102 research outputs found

    IgG4-Related Fibrotic Diseases from an Immunological Perspective: Regulators out of Control?

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    Patients with autoimmune pancreatitis have a striking polyclonal elevation of total IgG4 in serum. This observation has been confirmed and extended to other fibrotic conditions (that are therefore called IgG4-related disease) but as yet remains unexplained. The affected tissue contains many IgG4-producing plasma cells embedded in a fibrotic matrix originating from activated mesenchymal (stellate) cells. We propose that the process results from an unusual interaction between two regulatory systems: the regulatory arm of the immune system (including Bregs) and the tissue repair regulatory components orchestrated by the activated stellate cell. This interaction results in ongoing mutual activation, generating TGFbeta, IL10, and vitamin D. This environment suppresses most immune reactions but stimulates the development of IgG4-producing plasma cells

    Mite and pet allergen levels in homes of children born to allergic and nonallergic parents: the PIAMA study.

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    The Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) study is a birth cohort study that investigates the influence of allergen exposure on the development of allergy and asthma in the first several years of life. The objectives of this study were to investigate the relationship between a family history of allergy and/or asthma and exposure of newborn children to mite and pet allergen and to study the influence of different home and occupant characteristics on mite allergen exposure. Dust was sampled from the child's mattress and the parental mattress at 3 months after birth of the index child and analyzed for mite and pet allergens. Subjects were divided in groups according to history of asthma and allergy in their parents, and allergen exposure was studied in the different groups. Cat allergen exposure was significantly lower on parental mattresses in families with allergic mothers, but dog allergen exposure was not different. Mite allergen exposure was lower on parental mattresses in families with allergic mothers. Use of mite allergen-impermeable mattress covers reduced mite allergen exposure. Some other characteristics such as age of home and mattress were also found to influence mite allergen exposure. Parental mattresses in homes of allergic mothers had lower cat and mite (but not dog) allergen loadings than mattresses in homes of nonallergic parents. Paternal (as opposed to maternal) allergy seemed to have little influence

    Метаморфозы философской иронии: от Сократа к постмодерну

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    В статье исследуется генезис иронии как специфического метода философствования в контексте смены социокультурных парадигм. Показана связь между конкретно-историческими условиями развития философских идей и характером и направленностью иронизирования. Выявляются эвристическая, гносеологическая, аналитическая, медиационная и другие функции иронии в философском дискурсе.У статті досліджується генезис іронії як специфічного методу філософування в контексті зміни соціокультурних парадигм. Показано зв’язок між конкретно-історичними умовами розвитку філософських ідей і характером й спрямованістю іронізування. Виявляються евристична, гносеологічна, аналітична, медіаційна та інші функції іронії у філософському дискурсі.In the article genesis of irony is probed as a specific method of philosophizing in the context of changing of sociocultural paradigms. Intercommunication is shown between the concretely-historical terms of development of philosophical ideas and character and orientation of mocking. The heuristic, gnosiological, critical, analytical, mediational function of irony in philosophical discourse are revealed

    Еволюція підходів до виділення факторів зміцнення конкурентних позицій підприємств

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    В статье исследовано развитие теоретической базы дисциплин, которые рассматривают конкурентное позиционирование предприятий. На основе обобщения дисциплинарных подходов к определению факторов укрепления конкурентных позиций предприятий выделено и охарактеризовано этапы развития последних. Сформулированы выводы относительно пригодности использования различных подходов для формирования адекватного современным условиям функционирования предприятий механизма достижения, поддержки и укрепления их конкурентных позиций.У статті досліджено розвиток теоретичної бази дисциплін, що розглядають конкурентне позиціонування підприємств. На основі узагальнення дисциплінарних підходів до визначення факторів зміцнення конкурентних позицій підприємств виділено та охарактеризовано етапи розвитку останніх. Сформульовано висновки відносно придатності використання різних підходів для формування адекватного сучасним умовам функціонування підприємств механізму досягнення, підтримки і зміцнення їх конкурентних позицій.Development of theoretical base of disciplines which examine the competition positioning is explored in the article. On the basis of generalization of disciplinary approaches to determination of factors of competition positions of enterprises it is selected and described the stages of development of it. Conclusions are formulated in relation to the fitness of the use of different approaches for forming of functioning of enterprises of mechanism of achievement, support and strengthening of their competition positions adequate to the modern terms

