123 research outputs found

    +MRT: Centralized Web Based Application for Managing Repetitive Tasks

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    Abstract—Task management is broadly classified as a process of managing and assigning different tasks to co-workers, employees or subordinates throughout the life cycle of a project via project managers. Tasks can be of various natures but more specifically we are referring here tasks that are used in the software industry. In this modern world, why a project manager has to assign a repetitive task to its team members repeatedly when a new project arrives. This research paper particularly addresses this issue of automatic task management. In this research we have investigated the problems regarding task management, that can occur during the life cycle of a project and presented a web application MRT which can be effectively served as a solution to those problems. Existing applications like Jira and Trello etc. are helping project managers to automate this process. However, we argue that they are still lacking in few aspects. After examining the existing tools, we felt that there are some problems in automatic task management which are not solved yet. We have solved the problems of task management via MRT. We claim that project managers can use MRT for automatic tasks assignments. MRT novel features, therefore, eliminates the need for human effort for repetitive tasks management. Another aspect of Task management is to provide global access to information regarding tasks status to different levels of employees in hierarchy such as manager, CEO, that helps them regarding taking strategic decisions about employees and further projects. MRT can be used as a safeguard against delays and missed deadlines. More precisely our contributions are i) An algorithm for assigning automatic tasks to employees based on their skill set. ii) Tracking of task dependencies that leads to successful project completion iii) Sub Tasks dependencies tracking that are essential to consider, for declaring a task as completed, pending or not completed. iv) Notification management for timely review of tasks. v). Task Tracking at various levels. vi) Priority-based task assignment vii) Additional feature of document storage viii) Creation of Executive Dashboard of the project to visualize the important metrics. ix) Usage of state of the art ASP.Net Web APIs which ensure the use of mobile apps for MRT x) Fresh API Tokens are sent on each call to enhance the security of MRT. xi) The creation of web services that allows integration of MRT data into various devices such as mobiles, tablets etc

    Relationship between Demographic and Internet Usage

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    The reason to conduct this research was to evaluate if there is any relationship between the Internet usage and demographic factors (age, income, education, gender, and income level) of the Internet users. Hypotheses regarding the association of Internet usage and different demographic factors were developed. Survey was carried out for the collection of data through questionnaire, which included some questions about the demographics of the respondents, and their usage of Internet. Non-probabilistic sampling was used. Sample size used in this research was 299. Outcomes of this research were anticipated to be helpful for the advertisers to understand the viewership of internet/web pages for the online advertisement. Hence, from the results of this research it was determined that no relationship exists between demographics (age, income, education, gender, and income level) and Internet usage. Keywords: Relationship, Demographics, Internet Usage, Non-probabilistic

