29 research outputs found

    3D diffuse tensor imaging important acquisition in diagnostic and preoperative planning of intracranial lesions

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    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a MRI technique that enables the measurement of the diffusion of water in tissue in order to produce neural tract images. DTI allows clinicians to look at anisotropic diffusion in white-matter tracts, but it is limited in demonstrating spatial and directional anisotropy. Advanced methods such as color coding and tractography (fiber tracking) have been used to investigate the directionality. The localization of tumors in relation to the white matter tracts (infiltration, deflection), has been one the most important initial applications. Tractography potentially solves a problem for a neurosurgeon in terms of minimizing functional damage and determining the extent of diffuse infiltration of pathologic tissue to minimize residual tumor volume. In this way, tractography facilitates preoperative planning. Tractographic images may help to clarify whether a tumor is compressing, abutting, or infiltrating the contiguous white-matter tracts. DTI identify different tumor components, and to differentiate tumor invasion from normal brain tissue or edema. The recent development of DTI allows for direct examination of the brain microstructure, and DTI has become a useful tool for investigation of brain disorders such as stroke, epilepsy, MS, brain tumors, and demyelinating disorders


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    We can say that you cannot maintain yourself on the current market of rural tourism operators unless you provide customers with quality products and services, prepared foods safe for consumption, and, not least, if you do not prove you are concerned with ensuring a healthy and clean environment, environmental protection. In this paper we intend to present some aspects of implementing an integrated management system of quality - food security - the average level of tourist pension, and highlight the benefits brought by this ongoing process to the respective operators in rural tourism. To this end, we studied the standards, references available in this area, and documents produced within guesthouses with the implementation of various management systems components of an integrated quality - environment - food security management system

    Nanostructure, nanochemistry and grain boundary conductivity of yttria-doped zirconia

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    This work was directed at a comprehensive study of the role of the nanostructure and nanochemistry on the transport properties of yttria-stabilized zirconia. Alumina additions lead to a decrease Of sigma(gb) when the samples have clean grain boundaries, while sigma(gb) goes through a maximum in samples having glassy grain boundaries. The differences were attributed to the strong interaction between Al2O3 and SiO2 impurities leading to a glassy phase depletion at the grain-boundaries, due to a change in wettability. Moreover, XPS analyses show that Si and Y segregate near these interfaces according to a kinetic demixing process, explaining why a faster cooling rate after sintering has a beneficial effect on sigma(gb)

    Vergleich der CCA Sequenz mit dem FET/PET-CT bei Kontrastmittel-aufnehmenden Hirntumoren - Vorabstudie

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