50 research outputs found

    Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Kapasitas Vital Paru-paru Golongan Usia Muda

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    Obesity is one of the risk factors for many metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Vital capacity measurement is one of the health procedures to show lung function. Vital capacity can be predicted by knowing age and height. Vital capacity percentage shows the result of vital capacity in measurement compared with the predicted vital capacity. Sixty six healthy volunteers (n=66) are used in this study. The results show that vital capacity percentage are higher in normal-thin volunteers with % RBW (Relative Body Weight) < 90% than the normal-normal high weight volunteers with % RBW (Relative Body Weight) < 90-110%. If the findings are compared by using statistical methods, the results show no significance differences (p>0,05)


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    Primer Koperasi Kartika Sejahtera KODAM BRAWIJAYA V Surabaya yang terletak di jln. Raden Wijaya No 1 Wonokromo Surabaya merupakan organisasi yang bergerak dalam bidang perkoperasian simpan pinjam. Sistem yang digunakan masih bersifat manual, untuk itu penulis mengambil judul Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Menggunakan VB.NET Di Koperasi Kartika Sejahtera KODAM BRAWIJAYA V Surabaya. Metode menelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah metode pengamatan, wawancara, studi literature, analisa, desain, pembahasan, uji coba, dan impelementasi. Untuk merancang Sistem Informasi Koperasi Simpan Pinjam, penulis menggunakan work flow diagram, data flow diagram (DFD), perancangan tabel, dan entity relationship diagram (ERD) dan laporan yang dihasilkan adalah laporan data yang meliputi data anggota dan data transaksi, dan juga menghasilkan laporan dalam bentuk grafik. Software yang digunakan adalah Microsoft Visual Basic. NET 2005 dengan menggunakan database Access 2007. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Koperasi Simpan Pinjam ini, diharapkan dapat menciptakan prosedur kerja yang lebih efektif khususnya bagi Petugas Koperasi dan Bendahara dalam mengelola data simpan dan pinjam, serta mengoptimalkan hasil yang diperoleh sehingga peran sistem informasi koperasi simpan pinjam ini layak untuk digunakan dalam mengelola data simpan pinjam. Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi Simpan Pinjam, Koperasi Kartika Sejahtera, KODAM Brawijaya V/Surabaya

    Sistem E-career Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Android (Start Up Application)

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    E-Career merupakan media pada perguruan tinggi dalam memberikan fasilitas layanan kepada mahasiswa, alumni, serta Perusahaan relasi berupa informasi penerimaan kerja berbasis elektronik yang saat ini masih jarang digunakan, karena masih sedikit konten informasi yang disediakan, serta tidak adanya akses Perusahaan relasi dalam memberikan penilaian terhadap alumni perguruan tinggi yang bekerja. Hal ini yang membuat dibutuhkannya suatu sistem e-career berbasis Android (startup application) untuk evaluasi kinerja alumni yang bekerja pada Perusahaan relasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem e-career perguruan tinggi untuk mengevaluasi kinerja alumni yang bekerja pada Perusahaan relasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) sebagai sarana untuk mengukur kepuasan pelanggan terhadap produk atau jasa. Hasil penelitian adalah sistem e-career evaluasi kinerja alumni perguruan tinggi yang bekerja pada Perusahaan relasi. Evaluasi kinerja alumni dihasilkan melalui penilaian yang dilakukan oleh karyawan tetap pada Perusahaan relasi dengan cara mengisi kuesioner yang ada pada sistem e-career. Keluaran dari sistem ini berupa diagram kuadran berdasarkan indikator dan kategori penilaian yang ada pada kuesioner dan sesuai dengan kriteria metode IPA. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah memberikan kemudahan bagi mahasiswa dan alumni perguruan tinggi untuk memperoleh informasi penerimaan kerja melalui sistem e-career serta sebagai sarana implementasi evaluasi kinerja alumni yang bekerja pada Perusahaan relasi

    Pemberian Kombinasi Vitamin B1, B6 dan B12 sebagai Faktor Determinan Penurunan Nilai Total Gejala pada Pasien Neuropati Perifer Diabetik

