209 research outputs found

    L’espace politique rĂ©publicain Ă  Florence de 1494 Ă  1527 : rĂ©forme des institutions et constitution d’une Ă©lite de gouvernement

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    The Republican regime set up in Florence in December 1494 modified the corpus of citizens who acceded to city government. Our study, based on a large prosopographic research, emphasizes the characteristics of Florentine political personnel from December 1494 to May 1527, when an elite of government was formed and the assembly of the Consulte e Pratiche was brought into the limelight. The return of the Medici in September 1512 resulted from a deep crisis of legitimacy, which affected the whole organization of institutions. Thus, a new gap appeared between supporters and opponents of Medicean influence on leadership and deeply modified the role of political personnel.L’instauration Ă  Florence d’un rĂ©gime rĂ©publicain, en dĂ©cembre 1494, modifie la composition des citoyens qui accĂšdent au gouvernement de la citĂ©. Cette Ă©tude se fonde sur une vaste recherche prosopographique, destinĂ©e Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence les contours du personnel politique florentin de dĂ©cembre 1494 Ă  mai 1527. L’évolution observĂ©e aboutit Ă  la formation d’une Ă©lite de gouvernement complexe et place au centre de la vie publique l’assemblĂ©e des Consulte e pratiche. Le retour des MĂ©dicis, en septembre 1512, naĂźt d’une profonde crise de lĂ©gitimitĂ©, qui touche l’ordonnancement institutionnel dans son ensemble. La nouvelle ligne de partage qui apparaĂźt alors entre les partisans et les adversaires d’une mainmise mĂ©dicĂ©enne sur le pouvoir modifie profondĂ©ment les contours du personnel politique

    Le « bruit visuel » dans les Sermons sur Aggée de Savonarole

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    Dans ses sermons consacrĂ©s au cycle d’AggĂ©e (1er novembre-28 dĂ©cembre 1494), Savonarole amĂšne ses fidĂšles, par un processus de visualisation, Ă  ouvrir l’« Ɠil de leur esprit », afin qu’ils aient accĂšs au monde cĂ©leste et puissent atteindre la connaissance divine. Un second transfert, relevant d’un itinĂ©raire spirituel plus complexe, les mĂšne ensuite du champ doctrinal vers le champ politique, ouvrant ainsi sur un discours d’autoritĂ©. Si l’efficace du discours savonarolien doit beaucoup Ă  ce double glissement, nous pouvons toutefois forger l’hypothĂšse que ce dernier porte Ă©galement en lui les sources d’une possible dĂ©connexion avec les fidĂšles, expliquant ainsi la rapiditĂ© de la chute finale du dominicain.Nelle sue prediche dedicate al ciclo di Aggeo (1o novembre-28 dicembre 1494), Savonarola porta i suoi seguaci, attraverso un processo di visualizzazione, ad aprire «l’occhio della loro mente», sicchĂ© possano accedere al mondo celeste e raggiungere la conoscenza divina. Un secondo spostamento, sorto da un itinerario spirituale piĂč complesso, li porta poi dal campo dottrinale a quello politico, dando cosĂŹ vita ad un discorso di autoritĂ . Se l’efficacia del discorso savonaroliano scaturisce da questo doppio spostamento, questo porta comunque in sĂ© i semi di una possibile disconnessione con i fedeli, che in parte spiega la rapida caduta del Domenicano.In his sermons devoted to the cycle of Haggai (1 November-28 December 1494), Savonarola leads his followers, through a process of visualization, to open the “eye of their mind”, so that they have access to the celestial world and can get divine knowledge. A second transfer, which is part of a more complex spiritual journey, then takes them from the field of doctrine to the political field, thus opening up a discourse of authority. If the effectiveness of the savonarolian discourse owes much to this double shift, we can however make the assumption that it also carries the sources of a possible disconnection with the faithful, which explains in part the final fall of the Dominican

    Du portrait diplomatique comme extension des arts figuratifs : la France et l’Allemagne dans les Ă©crits de lĂ©gation machiavĂ©liens

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    De ses lĂ©gations en France et en Allemagne, Machiavel tire deux « portraits » diplomatiques, le Ritracto di cose di Francia et le Ritracto delle cose della Magna, rĂ©digĂ©s entre 1510 et 1512, dans lesquels il investigue les fondements de la puissance de ces deux États. L’étude de ces Ă©crits montre non seulement une concomitance, mais aussi une similitude conceptuelle entre la dĂ©marche entreprise lĂ  par Machiavel, qui articule sa rĂ©flexion autour de la reprĂ©sentation d’une identitĂ© territoriale et collective, et celle qui procĂšde Ă  l’avĂšnement du portrait individuel dans les arts figuratifs. De cette corrĂ©lation dĂ©coule une mutation profonde du rĂŽle que doivent jouer les ambassadeurs dans le nouveau contexte gĂ©opolitique europĂ©en.Le legazioni di Machiavelli in Francia e in Germania sono lo spunto di due “ritratti” diplomatici, il Ritracto di cose di Francia e il Ritracto delle cose della Magna, nei quali egli studia le basi della potenza di questi due stati. L’analisi di questi testi, ambedue scritti tra il 1510 e il 1512, mette in risalto una similitudine concettuale tra la riflessione machiavelliana, articolata intorno alla rappresentazione di un’identitĂ  territoriale e collettiva, e l’avvento del ritratto individuale nelle arti figurative. Questa correlazione mette in risalto il profondo mutamento che subiscono la funzione e il ruolo degli ambasciatori durante la prima fase delle guerre d’Italia.From his legations in France and Germany, Machiavelli draws two diplomatic “portraits”, the Ritracto di cose di Francia and the Ritracto delle cose della Magna, written between 1510 and 1512, in which he investigates the foundations of the power of these two states. The study of these writings shows not only a concomitance, but also a conceptual similarity between Machiavel’s approach (which articulates his reflection around the representation of a territorial and collective identity) and that which brings about the advent of individual portrait in the figurative arts. From this correlation comes a profound change in the role that ambassadors must play in the new European geopolitical context


