56 research outputs found

    Progress towards the 2020 targets for HIV diagnosis and antiretroviral treatment in South Africa

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    Background: The UNAIDS targets for 2020 are to achieve a 90% rate of diagnosis in HIV-positive individuals, to provide antiretroviral treatment (ART) to 90% of HIV-diagnosed individuals and to achieve virological suppression in 90% of ART patients.Objectives: To assess South Africa’s progress towards the 2020 targets and variations in performance by province.Methods: A mathematical model was fitted to HIV data for each of South Africa’s provinces, and for the country as a whole. Numbers of HIV tests performed in each province were estimated from routine data over the 2002–2015 period, and numbers of patients receiving ART in each province were estimated by fitting models to reported public and private ART enrolment statistics.Results: By the middle of 2015, 85.5% (95% CI: 84.5% – 86.5%) of HIV-positive South African adults had been diagnosed, with little variation between provinces. However, only 56.9% (95% CI: 55.3% – 58.7%) of HIV-diagnosed adults were on ART, with this proportion varying between 50.8% in North West and 72.7% in Northern Cape. In addition, 78.4% of adults on ART were virally suppressed, with rates ranging from 69.7% in Limpopo to 85.9% in Western Cape. Overall, 3.39 million (95% CI: 3.26–3.52 million) South Africans were on ART by mid-2015, equivalent to 48.6% (95% CI: 46.0% – 51.2%) of the HIV-positive population. ART coverage varied between 43.0% in Gauteng and 63.0% in Northern Cape.Conclusion: Although South Africa is well on its way to reaching the 90% HIV diagnosis target, most provinces face challenges in reaching the remaining two 90% targets

    HIV epidemic drivers in South Africa: A model-based evaluation of factors accounting for inter-provincial differences in HIV prevalence and incidence trends

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    Background: HIV prevalence differs substantially between South Africa’s provinces, but the factors accounting for this difference are poorly understood.Objectives: To estimate HIV prevalence and incidence trends by province, and to identify the epidemiological factors that account for most of the variation between provinces.Methods: A mathematical model of the South African HIV epidemic was applied to each of the nine provinces, allowing for provincial differences in demography, sexual behaviour, male circumcision, interventions and epidemic timing. The model was calibrated to HIV prevalence data from antenatal and household surveys using a Bayesian approach. Parameters estimated for each province were substituted into the national model to assess sensitivity to provincial variations.Results: HIV incidence in 15–49-year-olds peaked between 1997 and 2003 and has since declined steadily. By mid-2013, HIV prevalence in 15–49-year-olds varied between 9.4% (95% CI: 8.5%–10.2%) in Western Cape and 26.8% (95% CI: 25.8%–27.6%) in KwaZulu-Natal. When standardising parameters across provinces, this prevalence was sensitive to provincial differences in the prevalence of male circumcision (range 12.3%–21.4%) and the level of nonmarital sexual activity (range 9.5%–24.1%), but not to provincial differences in condom use (range 17.7%–21.2%), sexual mixing (range 15.9%–19.2%), marriage (range 18.2%–19.4%) or assumed HIV prevalence in 1985 (range 17.0%–19.1%).Conclusion: The provinces of South Africa differ in the timing and magnitude of their HIV epidemics. Most of the heterogeneity in HIV prevalence between South Africa’s provinces is attributable to differences in the prevalence of male circumcision and the frequency of nonmarital sexual activity

    Unabated rise in number of adult deaths in South Africa

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    Mortality statistics are a fundamental cornerstone of the health status data needed for planning and monitoring the impact of health programmes. In developed countries, such data are generated through the death registration system, dating back to the 19th century in the case of the UK and Sweden. Until recently, South Africa’s death registration system was recognised as inadequate to provide such statistics for the majority of the population,1 but the postApartheid government has prioritised the collection of such statistics, as evidenced by a new-found collaboration between the Departments of Health and Home Affairs and Statistics South Africa.2 Registration of adult deaths improved from about 50% in 1990 to over 90% in 20003 as a result of the incorporation of the former homelands as well as national efforts to improve coverage. However, the production of timely cause of death statistics remains a challenge; the most recent year with full officially published statistics is 1996

    An investigation into the extent of uncertainty surrounding estimates of the impact of HIV/AIDS in South Africa

