829 research outputs found

    Impiego di un sistema spettrometrico gamma portatile basato su uno scintillatore LaBr3(Ce)

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    La risoluzione energetica di uno scintillatore LaBr3(Ce) è decisamente superiore (<3% a 662 keV) rispetto a quella di un più tradizionale scintillatore NaI(Tl) anche se ancora decisamente non comparabile con quella dei rivelatori a Ge. Questa caratteristica del rivelatore, oltre il ridotto tempo di risposta, lo rende adatto per misure “in situ” specialmente quando è importante l’individuazione rapida in uno spettro gamma di manifestazioni fotoelettriche con energia molto prossime tra loro (individuazione di sorgenti o rifiuti radioattivi, misure nel campo delle salvaguardie nucleari, …). Una significativa limitazione nel suo impiego è tuttavia rappresentata dalla elevata radioattività intrinseca che, per determinati range energetici e per alcune tipologie di misura di materiali di origine naturale (es. NORM, materiali da costruzione, suoli, ..), influisce direttamente sui limiti di rivelazione del sistema di misura. Un caso tipico è quello della determinazione, in alcune matrici ambientali, della concentrazione di 40K la cui emissione gamma interferisce con quella del 138La, naturalmente presente all’interno del rivelatore. Fortunatamente questa limitazione non è rilevante nel range energetico 60-1200 keV, in cui ricadono le energie delle principali emissioni gamma di molti radioisotopi naturali e artificiali. In questo lavoro, dopo aver predisposto un sistema spettrometrico gamma portatile basato su uno scintillatore 2”×2” LaBr3(Ce) della Saint-Gobain (BrilLianCe™380) associato a una interfaccia USB- Multicanale (1024 canali) Digibase della ORTEC, con alimentazione indipendente (tramite batterie ricaricabili), sono state valutate le possibilità di impiego e la sua versatilità tramite misure spettrometriche gamma di varia tipologia: dalla identificazione e quantificazione di radioisotopi in diversi materiali, all’esame dei filtri di verifica della contaminazione in sorgenti di alta attività (smear tests), dalle misure per caratterizzare rifiuti radioattivi o prodotti attivati in pezzi provenienti dalla manutenzione di un ciclotrone per uso medicale alla identificazione di composti di torio o uranio e del relativo arricchimento, etc. Il sistema spettrometrico è risultato, in conclusione, particolarmente versatile potendosi ritenere molto promettente il suo impiego in tutte quelle applicazioni in campo ove non è possibile o risulta molto complicato impiegare un rivelatore a semiconduttore. La sensibilità dello strumento, per le dimensioni degli scintillatori che oggi si riescono a costruire, risulta molto prossima se non superiore ai sistemi di misura portatili più comuni mentre la compattezza, leggerezza e i contenuti consumi energetici ne favoriscono l’utilizzo in campo

    Promjenjljivost elektroforetskoga proteinskog profila u “Quarter” konja tijekom natjecanja u obuzdavanju.

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a reining session on serum total protein and their fractions. In the present study, eight Quarter Horses aged 5-15 years were subjected to reining pattern 5 of the National Reining Horse Association (NRHA). Blood samples were collected from each animal before (T0), immediately after the pattern (T1), after 1h (T2), 2h (T3) and 24h (T4), during the recovery period. On all samples serum total proteins (TP), albumin (Alb), α1-globulins, α2-globulins, β1-globulins, β2-globulins and γ-globulins concentrations, and albumin/globulin ratio (A/G) were assessed. One way repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed the statistical significant effect of time on TP and Alb. The application of Bonferroni’s post-hoc comparison showed a statistical significant increase in TP values at T1 compared to T0. Alb concentration increased at T1 compared to T0, T2, T3 and T4. The present study shows how reining exercise affects electrophoretic parameters by increasing TP and Alb levels immediately after exercise. These results provide insight into the reining horse’s physiological response to exercise, allowing better evaluation of the athletic performance of this sport horse.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinak natjecanja u obuzdavanju konja na ukupne serumske proteine i na njihove pojedine frakcije. U istraživanju je osam konja Quarter pasmine u dobi od 5 do 15 godina bilo podvrgnuto vježbi 5. stupnja obuzdavanja prema Nacionalnoj udruzi za obuzdavanja konja. Uzorci krvi bili su uzeti od svakog konja prije vježbe (T0), neposredno nakon vježbe (T1), zatim nakon jednog sata (T2), dva sata (T3) i 24 sata (T4) odmora. U svim uzorcima seruma određena je koncentracija ukupnih proteina, albumina (Alb), α1-globulina, α2-globulina, β1-globulina, β2-globulina i γ-globulina te je određen omjer između albumina i globulina (A/G). Jednosmjerna analiza varijance (ANOVA) pokazala je statistički značajan učinak vremena na ukupne proteine i albumin. Primjena Bonferronijeve post-hoc usporedbe pokazala je statistički značajno povećanje vrijednosti ukupnih proteina neposredno nakon vježbe u odnosu na one prije vježbe. Koncentracija albumina bila je povećana neposredno nakon vježbe u usporedbi s koncentracijom prije vježbe te onom jednog sata, dva sata i 24 sata nakon vježbe. Istraživanje pokazuje kako natjecateljsko obuzdavanje konja utječe na elektroforetske pokazatelje povećanjem razine ukupnih proteina i albumina neposredno nakon vježbe. Rezultati pružaju uvid u fiziološki odgovor na vježbu što omogućuje bolju prosudbu atletskih sposobnosti ove pasmine športskog konja

