200 research outputs found

    Cahors – 28 rue Foch

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    Lien Atlas (MCC) :http://atlas.patrimoines.culture.fr/atlas/trunk/index.php?ap_theme=DOM_2.01.02&ap_bbox=1.373;44.401;1.505;44.512 Le diagnostic réalisé rue Foch, dans le centre ancien de Cahors, a permis d'observer plusieurs phases d'occupation moderne et médiévale. Toutefois, l'ouverture assez réduite ne permet pas une interprétation des structures bâties. Un bâti relativement imposant semble exister avant le xixe s., mais dont les cartes et cadastres postérieurs ne font pas mention

    Martel – Église Saint-Maur

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    Lien Atlas (MCC) :http://atlas.patrimoines.culture.fr/atlas/trunk/index.php?ap_theme=DOM_2.01.02&ap_bbox=1.555;44.895;1.655;44.977 Le sondage effectué au-devant du portail de l'église Saint-Maur a permis de mettre au jour des aménagements d'accès successifs. L'église a été bâtie sur un cimetière qui est condamné à cette occasion. Les éléments bâtis les plus anciens sont constitués d'un escalier monumental (trois marches dégagées) et d'un seuil légèrement en avant par rapport au seuil actuel. ..

    Release of Mesocyclops aspericornis (Copepoda) for control of larval Aedes polynesiensis (Diptera : Culicidae) in land crab burrows on an atoll of French Polynesia

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    Sur l'île de Tereia (Rangiroa, Polynésie Française), 14.321 terriers de crabes terrestres ont été traités avec le Copépode #Mesocyclops aspericornis, de janvier à juin 1986, pour lutter contre les larves de #Aedes polynesiensis Marks. En octobre 1987, Tereia a été intégralement retraitée (17.300 terriers), tandis que l'île voisine (Voisin) ne l'était pas, afin de servir de témoin. De 5 à 15 mois après, les terriers traités contenaient une moyenne de 2 Ae.p. immatures contre 97 dans les terriers non traités. La lutte antilarvaire réussit dans les bas-fonds où les terriers restent humides ou en eau. La raison principale pour laquelle #M. aspericornis n'a pas persisté dans les terriers de la totalité de l'île semble être sa mauvaise résistance au dessèchement. Sur tous les terriers traités en octobre 1987 #M. aspericornis a été retrouvé dans 89,5, 39,1 et 24,1 % des terriers échantillonnés respectivement 5, 8 et 15 mois après. Les résultats de cette expérience à grande échelle sur Tereia indiquaient qu'il n'y avait pas de réduction du taux d'agressivité des adultes par comparaison avec Voisin. Quatre expériences de lâchage d'adultes marqués indiquent une faible amplitude de vol et une basse réinfestation interîle

    Arbovirus research in Australia

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    Postural Performance and Strategy in the Unipedal Stance of Soccer Players at Different Levels of Competition

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    International audienceContext: Sport training enhances the ability to use somato-sensory and otolithic information, which improves postural capabilities. Postural changes are different according to the sport practiced, but few authors have analyzed subjects' postural performances to discriminate the expertise level among highly skilled athletes within a specific discipline. Objective: To compare the postural performance and the postural strategy between soccer players at different levels of competition (national and regional). Design: Repeated measures with 1 between-groups factor (lev-el of competition: national or regional) and 1 within-groups factor (vision: eyes open or eyes closed). Dependent variables were center of pressure surface area and velocity; total spectral energy; and percentage of low-, medium-, and high-frequency band. Setting: Sports performance laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: Fifteen national male soccer players (age ϭ 24 Ϯ 3 years, height ϭ 179 Ϯ 5 cm, mass ϭ 72 Ϯ 3 kg) and 15 regional male soccer players (age ϭ 23 Ϯ 3 years, height ϭ 174 Ϯ 4 cm, mass ϭ 68 Ϯ 5 kg) participated in the study. Intervention(s): The subjects performed posturographic tests with eyes open and closed. Main Outcome Measure(s): While subjects performed static and dynamic posturographic tests, we measured the center of foot pressure on a force platform. Spatiotemporal center-of-pressure measurements were used to evaluate the postural performance, and a frequency analysis of the center-of-pressure excursions (fast Fourier transform) was conducted to estimate the postural strategy. Results: Within a laboratory task, national soccer players produced better postural performances than regional players and had a different postural strategy. The national players were more stable than the regional players and used proprioception and vision information differently. Conclusions: In the test conditions specific to playing soccer , level of playing experience influenced postural control performance measures and strategies. P ostural regulation is organized in hierarchic and stereotypic patterns 1 and requires the integration of afferent information from the visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems. 2 Sport training enhances the ability to use somatosensory and otolithic information, which improves postural capabilities. 3 Postural changes are different according to the sport practiced. 4 For example, judo training leads to greater importance being placed on somatosensory information, whereas dance training results in more attention to visual information. 5 Each sport develops specific postural adaptations that are not transferable to the usual upright postures. 6,7 Indeed, Asseman et al 6 evaluated elite gymnasts in 3 postural conditions: bipedal, unipedal, and hand-stands. The gymnasts who were best in the specific unipedal or handstand conditions were not the same as those who were best in the nonspecific bipedal task. Even though nonspecific tasks such as bipedal stance are typically used in activities of daily living, in athletes, it is more relevant to evaluate postural abilities in specific conditions relative to the particular sport. Soccer requires a unipedal posture to perform different technical movements (eg, shooting, passing). The stability of the supporting foot turns out to be critical to shoot as accurately as possible. Therefore, soccer players' postural control should be evaluated in a unipedal stance to respect the specific conditions of soccer. Previous authors have studied soccer players' postural control in a unipedal stance to reduce the risk of traumatic injuries to the lower extremities 8 or to evaluate the effects of rehabilitative training of the ankle joint. 9,10 However, as far as we know, no study has yet been carried out comparing postural performance and strategy in soccer players of different levels of expertise. The postural performance can be characterized by the ability to minimize postural sway, and the postural strategy corresponds to the preferential involvement of short or long neuronal loops in balance regulation. Our aim was to compare postural performance and strategy in unipedal stance between players at different levels of soccer competition

