52 research outputs found

    Applications of Two-Body Dirac Equations to the Meson Spectrum with Three versus Two Covariant Interactions, SU(3) Mixing, and Comparison to a Quasipotential Approach

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    In a previous paper Crater and Van Alstine applied the Two Body Dirac equations of constraint dynamics to the meson quark-antiquark bound states using a relativistic extention of the Adler-Piran potential and compared their spectral results to those from other approaches, ones which also considered meson spectroscopy as a whole and not in parts. In this paper we explore in more detail the differences and similarities in an important subset of those approaches, the quasipotential approach. In the earlier paper, the transformation properties of the quark-antiquark potentials were limited to a scalar and an electromagnetic-like four vector, with the former accounting for the confining aspects of the overall potential, and the latter the short range portion. A part of that work consisted of developing a way in which the static Adler-Piran potential was apportioned between those two different types of potentials in addition to covariantization. Here we make a change in this apportionment that leads to a substantial improvement in the resultant spectroscopy by including a time-like confining vector potential over and above the scalar confining one and the electromagnetic-like vector potential. Our fit includes 19 more mesons than the earlier results and we modify the scalar portion of the potential in such a way that allows this formalism to account for the isoscalar mesons {\eta} and {\eta}' not included in the previous work. Continuing the comparisons made in the previous paper with other approaches to meson spectroscopy we examine in this paper the quasipotential approach of Ebert, Faustov, and Galkin for a comparison with our formalism and spectral results.Comment: Revisions of earlier versio

    Уровень глюкозы крови при поступлении у больных с острым инфарктом миокарда и без сахарного диабета: прогностическое значение

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    Department of Emergency and Cardiac Rhythm Disorders, Institute of Cardiology, Chisinau, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaAims. Hyperglycemia (HG) is common among patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and is associated with high risk of mortality and morbidity. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between admission plasma glucose level and AMI outcomes in patients without diabetes (DM). Materials and results. 224 consecutive AMI patients without DM were included in the study. Patients were stratified into 4 groups (Gr) defined by admission plasma glucose: Gr1 – 11 mmol/l. The mean follow-up was 26 ± 6 months. Patients with HG were older and more often female. More frequently, at admission, they presented with atypical symptoms, ventricular arrhythmias, in Killip class > 2, developed more often Q wave AMI (p < 0.05), reduced EF% (p < 0.05), progression of heart failure. HG was associated in nondiabetics with increased in-hospital morbidity and mortality (p < 0.0001). Long-term mortality didn’t differ among the groups, but survival term was lower in subjects with HG on admission. Conclusion. Hiperglycaemia on admission could identify high risk AMI patients and is associated with high risk of mortality and morbidity among subjects without diabetes.Цель исследования: изучение взаимосвязи уровня глюкозы при поступлении (УГП) и исходов острого инфаркта миокарда (ОИМ) у больных без сахарного диабета (СД). Материал и методы. В исследование включили 224 больных ОИМ без СД. В зависимости от УГП больных разделили на 4 группы: I гр. – 11,0 ммол/л. Длительность наблюдения составила 26 ± 6 месяцев. Лица с гипергликемией (ГГ) при поступлении были старше и чаще женского пола. Пациенты с повышенным УГП чаще имели атипичную клинику, явления сердечной недостаточности > 2 класса по Killip, ОИМ с зубцом Q (p < 0,05), сниженную ФВ% (p < 0,05), прогрессирование сердечной недостаточности за время госпитализации. У больных без СД с ГГ при поступлении была отмечена самая высокая внутрибольничная смертность. Смертность при длительном наблюдении не отличалась в изучаемых группах. Выводы. Гипергликемия при поступлении является маркером неблагоприятного прогноза и ассоциируется с высоким риском осложненного течения и смертельного исхода ОИМ у больных без СД

    Effective one-body approach to the relativistic two-body problem

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    The relativistic 2-body problem, much like the non-relativistic one, is reduced to describing the motion of an effective particle in an external field. The concept of a relativistic reduced mass and effective particle energy introduced some 30 years ago to compute relativistic corrections to the Balmer formula in quantum electrodynamics, is shown to work equally well for classical electromagnetic and gravitational interaction. The results for the gravitational 2-body problem have more than academic interest since they apply to the study of binary pulsars that provide precision tests for general relativity. They are compared with recent results derived by other methods.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figures. Minor amendments, comments, new references and acknowledgments adde

    MNEs and flexible working practices in Mauritius

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    We compare how far companies based in Africa, India and the 'global North' operating in Mauritius adopt high-trust flexible working practices, and how these are linked to different clusters of wider labour management practice. Using comprehensive firm-level data collected in late 2011, we find that African/Indian company practices are closer to those of indigenous firms than to those of Northern companies. The different company groups operate in quite different ways but regional MNEs operate in a similar way to indigenous companies. We therefore conclude that Rugman and Verbeke’s ‘regionalization’ theory also applies to the HR field. We further find that both a relatively strategic approach to HRM and measures to develop employer-employee interdependence are, respectively, linked directly and indirectly to flexible working incidence