    Sudden sensorineural hearing loss: is there a relationship between routine haematological parameters and audiogram shapes?

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    Objective: To investigate the relationship between haematological routine parameters and audiogram shapes in patients affected by sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL). Design: A retrospective study. All patients were divided into four groups according to the audiometric curve and mean values of haematological parameters (haemoglobin, white blood cell, neutrophils and lymphocytes relative count, platelet count, haematocrit, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen and neutrophil-to-lymphocite ratio) of each group were statistically compared. The prognostic role of blood profile and coagulation test was also examined. Study sample: A cohort of 183 SSNHL patients without comorbidities. Results: With a 48.78% of complete hearing recovery, individuals affected by upsloping hearing loss presented a better prognosis instead of flat (18.36%), downsloping (19.23%) and anacusis (2.45%) groups (p = 0.0001). The multivariate analysis of complete blood count values revealed lower mean percentage of lymphocytes (p = 0.041) and higher platelet levels (p = 0.015) in case of downsloping hearing loss; with the exception of fibrinogen (p = 0.041), none of the main haematological parameters studied resulted associated with poorer prognosis. Conclusions: Our work suggested a lack of association between haematological parameters and a defined audiometric picture in SSNHL patients; furthermore, only fibrinogen seems to influence the prognosis of this disease

    Leukocyte modifications during the first month after foaling in mares and their newborn foals

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    During early post-partum period both neonatal foals and peripartum mares are most susceptible to diseases. The aim of this study was to establish physiologic modifications of leukogram during the first month after foaling in mares and their newborn foals. To this end blood samples were collected from nine mares and nine foals (T0-T10), every three days from the 1st day until the 30th day after foaling. Samples were analysed for white blood cell (WBC) count and differential leucocyte counts. Two-way repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed, in postpartum mares WBC showed significant higher values at T0 (9.02±0.76) in respect to other time points, and at T2 (8.08±0.53) and T3 (7.92±0.59) compared to T1 (6.98±0.43), whereas in foals lower WBC values at T0 (6.11±0.49) compared to other experimental periods except T1 (6.90±0.94), and at T1 compared to T8 (7.95±0.61) and T10 (7.90±0.36) were observed. The differential leucocyte counts showed significant modifications in the percentage of neutrophils (π<0.001) and lymphocytes (p<0.001) both in postpartum mares and in foals during the experimental period. Furthermore ANOVA showed significant differences between postpartum mares and foals (P<0.01) in all studied parameters, and between postpartum mares and control mares in WBC and neutrophils values. The obtained results provide suitable information about the influence of foaling on leukogram of periparturient mares and reveal WBC dynamics in newborn foals during the first month post-partum

    Lipid and lipoprotein profile changes in dairy cows in response to late pregnancy and the early postpartum period

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    Abstract. In dairy cows the peripartum period involves endocrine and metabolic changes to compensate for the increased energy requirement aggravated by reduced feed intake. Cows adjust to the resulting negative energy balance with the mobilization of lipids from adipose tissue that, if excessive, could lead to many transition disorders compromising the offspring's growth and well-being. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamic changes in serum lipid and lipoprotein profiles in five dairy cows during the peripartum period. For each cow body condition score (BCS) and body weight (BW) measurements as well as blood sampling was carried out 60, 30 and 15 days before calving (−60, −30 and −15BC), at calving day (C) and on days 15, 30 and 60 after calving (+15, +30 and +60AC). Blood samples were tested for serum total lipids, phospholipids, triglycerides, very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs), total cholesterol (Total-Chol), high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) and low-density lipoproteins (LDLs). One-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to determine the effect of the peripartum period on the studied parameters in cows. A statistically significant effect of the peripartum period (P &amp;lt; 0.05) was found in the values of BCS, BW and all serum lipid and lipoprotein indices measured in cows. The changes observed in lipid indices of peripartum cows could be due to the start of milking and the increase in energy consumption in the body, confirming that metabolic adjustments occur as cows move from the gestation to the lactation period.</p

    Coastal Scenic Beauty and Sensitivity at the Balearic Islands, Spain: Implication of Natural and Human Factors

