196 research outputs found

    The multiple facilitator:Scientists, sages and rascals

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    Background. Games are designed to help participants think about, understand, sharpen their problem statement as well as the specific objectives to be achieved to escape the problem situation. When participants prepare for the game (briefing), interact in the simulated environment (gameplay), and self- or jointly reflect about the gameplay they faced in terms of intended and unintended learning experiences (debrief), they benefit or suffer from facilitating that can or cannot fully cater to their needs. To support the participants to explore and resolve the problem situation in order to achieve learning goals, we propose that facilitators can make use of role shifts during gameplay. Method. To capture the role shifts in the gameplay phase we studied game runs of the MicroTech game. The MicroTech game is a free-form game in which participants play the role of top management team or division managers in a multiunit organization. Results. We analyzed the role shifts we experienced as facilitators by elaborating on game events and how we could manage those events differently in future game runs if necessary. We show a need for facilitators to be able to embody multiple roles in the case of policy gaming that are in fit with the different phases, while there is a simultaneous need to shift within phases in order to keep participants moving and stimulating them to work towards the learning goals. Conclusion. Gaming/simulation facilitators should explore what multiplicity is required of them to make the game a success. Although this may seem normal practice to well-prepared and professionally trained facilitators, this may be particularly important for novice facilitators

    A literature review of the strategic decision-making context:A synthesis of previous mixed findings and an agenda for the way forward

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    The aim of this article is to conduct a comprehensive literature review concerning the influence of contextual factors on strategic decision processes. Our literature review organizes the existing literature on contextual factors along the lines of an integrative framework for studying strategic decisions. Interestingly, the stream of research on strategic decision processes is dominated by studies showing mixed, contradictory, and inconclusive findings. The effects of each contextual factor on the strategic decision process differ substantially across the reviewed studies. This creates several opportunities for further research on the topic. The review also reveals a paucity of cross-cultural studies, longitudinal studies, and tests of complex relationships such as three-way interactions, curvilinear relationships, and mediation effects. We conclude our review by suggesting seven directions for future research and identifying several implications for theory and practice

    Dynamic capabilities: New ideas, microfoundations, and criticism

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    In this special issue, we have collected 13 articles that offer new vantage points for research on dynamic capabilities. We offer a selection of thought-provoking papers that advance current thinking on dynamic capabilities and provide directions for new inquiries using the dynamic capability framework. The microfoundations of dynamic capabilities have increasingly received interest. This special issue offers a range of conceptual methodological approaches to deepen our understanding of the issues surrounding the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities

    Priority setting for universal health coverage: We need evidence-informed deliberative processes, not just more evidence on cost-effectiveness

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    Priority setting of health interventions is generally considered as a valuable approach to support low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in their strive for universal health coverage (UHC). However, present initiatives on priority setting are mainly geared towards the development of more cost-effectiveness information, and this evidence does not sufficiently support countries to make optimal choices. The reason is that priority setting is in reality a value-laden political process in which multiple criteria beyond cost-effectiveness are important, and stakeholders often justifiably disagree about the relative importance of these criteria. Here, we propose the use of ‘evidence-informed deliberative processes’ as an approach that does explicitly recognise priority setting as a political process and an intrinsically complex task. In these processes, deliberation between stakeholders is crucial to identify, reflect and learn about the meaning and importance of values, informed by evidence on these values. Such processes then result in the use of a broader range of explicit criteria that can be seen as the product of both international learning (‘core’ criteria, which include eg, cost-effectiveness, priority to the worse off, and financial protection) and learning among local stakeholders (‘contextual’ criteria). We believe that, with these evidence-informed deliberative processes in place, priority setting can provide a more meaningful contribution to achieving UHC

    Effects of Pharmacogenetic Screening for CYP2D6 Among Elderly Starting Therapy With Nortriptyline or Venlafaxine:A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial (CYSCE Trial)