    Semi-Automatic Story Generation for a Geographic Server

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    Većina postojećih poslužitelja koji nude geografske podatke sadrže brojčane podatke o različitim aspektima. Na rad na novom tipu geografskog poslužitelja potaknula su nas četiri glavna problema: (i) Kako se služiti brojkama kad različite baze podataka predstavljaju različite vrijednosti; (ii) Kako izgraditi velike zbirke slika s detaljnim opisima; (iii) Kako ažurirati informacije koje se brzo mijenjaju kao što su osobe na nekim važnim funkcijama te (iv) Kako opisati zemlje ne samo trivijalnim činjenicama, već tipičnim pričama za te zemlje. U prethodnim smo radovima raspravili i djelomično riješili probleme (i) i (ii). Odlučili smo riješiti (iii), regionalna ažuriranja, povezivanjem s međunarodnim konzorcijem čiji će članovi pomoći ili naći pojedince koji će to učiniti. Problemu (iv), kako stvoriti netrivijalne priče tipične za neku zemlju, pristupili smo ručno (konzorcij je do sada stvorio oko 200 priča) te razvijanjem tehnika za poluautomatsko stvaranje priča, što je tema ovoga rada. Osnovna je ideja bila prvo odrediti skupove pouzdanih poslužitelja koji se mogu razlikovati od regije do regije, izvući „zanimljive činjenice“ iz njih i spojiti ih u sirovu verziju izvještaja koja će se obraditi ručno (zato ga nazivamo poluautomatskim). Izdvajanje „zanimljivih činjenica“ s internetskih stranica može zvučati teško, no itekako je moguće odrediti heuristike koji će to učiniti, što nikad ne prelazi nekoliko redova za svrhu citiranja. Spomenimo kao primjer jedno vrlo jednostavno pravilo: Traži rečenice sa superlativima! Ako rečenica sadrži riječ kao što je „najveći“, „najviši“, „najimpresivniji“ i sl., ona vjerojatno sadrži neku zanimljivu činjenicu. S pomoću mašte uspjeli smo odrediti skup takvih pravila. Pokazat ćemo da priče mogu biti potpuno različite: u nekim zemljama dominiraju povijesne činjenice, u drugima ljepota krajolika, u trećima kulturna i ekonomska postignuća, u nekima neobične činjenice koje se odnose na dobitnike Nobelove nagrade, hranu, sport, druge aktivnosti, državne simbole, posebne zakone i sl. Dobiveni rezultati mogu se provjeriti traženjem bilo koje zemlje u kategoriji „Posebne informacije“ (Special Information) i „Iznenađujuće činjenice“ (Surprising Facts). Svi primjeri opisani u ovom radu uzeti su arbitrarno iz skupine od 190 primjera kako bi se prikazalo kako sustav radi. Važno je spomenuti još dvije stvari: (a) riječ je o radnoj verziji koja je već prilično upotrebljiva; (b) osnovne ideje mogu se primijeniti na bilo koje područje. Geografija je izabrana s obzirom na velik broj podataka i interesa za to područje. Ako su naši algoritmi previdjeli neku važu činjenicu, to je manje važno nego da smo primijenili metode na vrste liječenja ili slično tome.Most existing servers providing geographic data tend to offer various numeric data. We started to work on a new type of geographic server, motivated by four major issues: (i) How to handle figures when different databases present different values; (ii) How to build up sizeable collections of pictures with detailed descriptions; (iii) How to update rapidly changing information, such as personnel holding important functions, and (iv) how to describe countries not just by using trivial facts, but stories typical of the country involved. We have discussed and partially resolved issues (i) and (ii) in previous papers; we have decided to deal with (iii), regional updates, by tying in an international consortium whose members would either help themselves or find individuals to do so. It is issue (iv), how to generate non-trivial stories typical of a country, that we decided to tackle both manually (the consortium has by now generated around 200 stories), and by developing techniques for semi-automatic story generation, which is the topic of this paper. The basic idea was first to define sets of reasonably reliable servers that may differ from region to region, to extract “interesting facts” from the servers, and combine them in a raw version of a report that would require some manual cleaning-up (hence: semi-automatic). It may sound difficult to extract “interesting facts” from Web pages, but it is quite possible to define heuristics to do so, never exceeding the few lines allowed for quotation purposes. One very simple rule we adopted was this: ‘Look for sentences with superlatives!’ If a sentence contains words like “biggest”, “highest”, “most impressive” etc. it is likely to contain an interesting fact. With a little imagination, we have been able to establish a set of such rules. We will show that the stories can be completely different. For some countries, historical facts may dominate; for others, the beauty of landscapes; for others, cultural or economic achievements, and for yet others, unusual facts concerning Nobel Prize winners, food, entertainment, sports, other activities, national symbols, special laws, and so on. The results can be checked on by clicking on any country in the category “Special Information” under “Surprising Facts”. All examples shown in this paper were chosen fairly arbitrarily from over 190 examples, to show that the system is indeed working. There are two points to mention here: (a) it is a work in progress, yet has reached a very useable size; (b) the basic ideas can be applied to any area. The choice of geography was due to the wealth of data and interest in this area, but if our algorithms overlook some important facts, this is less critical than applied to types of medical treatment, etc