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    Coastal areas globally are facing a significant range of environmental stresses, enhanced by climate change-related processes and a continuous increase of human activities. The economic benefits of tourism are well-known for coastal regions, but, very often, conflicts arise between short-term benefits and long-term conservation goals. Among beach user preferences, five parameters of greater importance stand out from the rest, i.e., safety, facilities, water quality, litter and scenery; the latter is the main concern of this study. A coastal scenic evaluation was carried out in the Balearic Islands and focused on two major issues: coastal scenic beauty together with sensitivity to natural processes and human pressure. The archipelago is renowned as a top international coastal tourist destination that receives more than 13.5 million visitors (2019). Impressive landscape diversity makes the Balearics Islands an ideal field for this research. In total, 52 sites, respectively located in Ibiza (11), Formentera (5), Mallorca (18) and Menorca (18), were field-tested. In a first step, coastal scenic beauty was quantified using the coastal scenic evaluation system (CSES) method, based on the evaluation of 26 physical and human parameters, and using weighting matrices parameters and fuzzy logic mathematics. An evaluation index ("D") was obtained for each site, allowing one to classify them in one of the five scenic classes established by the method. Twenty-nine sites were included in class I, corresponding to extremely attractive sites (CSES), which were mainly observed in Menorca. Several sound measures were proposed to maintain and/or enhance sites' scenic value. In a second step, scenic sensitivity was evaluated using a novel methodological approach that makes possible the assessment of three different coastal scenic sensitivity indexes (CSSI), i.e., the natural sensitivity index NSI, the human sensitivity index HSI and the total sensitivity index TSI. Future climate change trends and projection of tourism development, studied at municipality scale, were considered as correction factors. All the islands showed places highly sensitive to environmental processes, while sensitivity to human pressure was essentially observed at Ibiza and Mallorca. Thereafter, sites were categorized into one of three sensitive groups established by the methodology. Results obtained are useful in pointing out very sensitive sceneries as well as limiting, preventing and/or anticipating future scenic degradation linked to natural and human issues

    Audiologic profile of OSAS and simple snoring patients: the effect of chronic nocturnal intermittent hypoxia on auditory function

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    The objective of this work was to study the effect of nocturnal intermittent hypoxia on auditory function of simple snoring patients and subjects affected by OSAS; we compared the audiologic profile with the severity of OSAS to detect early signs of cochlear damage. One hundred-sixty patients underwent overnight polysomnography, micro-otoscopy, multi-frequency audiometry, acufenometry, TEOAE recording and d-ROMs test. All subjects were divided in four groups, based on presence/absence of AHI (simple snoring without OSAS, mild OSAS, moderate OSAS, severe OSAS). Sixty (37.5&nbsp;%) patients were not affected by OSAS, 58 (36.25&nbsp;%) presented a mild OSAS, 18 (11.25&nbsp;%) a moderate OSAS and 24 (15&nbsp;%) a severe OSAS; the 57.14&nbsp;% of moderate to severe OSAS suffered from tinnitus with respect to the 31.03&nbsp;% of mild OSAS (P&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.024). A higher percentage (41.66&nbsp;%) of hearing loss was found among individuals with moderate to severe degree of OSAS (P&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.0001). All groups were characterized by a mean hearing threshold&nbsp;&lt;25&nbsp;dB HL for 0.25–3&nbsp;kHz frequencies and a progressive decrease in hearing sensitivity, particularly for 6–16&nbsp;kHz frequencies (P&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.05). The analysis of otoacoustic emissions SNR mean values evidenced a significant difference between simple snoring and severe OSAS individuals for 3 and 4&nbsp;kHz frequencies (P&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.05). d-ROM levels resulted higher in patients with severe OSAS with respect to simple snoring subjects (P&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.004). Our data underline the key role of chronic nocturnal intermittent hypoxia in the development of an early cochlear damage and a more marked high-frequency hearing loss in case of severe OSAS (P&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.05)

    Known and unknown event detection in OTDR traces by deep learning networks

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    Optical fiber links are customarily monitored by Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR), an optoelectronic instrument that measures the scattered or reflected light along the fiber and returns a signal, namely the OTDR trace. OTDR traces are typically analyzed by experts in laboratories or by hand-crafted algorithms running in embedded systems to localize critical events occurring along the fiber. In this work, we address the problem of automatically detecting optical events in OTDR traces through a deep learning model that can be deployed in embedded systems. In particular, we take inspiration from Faster R-CNN and present the first 1D object-detection neural network for OTDR traces. Thanks to an ad-hoc preprocessing pipeline for OTDR traces, we can also identify unknown events, namely events that are not represented in training data but that might indicate rare and unforeseen situations that need to be reported. The resulting network brings several advantages with respect to existing solutions, as these typically classify fixed-size windows of OTDR traces, thus are less accurate in the localization. Moreover, existing solutions do not report events that cannot be safely associated to any label in the training set. Our experiments, performed on real OTDR traces, show very promising performance, and can be directly executed on embedded OTDR devices