15 research outputs found

    Impact of Cholesterol on Voids in Phospholipid Membranes

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    Free volume pockets or voids are important to many biological processes in cell membranes. Free volume fluctuations are a prerequisite for diffusion of lipids and other macromolecules in lipid bilayers. Permeation of small solutes across a membrane, as well as diffusion of solutes in the membrane interior are further examples of phenomena where voids and their properties play a central role. Cholesterol has been suggested to change the structure and function of membranes by altering their free volume properties. We study the effect of cholesterol on the properties of voids in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers by means of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. We find that an increasing cholesterol concentration reduces the total amount of free volume in a bilayer. The effect of cholesterol on individual voids is most prominent in the region where the steroid ring structures of cholesterol molecules are located. Here a growing cholesterol content reduces the number of voids, completely removing voids of the size of a cholesterol molecule. The voids also become more elongated. The broad orientational distribution of voids observed in pure DPPC is, with a 30% molar concentration of cholesterol, replaced by a distribution where orientation along the bilayer normal is favored. Our results suggest that instead of being uniformly distributed to the whole bilayer, these effects are localized to the close vicinity of cholesterol molecules

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Inverse-Phosphocholine Lipids

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    We have performed molecular dynamics simulations of lipid bilayers composed of inverse-phosphatidylcholines (CPe), an analog of phosphatidylcholine (PC) with the choline group directly bound to the glycerol backbone and the phosphate group freely protruding into the water phase. Synthetic phospholipids with the CPe headgroup have been proposed for use as drug delivery liposomes. Our simulation results show that the CPe lipids were characterized by a larger area per lipid molecule than the PC lipids. This can partly explain experimental results that show a higher permeability of small solutes through the membranes of liposomes composed of them. Unlike the PC headgroup, the CPe headgroup was found not to bind sodium ions at the water membrane interface. Both lipid types were found to bind calcium ions but do not bind potassium ions. Inversion of the choline group was found to decrease hydration of the membrane in the carbonyl region of the bilayer as well as hydration of the choline group. From analyzing the water ordering in our simulation, we determined that the orientation of the water layer next to the CPe membrane is effectively inverted with respect to the water ordering of the PC membrane, possibly affecting interaction with biomembranes encountered in drug delivery. Due to changes in ion binding, charge group distribution, and water orientation, the electrostatic potential profiles across the lipid bilayer of CPe membranes were found to differ considerably from those of PC membranes. This is a possible explanation of the experimentally observed changes in the charged solute permeability

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of PEGylated Membranes with Cholesterol: Building Toward the DOXIL Formulation

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    PEGylation has been used successfully to increase the circulation time of drug delivery liposomes by providing an external steric sheath. In all FDA approved PEGylated drug delivery liposomes, cholesterol is a key component. In a continuation of our previous work we have simulated a PEGylated membrane with cholesterol added to the membrane formulation to determine the effect on membrane structure of the cholesterolā€“PEG interaction. We show that, like the case for the liquid crystalline membrane, PEG enters into the lipid bilayer, however, in a specific fashion: the PEG winds along the Ī² face of the cholesterol. Additionally, PEG interferes with the role cholesterol plays in structuring and compacting the membrane; when the membrane is PEGylated, the area per lipid increases, rather than decreases, with increasing cholesterol. Our studies provide mechanistic explanations for existing experimental results concerning the effect of adding cholesterol to the PEGylated liposome, including alteration to the liposome compressibility and permeability, and the possible PEG-induced release of cholesterol from the membrane

    Calcium Assists Dopamine Release by Preventing Aggregation on the Inner Leaflet of Presynaptic Vesicles

