314 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Talk Write (Ttw) Terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas IV SDM 020 Kuok

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Talk Write (TTW) terhadap keaktifan siswa kelas IV SD Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDM 020 Kuok Kampar dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IVa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan siswa kelas 1Vb sebagai kelas control pada tahun pembelajaran 2017/2018. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian non equivalent control group design.Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitia ini adalah lembar observasi keaktifan belajar siswa.Data hasil penelitian keaktifan menunjukkan thitung (21,179) > ttabel (1.682), hal ini berarti ada perbedaan keaktifan siswa. Setelah diadakannya treatment dan dilakukan posttest, keaktifan siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelas control. Jadi, ada pengaruh model pembelajaran TTW terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa. adi, ada pengaruh model pembelajaran TTW terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TTW berpengaruh terhadap keaktifan siswa secara signifikan

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Talk Write (Ttw) terhadap Keaktifan dalam Pembelajaran IPS Kelas V Sdn 020 Kuok

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Think Talk Write (TTW) terhadap keaktifan siswa kelas V SD pada mata pelajaran IPS. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDM 020 Kuok Kampar dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas Va sebagai kelas eksperimen dan siswa kelas 1Vb sebagai kelas control pada tahun pembelajaran 2017/2018. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian non equivalent control group design. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi keaktifan belajar siswa. Data hasil penelitian keaktifan menunjukkan thitung (21,179) > ttabel (1.682), hal ini berarti ada perbedaan keaktifan siswa. Setelah diadakannya treatment dan dilakukan posttest, keaktifan siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelas control. Jadi, ada pengaruh model pembelajaran TTW terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TTW berpengaruh terhadap keaktifan siswa secara signifika

    Beeswax as phase change material to improve solar panel's performance

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    © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. One of the main obstacles faced during the operation of photovoltaic (PV) panels was overheating due to excessive solar radiation and high ambient temperatures. In this research, investigates the use of beeswax phase change materials (PCM) to maintain the temperature of the panels close to ambient. Solar panels used in this study has 839 mm length, 537 mm wide, and 50 mm thick, with maximum output power at 50 W. During the study, there were two solar panels was evaluated, one without phase change material while the other one was using beeswax phase change material. Solar panels were mounted at 15° slope. Variables observed was the temperature of solar panel's surface, output voltage and current that produced by PV panels, wind speed around solar panels, and solar radiation. The observation was started at 07:00 am and ended at 06:00 pm. The research shows that maximum temperature of solar panels surface without phase change material is ranging between 46-49 °C, and electrical efficiency is about 7.2-8.8%. Meanwhile, for solar panels with beeswax phase change material, the maximum temperature solar panels surface is relatively low ranging between 33-34 °C, and its electrical efficiency seems to increase about 9.1-9.3%

    Mechanical properties of concrete containing beeswax/dammar gum as phase change material for thermal energy storage

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    © 2018 the Author(s). This study aims to investigate the mechanical properties of concrete containing phase change materials (PCM). This research begins with the investigation of melting temperature, enthalpy, the thermal conductivity of the phase change materials using the T-history method, followed by preparation of concrete containing PCM, and finally testing of mechanical properties of concrete through compressive strength test. This study used beeswax, tallow, and dammar gum as PCM mixture. From the results of the PCM properties test, shows that the latent heat energy content from beeswax and tallow exhibit an excellent potential to be used as PCM, while dammar gum is benefited in increasing the thermal conductivity of concrete containing PCM. From concrete specimen test containing 10%, 20% and 30% PCM with 7 days and 28 days aged, the results exhibit that the mechanical properties of the concrete decreased along with the increasing of PCM content. The same test also conducted at the PCM melting temperature. Therefore, the concrete compressive strength test conducted at 45 °C. From the test results, the concrete compressive strength decreased about 3-24% of PCM-0% concrete compressive strength. Drastic compressive strength reduction tends to occur in PCM-Tallow concrete mixture. This study concluded that the PCM is potentially useful as a heat energy absorber material in buildings and lightweight concrete rather than construction structures

