356 research outputs found

    Geomorphic hazards and intense rainfall: the case study of the Recco Stream catchment (Eastern Liguria, Italy)

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    Abstract. A critical pluviometric event occurred in the central-eastern Ligurian Riviera, 15 km from Genoa, on 1 June 2007. This event caused landslides and hydraulic problems between Sori and Camogli and in the inland area of the Recco Valley. An analysis of the heavy rainfall was conducted. Hourly precipitation data revealed a critical event between 04:00 a.m. and 07:00 a.m. local time, with more than 220 mm of precipitation over three hours. Slope movements were mainly debris flows that detached from the lateral valleys of the Recco Stream catchment and from well-maintained, wooded slopes that were also characterised by cultivated terraces. Numerous slide planes corresponded to the interface between the surface cover and the underlying bedrock, which presents an unfavourable geologic structure in terms of stability assessment. In most cases, the displaced material had a limited thickness. Debris cover was rapidly channelled along small valleys, which controlled the critical hydraulic conditions in the secondary drainage network. Man-made drainage systems were partially or totally blocked in a very short time and, like the natural watercourses, accumulated thick and extensive alluvial fans. Most of the instability phenomena occurred in areas that had been designated medium or low-risk areas during land planning, and in sectors that were defined as stable, because they lacked geomorphic indicators connected to landslide risks. The above considerations highlight some gaps of the Recco Stream Master Plan. Therefore, to update this land planning tool, it is necessary to extensively investigate local geomorphological characteristics and to adopt a different method for assigning weights to the geohazard maps

    Engineering geological map of the Chiavari city area (Liguria, Italy)

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    An engineering geological map at a scale of 1:10,000 of the Chiavari city area (Northern Italy) – a major tourist and economic attraction of the Ligurian East Riviera – is presented in this paper. The municipality land shows an excellent geomorphological case-study of the well-known Ligurian coast: a floodplain, fairly wide and inhabited, formed by several floods of the two main rivers, a hill hinterland, reasonably inhabited, developed in marly limestones and sandy shales flysch and the coast – featuring cliffs and narrow pebbly beaches – deeply modified. This map was compiled by combining available geological data with a new engineering geomorphological field survey and including geotechnical data which were obtained from studies carried out for town planning and building purposes. On the basis of the critical review of the available lithostratigraphic data from drilling, as well as geotechnical and geophysical analyses carried out between 1981 and 2010 on the municipality land, an engineering geologica..

    Computing minimal finite free resolutions

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    AbstractIn this paper we address the basic problem of computing minimal finite free resolutions of homogeneous submodules of graded free modules over polynomial rings. We develop a strategy, which keeps the resolution minimal at every step. Among the relevant benefits is a marked saving of time, as the first reported experiments in CoCoA show. The algorithm has been optimized using a variety of techniques, such as minimizing the number of critical pairs and employing an “ad hoc” Hilbert-driven strategy. The algorithm can also take advantage of various a priori pieces of information, such as the knowledge of the Castelnuovo regularity

    Spectra of weighted rooted graphs having prescribed subgraphs at some levels

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    Let B be a weighted generalized Bethe tree of k levels (k > 1) in which nj is the number of vertices at the level k-j+1 (1 ≤ j ≤ k). Let Δ \subset {1, 2,., k-1} and F={Gj:j \in Δ}, where Gj is a prescribed weighted graph on each set of children of B at the level k-j+1. In this paper, the eigenvalues of a block symmetric tridiagonal matrix of order n1+n2 +...+nk are characterized as the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrices of order j, 1≤j≤k, easily constructed from the degrees of the vertices, the weights of the edges, and the eigenvalues of the matrices associated to the family of graphs F. These results are applied to characterize the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix, including their multiplicities, of the graph β(F) obtained from β and all the graphs in F={Gj:j \in Δ}; and also of the signless Laplacian and adjacency matrices whenever the graphs of the family F are regular.CIDMAFCTFEDER/POCI 2010PTDC/MAT/112276/2009Fondecyt - IC Project 11090211Fondecyt Regular 110007

    Copies of a rooted weighted graph attached to an arbitrary weighted graph and applications

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    The spectrum of the Laplacian, signless Laplacian and adjacency matrices of the family of the weighted graphs R{H}, obtained from a connected weighted graph R on r vertices and r copies of a modified Bethe tree H by identifying the root of the i-th copy of H with the i-th vertex of R, is determined
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