15 research outputs found

    Perbaikan Manajemen Pakan Silase untuk Keberlanjutan Usaha Peternakan Sapi di Era New Normal pada Kelompok Ternak Bago Mulyo

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    Feeding independence is one of the target achievements desired by every farmer. One of them is the Bago Mulyo livestock group. The Bago Mulyo livestock group is a livestock group located in Gumukmas District, Jember Regency. Several problems of the Bago Mulyo Livestock Group which reduce production by 5% because the prices of production facilities (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and feed) are expensive and the distribution is not smooth; the need for food will increase by 5% due to panic buying and food supplies. The distribution of feed was not optimal, making farmers have to find solutions so that feed ingredients are still available. One solution is to utilize existing feed ingredients and maintain their feed quality until they are available throughout the year, namely by silage method. The implementation of the service consists of several activities, the first was coordination with the head of the Bago Mulyo livestock group, purchased silage materials, simulated modified silo tools, implementation of community service, and surveying the results of community service activities. The results of the community service survey which have shown that 100% of farmers who participate in the service activities understand silage technology with the addition of silo modification from previously only 43% who understand silage technology. The conclusion is an increase in understanding of silage technology which is one of the indicators of support for the service team in carrying out service activities for the Bago Mulyo Livestock Group, so that this technology can be applied properly for the sustainability of the cattle business in the Livestock Group

    Kadar Laktosa, Gula Reduksi, dan Nilai pH Yoghurt dengan Penambahan Bekatul Selama 15 Hari Penyimpanan Refrigerasi

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of 15 days refrigeration storage on lactose content, reducing sugars, and the pH value of yoghurt by addition of rice bran. The experimental design used a completely randomized design (CRD) for 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments consisted of T0 (without storage), T1 (5 storage days), T2 (10 storage days), and T3 (15 storage days). The results showed that lactose content, reducing sugar, and pH value of yoghurt were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). If there were significant differences, then further tested by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Yoghurt by addition of rice bran stored for 15 days in the refrigerator could reduce lactose content and pH values and increased the level of reducing sugar, so that be able to maintain the quality and freshness of yoghurt

    Prevention of Protein Degradation Using Ensiling Coffee Husk

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    The purpose of this research is to provide protein protective compounds during the ensiling process using local materials, namely coffee husk waste. The type of coffee used was robusta. Dry coffee husk (moisture <15%) was ground using a Wiley mill (2 mm sieve). The extraction of tannins from coffee husk waste was performed by the Soxhlation method using ethanol organic solvent (70%). The research involved four treatments and five replications, namely P0= elephant grass silage without tannins; P1= elephant grass silage with the mixture of 3g coffee husk tannins per 1kg fresh silage; P2= elephant grass silage with the mixture of 6g coffee husk tannins per 1kg fresh silage; and P3= elephant grass silage with the mixture of 9g coffee husk tannins per 1kg fresh silage. A completely randomized design (CRD) was employed. The significantly different results were then tested using Duncan's Multiple Test (DMRT). In summary, the addition of coffee husk tannins with a dose of 9g per 1kg of fresh silage presented the best quality elephant grass silage

    Pelatihan Manajemen Pemeliharaan Ayam Jantan Petelur pada Kelompok Ternak Nawawi Farm Jember

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    "Nawawi Farm" Breeder Group of Nogosari Village is one of the breeder's groups community in Jember Regency which has a focus on layer rooster’s commodity business. Members of this group are approximately 100 breeders. Production of laying hens has a final weight of around 800 g. Meanwhile, feeding during maintenance requires quite a lot of cost. The existence of expenditures made and income generated is unbalanced, of course, become quite serious problems in the world of the livestock business. This is due to the lack of understanding of the Nawawi Farm livestock group regarding the maintenance management of Laying Roosters. Therefore, training and educations are needed regarding the maintenance management of laying hens. The service of the community dedication stage begins with analyzing community needs, training in the management of laying hens, to guiding the maintenance of laying hens in the Nawawi Farm Livestock Group. The main results of the implementation of this service carried out is that all Nawawi Farm breeders can understand the maintenance management of Laying Hens properly and correctly. The service activities that have been carried out can be carried out properly and run smoothly in accordance with the planned activities that have been prepared. This community service activity was well-received by all apparatus of the Nawawi Farm breeder group. The suggestion of this activity is a follow-up activity in the form of training on making rations with the use of local feed ingredients, especially in the face of the new normal era now to maintain the economic stability of the Nawawi Farm livestock group

    Kualitas Fisik Silase Rumput Gajah dan Ampas Tahu Segar dengan Penambahan Sirup Komersial Afkir: The Physical Quality of Elephant Grass and Fresh Tofu Dregs Silage with Rejected Commercial Syrup Addition

