23 research outputs found

    Mediciones geofísicas para la ubicación de posibles andenes y drenes enterrados en la zona de estudio perteneciente al Parque Arqueológico de Saqsaywaman

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    La investigación se ha desarrollado en el Parque Arqueológico de Saqsayhuamán considerado como Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación, el que se ubica en el Departamento de Cusco. En el año 2009 se tuvieron daños notables en los muros de la tercera terraza en la parte central algunos muros colapsaron, se asume que la principal causa fue el empuje lateral ocasionado por exceso de la cantidad de escorrentía producto de las precipitaciones y la presencia de movimientos sísmicos. Para analizar los daños ocasionados y proponer alternativas de solución se realizaron técnicas no destructivas mediante ensayos geofísicos aplicando los métodos Georadar GPR y Refracción Sísmica para la ubicación de posibles andenes y drenes enterrados en la zona de estudio. De los resultados obtenidos se ha identificado en los radargramas, tres tipos de materiales: suelo de cultivo, gravas con presencia de material fino y fragmentos de roca y obtenido velocidades de ondas Vp que varían de 300 m/s – 2300 m/s. Asimismo los resultados de los ensayos geofísicos nos proporcionaron evidencias de presencia de muros incas y terrazas que se encuentran actualmente enterradas.Trabado de investigacio

    Effect of Acinetobacter sp on Metalaxyl Degradation and Metabolite Profile of Potato Seedlings (Solanum tuberosum L.) Alpha Variety

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    One of the most serious diseases in potato cultivars is caused by the pathogen Phytophthora infestans, which affects leaves, stems and tubers. Metalaxyl is a fungicide that protects potato plants from Phytophthora infestans. In Mexico, farmers apply metalaxyl 35 times during the cycle of potato production and the last application is typically 15 days before harvest. There are no records related to the presence of metalaxyl in potato tubers in Mexico. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of Acinetobacter sp on metalaxyl degradation in potato seedlings. The effect of bacteria and metalaxyl on the growth of potato seedlings was also evaluated. A metabolite profile analysis was conducted to determine potential molecular biomarkers produced by potato seedlings in the presence of Acinetobacter sp and metalaxyl. Metalaxyl did not affect the growth of potato seedlings. However, Acinetobacter sp strongly affected the growth of inoculated seedlings, as confirmed by plant length and plant fresh weights which were lower in inoculated potato seedlings (40% and 27%, respectively) compared to the controls. Acinetobacter sp also affected root formation. Inoculated potato seedlings showed a decrease in root formation compared to the controls. LC-MS/MS analysis of metalaxyl residues in potato seedlings suggests that Acinetobacter sp did not degrade metalaxyl. GC–TOF–MS platform was used in metabolic profiling studies. Statistical data analysis and metabolic pathway analysis allowed suggesting the alteration of metabolic pathways by both Acinetobacter sp infection and metalaxyl treatment. Several hundred metabolites were detected, 137 metabolites were identified and 15 metabolic markers were suggested based on statistical change significance found with PLS-DA analysis. These results are important for better understanding the interactions of putative endophytic bacteria and pesticides on plants and their possible effects on plant metabolism


