804 research outputs found

    Dual-Use Technology Jepang Dan Kepentingan Keamanan Nasional Amerika Serikat

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    The dynamic relations between Japan and the United States are interesting to be observed due to frequently happen in “non-conventional “. Japan and America are two countries leading in the development of high technology, including military technology capabilities. The competition, both in the development of military technology often brings a unique and surprising relationship pattern. This paper shows that Japan continues to develop military technology that affects perception and capability of the country in the International political stage. On the other hand, the Japanese military technology development has given rise to responses from a number of countries in the region, as well as from major countries like USA. This paper shows that the achievement and the use of military technology will determine the future of the country\u27s diplomacy with major countries in the world, especially the United States

    Optimasi Penggunaan Polymer Ultrahib dalam Sistem Water Base Mud di Sumur Rrx-11 Lapangan Rrx

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    Pada suatu proses pemboran, lumpur pemboran memainkan peranan yang sangat penting karenamemiliki fungsi yang tak tergantikan. Pada pemboran sumur RRX-11 yang menggunakan lumpurWater Base Mud dan Ultrahib Polymer, selain sifat rheologi lumpur pemboran yang harusdiperhatikan, harus dipertimbangkan juga kondisi serta karakteristik formasi yang akan dibor.Kesalahan menganalisa hal – hal tersebut akan mengakibatkan kerugian baik dari segi waktu,finansial, maupun keselamatan kerja. Dari suatu perencanaan lumpur yang baik diharapkanpenggunaannya dapat optimal menunjang kegiatan pemboran dengan biaya yang ekonomis.Padatulisan ini dilakukan optimasi dari penggunaan lumpur Ultrahib Polymer untuk mengatasi masalah– masalah yang terjadi di sumur RRX-11, diantaranya rangkaian pipa terjepit, clay menutupirangkaian pipa, annular deadlock dan swelling cutting. Dalam mengoptimasi penggunaan Ultrahib,dilakukan dengan menambahkan konsentrasi Ultrahib berdasarkan metode Cation ExchangeCapacity dan Swelling Test. Penambahan konsentrasi Ultrahib bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkansistem lumpur dalam mengatasi masalah swelling clay. Ultrahib berfungsi sebagai shale inhibitor.Prinsip dasar dari Ultrahib adalah sebagai aditif penghambat dalam bentuk cair yang bekerjasebagai penekan hidrasi clay yang bertujuan mencegah air untuk masuk ke dalam clay denganmelapisi plat clay

    Studi Perhitungan Kebutuhan Alat Berat dan Biaya Lapis Pondasi Aggregat Kelas A pada Jalan Sepunggur - Gunung Tinggi Kab. Tanah Bumbu

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    Dalam suatu pekerjaan, terutama pada pekerjaan-pekerjaan dengan volume besar serta dikejar target penyelesaiannya peran alat berat sangat berpengaruh. Untuk itu dalam penggunaan alat berat tersebut seharusnya pihak pelaksana maupun perencana sudah dapat mengira-ngira berapa produksi tiap jam maupun tiap harinya, agar target pekerjaan sesuai dengan waktu yang ditentukan. Perencanaan matang dalam hal pemilihan jenis dan jumlah alat berat serta metode pelaksaanannya baik secara individu atau gabungan yang akan digunakan suatu proyek, artinya fungsi dan guna alat harus sesuai dengan kondisi medan kerja, kondisi peralatan dan kondisi pemeliharaan. Perencanaan yang kurang baik akan mengakibatkan bermacam persoalan dan masalah yang menjurus pada kerugian atau penggunaan dana yang kurang bermanfaat dan kesulitan kesulitan lainnya. Selain tentang perencanaan yang matang, perhitungan investasi alat pun juga sangat berpengaruh dalam kelancaran operasional alat tersebut. Investasi alat yang dimaksud adalah dimana pembiayaan operasinya ditanggung oleh alat itu sendiri, yang artinya apabila alat tidak berproduksi maka itu merupakan kerugian. Alat Berat yang berbagai macam serta fungsinya, pada dasarnya produksi alal-alat berat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, antar lain : kondisi kemampuan alat, kapasitas blade atau bucket, kondisi material, waktu siklus, kondisi kerja, kondisi operasi, dan faktor operator. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada proyek Pengaspalan Jalan Sepunggur – Gunung Tinggi Kabupaten, Tanah Bumbu yang merupakan jalan penghubung dari jalan lintas provinsi ke kantor bupati Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengerjaan dan pengumpulan data pada tugas akhir ini adalah metode deskripsi dan kepustakaan. Metode deskriptif adalah suatu metode dalam meneliti status sekelompok manusia, suatu obyek, suatu set kondisi, suatu sistem pemikiran, ataupun suatu kelas peristiwa pada masa sekarang. Metode kepustakaan merupakan pengumpulan data dari buku, artikel dan bacaan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan materi penulisan. Dengan volume pekerjaan LPA dan LPB jalan sebesar 8640 M3 didapat Produksi Komatsu wheel loader sebanyak 438,934 m³/hari, motor grader 888,3 m³/hari, dan excavator 1496,88 m³. Sedangkan untuk alat berat merk Caterpillar produksi wheel loader sebanyak 351,148 m³/hari, motor grader 1.065,96 m³/hari, dan excavator 2494,8 m³/hari. Jumlah kebutuhan alat berat untuk merk Caterpillar dan Komatsu memilik nilai yang sama yaitu, Wheel Loader sebanyak 2 unit, Motor Grader sebanyak 1 unit, dan Hydraulic Excavator sebanyak 1 unit