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    PURPOSE/BACKGROUND: The duration of untreated depression is a predictor for poor future prognosis, making rapid dose finding essential. Genetic variation of the CYP2D6 isoenzyme can influence the optimal dosage needed for individual patients. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of CYP2D6 pharmacogenetic screening to accelerate drug dosing in older patients with depression initiating nortriptyline or venlafaxine. METHODS/PROCEDURES: In this randomized controlled trial, patients were randomly allocated to one of the study arms. In the intervention arm (DG-I), the specific genotype accompanied by a standardized dosing recommendation based on the patients' genotype and the prescribed drug was directly communicated to the physician of the participant. In both the deviating genotype control arm (DG-C) and the nonrandomized control arm, the physician of the participants was not informed about the genotype and the associated dosing advise. The primary outcome was the time needed to reach adequate drug levels: (1) blood levels within the therapeutic range and (2) no dose adjustments within the previous 3 weeks. FINDINGS/RESULTS: No significant difference was observed in mean time to reach adequate dose or time to adequate dose between DG-I and DG-C. Compared with the nonrandomized control arm group, adequate drug levels were reached significantly faster in the DG-I group (log-rank test; P = 0.004), and there was a similar nonsignificant trend for the DG-C group (log-rank test; P = 0.087). IMPLICATIONS/CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study do not support pharmacogenetic CYP2D6 screening to accelerate dose adjustment for nortriptyline and venlafaxine in older patients with depression

    Модификации арефлюксного холедохоеюноанастомоза с восстановлением пассажа желчи в двенадцатиперстную кишку

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    Разработаны модификации формирования холедохоеюноанастомоза, способствующие восстановлению желчетока с пассажем желчи в двенадцатиперстную кишку, что предупреждает развитие в ней пептической язвы. Предложена специальная методика мобилизации отключенного по Ру сегмента тощей кишки, обеспечивающая его полноценную моторику.Modifications of forming choledochoanastomosis promoting restoration of bile passage to the duodenum, which prevented development of peptic ulcer, were worked out. A special technique for mobilization of the switched off segment of the jejunum according to Roux promoting an adequate motility was suggested

    Feasibility and effectiveness of trifluridine/tipiracil in metastatic colorectal cancer: real-life data from The Netherlands

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    Background: The RECOURSE trial showed clinical efficacy for trifluridine/tipiracil for refractory metastatic colorectal cancer patients. We assessed the feasibility and effectiveness of trifluridine/tipiracil in daily clinical practice in The Netherlands. Methods: Medical records of patients from 17 centers treated in the trifluridine/tipiracil compassionate use program were reviewed and checked for RECOURSE eligibility criteria. Baseline characteristics, safety, and survival times were compared, and prespecified baseline characteristics were tested in multivariate analyses for prognostic significance on overall survival (OS). Results: A total of 136 patients with a median age of 62 years were analyzed. Forty-three patients (32%) did not meet the RECOURSE eligibility criteria for not having received all prior standard treatments (n = 35, 26%) and/or ECOG performance status (PS) 2 (n = 12, 9%). The most common grade ≥3 toxicities were neutropenia (n = 44, 32%), leukopenia (n = 8, 6%), anemia (n = 7, 5%), and fatigue (n = 7, 5%). Median progression-free survival (PFS) and median OS were 2.1 (95% CI, 1.8–2.3) and 5.4 months (95% CI, 4.0–6.9), respectively. Patients with ECOG PS 2 had a worse median OS (3.2 months) compared to patients with ECOG PS 0–1 (5.9 months). ECOG PS, KRAS-mutation status, white blood cell count, serum lactate dehydrogenase, and alkaline phosphatase were prognostic factors for OS. Conclusions: Our data show that treatment with trifluridine/tipiracil in daily clinical practice is feasible and safe. Differences in patient characteristics between our population and the RECOURSE study population should be taken into account in the interpretation of survival data. Our results argue against the use of trifluridine/tipiracil in patients with ECOG PS 2. Funding: Johannes J.M. Kwakman received an unrestricted research grant from Servier