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    In this study, the dopamineā€“lipid bilayer interactions were probed with three physiologically relevant ion compositions using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations. The in silico results indicate that calcium is able to decrease significantly the binding of dopamine to a neutral (zwitterionic) phosphatidylcholine lipid bilayer model mimicking the inner leaflet of a presynaptic vesicle. We argue that the observed calcium-induced effect is likely in crucial role in the neurotransmitter release from the presynaptic vesicles docked in the active zone of nerve terminals. The inner leaflets of presynaptic vesicles, which are responsible for releasing neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, are mainly composed of neutral lipids such as phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The neutrality of the lipid head group region, enhanced by a low pH level, should limit membrane aggregation of transmitters. In addition, the simulations suggest that the high calcium levels inside presynaptic vesicles prevent even the most lipophilic transmitters such as dopamine from adhering to the inner leaflet surface, thus rendering unhindered neurotransmitter release feasible

    Interaction of Hematoporphyrin with Lipid Membranes

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    Natural or synthetic porphyrins are being used as photosensitizers in photodiagnosis (PD) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) of malignancies and some other diseases. Understanding the interactions between porphyrins and cell membranes is therefore important to rationalize the uptake of photosensitizers and their passive transport through cell membranes. In this study, we consider the properties of hematoporphyrin (Hp), a well-known photosensitizer for PD and PDT, in the presence of a 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-<i>sn</i>-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) bilayer that we use as a model system for protein-free cell membranes. For this purpose, we employed 200 ns atomic-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for five systems containing the neutral (Hp<sup>0</sup>) or the dianionic form (Hp<sup>2ā€“</sup>) of Hp and the POPC bilayer. MD simulations allowed one to estimate the position, orientation, and dynamics of Hp molecules inside the membrane. The dye molecules were found to reside in the phospholipid headgroup area close to the carbonyl groups of the POPC acyl chains. Their orientations were dependent on the protonation state of two propionic groups. Hp<sup>2ā€“</sup> was found to have a lower affinity to enter the membrane than the neutral form. The dianions, being in the aqueous phase, formed stable dimers with a strictly determined geometry. Our results fully supported the experimental data and provide a more detailed molecular-level description of the interactions of photosensitizers with lipid membranes

    How To Tackle the Issues in Free Energy Simulations of Long Amphiphiles Interacting with Lipid Membranes: Convergence and Local Membrane Deformations

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    One of the great challenges in membrane biophysics is to find a means to foster the transport of drugs across complex membrane structures. In this spirit, we elucidate methodological challenges associated with free energy computations of complex chainlike molecules across lipid membranes. As an appropriate standard molecule to this end, we consider 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl-labeled fatty amine, NBD-C<sub><i>n</i></sub>, which is here dealt with as a homologous series with varying chain lengths. We found the membraneā€“water interface region to be highly sensitive to details in free energy computations. Despite considerable simulation times, we observed substantial hysteresis, the cause being the small frequency of insertion/desorption events of the amphiphileā€™s alkyl chain in the membrane interface. The hysteresis was most pronounced when the amphiphile was pulled from water to the membrane and compromised the data that were not in line with experiments. The subtleties in umbrella sampling for computing distance along the transition path were also observed to be potential causes of artifacts. With the PGD (pull geometry distance) scheme, in which the distance from the molecule was computed to a reference plane determined by an average over all lipids in the membrane, we found marked deformations in membrane structure when the amphiphile was close to the membrane. The deformations were weaker with the PGC (pull geometry cylinder) method, where the reference plane is chosen based on lipids that are within a cylinder of radius 1.7 nm from the amphiphile. Importantly, the free energy results given by PGC were found to be qualitatively consistent with experimental data, while the PGD results were not. We conclude that with long amphiphiles there is reason for concern with regard to computations of their free energy profiles. The membraneā€“water interface is the region where the greatest care is warranted