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    This study aimed to evaluate the addition of rejected commercial syrup on the physical quality of silage made from elephant grass and fresh tofu dregs. The making process and harvesting of silage were conducted out at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, UIN Suska Riau. The ingredients used were elephant grass, fresh tofu dregs, and commercial syrup. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 3 treatments and 7 replications was used in this study. The treatments in this study were P1: elephant grass + fresh tofu dregs, P2: P1 + 5% commercial syrup, and P3: P1 + 10% commercial syrup. Variable observed were dry matter loss, temperature, pH, color, texture, aroma, and fungal growth. The data obtained were analyzed based on analysis of variance, and if there was a significant effect between treatments, then it was followed by Duncan's test at 5% level. The results of this study that the addition of rejected commercial syrup had a significant effect (p&lt;0.05) on dry matter loss, pH, color, texture, and aroma, while temperature and fungal growth were not significant. Silage dry matter loss was in the range of 5.83%-7.61%, silage temperature under normal conditions was 28.7°C -29.6°C, silage pH was within normal limits of 3.61-3.95, silage color followed the color of the commercial syrup used, the aroma was typical of silage to fresh, the texture of the silage was medium to fine, and was not overgrown with fungus. Increasing the level of addition of rejected commercial syrup showed a decrease in the pH value and dry matter loss was better than the control. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that the addition of commercial syrup at the level of 10% BK could improve the physical characteristics of silage made from elephant grass and fresh tofu dregs which were stored for 30 days. Key words:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; elephant grass, silage, syrup, tofu dreg

    Hubungan antara ukuran tubuh dan bobot badan pada induk sapi perah Friesian Holstein laktasi pertama

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between body size and bodyweight of the first lactating FH dairy cow. The research method used was linear regression analysis with 17 individuals at 27-29 months. The observed variables were body weight (BW), body length (BL), shoulder height (SH), and chest circumference (CC). The results showed that the correlation value between BW and BL was 0.6791 with the correlation regression equation Y = -724.63+7.68X1. SH and BW have a correlation value of 0.4043. CC with BW has a correlation value of 0.6863 with the regression equation Y = -733.455.90X1. The relationship between BL and SH has a correlation value of 0.2048. BL and CC have a correlation value of 0.4832. The conclusion of this study was that BW has a correlation of 67.91% to BL and 68.63% to CC of first lactating dairy cows, but does not have a correlation to SH. The more the BL and CC of the first lactating dairy cow increased, the more the weight of the dairy cow increased. BL does not have a correlation with SH and CC. SH has a 60.08% correlation with CC


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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas silase kelobot jagung dengan penamba�han aditif tannin. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kelobot jagung, dan tannin chestnut. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas 5 per�lakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan terdiri atas P1(-): Kelobot jagung tanpa penam�bahan aditif; P2(-): Kelobot jagung + 5% dedak padi; P3: Kelobot jagung + tannin chestnut 0.5%, P4: Kelobot jagung + tannin chestnut 1%, P5: Kelobot jagung + tannin chestnut 1.5%. Data dianalisa dengan analisis ragam apabila terdapat perbedaan nyata maka dilanjutkan uji Duncan. Hasil menunjukan pemberian tannin chestnut mampu memberikan pengaruh nyata (p < 0,05) terhadap kualitas fisil silase. Hasil menunjukan hasil yang berpengaruh nyata yaitu suhu, warna, aroma, tekstur, dan pertumbuhan jamur. Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian tannin chestnut mampu optimal hingga taraf 0,50% yang disimpan selama 30 hari. Kata Kunci: aditif, aroma, kelobot jagung, silase, tani

    Effect of Using Peptide as a Replacement of Antibiotic Growth Promoters_Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research

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    A systematic review and meta-regression were done to investigate the effect of using peptide as a re�placement of antibiotic growth promoters on pig. A dataset was created based on an algorithm for peer-reviewed articles published from 2004 to 2019. The peer-reviewed published articles were evalu�ated strictly following the eligibility criteria for inclusion. Meta-regression was performed using a non�linear mixed model library provided by R Studio 4.1.1 software. A structure algorithm was constructed using ‘magick’, ‘ggplot’, ‘ggplot2’ and ‘cowplot’ add-ons to create a meta-regression. In this study, meta�regression between year of publication and number of pigs included in the experiments was associated with growth performance and diarrhea with p = 0.032 and p < 0.163, respectively. Meanwhile, the source of peptide intercepts for these parameters were 38.33 (p = 0.052) and 48.44 (p = < 0.071), re�spectively. The scientific evidence from the meta-analysis based on the in-vivo studies demonstrates that both form and dosage of the anti-microbial have a beneficial effect on pigs. Keywords: Meta-regression, Peptide, Pig, Systematic revie