20 research outputs found

    Procedimiento para estimar rendimientos potenciales de café tipo arábiga (Coffea arabica L.) a partir de la temperatura diurna: Procedure to estimate arabica coffe (Coffea arabica L.) potential yields using diurnal temperature

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    En el presente estudio se propone un nuevo procedimiento para calcular el rendimiento potencial del cultivo de café (Coffea arábica L.) con base en la temperatura diurna. Este procedimiento solo es aplicable en aquellas áreas que previamente han sido clasificadas por suelo y clima, como muy aptas para ese cultivo en particular. El procedimiento se describe a detalle y se ejemplifica en el área de influencia de la estación climatológica de Dos Patrias, Tacotalpa, Tabasco, México, que es un área productora de café a la que previamente se le determinó el rendimiento potencial del café tipo arábiga por el método de Zonificación Agro-Ecológica (ZAE) propuesto por la FAO. El resultado del método propuesto, se comparó con el obtenido previamente por el método de la FAO y ambos métodos estiman el rendimiento potencial del café tipo arábiga, con menos del 3 % de diferencia

    Climatic variables that favor the Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet) [anamorph: Pseudocercospora fijiensis (Morelet) Deighton] infestation in a banana-growing zone

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    Objective:  Characterize how favorable or unfavorable are the climatic conditions for the incidence and development of Black Sigatoka in the banana región of Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: Daily temperature data from 59 years from Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico, climatological station (27044) were analized (1961-2019), using historical reports fron IMTA, (2009) and the National Meteorological Service. Relative humidity was estimated using the equation reported by Allen et al. (2006). To determine how suitable are the weather conditions for the incidence and develpment of Black Sigatoka in Teapa, a climatic favorability classification proposed by Júnior et al. (2008) was used. Results: The results shows that in the area under this study, there are no highly favorable climatic conditions for the incidence and development of this disease, and the spring-summer months are the less favorable; while the autum-winter months are the most favorable. Study limitations/implications: It is important to do this kind of studies in other banana producing areas in Tabasco, because the climatic conditions (temperature and relative humidity) they are different, so the disease frequency or appearance may vary. Findings/conclusions: The time period from october to march are the most favorable months for Black Sigatoka incidence and development; so integrated management programs should be designed for this period. Keywords: temperature, relative humidity, banana, yields, probability, prediction models.Objective: To establish the favorable or unfavorable climatic conditions for the emergence and developmentof Black Sigatoka in a banana-growing area within the influence zone of the Teapa weather station (27004) inTabasco, Mexico.Design/Methodology/Approach: We analyzed temperature data for n=59 years (1961-2019) at the Teapaweather station (27044) in Tabasco, as reported by IMTA (2009) and the Servicio Meteorológico Nacional(until 2019). Relative humidity was calculated using the equation developed by Allen et al. (2006). We alsoestablished the favorable or unfavorable climatic conditions for the development of Black Sigatoka in Teapa byresorting to the favorability typology posited by Júnior et al. (2008).Results: There are no highly favorable climatic conditions for the incidence and development of this disease.Overall, spring and summer are the less favorable months, while fall and winter offer more favorable conditions.Study Limitations/Implications: This study should be replicated in other banana-growing areas of Tabasco,since both temperature and relative humidity may differ and, consequently, the frequency of the disease mayvary.Findings/Conclusions: October and March are the most favorable months for Black Sigatoka occurrence.Therefore, comprehensive management and control programs should be designed for this perio

    Análises de dos escenarios de cambio climático para el 2050 en el Estado de Tabasco, México : Analysis of two climate change scenarios for 2050 in the State of Tabasco, México

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    Este estudio presenta un análisis de dos escenarios extremos de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (el mejor y el peor escenario), y su efecto sobre los incrementos en la temperatura media diaria anual y la precipitación total anual en el estado de Tabasco para el año 2050. Para ello se utilizaron mapas regionales resultantes de ensamblar 23 diferentes modelos de Circulación General de la Atmósfera y Océano Acoplado (MCGAyOA). El análisis de éstos mapas muestra que para la mitad del siglo XXI la temperatura media diaria anual en el estado de Tabasco se puede incrementar entre 1.1 ºC hasta 1.6 ºC para el mejor y el peor escenario respectivamente. En lo que respecta a la precipitación total anual, ambos escenarios muestran que ésta se mantendrá prácticamente sin cambio en la mayor parte del estado; excepto en pequeñas áreas en la subregión de la Chontalpa, donde se esperaría una reducción promedio entre el 5 % y el 7.5 %. Con base en el conocimiento ecofisiológico de cultivos y animales de granja se hacen algunos señalamientos generales de las posibles implicaciones que tendrían esos escenarios en las actividades agropecuarias en el estado de Tabasco

