3,591 research outputs found

    Planar Hall Effect Sensors for Biodetection

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    Synergies of planning for forests and planning for Natura 2000: Evidences and prospects from northern Italy

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    Improvements in the management of Natura 2000 sites are essential to achieve the targets set out by the Habitats and Birds Directives of the European Union. A current focus is on the development of management plans, which are fundamental instruments in the implementation of conservation measures. This study explores the viability of using existing forest plans to assist in this purpose. As case study, we consider the regulatory framework of the Veneto Region, northern Italy. We collected quantitative and qualitative data on forest plans at the regional and at three sub-regional spatial scales: local, district, and biogeographical. Forest plans cover about 54% of the terrestrial area of Natura 2000 sites in Veneto, and 75% of Sites of Community Importance in the Alpine biogeographical region. At the local scale of analysis, metrics from forest plans represent a valuable historical record which can be used to interpret the current state and future trends, especially for forests with long management records. These data can be used to assess biodiversity indicators for the monitoring of Natura 2000 forest and non-forest habitats, in compliance with Article 17 of the Habitats Directive. Moreover, the heterogeneous stand conditions which are promoted by some forest management approaches can improve the conservation efforts for some habitats and species. The scale of local forest plans are typically the most appropriate for implementing habitat management strategies. From this study, we conclude that management authorities should take advantage of the wide spatial coverage and distribution of existing forest plans, especially in mountain areas inside and outside the Natura 2000 network, for the successful conservation of European Union habitats and species

    Exchange-biased AMR bridges for magnetic field sensing and biosensing

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    Magnetoresistive sensors for measurements of DNA hybridization kinetics - effect of TINA modifications

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    We present the use of magnetoresistive sensors integrated in a microfluidic system for real-time studies of the hybridization kinetics of DNA labeled with magnetic nanoparticles to an array of surface-tethered probes. The nanoparticles were magnetized by the magnetic field from the sensor current. A local negative reference ensured that only the specific binding signal was measured. Analysis of the real-time hybridization using a two-compartment model yielded both the association and dissociation constants k(on), and k(off). The effect of probe modifications with ortho-Twisted Intercalating Nucleic Acid (TINA) was studied. Such modifications have been demonstrated to increase the melting temperature of DNA hybrids in solution and are also relevant for surface-based DNA sensing. Kinetic data for DNA probes with no TINA modification or with TINA modifications at the 5′ end (1 × TINA) or at both the 5′ and 3′ ends (2 × TINA) were compared. TINA modifications were found to provide a relative decrease of k(off) by a factor of 6-20 at temperatures from 57.5 °C to 60 °C. The values of k(on) were generally in the range between 0.5-2 × 10(5) M(−1)s(−1) and showed lower values for the unmodified probe than for the TINA modified probes. The observations correlated well with measured melting temperatures of the DNA hybrids

    African and Rwandan Translations of the Bible

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    The article offers a concise presentation of the project linked to the Library Fund of the Pontifical Urbaniana University, namely, to study the inculturation of the Christian faith by relating the documentation on the editions of the Bible to the catechisms in the territories entrusted to the pastoral care of the Congregation for Evangelization of peoples. The vastness of the project itself is marked today by the difficulty of using more extensive documentation than that present in the Fund of the same Library. However, more limited segments of the indicated material of interest can already be identified. More specifically, the African continent shows quite a varied phenomenology of the editions of the Bible: from translations of the Latin Vulgate into local languages, to translations from English or French, themselves translations from Latin. In the post-conciliar period, the translations of the Bible from the original biblical languages emerge. This is the case of the Kinyarwanda versions of the NT (1988, 1989) and of the OT-NT in a single volume (1990, 1992), in which, alongside pastoral purposes, the results of modern biblical exegesis are evident, to the point of proposing categorizations of literary bodies of biblical literature from an interconfessional and also interreligious perspective

    Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2’s activation in transgenic mice fed with high dosage of fish oil.

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    Some fatty acids, such as CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and n-3 fatty acids modulate immune and inflammatory response in ruminants and monogastrics; their supplementation alters fatty acids profile of meat and milk, enhancing their nutritional quality. However, it is still unclear if their addition causes oxidative damage to animals. Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) plays an important role in cellular defenses against oxidative stress, indeed it produces a rapid induction of its target genes involved in antioxidant response. The aim of the project is to investigate the activation of Nrf2 in luciferase reporter mice fed different amount of n-3 PUFA in the diet (7,5% lard, 7,5% tuna oil, 20 % lard and 20%tuna oil). Forty-eight reporter mice are divided into three groups: male, intact female and ovariectomized female. Each group is split in four subgroups fed different diets. Oxidative status will be studied monitoring Nrf2’s activation with in vivo bioluminescent imaging. The inflammatory and immune response will be assessed using calprotectin and lactoferrin levels in faecal samples that are non-invasive techniques. The trial is still in progress: on the 62nd day, animals will be sacrificed after a challenge in order to measure the different effects of diets and +/- oestrogen on stress response. Finally, the post mortem analysis will be carried on extract organs. Data obtained will be analysed using statistical procedures and results will improve the knowledge about interaction between omega-3 fatty acids and animals’ oxidative status
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