2,798 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic forces on space structures

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    Axial and tensile stresses on conducting loop structures either isolated or in presence of other electromagnetic force field

    Slavery In The Economy Of Matagorda County, Texas 1836-1860

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    Narrating the history of the slave in the economy of Matagorda County, Texas, faces the problem of conflicting theories that have run the gamut of national, southern, and state, as well as county history, unbridled for many years. Many of these theories range from superstition to hearsays, with little or any factual supporting evidence. Out of a desire to learn the true perspective and a natural curiosity for seeking the truth, the writer takes on himself the task of digging into the mysteries of slavery in the county. This study attempts to present philosophies and facts with a minimum use of technical terms and with scholarly impartiality. It promotes no theories, harbors no racial, social, or political bias, and indulges in no prophecies. It is the author\u27s belief that its best purpose is served by telling what happened and in so far as possible, how, when, where, and why it happened; thus leaving the reader to draw his own conclusions in matters of a controversial nature on the basis of the presentation of the evidence. Problem The problem of this study arises out of the dissatisfaction of this writer with the explanation of the economic role of the slave in the plantation economy as set forth by students of the institution of slavery. The labor-investment-prestige interpretation of the economic role of the Negro slave was set by U. B. Phillips and Frederick Bancroft. Phillips said that the economic virtues of slavery lay wholly in its making labor mobile, regular and secure; and Bancroft\u27s classic comment, mortgage their crop to buy more slaves to make more cotton to buy more slaves has slipped easily into the economic thinking on the institution. This type of approach admits that the slave has a value secondary to that of land and that some of the motives that entered into his acquisition and retention were not economic at all. Indeed, the labor thesis becomes extremely difficult to understand in light of the fact that the literature insists that the slave was an undependable worker, could be lost through sickness or flight, was difficult to obtain, and was a risky investment. One begins to wonder why the planter bothered with so precarious a labor supply. A new economic answer seems to lie elsewhere

    A history of the Episcopal Church in Omaha from 1856 to 1964

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    There are three reasons for writing a history of the Episcopal Church in Omaha with an emphasis on the foundation years. This period covers the years 1856 to 1960. First, there is a desire for a complete understanding of the history of Omaha and the various institutions that helped to make the city. Second, there is a request to have a greater understanding of the development and growth of the State of Nebraska. And thirdly, there never has been a history of the activities of the Episcopal Church in Omaha

    An Introduction to the Naval War College Courses

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    We are devoting the first day to this orientation In order that you may begin your studies here with a clear under­standing of your goal, and the manner in which you will be working towards it during the corning year. Accordingly, it is my purpose in the next half hour or so to give you a general introduction to the Courses of the College as a whole

    Validity of the Revised Beta Examination Second Edition for Use with a Multiply Handicapped Population

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    A thesis presented to the faculty of the School of Education at Morehead State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts by Cluster Glenn Robbins, Jr. in January of 1983

    High temperature fiber optic microphone having a pressure-sensing reflective membrane under tensile stress

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    A fiber optic microphone is provided for measuring fluctuating pressures. An optical fiber probe having at least one transmitting fiber for transmitting light to a pressure-sensing membrane and at least one receiving fiber for receiving light reflected from a stretched membrane is provided. The pressure-sensing membrane may be stretched for high frequency response. Further, a reflecting surface of the pressure-sensing membrane may have dimensions which substantially correspond to dimensions of a cross section of the optical fiber probe. Further, the fiber optic microphone can be made of materials for use in high temperature environments, for example greater than 1000 F. A fiber optic probe is also provided with a backplate for damping membrane motion. The backplate further provides a means for on-line calibration of the microphone

    Some preliminary design studies for a very large orbiting radiotelescope

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    Parabolic reflector properties and gravity gradient effects analyzed for large orbiting radio telescop

    Supernumerary teeth observed in a live True’s beaked whale in the Bay of Biscay

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    Mesoplodont beaked whales are one of the most enigmatic mammalian genera. We document a pod of four beaked whales in the Bay of Biscay breaching and tail slapping alongside a large passenger ferry. Photographs of the animals were independently reviewed by experts, and identified as True’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon mirus). This is the first conclusive live sighting of these animals in the north-east Atlantic, and adds information to previous sightings that are likely to have been M. mirus. Photographs of an adult male appears to show two supernumerary teeth posterior to the apical mandibular tusks. Whilst analysed museum specimens (n = 8) did not show evidence of alveoli in this location, there is evidence of vestigial teeth and variable dentition in many beaked whale species. This is the first such record of supernumerary teeth in True’s beaked whales
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