    Distribution of the monthly global solar irradiation in the State of Tabasco, Mexico

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    Objective: The objective was to estimate the mean monthly global solar irradiation (Rg), using observed data on cloudiness (% of cloudy days), as well as its spatial distribution for the state of Tabasco. Design / Methodology / Approach: The model proposed by Tejeda-Martínez et al. (1999) was adjusted to estimate the Rg of 35 meteorological stations in the state of Tabasco. The adjustment was done with daily observed Rg data from eight automated meteorological stations and with cloud cover data from eight ordinary weather stations. Results: The proposed model presented a good fit, since its prediction was optimal according to the Willmott comparison parameter (c = 0.89), and excellent based on the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency index (E = 0.99); and it had a high adjusted coefficient of determination Rc2 = 0.87. Study limitations / implications: The number of automated stations needs to be increased in the state of Tabasco, as well as to provide technical maintenance to existing stations. Findings / conclusions: The estimated Rg is statistically reliable. The highest Rg values were shown in the dry season, with a maximum of 22.99 MJ m-2 d-1, mainly distributed in the northern part of the state. The minimum Rg values were obtained in the cold-rainy season (12.52 MJ m-2 d-1) distributed in more than 80% of the total surface of the state. Key words: Willmott's index, cloud cover, transmissibility, heliophanyObjective: To estimate the monthly average global solar irradiance (Rg), using observed cloudiness data (% of cloudy days), as well as its spatial distribution for the state of Tabasco, Mexico.Design/Methodology/Approximation: The proposed model by Tejeda-Martínez et al. (1999) was adjusted to estimate the Rg of 35 meteorological stations in the state of Tabasco. The adjustment was performed with daily observed Rg data fromeight automated weather stations and cloudiness data from eight ordinary weather stations. Results: The proposed model reports a good fit, given that its prediction was optimal according to Willmotts comparison parameter (c = 0.89), and excellent based on the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency index (E = 0.99) and had a high corrected determination coefficient of Rc2 = 0.87.Study limitations/implications: It is necessary that in the state of Tabasco the number of automated stations increase, as well as technical maintenance to the existing stations.Findings/conclusions: The estimated Rg is statistically reliable. The highest Rg values occurred during the dry season, with a maximum of 22.99 MJ m -2 d -1 , distributed mainly in the northern part of the state. The lowest Rg values occurredduring the northeast season (12.52 MJ m -2 d -1 ), distributed in more than 80 % of the total state area

    Extracción nutrimental de NPK en un genotipo silvestre de Ricinus communis L en fase de fructificación temprana

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer la extracción de NPK en dos dosis de fertilización mineral en un genotipo silvestre de higuerilla Ricinus comunis L en fase de fructificación temprana en el estado de Tabasco. Se establecieron tres tratamientos en parcelas individuales: T1 (0.0 g de NPK), T2 (16 g de NPK) y T3 (32 g de NPK). La mayor producción de materia seca por planta se encontró en el T3 (843 g planta-1) seguido del T2 (708.84 planta-1), los cuales fueron superiores en 237.24 % y 183.34 % con respecto al T1. La mayor producción de biomasa radical se presentó igualmente en el T3 (155.03 g planta-1) seguido del T2 (144.43 g planta-1), los tratamientos presentaron un incremento de 20.40% y 12.16% con respecto al T1. La mayor extracción nutrimental de NPK se presentó en el T3 con 5.77 g planta-1, 3.29 g planta-1 y 9.84 g planta-1 respectivamente, seguido del T2 quien a su vez fue superior al T1

    Impacto del cambio climático en la adaptación del cultivo de café (Coffea arabica L.) en Tabasco, México