    Infection with Influenzavirus A in a murine model induces epithelial bronchial lesions and distinct waves of innate immune-cell recruitment

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    IntroductionInflammatory lesions after Influenza A viruses (IAV) are potential therapeutic target for which better understanding of post-infection immune mechanisms is required. Most studies to evaluate innate immune reactions induced by IAV are based on quantitative/functional methods and anatomical exploration is most often non-existent. We aimed to study pulmonary damage and macrophage recruitment using two-photon excitation microscopy (TPEM) after IAV infection.MethodsWe infected C57BL/6 CD11c+YFP mice with A/Puerto Ricco/8/34 H1N1. We performed immune cell analysis, including flow cytometry, cytokine concentration assays, and TPEM observations after staining with anti-F4/80 antibody coupled to BV421. We adapted live lung slice (LLS) method for ex-vivo intravital microscopy to analyze cell motility.ResultsTPEM provided complementary data to flow cytometry and cytokine assays by allowing observation of bronchial epithelium lesions and spreading of local infection. Addition of F4/80-BV421 staining allowed us to precisely determine timing of recruitment and pulmonary migration of macrophages. Ex-vivo LLS preserved cellular viability, allowing us to observe acceleration of macrophage motility.ConclusionAfter IAV infection, we were able to explore structural consequences and successive waves of innate immune cell recruitment. By combining microscopy, flow cytometry and chemokine measurements, we describe novel and precise scenario of innate immune response against IAV

    Un établissement du début du premier âge du Fer en Eure-et-Loir : Sours, Les Ouches

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    La fouille du site des Ouches à Sours (28) a permis la mise au jour d’une importante occupation du Néolithique ancien et la découverte, dans la partie nord de l’emprise, de plusieurs structures datables du début de l’âge du Fer (Hallstatt C). Elles correspondent à des structures domestiques (un bâtiment et des fosses) et à une entité “ cultuelle ”: un double enclos en “ U ”.L’habitation et ses annexes sont représentées par un bâtiment de plan quadrangulaire sur poteaux et une grande fosse riche en mobilier (céramiques, ossements et silex taillés). Cette structure peut être associée au fonctionnement d’un four de type “ polynésien ” et avoir servi de fosse de rejet.Le double enclos, ouvert vers le nord, est localisé au nord-est du site.Même si trois céramiques entières ont été trouvées dans son fossé externe, l’essentiel du mobilier céramique (177 individus sur 192) est issu de la grande fosse. Il s’agit principalement de coupes, de jattes parfois incisées, de petits gobelets à panse globulaire typiques du Hallstatt C ou de vases servant au stockage. Ils sont dotés de manière régulière de cordons digités.Ce petit établissement du début de l’âge du Fer a livré un bon échantillon des céramiques en usage en Eure-et-Loir à cette époque ainsi que des vestiges archéozoologiques et lithiques en quantité intéressante. Ces découvertes donnent de nouvelles informations sur les affinités culturelles à la transition entre l’âge du Bronze et l’âge du Fer, période peu documentée dans le Nord de la région Centre.The excavation of the site of Ouches at Sours (28) has enabled the updating of an important settlement from the early Neolithic and the discovery, in the northern part of the site, of several structures datable to the beginning of the Iron Age (Hallstatt C). They correspond to domestic structures (a building and some ditches) and a “worship” entity: a double enclosure in a “U” shape.The dwelling and its annexes are represented by a quadrangular building on posts and a large ditch which is rich in furnishings (ceramic, bone and worked flint). This structure may be associated to the working of a “Polynesian” type kiln and serve as a reject pit. The double enclosure, open towards the north) is situated to the north-east of the site.Even though three entire ceramic vessels have been found in the outer ditch, the majority of the ceramic furnishings (177 out of 192) have come from the large ditch, principally cups, bowls which are sometimes inscribed, small goblets with a globular middle typical of Hallstatt C or vessels used for storing. They regularly have finger made cords.This small dwelling from the beginning of the Iron Age has provided a good sample of ceramics in use in Eure-et-Loir in this period as well as some archaeozoological remains and lithics in interesting quantities. These discoveries provided new information on the cultural affinities to the transition between the Bronze and Iron ages, a period which is little researched in the north of the Centre region

    Beyond The Cloud, How Should Next Generation Utility Computing Infrastructures Be Designed?