    Analisis Pengaruh Return on Equity (Roe), Debt Equity Ratio (Der), Dan Dividend Payout Ratio (Dpr) Terhadap Price Earning Ratio (Per) (Studi Pada Saham-saham Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Indeks Lq 45 Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2007-2011)

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    Company as a business organization aims to make a profit. Companies need capital to expand its business in order to obtain the desired profit. One way to obtain capital is registered company in the capital market. Companies must demonstrate good performance in order to attract investors. Assessing the performance of the company can assess its stock price. One method that can be used to assess the stock price is a fundamental analysis with a price earning ratio approach. This study aims to analyze Price Earning Ratio (PER) as a measure of the performance of the company and the factors that influence Price Earning Ratio. In this study the factors that are considered influential on the Price Earning Ratio are Return On Equity (ROE), Debt Equity Ratio (DER), and Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR). Research conducted on the banking company registered in LQ 45 on an ongoing basis in the period 2007-2011. The data used are secondary data from the Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD). Results of this research is Return On Equity (ROE), Debt Equity Ratio (DER), and Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) not significant effect on the Price Earning Ratio (PER), either simultaneously or partially

    The Impact of Global Economic Contraction Towards Lending Behavior of Banks in Indonesia

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    The global financial crisis of 2008 that hit many countries had become an important concern, especially thebanking industry in Indonesia. This was because first, the experience of the economic crisis of 1997-1998.Second, the nature of the crisis could spread to other countries. So this study aimed to examine empirically theimpact of the global economic contraction on the behavior of bank credit in Indonesia. Using panel data sourcefrom the Word Bank and Bank Indonesia Year 2004-2012, the data were analyzed with Dynamic Panel data using E-views program 8. The results showed that the global economic contraction had a significant effect onthe behavior of credit in foreign and joint venture banks in Indonesia in 2004-2012

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kemiskinan di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    The purpose of this research is to determine interrelatedness between economic growth and income distribution in Berau regencies. Hypothesis positive interrelatedness linkages economic growth and income distribution in Berau regencies. The analytical tool used in this research is by correlation test. Based on the analysis by calculating the Pearson product moment correlation is positive but not significant between the distribution of low income and moderate in economic growth as well as the correlation is negative and significant correlation between income distribution of high economic growth, while based on the results of the calculation of Spearman Rank correlation There is a positive correlation and not significant correlation between economic growth and income distribution

    Dissociative Identity Disorder Of Main Character In Sybil Novel By Flora R. S Based On Psychological Perspective

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    Sybil novel tells about woman that has sixteen personalities. This novel is very interesting because there is a psychology aspect in this novel. The writer intends to find out the characterization of the sixteen personalities and psychological problems in that novel, in this case, dissociative identity disorder. The writer wants to know about the symptom, the causes, and the treatment of dissociative identity disorder that found in Sybil novel. In finding the analysis of this paper the writer uses descriptive method and library research. The writer found that the author of the novel, Flora, uses both direct and indirect characterization to reveal the characterization of each character in the novel. The characterization can be seen from the character's word, character's thought, and the author's narration. Sybil as the main character suffers from dissociative identity disorder because she got physical and sexual abuse from his mother and she has no one to share and solve her problems. It forces her to get another solution by making other personalities to share her problems. Suffering dissociative identity disorder makes her losing her time. She does not know what she has done and what she told about until she meet with Dr. Wilbur, the psychiatrist who give her psychotherapy to bend all her personalities
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