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    Objective: To define the actual best potential areas for growing coffee in Tabasco state and its expected potential yields. Also, define its new distribution in the year 2050 under a climatic change scenario, as well as the impact of this scenario on the future potential yields. Design/methodology/approach: The FAO AgroEcological Zoning (AEZ) methodology was used to define the best areas to grow coffee and to estimate their potential yield in Tabasco state under current era and on a future climate change scenario for the year 2050 (FAO, 1981). The AEZ performed for the 2050 year takes in account a 1.6°C increment in the mean daily temperature for the selected climatic stations in the present study. Results: The resulting overlapping map of soil and climate most suitable potential areas shows that in Tabasco coffee has been grown in not optimal agro ecological conditions. Actually the more suitable and optimal areas for arabic type coffee in Tabasco covers a 59,400.24 ha out of the existing total 2,034,227.52 ha. Limitations of study/implications: There is a large group of new coffee clones in Mexico which leaf area and harvest index are unknown, getting hard to estimate their potential yields. Findings/conclusions: In the year 2050, under the worst climatic change scenario, the actual best potential areas to grow coffee in Tabasco will be reduced in 96.42% and their potential yields will also be reduced in 67% compared to the actual potential yields.Objetivo: Determinar las áreas más aptas para cultivar café en el estado de Tabasco, así como su rendimiento potencial actual. Determinar su redistribución para el año 2050 bajo un escenario de cambio climático, así como determinar el impacto de este cambio sobre los rendimientos potenciales futuros. Diseño/Metodología/Aproximación: Para la Zonificación Agro-Ecológica (ZAE) y la estimación de los rendimientos potenciales del café en el estado de Tabasco en la época actual y para el año 2050 se siguió el procedimiento propuesto por la FAO (FAO, 1981). La ZAE para el año 2050 se realizó incrementando en 1.6 °C las temperaturas promedio diarias de las estaciones climatológicas selectas. Resultados: El álgebra de mapa de las zonas con alto potencial climático y las zonas con alto potencial edafológico, indica que, en el estado de Tabasco se ha estado cultivando café en zonas que no son las más óptimas para este tipo de café.  Las áreas óptimas para café tipo arábiga se reducen a solo 59,400.24 ha de las 2,034,227.52 ha que bajo las condiciones climáticas actuales existen. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Hay una amplia variedad de clones de café en México, de los cuales se desconoce el índice de área foliar e índice de cosecha, lo que dificulta estimar los rendimientos potenciales actuales. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Bajo el peor escenario de cambio climático, se reducirá en 92.46% las actuales áreas edafoclimáticamente muy aptas. El rendimiento potencial estimado actual para el café tipo arábiga, bajo el escenario de cambio climático para el año 2050, se verá reducido en promedio en 67%

    Climate and soil effect on oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) yield

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    Objective: To determine the potential yield and the water-limited yield in oil palm producing areas in the state of Tabasco. Design/Methodology/Approach: The ERIC III v. 3.2 database (IMTA, 2009) was used to select climatological stations with daily records of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, reaching over 20 years. To estimate the potential yield, the methodology proposed by the FAO and improved by Fischer et al. (2012) was used. The estimation of the annual water deficit was done from the climatic water balance, using the equation reported by Ruiz-Álvarez et al. (2012). Results: The average potential yield of oil palm with a high level of inputs varies between 35.8 and 40.6 t ha-1 of fresh fruit bunches. The water-limited yield can vary on average between 15.6 and 23.5 t ha-1 in plantations of at least 8 years of age, under rainfed conditions. The decrease in the maximum average achievable yield due to soil moisture deficits ranges from 19.2% to 49.5%. Study limitations/implications: It is necessary to include climate change horizons in future studies to determine their impact on potential and water-limited yields, to know the future theoretical economic profitability of the crop. Findings/conclusions: The analysis between the yields indicates that, if the gap between the current yields and water-limited yields is closed, there would be increases between 6.5 and 14.4 t ha-1 and between 72.8% and 129% more, with respect to the potential yield. Key words: yield gap, annual water deficit, water balance, potential yield.Objective: To determine potential and water-limited yields in oil palm producing areas in the State of Tabasco, México. Design/Methodology/Approach: The ERIC III v. 3.2 database (IMTA, 2009) was used to select climatological stations with daily precipitation and maximum and minimum temperature records, going back to more than 20 years. The methodology proposed by the FAO and improved by Fischer et al. (2012) was used to estimate the potential yield. The equation reported by Ruiz-Álvarez et al. (2012) was used to estimate the annual water deficit from the climatic water balance. Results: The average potential yield of oil palm with a high level of inputs varies from 35.8 to 40.6 t ha-1 of fresh fruit bunches. The average water-limited yield can vary from 15.6 to 23.5 t ha-1 in plantations of at least 8 years of age, under rainfed conditions. The reduction in the maximum average attainable yield was the result of 19.2-49.5% soil moisture deficits. Study limitations/Implications: In order to determine their impact on potential and water-limited yields, climate change horizons must be included in future studies; this would enable researchers to establish the future theoretical economic profitability of the crop. Findings/Conclusions: The analysis between the yields indicates that —if the gap between the current yields and water-limited yields is closed— output and percentage would be 6.5-14.4 t ha-1 and 72.8-129% higher than the potential yield.