    Enrichment of Sialylated IgG by Lectin Fractionation Does Not Enhance the Efficacy of Immunoglobulin G in a Murine Model of Immune Thrombocytopenia

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    Intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIg) is widely used against a range of clinical symptoms. For its use in immune modulating therapies such as treatment of immune thrombocytopenic purpura high doses of IVIg are required. It has been suggested that only a fraction of IVIg causes this anti immune modulating effect. Recent studies indicated that this fraction is the Fc-sialylated IgG fraction. The aim of our study was to determine the efficacy of IVIg enriched for sialylated IgG (IVIg-SA (+)) in a murine model of passive immune thrombocytopenia (PIT). We enriched IVIg for sialylated IgG by Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) lectin fractionation and determined the degree of sialylation. Analysis of IVIg-SA (+) using a lectin-based ELISA revealed that we enriched predominantly for Fab-sialylated IgG, whereas we did not find an increase in Fc-sialylated IgG. Mass spectrometric analysis confirmed that Fc sialylation did not change after SNA lectin fractionation. The efficacy of sialylated IgG was measured by administering IVIg or IVIg-SA (+) 24 hours prior to an injection of a rat anti-mouse platelet mAb. We found an 85% decrease in platelet count after injection of an anti-platelet mAb, which was reduced to a 70% decrease by injecting IVIg (p<0.01). In contrast, IVIg-SA (+) had no effect on the platelet count. Serum levels of IVIg and IVIg-SA (+) were similar, ruling out enhanced IgG clearance as a possible explanation. Our results indicate that SNA lectin fractionation is not a suitable method to enrich IVIg for Fc-sialylated IgG. The use of IVIg enriched for Fab-sialylated IgG abolishes the efficacy of IVIg in the murine PIT model

    The effectiveness and cost-evaluation of manual therapy and physical therapy in patients with sub-acute and chronic non specific neck pain. Rationale and design of a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)

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    Contains fulltext : 88910.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Manual Therapy applied to patients with non specific neck pain has been investigated several times. In the Netherlands, manual therapy as applied according to the Utrecht School of Manual Therapy (MTU) has not been the subject of a randomized controlled trial. MTU differs in diagnoses and treatment from other forms of manual therapy. METHODS/DESIGN: This is a single blind randomized controlled trial in patients with sub-acute and chronic non specific neck pain. Patients with neck complaints existing for two weeks (minimum) till one year (maximum) will participate in the trial. 180 participants will be recruited in thirteen primary health care centres in the Netherlands.The experimental group will be treated with MTU during a six week period. The control group will be treated with physical therapy (standard care, mainly active exercise therapy), also for a period of six weeks.Primary outcomes are Global Perceived Effect (GPE) and functional status (Neck Disability Index (NDI-DV)). Secondary outcomes are neck pain (Numeric Rating Scale (NRS)), Eurocol, costs and quality of life (SF36). DISCUSSION: This paper presents details on the rationale of MTU, design, methods and operational aspects of the trial. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00713843

    Molecular Allergen-Specific IgE Assays as a Complement to Allergen Extract-Based Sensitization Assessment

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    Molecular allergen-based component-resolved diagnostic IgE antibody tests have emerged in the form of singleplex assays and multiplex arrays. They use both native and recombinant allergen molecules, sometimes in combination with each other, to supplement allergen extract-based IgE antibody analyses. The total number of available allergenic molecules has reached a diagnostically useful level; however, more molecules are needed to cover all the clinically important allergen specificities. Thus, for the foreseeable future, molecular allergen-specific IgE analyses will remain a supplement for initial allergen extract-based IgE antibody analyses in the diagnostic workup of the allergic patient. As a spin-off, it will enable manufacturers to improve the quality of extracts for in vitro testing. The 2 most exciting diagnostic developments linked to component-resolved diagnostic tests are the possibility to increase diagnostic sensitivity by the inclusion of allergens that are underrepresented in the current extracts and in vitro assays and to increase the diagnostic specificity by taking the information on allergen cross-reactivity into account. Particularly the latter application is still under development. This requires additional studies on the clinical relevance of serological cross-reactivity

    A Lesson from Component-resolved Testing: We Need Better Extracts

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