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    To accommodate the ever-increasing demand for Utility Computing (UC) resources, while taking into account both energy and economical issues, the current trend consists in building larger and larger data centers in a few strategic locations. Although such an approach enables to cope with the actual demand while continuing to operate UC resources through centralized software system, it is far from delivering sustainable and efficient UC infrastructures. We claim that a disruptive change in UC infrastructures is required: UC resources should be managed differently, considering locality as a primary concern. We propose to leverage any facilities available through the Internet in order to deliver widely distributed UC platforms that can better match the geographical dispersal of users as well as the unending demand. Critical to the emergence of such locality-based UC (LUC) platforms is the availability of appropriate operating mechanisms. In this paper, we advocate the implementation of a unified system driving the use of resources at an unprecedented scale by turning a complex and diverse infrastructure into a collection of abstracted computing facilities that is both easy to operate and reliable. By deploying and using such a LUC Operating System on backbones, our ultimate vision is to make possible to host/operate a large part of the Internet by its internal structure itself: A scalable and nearly infinite set of resources delivered by any computing facilities forming the Internet, starting from the larger hubs operated by ISPs, government and academic institutions to any idle resources that may be provided by end-users. Unlike previous researches on distributed operating systems, we propose to consider virtual machines (VMs) instead of processes as the basic element. System virtualization offers several capabilities that increase the flexibility of resources management, allowing to investigate novel decentralized schemes.Afin de supporter la demande croissante de calcul utilitaire (UC) tout en prenant en compte les aspects énergétique et financier, la tendance actuelle consiste à construire des centres de données (ou centrales numériques) de plus en plus grands dans un nombre limité de lieux stratégiques. Cette approche permet sans aucun doute de satisfaire la demande tout en conservant une approche centralisée de la gestion de ces ressources mais elle reste loin de pouvoir fournir des infrastructures de calcul utilitaire efficaces et durables. Après avoir indiqué pourquoi cette tendance n'est pas appropriée, nous proposons au travers de ce rapport, une proposition radicalement différente. De notre point de vue, les ressources de calcul utilitaire doivent être gérées de manière à pouvoir prendre en compte la localité des demandes dès le départ. Pour ce faire, nous proposons de tirer parti de tous les équipements disponibles sur l'Internet afin de fournir des infrastructures de calcul utilitaire qui permettront de part leur distribution de prendre en compte plus efficacement la dispersion géographique des utilisateurs et leur demande toujours croissante. Un des aspects critique pour l'émergence de telles plates-formes de calcul utilitaire ''local'' (LUC) est la disponibilité de mécanismes de gestion appropriés. Dans la deuxième partie de ce document, nous défendons la mise en oeuvre d'un système unifié gérant l'utilisation des ressources à une échelle sans précédent en transformant une infrastructure complexe et hétérogène en une collection d'équipements virtualisés qui seront à la fois plus simples à gérer et plus sûrs. En déployant un système de type LUC sur les coeurs de réseau, notre vision ultime est de rendre possible l'hébergement et la gestion de l'Internet sur sa propre infrastructure interne: un ensemble de ressources extensible et quasiment infini fourni par n'importe quel équipement constituant l'Internet, partant des gros noeud réseaux gérés par les ISPs, les gouvernements et les institutions acadèmiques jusqu'à n'importe quelle ressource inactive fournie par les utilisateurs finaux. Contrairement aux approches précédentes appliquées aux systèmes distribués, nous proposons de considérer les machines virtuelles comme la granularité élémentaire du système (à la place des processus). La virtualisation système offre plusieurs fonctionnalités qui améliorent la flexibilité de la gestion de ressources, permettant l'étude de nouveaux schémas de décentralisation

    Confining Trypanosoma brucei in emulsion droplets reveals population variabilities in division rates and improves in vitro cultivation

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    Trypanosome parasites are infecting mammals in Sub-Saharan Africa and are transmitted between hosts through bites of the tsetse fly. The transmission from the insect vector to the mammal host causes a number of metabolic and physiological changes. A fraction of the population continuously adapt to the immune system of the host, indicating heterogeneity at the population level. Yet, the cell to cell variability in populations is mostly unknown. We develop here an analytical method for quantitative measurements at the single cell level based on encapsulation and cultivation of single-cell Trypanosoma brucei in emulsion droplets. We first show that mammalian stage trypanosomes survive for several hours to days in droplets, with an influence of droplet size on both survival and growth. We unravel various growth patterns within a population and find that droplet cultivation of trypanosomes results in 10-fold higher cell densities of the highest dividing cell variants compared to standard cultivation techniques. Some variants reach final cell titers in droplets closer to what is observed in nature than standard culture, of practical interest for cell production. Droplet microfluidics is therefore a promising tool for trypanosome cultivation and analysis with further potential for high-throughput single cell trypanosome analysis