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    Ce volume rassemble les travaux issus des deux journĂ©es d’étude que nous avons organisĂ©es Ă  Aix-en-Provence les 18 et 19 janvier 2018, puis Ă  Grenoble les 17 et 18 janvier 2019, sous le titre « L’art de la prĂ©dication au xve siĂšcle : efficacitĂ© rhĂ©torique et figurative ». Cette collaboration entre le Centre aixois d’études romanes et le Laboratoire universitaire Histoires Cultures Italie Europe se veut ĂȘtre la premiĂšre Ă©tape de la constitution d’un rĂ©seau de chercheurs travaillant Ă  l’échelle..

    Technologies d'aujourd'hui et de demain pour la numérisation et la manipulation de modÚles 3D

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    International audienceVirtual mockups show numerous advantages against the manipulation of real archeological objects. However, using them in the best way require various software tools, but also the correct and most efficient hardware. Relying on our long experience in the virtual reality hardware domain, this paper describe the various solutions from today and the ones that will be available tomorrow, which will help the digitization process and enhance the use of 3D models. The paper therefore copes with every aspect of the simulation work by detailing the digitization step, the various visualization interfaces and the interaction tools.L’intĂ©rĂȘt d’utiliser des maquettes virtuelles en lieu et place d’objets rĂ©els n’est plus Ă  dĂ©montrer. Leur valorisation repose cependant sur de nombreux outils logiciels, mais Ă©galement matĂ©riels. Se reposant sur notre longue expĂ©rience dans le domaine du matĂ©riel de RĂ©alitĂ© Virtuelle, cet article a pour objectif de dĂ©crire les solutions existantes et futures qui facilitent et optimisent la numĂ©risation et l’utilisation du modĂšle 3D. Il abordera chacune des Ă©tapes de la chaĂźne de simulation, et dĂ©taillera ainsi l’étape de numĂ©risation, les interfaces de visualisation et les outils d’interaction

    Familial and Clinical Correlates in Depressed Adolescents with Borderline Personality Disorder Traits

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    Introduction: Chart review is a low-cost, but highly informative, method to describe symptoms, treatment and risk factors associated with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and to adapt screening and intervention to clinical reality. Previous chart review studies report more aggressiveness/anger and psychotic features in youths with BPD. They show that adverse family environment and parental psychopathology constitute important factors for BPD pathology. Objectives: To examine clinical characteristics of depressed BPD adolescents (12-17 years old) outpatients according to gender and to explore variables which are associated with BPD traits. Methods: A retrospective chart review using the Child and Adolescent Version of the Retrospective Diagnostic Instrument for Borderlines was conducted on 30 depressed BPD adolescents with BPD traits and 28 non-BPD depressed patients without BPD traits. Participants who reached the C-DIB threshold for BPD were included in the BPD traits group. The Child and Adolescent Version of the Retrospective Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines was used to determine the presence of BPD. Comparisons analyses were performed using Pearson’s Chi-square test. Associated factors were determined using regression analyses. Results: BPD traits participants outpatients were characterised by higher family problems (parental psychopathology, parent disagreement/argument, parent-child relational problem), more aggressive symptoms, and higher rates of family intervention and hospitalisation. A number of familial factors (parental history of delinquency, substance use, or personality disorders, having siblings, parental disagreement/argument in boys) were associated with BPD symptomatologytraits. Attention seeking and problematic functioning (does not adapt well to group activities) were also associated with BPD traits. Discussion: Our study stresses the need to assess BPD traits in adolescent psychiatric evaluation, especially in presence of aggressive behaviours, family problems and attention seeking. Our results also highlight the importance of exploring family characteristics intervention in adolescents with BPD traits

    PLoS Biol

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    Microorganisms must make the right choice for nutrient consumption to adapt to their changing environment. As a consequence, bacteria and yeasts have developed regulatory mechanisms involving nutrient sensing and signaling, known as "catabolite repression," allowing redirection of cell metabolism to maximize the consumption of an energy-efficient carbon source. Here, we report a new mechanism named "metabolic contest" for regulating the use of carbon sources without nutrient sensing and signaling. Trypanosoma brucei is a unicellular eukaryote transmitted by tsetse flies and causing human African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness. We showed that, in contrast to most microorganisms, the insect stages of this parasite developed a preference for glycerol over glucose, with glucose consumption beginning after the depletion of glycerol present in the medium. This "metabolic contest" depends on the combination of 3 conditions: (i) the sequestration of both metabolic pathways in the same subcellular compartment, here in the peroxisomal-related organelles named glycosomes; (ii) the competition for the same substrate, here ATP, with the first enzymatic step of the glycerol and glucose metabolic pathways both being ATP-dependent (glycerol kinase and hexokinase, respectively); and (iii) an unbalanced activity between the competing enzymes, here the glycerol kinase activity being approximately 80-fold higher than the hexokinase activity. As predicted by our model, an approximately 50-fold down-regulation of the GK expression abolished the preference for glycerol over glucose, with glucose and glycerol being metabolized concomitantly. In theory, a metabolic contest could be found in any organism provided that the 3 conditions listed above are met