    Heuristic Models of Two-Fermion Relativistic Systems with Field-Type Interaction

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    We use the chain of simple heuristic expedients to obtain perturbative and exactly solvable relativistic spectra for a family of two-fermionic bound systems with Coulomb-like interaction. In the case of electromagnetic interaction the spectrum coincides up to the second order in a coupling constant with that following from the quantum electrodynamics. Discrepancy occurs only for S-states which is the well-known difficulty in the bound-state problem. The confinement interaction is considered too. PACS number(s): 03.65.Pm, 03.65.Ge, 12.39.PnComment: 16 pages, LaTeX 2.0

    Gauging kinematical and internal symmetry groups for extended systems: the Galilean one-time and two-times harmonic oscillators

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    The possible external couplings of an extended non-relativistic classical system are characterized by gauging its maximal dynamical symmetry group at the center-of-mass. The Galilean one-time and two-times harmonic oscillators are exploited as models. The following remarkable results are then obtained: 1) a peculiar form of interaction of the system as a whole with the external gauge fields; 2) a modification of the dynamical part of the symmetry transformations, which is needed to take into account the alteration of the dynamics itself, induced by the {\it gauge} fields. In particular, the Yang-Mills fields associated to the internal rotations have the effect of modifying the time derivative of the internal variables in a scheme of minimal coupling (introduction of an internal covariant derivative); 3) given their dynamical effect, the Yang-Mills fields associated to the internal rotations apparently define a sort of Galilean spin connection, while the Yang-Mills fields associated to the quadrupole momentum and to the internal energy have the effect of introducing a sort of dynamically induced internal metric in the relative space.Comment: 32 pages, LaTex using the IOP preprint macro package (ioplppt.sty available at: http://www.iop.org/). The file is available at: http://www.fis.unipr.it/papers/1995.html The file is a uuencoded tar gzip file with the IOP preprint style include

    In-medium Yang-Mills equations: a derivation and canonical quantization

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    The equations for Yang-Mills field in a medium are derived in a linear approximation with respect to the gauge coupling parameter and the external field. The obtained equations closely resemble the macroscopic Maxwell equations. A canonical quantization is performed for a family of Fermi-like gauges in the case of constant and diagonal (in the group indices) tensors of electric permittivity and magnetic permeability. The physical subspace is defined and the gauge field propagator is evaluated for a particular choice of the gauge. The propagator is applied for evaluation of the cross-section of ellastic quark scattering in the Born approximation. Possible applications to Cherenkov-type gluon radiation are commented briefly.Comment: 27 pages, references added, version extended with emphasis on non-Abelian gauge group impact on medium characteristics. To appear in J. Phys.

    Coalescence of Two Spinning Black Holes: An Effective One-Body Approach

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    We generalize to the case of spinning black holes a recently introduced ``effective one-body'' approach to the general relativistic dynamics of binary systems. The combination of the effective one-body approach, and of a Pad\'e definition of some crucial effective radial functions, is shown to define a dynamics with much improved post-Newtonian convergence properties, even for black hole separations of the order of 6GM/c26 GM / c^2. We discuss the approximate existence of a two-parameter family of ``spherical orbits'' (with constant radius), and, of a corresponding one-parameter family of ``last stable spherical orbits'' (LSSO). These orbits are of special interest for forthcoming LIGO/VIRGO/GEO gravitational wave observations. It is argued that for most (but not all) of the parameter space of two spinning holes the effective one-body approach gives a reliable analytical tool for describing the dynamics of the last orbits before coalescence. This tool predicts, in a quantitative way, how certain spin orientations increase the binding energy of the LSSO. This leads to a detection bias, in LIGO/VIRGO/GEO observations, favouring spinning black hole systems, and makes it urgent to complete the conservative effective one-body dynamics given here by adding (resummed) radiation reaction effects, and by constructing gravitational waveform templates that include spin effects. Finally, our approach predicts that the spin of the final hole formed by the coalescence of two arbitrarily spinning holes never approaches extremality.Comment: 26 pages, two eps figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. D, minor updating of the text, clarifications added and inclusion of a few new reference

    Effective one-body approach to general relativistic two-body dynamics

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    We map the general relativistic two-body problem onto that of a test particle moving in an effective external metric. This effective-one-body approach defines, in a non-perturbative manner, the late dynamical evolution of a coalescing binary system of compact objects. The transition from the adiabatic inspiral, driven by gravitational radiation damping, to an unstable plunge, induced by strong spacetime curvature, is predicted to occur for orbits more tightly bound than the innermost stable circular orbit in a Schwarzschild metric of mass M = m1 + m2. The binding energy, angular momentum and orbital frequency of the innermost stable circular orbit for the time-symmetric two-body problem are determined as a function of the mass ratio.Comment: 52 pages, RevTex, epsfig, 8 figure