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    Diabetic neuropathy is defined as symptoms of peripheral nerve dysfunction in people with diabetes after the exclusion of other causes. According to the earlier studies symptoms of neuropathy such as pain, burning, paresthesia/tingling and numbness can be reduced with neurotropic supplementation. The aim of the research is to determine vitamin B1, ­B6 and B12 as a determinant factor in the reduce total symptom score in patient with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This research used case series studies and choose 43 sample with consecutive sampling method. We observed symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (pain, burning, tingling and numbness) measured as total symptoms score, among the patients treated with vitamin B1 (100mg), ­B6 (100mg) and B12 (5000mcg) for a month. Measurement of total symptoms score performed at first meeting, the second week later (day-14) and the fourth week later (day-30). The data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate statistics. The patients (n=43) consisted of 20 male (46.5 %) and 23 female (53.5 %). The symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (pain, burning, tingling and numbness) that measured by total symptoms score compared with first visit (4.70 ± 1.83), second visit (2.99 ± 1.61) and third (2:37 ± 1.62). Bivariate analysis, showed a correlation between a reduction in total symptoms score after giving therapy of vitamin B1 (100mg), ­B6 (100mg) and B12 (5000mcg) with p = 0.00. Vitamin B1, ­B6 and B12 proved to be a determinant factor to reduce total symptoms score (pain, burning, tingling, and numbness) in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy

    Analisa Pengaruh Desain Gritcone terhadap Pola Patahan Gritcone pada Vertical Roller Mill dengan Simulasi Explicit Dynamic (LS-DYNA)

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    Polysius Vertical Roller Mill adalah coal mill yang digunakan PT Holcim Indonesia untuk menggiling batubara bituminous untuk bahan bakar rotary kiln. Dalam pengoperasiannya, salah satu komponen dari Vertical Roller Mill mengalami kegagalan aus yaitu gritcone. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa perseberan ketebalan dari komponen gritcone dengan disimulasikan secara dinamis eksplisit dan berdasarkan kondisi operasional. Ketebalan dinding dipetakan karena permukaan yang terkena abrasi terdapat patahan mikro di permukaannya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan variasi ketebalan 0.01 m, dan 0.02 m serta variasi desain gritcone dengan radius bawah sebesar 0.165 m, 0.215 m, 0.265 m, 0.315 m, dan 0.365 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengurangan ketebalan paling besar terjadi pada desain gritcone dengan radius 0.165 m dengan ketebalan 0.01 m dan 0.02 m, dengan pengurangan sebesar 1.423x10-5 m dan 2.45x10-5 m

    Evaluasi Dampak Penerapan Automated Dispensing Machine terhadap Dispensing Error di Farmasi Rawat Jalan Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Bethesda Yogykarta

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    Dispensing error is not uncommon in the medication proccess. Otomatisation of outpatient pharmacy services decrease the incidence of dispensing error, as well as improving the efficiency of picking, packing and labeling process. Since August 2014 an automated dispensing machine was installed in outpatient pharmascy Bethesda Hospital Yogyakarta, integrated with electronic prescribing and hospital information system. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of automated dispensing machine on the dispensing error at outpatient pharmacy Services using before and after study method. The procentage of drugs deliver by automated dispensing machine at the third and sixth month of implementation was 46% and 59%. Failure mode and effeect analysis of dispensing process done before the implementation, and the integration with electronic prescription and hospital information system, as well as the development of smart pack is the key of successed. The average of medications picked after the implementation of automated dispensing machine was (37,915.33 ± 3,160.12), higher than before implementation (36,812.67 ± 2,890.81), but not significant. The average of dispensing error after implementation (15,67 ± 6,28) was reduced significantly (p<0,05) than before (50.33 ± 34.47). The most frequent type of dispensing error were wrong quantity dispensed, wrong drug dispensed and wrong strength dispensed. The implementation of automated dispensing machine significantly reduce the incidence of dispensing error. Further investigaation needed to know the incidence of dispesning error cause by the machine and manual and factors that influenced

    Remote assessment of learning during the pandemic: junior high school teachers’ experiences

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    This paper explores the teachers’ experiences of remote assessment in the Junior High School of Rizal Technological University. The qualitative study was used to determine the assessment methods used during the remote learning in terms of written and performance task and identify the most effective among other difficulties faced by the teachers in comparison with face-to-face. Data of the paper were obtained by conducting interviews that use open-ended questions from 10 participants who teach in the School Year 2021-2022. The analysis of the study was done according to themes and categories and participants’ answers were quotes excerpted from the transcripts. The study’s conclusion emphasizes the significance of carefully planning exams to guarantee academic integrity. With emphasis on the need to focus on cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor abilities when designing learning exams, especially for online learning, as well as the use of technology tools to monitor results and prevent dishonest behavior during online assessments. Finally, a complementary technique for evaluating students while they are engaged in online learning through teaching resources or learning management systems must be available