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Alat Musik Kolintang Menggunakan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android

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    --- Penelitian yang berjudul “Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Alat Musik Kolintang menggunakan Augmented Reality berbasis Android” ini merupakan sebuah perancangan yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi Augmented Reality Kolintang yang dapat berjalan pada sistem operasi android. Metode yang digunakan sebagai tahapan penelitian ini adalah metode Prototype yang merupakan metode proses perangkat lunak yang bisa memahami kebutuhan user dan dapat diperbaiki secara terus menerus sampai sesuai dengan kebutuhan user. Aplikasi yang di bangun menggunakan beberapa tools yaitu UML (Unified Modelling Language), Unity, Vuforia dan Blender3D. Maka aplikasi yang di hasilkan yaitu aplikasi augmented reality yang dapat menampilkan alat musik kolintang berbentuk 3D serta jenis suara pada setiap jenis kolintang

    Local Structures of Glassy Al under Various Pressures: A Molecular Dynamics Study

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    Al materials are used in the wide range of application, such as sporting goods, engine components, and aerospace parts. The rapid solidification of Al can save energy and production cost. It has been known that the properties of materials highly depend on their atomic structure. However, there is lack of structural investigation of the Al solidification under various pressures. In this research, we carried out molecular dynamics simulation to investigate the pressure effect on the formation of glassy Al from the rapid solidification process. The embedded-atom-method potential is used to describe the interatomic interaction between Al atoms. Our calculated melting point is in reasonable agreement with the experimental result, confirming the capability of the embedded-atom-method potential for use in the high-temperature simulations. From our molecular dynamics simulation of rapid solidification process, it is obvious that the high pressure shrinks the size of the supercell. We also find that the population of local structures, i.e. face-centered cubic, body-centered cubic, and icosahedral cluster, increase at higher pressure except for hexagonal close-packed cluster. The population of hexagonal close-packed local structure in the glassy Al decreases by the increasing of pressure

    Rancang Bangun Standar Kinerja Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia

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    As an attempt to support the performance and improvement of the image of the House of Representatives in carrying out their duties, it is important to establish performance standards for each member of Parliament as dominant individual running their functions. Designing performance standards for members of Parliament is a process undertaken to draw up a performance standard for the House of Representatives members. Such a process begins with job analysis of Parliament members. The results of this analysis are then used to draw up a job description and work dimensions of Parliament members, to formulate performance standards for the House of Representatives members. Application of performance standards based on these results, if applied uniformly to all members of the House of Representatives, can be used as benchmarks in assessing the performance of these Parliament members, so that it can be used as a guide in evaluating their performance according to “The Regulations of House of Represantative of Indonesian Republic No.1 Year 2014 on Codes of Conduct”

    Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Internal Bank Terhadap Non Performing Loan Berdasarkan Generalized Method of Moment

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    This research aims at finding out the effect of bank internal factor towards Non-Performing Loan (NPL). The internal factors of bank used in this study cover credit expansion level, operational efficiency level, credit interest level, and the percentage of credit with problems in the previous period as dynamic effect. The research was very important to conduct considering in some recent periods, the ratio of NPL owned by the bank group tend to show an increase. If compared to some previous research (especially the research that took the study case in Indonesia), this study had some strengths such as the sample used was relatively bigger in number (used 97 banks as sample during quarterly period II of 2013 until quarterly period II of 2015) and the use of Generalized Method of Moment Model to analyze the effect of bank internal factor towards NPL. Based on the analysis result of Generalized Method of Moment, it could be concluded that the level of credit expansion, operational efficiency, credit interest and the percentage of credit with problems in one previous period individually gave positive effect towards NPL. Meanwhile, the percentage of credit with problems in two previous periods gave negative effect towards NPL
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