    Efecto del riego y la fertilización fosfatada sobre el rendimiento y calidad en maíz elotero (Zea mayz L.)

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar, en un suelo Vertisol cálcico, el efecto de diferentes niveles de tensión de humedad y dosis de fertilización fosfatada sobre los componentes del rendimiento en maíz (Zea mays L.) híbrido elotero A-7573. Se estudiaron cuatro niveles del factor tensión de humedad en el suelo al momento del riego y tres de fertilización fosfatada (P2O5): -5, -30, -55 y -80 kPa y 60, 80 y 100 Kg ha-1, respectivamente. Para conocer el efecto de los tratamientos se evaluó el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo. Los tratamientos fueron alojados en un diseño de parcelas divididas en bloques al azar. Los resultados mostraron que la tensión de humedad al momento del riego afectó de la misma forma a todas las variables de respuesta; el ANOVA indicó que los efectos de los tratamientos más húmedos (-5 y -30 kPa) fueron estadísticamente iguales, pero diferentes del efecto del tratamiento de -55 kPa que, a su vez, resultó diferente del efecto del tratamiento más seco (p ≤ 0.01). Por otra parte, las dosis de 80 y 100 Kg ha-1 de fósforo fueron estadísticamente iguales entre sí, pero diferentes de la dosis más baja en casi todos los casos (p ≤ 0.01), lo cual sugiere que aplicaciones de 80 Kg ha-1 de P son suficientes para que los caracteres agronómicos del híbrido A-7573 expresen su potencial genético. Tanto el estrés por falta de agua como el ocasionado por la deficiencia de fósforo afectaron a las variables en estudio, aunque en ninguno de ellos se observó interacción entre tratamientos de riego y de fertilización. La irrigación del cultivo de maíz elotero en el sur de Campeche es recomendable cuando la tensión de humedad en el suelo aumenta a -30 kPa a 0-30 cm de profundidad y aplicar una dosis de fertilización de 80 Kg ha-1 de fósforo; con este manejo la longitud y el peso fresco promedio esperados de los elotes son 29.5 cm y 290 g, respectivamente, y el rendimiento promedio de elote es de alrededor de 16 t ha-1. De acuerdo con las ecuaciones de regresión obtenidas, la eficiencia en el uso del agua de riego es de 40 Kg ha-1 de elote por cada milímetro de lámina de riego aplicada.Tesis ( Maestría en Ciencias, especialista en Producción Agroalimentaria en el Trópico).-Colegio de Postgraduados, 2008.CONACY

    Yield, Physiology, Fruit Quality and Water Footprint in Persian Lime (Citrus latifolia Tan.) in Response to Soil Moisture Tension in Two Phenological Stages in Campeche, México

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    Sixteen irrigation treatments were applied on Persian lime, based on the combination of four soil moisture tensions (SMTs) used to define the start of irrigation: −10, −35, −60, and −85 kPa during the phenological stages (PSs) of flowering (FL) and fruiting (FR). Variables evaluated were, among others: leaf water potential (Ψ), leaf stomatal conductance (gs), fruit weight (FW), fruit juice content (FJC), total soluble solids in juice (TSS), fruit yield (FY), and water footprint (WF). Greater values on the Ψ and gs variables were observed in plants subjected to SMTs of −10 and −35 kPa (p < 0.05). The SMT of −85 kPa during FR produced a low FW value, while the lower SMTs in this PS increased it (p < 0.05). FY was greater in the treatments including −10 kPa or −35 kPa during either of the two PSs, with the exception of those with −85 kPa in one of the stages (p < 0.05). Lower FJC values were obtained at a SMT of −85 kPa in FR, and higher TSS values were observed in the two driest treatments (p < 0.05). The smallest WF values were observed in the −60 kPa FL and −60 kPa FR treatment (p ≤ 0.05). Irrigation management based on the SMT significantly affected almost all the response variables evaluated. It is recommended to irrigate the crop at a SMT of −35 kPa in FL and −60 kPa in FR, the treatment in which the greatest FW, FY, and FJC values and the lowest TSS and WF values were obtained (p < 0.05) and in which only 93 L of water was used by the trees to produce one kilogram of fruit (16% of the amount used in the treatment with the largest WF). The use of blue water is limited by its scarcity and high opportunity cost, an aspect that can be mitigated if blue water is used efficiently in Persian lime production systems, based on the results of this study