    Poluautomatsko stvaranje priča/sadržaja za geografski poslužitelj

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    Most existing servers providing geographic data tend to offer various numeric data. We started to work on a new type of geographic server, motivated by four major issues: (i) How to handle figures when different databases present different values; (ii) How to build up sizeable collections of pictures with detailed descriptions; (iii) How to update rapidly changing information, such as personnel holding important functions, and (iv) how to describe countries not just by using trivial facts, but stories typical of the country involved. We have discussed and partially resolved issues (i) and (ii) in previous papers; we have decided to deal with (iii), regional updates, by tying in an international consortium whose members would either help themselves or find individuals to do so. It is issue (iv), how to generate non-trivial stories typical of a country, that we decided to tackle both manually (the consortium has by now generated around 200 stories), and by developing techniques for semi-automatic story generation, which is the topic of this paper. The basic idea was first to define sets of reasonably reliable servers that may differ from region to region, to extract “interesting facts” from the servers, and combine them in a raw version of a report that would require some manual cleaning-up (hence: semi-automatic). It may sound difficult to extract “interesting facts” from Web pages, but it is quite possible to define heuristics to do so, never exceeding the few lines allowed for quotation purposes. One very simple rule we adopted was this: ‘Look for sentences with superlatives!’ If a sentence contains words like “biggest”, “highest”, “most impressive” etc. it is likely to contain an interesting fact. With a little imagination, we have been able to establish a set of such rules. We will show that the stories can be completely different. For some countries, historical facts may dominate; for others, the beauty of landscapes; for others, cultural or economic achievements, and for yet others, unusual facts concerning Nobel Prize winners, food, entertainment, sports, other activities, national symbols, special laws, and so on. The results can be checked on by clicking on any country in the category “Special Information” under “Surprising Facts”. All examples shown in this paper were chosen fairly arbitrarily from over 190 examples, to show that the system is indeed working. There are two points to mention here: (a) it is a work in progress, yet has reached a very useable size; (b) the basic ideas can be applied to any area. The choice of geography was due to the wealth of data and interest in this area, but if our algorithms overlook some important facts, this is less critical than applied to types of medical treatment, etc.Većina postojećih poslužitelja koji nude geografske podatke sadrže brojčane podatke o različitim aspektima. Na rad na novom tipu geografskog poslužitelja potaknula su nas četiri glavna problema: (i) Kako se služiti brojkama kad različite baze podataka predstavljaju različite vrijednosti; (ii) Kako izgraditi velike zbirke slika s detaljnim opisima; (iii) Kako ažurirati informacije koje se brzo mijenjaju kao što su osobe na nekim važnim funkcijama te (iv) Kako opisati zemlje ne samo trivijalnim činjenicama, već tipičnim pričama za te zemlje. U prethodnim smo radovima raspravili i djelomično riješili probleme (i) i (ii). Odlučili smo riješiti (iii), regionalna ažuriranja, povezivanjem s međunarodnim konzorcijem čiji će članovi pomoći ili naći pojedince koji će to učiniti. Problemu (iv), kako stvoriti netrivijalne priče tipične za neku zemlju, pristupili smo ručno (konzorcij je do sada stvorio oko 200 priča) te razvijanjem tehnika za poluautomatsko stvaranje priča, što je tema ovoga rada. Osnovna je ideja bila prvo odrediti skupove pouzdanih poslužitelja koji se mogu razlikovati od regije do regije, izvući „zanimljive činjenice“ iz njih i spojiti ih u sirovu verziju izvještaja koja će se obraditi ručno (zato ga nazivamo poluautomatskim). Izdvajanje „zanimljivih činjenica“ s internetskih stranica može zvučati teško, no itekako je moguće odrediti heuristike koji će to učiniti, što nikad ne prelazi nekoliko redova za svrhu citiranja. Spomenimo kao primjer jedno vrlo jednostavno pravilo: Traži rečenice sa superlativima! Ako rečenica sadrži riječ kao što je „najveći“, „najviši“, „najimpresivniji“ i sl., ona vjerojatno sadrži neku zanimljivu činjenicu. S pomoću mašte uspjeli smo odrediti skup takvih pravila. Pokazat ćemo da priče mogu biti potpuno različite: u nekim zemljama dominiraju povijesne činjenice, u drugima ljepota krajolika, u trećima kulturna i ekonomska postignuća, u nekima neobične činjenice koje se odnose na dobitnike Nobelove nagrade, hranu, sport, druge aktivnosti, državne simbole, posebne zakone i sl. Dobiveni rezultati mogu se provjeriti traženjem bilo koje zemlje u kategoriji „Posebne informacije“ (Special Information) i „Iznenađujuće činjenice“ (Surprising Facts). Svi primjeri opisani u ovom radu uzeti su arbitrarno iz skupine od 190 primjera kako bi se prikazalo kako sustav radi. Važno je spomenuti još dvije stvari: (a) riječ je o radnoj verziji koja je već prilično upotrebljiva; (b) osnovne ideje mogu se primijeniti na bilo koje područje. Geografija je izabrana s obzirom na velik broj podataka i interesa za to područje. Ako su naši algoritmi previdjeli neku važu činjenicu, to je manje važno nego da smo primijenili metode na vrste liječenja ili slično tome