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    HIV / AIDS statistics have been the source of much controversy in South Africa, but often the extent of uncertainty around these estimates is ignored. There is need for an assessment of the range of uncertainty around often-quoted HIV / AIDS statistics. This analysis determines ranges of uncertainty around the inputs and outputs of the ASSA2002 AIDS and Demographic model of the South African HIV / AIDS epidemic, using a generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation approach. A sample of 500 parameter combinations was drawn by weighting randomly generated parameter combinations by likelihood functions defined on the basis of four South African HIV / AIDS data sets. The estimated number of HIV infections in mid-2005 was 5.1 million (95% prediction interval: 4.2-6.0 million), equivalent to an HIV prevalence rate of 11.1% (9.1-13.1%). Between mid-2004 and mid-2005, the estimated number of new HIV infections was 490 000 (370 000-590 000) and the estimated number of AIDS deaths was 320 000 (270 000-380 000). The posterior mean HIV survival time was estimated to be 11.5 years (95% credibility interval: 10.0-12.9 years), longer than estimated for elsewhere in the developing world. This analysis confirms that South Africa is experiencing a severe HIV / AIDS epidemic, and suggests that HIV / AIDS epidemiology in the country probably differs from that elsewhere in Africa

    Estimating the impact of antiretroviral treatment on adult mortality trends in South Africa: A mathematical modelling study

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    Substantial reductions in adult mortality have been observed in South Africa since the mid-2000s, but there has been no formal evaluation of how much of this decline is attributable to the scale-up of antiretroviral treatment (ART), as previous models have not been calibrated to vital registration data. We developed a deterministic mathematical model to simulate the mortality trends that would have been expected in the absence of ART, and with earlier introduction of ART

    Rapid mortality surveillance using a national population register to monitor excess deaths during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in South Africa

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    This paper describes how an up-to-date national population register recording deaths by age and sex, whether deaths were due to natural or unnatural causes, and the offices at which the deaths were recorded can be used to monitor excess death during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, both nationally, and sub-nationally, in a country with a vital registration system that is neither up to date nor complete. Apart from suggesting an approach for estimating completeness of reporting at a sub-national level, the application produces estimates of the number of deaths in excess of those expected in the absence of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic that are highly correlated with the confirmed number of COVID-19 deaths over time, but at a level 2.5 to 3 times higher than the official numbers of COVID-19 deaths. Apportioning the observed excess deaths more precisely to COVID, COVID-related and collateral deaths, and non-COVID deaths averted by interventions with reduced mobility and gatherings, etc., requires access to real-time cause-of-death information. It is suggested that the transition from ICD-10 to ICD-11 should be used as an opportunity to change from a paper-based system to electronic capture of the medical cause-of-death information

    Initial burden of disease estimates for South Africa, 2000

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    BACKGROUND This paper describes the first national burden of disease study for South Africa. The main focus is the burden due to premature mortality, i.e. years of life lost (YLLs). In addition, estimates of the burden contributed by morbidity, i.e. the years lived with disability (YLDs), are obtained to calculate disability-adjusted life years (DALYs); and the impact of AIDS on premature mortality in the year 2010 is assessed. METHOD Owing to the rapid mortality transition and the lack of timely data, a modelling approach has been adopted. The total mortality for the year 2000 is estimated using a demographic and AIDS model. The non-AIDS cause-of-death profile is estimated using three sources of data: Statistics South Africa, the National Department of Home Affairs, and the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System. A ratio method is used to estimate the YLDs from the YLL estimates. RESULTS The top single cause of mortality burden was HIV/AIDS followed by homicide, tuberculosis, road traffic accidents and diarrhoea. HIV/AIDS accounted for 38% of total YLLs, which is proportionately higher for females (47%) than for males (33%). Pre-transitional diseases, usually associated with poverty and underdevelopment, accounted for 25%, non-communicable diseases 21% and injuries 16% of YLLs. The DALY estimates highlight the fact that mortality alone underestimates the burden of disease, especially with regard to unintentional injuries, respiratory disease, and nervous system, mental and sense organ disorders. The impact of HIV/AIDS is expected to more than double the burden of premature mortality by the year 2010. CONCLUSION This study has drawn together data from a range of sources to develop coherent estimates of premature mortality by cause. South Africa is experiencing a quadruple burden of disease comprising the pre-transitional diseases, the emerging chronic diseases, injuries, and HIV/AIDS. Unless interventions that reduce morbidity and delay morbidity become widely available, the burden due to HIV/AIDS can be expected to grow very rapidly in the next few years. An improved base of information is needed to assess the morbidity impact more accurately

    Persistent burden from non-communicable diseases in South Africa needs strong action

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    Continued effort and politcal will must be directed towards preventing, delaying the onset of and managing non-communicable diseases in South Africa
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