168 research outputs found

    Multipurpose Map Designs for GPS Surface-Vehicle Navigation: Spatial Knowledge and Advisory Functions

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    Current car navigation systems primarily utilize track-up maps with spatial turn arrows, which facilitate turn decision-making but do not facilitate acquisition of spatial knowledge of the region. North-up maps do facilitate acquisition of regional spatial knowledge, however, these displays sometimes have arrows heading in directions misaligned with a driver\u27s forward view, such as when the car is heading south. Drivers have difficulty making turn decisions in these misaligned maps because of stimulus-response reversals (Chan and Chan, 2005; Levine, 1982; Levine, Marchon and Hanley, 1984; Montello, 2010). A new display was designed using a fixed orientation north-up map and added a verbal cue to the traditional turn arrow. People are able to concurrently process verbal and spatial information (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974; Paivio, 1971; Paivio, 2006). The new verbal north-up map was compared with traditional north-up and track-up maps, and a no map aid with auditory turn instructions. Participants drove through a simulated environment and made left or right intention-to-turn responses to the map indicator or the auditory instructions. Following the driving simulation, participants drew a sketch map of the region, which was scored to evaluate configural spatial knowledge. Results showed participants using the verbal north-up map acquired more accurate configural spatial knowledge and showed no evidence of decrement in performance for intention to turn times

    Multipurpose Map Designs for GPS Surface-Vehicle Navigation: Spatial Knowledge and Advisory Functions

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    Current car navigation systems primarily utilize track-up maps with spatial turn arrows, which facilitate turn decision-making but do not facilitate acquisition of spatial knowledge of the region. North-up maps do facilitate acquisition of regional spatial knowledge, however, these displays sometimes have arrows heading in directions misaligned with a driver\u27s forward view, such as when the car is heading south. Drivers have difficulty making turn decisions in these misaligned maps because of stimulus-response reversals (Chan and Chan, 2005; Levine, 1982; Levine, Marchon and Hanley, 1984; Montello, 2010). A new display was designed using a fixed orientation north-up map and added a verbal cue to the traditional turn arrow. People are able to concurrently process verbal and spatial information (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974; Paivio, 1971; Paivio, 2006). The new verbal north-up map was compared with traditional north-up and track-up maps, and a no map aid with auditory turn instructions. Participants drove through a simulated environment and made left or right intention-to-turn responses to the map indicator or the auditory instructions. Following the driving simulation, participants drew a sketch map of the region, which was scored to evaluate configural spatial knowledge. Results showed participants using the verbal north-up map acquired more accurate configural spatial knowledge and showed no evidence of decrement in performance for intention to turn times

    Development of a test for recording both visual and auditory reaction times, potentially useful for future studies in patients on opioids therapy

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    Luca Miceli,1 Rym Bednarova,2 Alessandro Rizzardo,1 Valentina Samogin,1 Giorgio Della Rocca1 1Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Udine, 2Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care, Hospital of Latisana, Latisana, Udine, Italy Objective: Italian Road Law limits driving while undergoing treatment with certain kinds of medication. Here, we report the results of a test, run as a smartphone application (app), assessing auditory and visual reflexes in a sample of 300 drivers. The scope of the test is to provide both the police force and medication-taking drivers with a tool that can evaluate the individual’s capacity to drive safely. Methods: The test is run as an app for Apple iOS and Android mobile operating systems and facilitates four different reaction times to be assessed: simple visual and auditory reaction times and complex visual and auditory reaction times. Reference deciles were created for the test results obtained from a sample of 300 Italian subjects. Results lying within the first three deciles were considered as incompatible with safe driving capabilities. Results: Performance is both age-related (r>0.5) and sex-related (female reaction times were significantly slower than those recorded for male subjects, P<0.05). Only 21% of the subjects were able to perform all four tests correctly. Conclusion: We developed and fine-tuned a test called Safedrive that measures visual and auditory reaction times through a smartphone mobile device; the scope of the test is two-fold: to provide a clinical tool for the assessment of the driving capacity of individuals taking pain relief medication; to promote the sense of social responsibility in drivers who are on medication and provide these individuals with a means of testing their own capacity to drive safely. Keywords: visual reaction time, auditory reaction time, opioids, Safedriv

    Doctor@Home: Through a Telemedicine Co-production and Co-learning Journey

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    Telemedicine and remote visits are becoming more and more popular in several medical disciplines, including oncology. The Covid-19 pandemic has enhanced the need to continue to meet patients’ ambulatory care necessities ensuring social distancing and limiting the access to clinical facilities. The National Cancer Institute of Aviano, Italy, has recently launched a program called “Doctor @ Home” (D@H). The pillars of the program are the co-production of the oncological care and the co-learning approach, which sees the clinical staff “hand in hand” with patients to maximize the outcome of the care, trying to take advantage of the new tools offered by modern technologies

    Visitantes florais do algodoeiro Gossypium hirsutum em Quixeramobim e Quixeré no Estado do Cearå.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os visitantes florais em åreas de algodoeiro comercial, cultivar 187 8R, nos municípios de Quixeramobim e Quixeré, Cearå

    Caracterização da ocorrĂȘncia de mastite subclĂ­nica no rebanho leiteiro da Embrapa PecuĂĄria Sul.

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    O objetivo deste documento foi caracterizar a ocorrĂȘncia da mastite subclĂ­nica, levando em consideração o nĂșmero de lactaçÔes dos animais, bem como analisar a correlação de testes laboratoriais e a campo para o diagnĂłstico desta enfermidade no rebanho da Embrapa PecuĂĄria Sul.bitstream/item/166576/1/CoT-92-online.pd