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    Mammals maintain the structure of the forest and are important as a source of protein and economic income for Amazonian people. To determine the diversity of large and medium bodied mammals (excluding bats and small rodents) in the Putumayo-Napo-Amazonas interfluvium, 1908.1 km of linear transects were walked recording tracks and sightings, 146 camera traps were deployed for a total of 977 camera days, and burrows were searched for on 118,4 km of transects. In addition, species recorded were collected from 13 publications between 2004 and 2020. Diversity was taken as the species richness, while the expected richness was estimated with Chao 1 and the similarity between habitats was analyzed with the Morisita index. Species richness was high; 56 species from 26 families and 9 orders were recorded, and it was similar in low hills, high terraces, middle terraces and mixed palm swamps, but it was very low in peatland pole forest and riverine forest. The middle terrace and mixed palm swamps were very similar according to the Morisita index, as were the high terrace and low hill. The primates Leontocebus nigricollis, Pithecia hirsuta, Cheracebus lucifer, and Lagothrix lagothricha lagothricha are restricted to this interfluvium. The most threatened species present were Pteronura brasiliensis and L. lagothricha. The most frequent anthropogenic threats were overhunting, selective logging and deforestation. This watershed has a high diversity of mammals and healthy populations of game animals with the potential for sustainable use to benefit native communities and mitigate threats to the area from unsustainable use.Los mamíferos mantienen la estructura del bosque y son importantes como fuente proteica y económica para las comunidades amazónicas. Para conocer la diversidad de mamíferos (excepto murciélagos, roedores pequeños y marsupiales) en los hábitats del interfluvio Putumayo-Napo-Amazonas, se recorrieron 1908,1 km de transectos lineales en donde se avistaron y registraron huellas, 146 cámaras trampa fueron instaladas y se tuvo 977 días/cámaras trampa, se buscaron madrigueras en 118,4 km de transectos. Además, se recopiló información de 13 publicaciones desde 2004 hasta 2020 para conocer la diversidad en el interfluvio. La diversidad fue tomada como riqueza de especies registradas, mientras que la riqueza esperada fue estimada con Chao 1 y la similitud entre hábitats fue analizada con el índice de Morisita. La riqueza fue alta, se registraron 56 especies de 26 familias y 9 órdenes, y fue similar en colina baja, terraza alta, terraza media y aguajal mixto, pero fue muy bajo en el varillal pantanoso y en el bosque de orilla. Los hábitats de terraza media y aguajal mixto fueron muy similares, así como el de terraza alta con colina baja. Los primates Leontocebus nigricollis, Pithecia hirsuta y Cheracebus lucifer, Lagothrix lagothricha lagothricha están restringidas a este interfluvio y las especies con mayor amenaza fueron Pteronura brasiliensis y L. lagothricha. Las amenazas antropogénicas más frecuentes fueron, sobre caza, tala selectiva y deforestación. Este interfluvio tiene una enorme diversidad de mamíferos que puede soportar programas de uso sostenible de animales de caza para beneficiar a las comunidades nativas y de esta forma mitigar las amenazas más frecuentes

    Methodological improvement on local Gabor face recognition based on feature selection and enhanced Borda count

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    Artículo de publicación ISIFace recognition has a wide range of possible applications in surveillance, human computer interfaces and marketing and advertising goods for selected customers according to age and gender. Because of the high classification rate and reduced computational time, one of the best methods for face recognition is based on Gabor jet feature extraction and Borda count classification. In this paper, we propose methodological improvements to increase face recognition rate by selection of Gabor jets using entropy and genetic algorithms. This selection of jets additionally allows faster processing for real-time face recognition. We also propose improvements in the Borda count classification through a weighted Borda count and a threshold to eliminate low score jets from the voting process to increase the face recognition rate. Combinations of Gabor jet selection and Borda count improvements are also proposed. We compare our results with those published in the literature to date and find significant improvements. Our best results on the FERET database are 99.8%, 99.5%, 89.2% and 86.8% recognition rates on the subsets Fb, Fc, Dup1 and Dup2, respectively. Compared to the best results published in the literature, the total number of recognition errors decreased from 163 to 112 (31%). We also tested the proposed method under illumination changes, occlusions with sunglasses and scarves and for small pose variations. Results on two different face databases (AR and Extended Yale B) with significant illumination changes showed over 90% recognition rate. The combination EJS-BTH-BIP reached 98% and 99% recognition rate in images with sunglasses and scarves from the AR database, respectively. The proposed method reached 93.5% recognition on faces with small pose variation of 25 degrees rotation and 98.5% with 15% rotation in the FERET database.FONDECYT 1080593 Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Chile CONICY