    Factors Impacting the Buying Behavior of Housewives towards Hypermarkets in Karachi

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    The objective of this research is an effort to understand what are the factors that impact the choice of hypermarkets made by housewives and what do they think about the factors like Convenience level, Store atmosphere, Price and Variety of products, which influence the buying behavior. This research is qualitative in nature and in-depth interview technique is used for the collection of data through respondents and then thematic analyses have been constructed. The results of the study concluded that Convenience level is the most important factor that affects the choice of hypermarkets for the housewives. It is considered as a positive factor for their shopping experience. Some factors within convenience level include parking space available, a well-stated store in terms of prices and category placement so that it saves time and the most important convenience factor due to which housewives are not willing to shift permanently to other store is the location/nearness of the hypermarket to their homes. It is further concluded that the Store atmosphere must be friendly that doesn’t make the customer confuse every time they visit the store. Proper placement of the goods on the aisle, space between them, lightening and the music it is being played all affects the shopping experience of the customer. Prices do affect the way the customer shops but it is not considered a factor that makes the customer shifts their store permanently if it’s not convenient for them. Variety is the least impacting factor that would make the customer shifts their outlet. The housewives generally like hypermarkets as it serves as a one-stop shop for them for all their required items Keywords: Hyperstar, Buying behavior, Housewives, Convenience Level, Store Atmosphere, Variety of Product

    Some Aspects of the Reliability of Information on the Web

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    When we look up information in the WWW we hope to find information that is correct, fitting in quantity for our purposes and written at a level that we can understand. Unfortunately, very often one of the above criteria will not be met. A young person looking for information on some aspect of physics may well be frustrated when finding a complex formula whose understanding requires higher mathematics. In other cases, information may be much too voluminous or too short. This seems to indicate that what we need is presentation of material at various levels of detail and complexity. But most important of all, and this is what we are going to discuss in this paper is: how do we know that what we read is actually true? We will analyse this problem in the introductory section. We will show that it is impossible to expect "too much". We will argue that some improvements can be made, particularly if the domain is restricted. We will then examine certain types of geographical information. Detailed research shows that some quantitative measurements like the area of a country or the highest mountains of a country, even if different sources disagree, can be verified by explaining why the discrepancies occur and by trusting numbers if they are identical in very different databases

    A Potential Approach to Enhance the Seebeck Coefficient of UHMWPE by Using the Graphene Oxide

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    Thermoelectric materials have been a competent source for the production of energy in the present decade. The most important and potential parameter required for the material to have better thermoelectric characteristics is the Seebeck coefficient. In this work, ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and graphene oxide (GO) nanocomposites were prepared by mechanical mixing by containing 10000ppm, 50000ppm, 70000ppm, 100000ppm, 150000ppm, and 200000ppm loadings of graphene oxide. Due to the intrinsic insulating nature of UHMWPE, the value of Seebeck for pristine UHMWPE and its nanocomposites with 10000ppm & 50000ppm of GO concentration was too low to be detected. However, the Seebeck coefficient for composites with 70000ppm, 100000ppm, 150000ppm, and 200000ppm loadings of GO was found to be 180, 206, 230, and 235 µV/ K, respectively. These higher values of Seebeck coefficients were attributed to the superior thermal insulating nature of UHMWPE and the conductive network induced by the GO within the UHMWPE insulating matrix. Although, the values of the figure of merit and power factor were negligibly small due to the lower concentration of charge carriers in UHMWPE/ GO nanocomposites but still reported, results are extremely hopeful for considering the composite as the potential candidate for thermoelectric applications

