history of myocarditis underwent cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging at diagnosis and PET/MR imaging at follow-up at least 6 months later. Segmental MBF, myocardial flow reserve (MFR), and 13N-ammonia washout were obtained from PET, and segments with reduced 13N-ammonia retention, resembling scar, were recorded. Based on CMR, segments were classified as remote (n = 469), healed (inflammation at baseline but no late gadolinium enhancement [LGE] at follow-up, n = 118), and scarred (LGE at follow-up, n = 72). Additionally, apparently healed segments but with scar at PET were classified as PET discordant (n = 18). RESULTS Compared to remote segments, healed segments showed higher stress MBF (2.71 mL*min-1*g-1 [IQR 2.18-3.08] vs. 2.20 mL*min-1*g-1 [1.75-2.68], p < 0.0001), MFR (3.78 [2.83-4.79] vs. 3.36 [2.60-4.03], p < 0.0001), and washout (rest 0.24/min [0.18-0.31] and stress 0.53/min [0.40-0.67] vs. 0.22/min [0.16-0.27] and 0.46/min [0.32-0.63], p = 0.010 and p = 0.021, respectively). While PET discordant segments did not differ from healed segments regarding MBF and MFR, washout was higher by ~ 30% (p < 0.014). Finally, 10 (20%) patients were diagnosed by PET-MPI as presenting with a myocardial scar but without a corresponding LGE. CONCLUSION In patients with a history of myocarditis, quantitative measurements of myocardial perfusion as obtained from PET-MPI remain altered in areas initially affected by inflammation. CMR = cardiac magnetic resonance; PET = positron emission tomography; LGE = late gadolinium enhancement