    Interaction of Hematoporphyrin with Lipid Membranes

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    Natural or synthetic porphyrins are being used as photosensitizers in photodiagnosis (PD) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) of malignancies and some other diseases. Understanding the interactions between porphyrins and cell membranes is therefore important to rationalize the uptake of photosensitizers and their passive transport through cell membranes. In this study, we consider the properties of hematoporphyrin (Hp), a well-known photosensitizer for PD and PDT, in the presence of a 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-<i>sn</i>-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) bilayer that we use as a model system for protein-free cell membranes. For this purpose, we employed 200 ns atomic-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for five systems containing the neutral (Hp<sup>0</sup>) or the dianionic form (Hp<sup>2ā€“</sup>) of Hp and the POPC bilayer. MD simulations allowed one to estimate the position, orientation, and dynamics of Hp molecules inside the membrane. The dye molecules were found to reside in the phospholipid headgroup area close to the carbonyl groups of the POPC acyl chains. Their orientations were dependent on the protonation state of two propionic groups. Hp<sup>2ā€“</sup> was found to have a lower affinity to enter the membrane than the neutral form. The dianions, being in the aqueous phase, formed stable dimers with a strictly determined geometry. Our results fully supported the experimental data and provide a more detailed molecular-level description of the interactions of photosensitizers with lipid membranes

    <i>doGlycans</i>ā€“Tools for Preparing Carbohydrate Structures for Atomistic Simulations of Glycoproteins, Glycolipids, and Carbohydrate Polymers for GROMACS

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    Carbohydrates constitute a structurally and functionally diverse group of biological molecules and macromolecules. In cells they are involved in, e.g., energy storage, signaling, and cellā€“cell recognition. All of these phenomena take place in atomistic scales, thus atomistic simulation would be the method of choice to explore how carbohydrates function. However, the progress in the field is limited by the lack of appropriate tools for preparing carbohydrate structures and related topology files for the simulation models. Here we present tools that fill this gap. Applications where the tools discussed in this paper are particularly useful include, among others, the preparation of structures for glycolipids, nanocellulose, and glycans linked to glycoproteins. The molecular structures and simulation files generated by the tools are compatible with GROMACS

    Dehydroergosterol as an Analogue for Cholesterol: Why It Mimics Cholesterol So Wellī—øor Does It?

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    Although dehydroergosterol (DHE) is one of the most commonly used cholesterol (CHOL) reporters, it has remained unclear why it performs well compared with most other CHOL analogues and what its possible limitations are. We present a comprehensive study of the properties of DHE using a combination of time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, quantum-mechanical electronic structure computations, and classical atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. We first establish that DHE mimics CHOL behavior, as previous studies have suggested, and then move on to elucidate and discuss the particular properties that render DHE so superior. We found that the main reason why DHE mimics CHOL so well is due to its ability to stand upright in a membrane in a manner that is almost identical to that of CHOL. The minor difference in how DHE and CHOL tilt with respect to membrane normal has only faint effects on structural membrane properties, and even the lateral pressure profiles of model membranes with CHOL or DHE are almost identical. These results suggest that the mechanical/elastic effects of DHE on the function of mechanically sensitive membrane proteins are not substantially different from those of CHOL. Our study highlights similar dynamical behavior of CHOL and DHE, which implies that DHE can mimic CHOL in processes with free energies close to the thermal energy

    Effect of PEGylation on Drug Entry into Lipid Bilayer

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    PolyĀ­(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is a polymer commonly used for functionalization of drug molecules to increase their bloodstream lifetime, hence efficacy. However, the interactions between the PEGylated drugs and biomembranes are not clearly understood. In this study, we employed atomic-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to consider the behavior of two drug molecules functionalized with PEG (tetraphenylporphyrin used in cancer phototherapy and biochanin A belonging to the isoflavone family) in the presence of a lipid bilayer. The commonly held view is that functionalization of a drug molecule with a polymer acts as an entropic barrier, inhibiting the penetration of the drug molecule through a cell membrane. Our results indicate that in the bloodstream there is an additional source of electrostatic repulsive interactions between the PEGylated drugs and the lipid bilayer. Both the PEG chain and lipids can bind Na<sup>+</sup> ions, thus effectively becoming positively charged molecules. This leads to an extra repulsive effect resulting from the presence of salt in the bloodstream. Thus, our study sheds further light on the role of PEG in drug delivery