    Subjective Knowledge and The Antecedent-Mediator Relationship of TPB In Female Adolescence: Healthy Eating Intentions Prediction

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    Purpose: This study aims to examine the predictors of intentions towards healthy eating (HE) behavior by applying the theory of planned behavior. It also aims to verify the way subjective knowledge about healthy eating moderates the attitude-intentions, subjective norms-intentions, and perceived behavioral control-intentions relationships. Methodology: The study employs a survey research design in which data is collected via self-administered structured questionnaires. The sample size was 404 female adolescences of 15-19 years. SPSS version 21, SMART PLS version 3, and AMOS version 20 were used to analyze the reliability, validity, measurement, and structural models. Findings: Family environment, as well as Parental norms and conformity towards those, are stronger to shape positive intentions towards, HE than other societal members’ norms. Perceived behavioral control of HE is not a significant antecedent of HE intentions which might be due to the contingency effect of subjective knowledge. Subjective knowledge about HE moderating the attitude-intentions, subjective norms-intentions, and perceived behavioral control-intentions relationships as proposed. Conclusion: This is the novelty of the present work in that it has presented the moderating role of subjective knowledge about HE on the aforementioned relationships of TPB and cultivated significant results out of it. TPB is extended and delivered that overall model contributed 65% of the variance in determining HE intentions by attitude, subjective norms, and behavioral control

    Osteolytic Skull Lesions Rare but Important Pathology in Neurosurgical Department

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    Objective: To present an overview of varied clinical presentations, investigations and treatment options for Osteolytic skull lesions. Study Design: It was a retrospective and prospective study. Materials and Methods: Between Jan 2011 __ Feb 2014 during a period of 3 years. Twelve patients presented in neurosurgical OPD Lahore General Hospital. All patients were thoroughly investigated with appropriate hematological and radiological investigations. All were followed regularly in OPD. Outcome was defined as Excellent, moderate and poor according to complete or partial remission and recurrence of disease. Results: Total 12 patients were included in the study. Amongst these 7 were male and 5 female. Age group of patients ranged from 6 months to 80 years. Majority of these were in younger age group. Of these 3 cases were each of Tuberculosis and malignancies, 2 midline benign lesions and 1 each of post traumatic, infection and metastasis. All underwent diagnostic / therapeutic procedures and referred for Radio or chemotherapy where indicated. Conclusion: All scalp / skull lesions need careful clinical correlation, appropriate radiological investigations to establish diagnosis and subject them to suitable treatment

    Impact of Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction

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    In this study, the researcher has tried toinvestigate the three types of organizational culture and its impact on jobsatisfaction and employee commitment in Chemical Sector of Karachi. The core objective of the study is toidentify the impact of organizational culture on job satisfaction and employeecommitment in Chemical Sector so as to improve the job satisfaction andcommitment of the employees in their working environment. And research questionis what is the impact of organizational culture on job satisfaction andcommitment of the employees? The study was originated by taking someprevious literatures and tried to find out the research gap. The study wasnever studied in Chemical Sector in Karachi context and this was the mainpurpose and gap for the study. Quantitative research approach was used with 303sample of respondents participated in the study. Data was then collected fromthe Chemical Sector working employees of the Karachi. Reliability was testedthrough reliability test, which shows 89.5% our sample data is reliable. Thisreliability allowed us to further analyze the data. Factor analysis has beenused to shows the independentvariables accuracy of the data. Further Regression analysis has been used todetermine the relationship between supportive organizational culture,innovative organizational culture and bureaucratic organizational culture withjob satisfaction and employee commitment.Keywords: Factor Analysis, Multiple RegressionAnalysis, Supportive culture, Innovative Culture, Bureaucratic Culture, JobSatisfaction and Employee Commitment