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    Se evaluó la percepción indígena kichwa sobre la abundancia de animales de caza usando la teoría de consenso cultural. Se calculó la densidad y biomasa obtenida con el método de transectos lineales y en banda. Se entrevistó a 25 cazadores kichwas y se recorrió 12 transectos lineales sumando un esfuerzo de 556.1 km en la zona de caza de la Reserva Nacional Pucacuro. La percepción de los cazadores sobre la abundancia de animales de caza estuvo significativamente correlacionada con la densidad y biomasa, sin embargo, la abundancia percibida de Dasyprocta fuliginosa, Nasua nasua y Tapirus terrestris fue diferente a los resultados de censos debido a la subestimación de los censos por transectos. Se propone una ecuación de regresión exponencial para calcular la densidad de animales de caza en base a scores de percepción de abundancia de cazadores. El conocimiento local de los kichwas debe ser tomado en cuenta en los programas de monitoreos de animales de caza


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    El supay pichico Callimico goeldii es una especie pequeña y rara, categorizada como Vulnerable por la legislación nacional y por la UICN. Su distribución en la Amazonía peruana no es homogénea y se desconocen sus causas. Desde el 2012 hasta el 2015 se buscó C. goeldii en 21 transectos lineales de 3 a 5 km, con un recorrido total de 3001.3 km, también se realizó entrevistas de consenso cultural a 33 cazadores Kichwas en el 2015, con el objetivo de conocer la densidad y su distribución en la Reserva Nacional Pucacuro (RNP). Se utilizaron coberturas de formaciones geológicas y de sistemas ecológicos para ayudar a explicar 2 los patrones de distribución. C. goeldiituvo una densidad de 0.85 ind/km , y los cazadores consensuadamente (Eigenvalue = 8.1) percibieron como especie rara. Esta baja densidad puede ser debida a la formación de grupos monoespecíficos. Está ausente en los bosques de la Formación Pebas ubicado en la cuenca alta del río Pucacuro, así como en los bosques de la Formación Nauta superior, ubicados a la margen derecha del mismo río. Sólo se registró en los transectos de la zona Posayo y Pañayacu ubicados a la margen izquierda en los bosques de colina baja sobre la Formación Nauta inferior (FNi) limitando con el sistema ecológico denominado Bosque azonal semideciduo del oeste de la Amazonía. La distribución de esta población es congruente con la FNi siguiendo la margen izquierda de la cuenca baja del río Pucacuro, Tigre y Marañón, limitando con el bosque azonal semideciduo

    Endovascular coiling of right vertebral artery saccular aneurysm at non-branching site: A potential and safe treatment option

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    We report the case of a woman in her 50 s who was admitted to the emergency room with a focal neurological deficit and thunderclap headache; computed tomography evidenced subarachnoid hemorrhage. An external ventricular drain (EVD) was placed before coiling a saccular aneurysm at the 4th segment of the right vertebral artery at the non-branching site, diagnosed with cerebral angiography. The patient's clinical conditions improved and she was discharged home with excellent functional status. Aneurysms of the non-branching vertebral artery are rare lesions associated with high morbidity and mortality. Endovascular treatment (EVT) has become an increasingly popular approach for these lesions as a potential and safe treatment option for ruptured VA saccular aneurysms, especially in the context of a patient with a poor initial neurological condition, diminishing the higher rates of morbidity and mortality linked to the complex technique of the surgical approach to the posterior fossa

    Abnormal distribution of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors in human muscle can be related to altered calcium signals and gene expression in Duchenne dystrophy-derived cells

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    Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors (IP3Rs) drive calcium signals involved in skeletal muscle excitation-transcription coupling and plasticity; IP3R subtype distribution and downstream events evoked by their activation have not been studied in human muscle nor has their possible alteration in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). We studied the expression and localization of IP3R subtypes in normal and DMD human muscle and in normal (RCMH) and dystrophic (RCDMD) human muscle cell lines. In normal muscle, both type 1 IP3Rs (IP3R1) and type 2 IP3Rs (IP3R2) show a higher expression in type II fibers, whereas type 3 IP3Rs (IP3R3) show uniform distribution. In DMD biopsies, all fibers display a homogeneous IP3R2 label, whereas 24 ± 7% of type II fibers have lost the IP3R1 label. RCDMD cells show 5-fold overexpression of IP3R2 and down-regulation of IP3R3 compared with RCMH cells. A tetanic stimulus induces IP 3-dependent slow Ca2+ transients significantly larger and faster in RCDMD c