177 research outputs found

    Mission statements and financial performance in Latin-American firms

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    Mission statements (MSs) are one of the most widespread managerial practices. However, a deeper understanding of the relationship between MS’s characteristics and firms’ financial performance is still necessary. The vast majority of the research on this topic has been performed on companies of the global north, rather than the global south. The present study addresses this literature gap through a qualitative and quantitative analysis of MS characteristics (i.e., keywords and readability) for Latin-American firms and their relationship to financial performance. The content analysis of the MS was conducted using Voyant Tools, the MS readability was measured through six readability indices (i.e., FI, FRE, FKGL, SMOG, CL and ARI) and the relationship between MS readability and financial performance was determined using regression analysis (i.e., OLS). The results of the content analysis suggest differences among industries and an international convergence toward isomorphism regarding key terms. The results of the quantitative analysis revealed a positive relationship between MS readability and return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). These results suggest a positive relation of the MS on a company’s long-term financial performance, highlighting the importance of having a readable MS. © 2019 The Authors

    La formación y dinámica del circuito migratorio Mixteca-Nueva York-Mixteca: los trayectos internos e internacionales.

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    “El eslabón urbano” en el trayecto interno del circuito migratorio Mixteca-Nueva York-Mixteca: los migrantes de Nezahuacóyotl, Estado de México

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    Validación de métodos microbiológicos para cuantificar Salmonella spp, presente en aguas tratadas con Fotofenton

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    PublishedLos procesos avanzados de desinfección de aguas han ar-rojado resultados prometedores al ser evaluados utilizando el in-dicador bacteriano Escherichia coli (E. coli). Sin embargo, también se ha demostrado que E. coli es menos resistente a la desinfección que otras bacterias entéricas como Salmonella spp. Este estudio pro-pone evaluar la efectividad de las técnicas recuento en placa y NMP frente al gold estándar DVC-FISH para la cuantificación de Salmo-nella sp., presente en aguas artificiales tratadas mediante el proceso de desinfección foto-fenton. Para el estudio, se realizaron pruebas diagnósticas donde se calculó la sensibilidad, especificidad y valores predictivos. Se observó que el método tradicional recuento en placa y NMP, tienen una mayor sensibilidad cuando hay alta concentración bacteriana. Sin embargo cuando se tiene a una dilución 10-2, la sen-sibilidad es del 51% con la técnica recuento en placa y del 100% con la técnica NMP. En conclusión, el proceso de desinfección con Fo-to-fenton, las bacterias no lograron ser inactivadas o inhibidas total-mente, debido a que presentaron daños reversibles que las hacen via-bles no cultivables en los métodos de recuento en placa presentando altos falsos negativos, pero en medios líquido como el método NMP se hizo cuantificable al tener bajas concentraciones de la bacteria

    Digestibilidad in vivo en cuyes alimentados con cuatro variedades de Brachiaria spp

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    The development in the production of guinea pig (Cavalia porcellus), as an alternative source of protein for the population, is an initiative that has been gaining strength in Colombia; considering that the species Brachiaria grasses, represent a source of fiber and energy for the tropics, its inclusion in diets for C. porcellus is limited by the lack of information on its nutritional value and digestive harnessing in these animals, therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the nutritional value and digestibility coefficients of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), fat (GR) and crude fiber (CF), and estimate the nitrogen-free extract (ENN), percentage of total digestible nutrients (TDN), gross energy (Mcal/kg MS) (EB), digestible ( ED) and metabolic (EM). The forages and treatments used were: (Brachiaria hybrid cv. mulato (T1), Brachiaria decumbens cv. amargo (T2), Brachiaria brizantha cv. toledo (T3) and Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandú (T4). For the experiment twelve creole male Cavalia porcellus were used, with an average weight of 778 ± 10 g, installed in metabolic cages, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments, four species of Brachiaria and three replicates each one. The amount of forage consumed ad libitum was weighty, and also, they were collected and weighed feces for six days, to later analyze them in the laboratory, in order to estimate their digestibility coefficients and energy distribution. Digestibility coefficients of MS were higher (P<0.05) for B. decumbens and B. brizantha cv marandú (0.80 and 0.88). Likewise, the digestibility coefficients of CP, GR, CF, ENN and EB were higher (P<0.05) for these same fodder, observing, the highest ratio in CP of B. brizantha cv marandú (0.90) and the lowest in CF of B. brizantha cv toledo (0.66). B. decumbens was the best forage profiteer by C. porcellus due to lower fecal energy (EF) wasted (15.5%), leaving more energy for metabolic functions compared with other forages, being its EF 25.4, 21.4 and 22.6% for the B. híbrida cv. mulatto grass, B. brizantha cv. toledo and B. brizantha cv. marandú respectively. The digestible energy and metabolic was higher in B. decumbens despite its lower content PC (6%) compared to B. brizantha cv. marandú (7.8%). C. porcellus, grasses, digestibility, lesser species.El desarrollo en la producción del cuy (Cavia porcellus), como fuente alternativa de proteína para la población, es una iniciativa que ha venido tomando fuerza en Colombia; teniendo en cuenta que las especies gramíneas del género Braquiaria, representan una fuente de fibra y energía para el trópico, su inclusión en dietas para cuyes es limitada por la escasa información disponible sobre su valor nutritivo y su aprovechamiento digestivo en estos animales, por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el valor nutricional y los coeficientes de digestibilidad de la materia seca (MS), proteína cruda (PC), grasa (GR) y fibra cruda (FC), y estimar el extracto no nitrogenado (ENN), porcentaje de nutrientes digestible totales (NDT), energía (Mcal/kg MS) bruta (EB), digestible (ED) y metabólica (EM). Los forrajes utilizados y tratamientos fueron: Brachiaria hibrido cv. mulato (T1), Brachiaria decumbens cv amargo (T2), Brachiaria brizantha cv. toledo (T3) y Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandú (T4). Para el experimento se emplearon doce cuyes machos criollos, con un peso promedio de 778 ± 10 g, instalados en jaulas metabólicas, distribuidos en un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro tratamientos, cuatro especies de Braquiaria y tres replicas cada uno. Se pesó la cantidad de forraje consumido ad libitum, y también se recolectaron y pesaron las heces durante seis días, para posteriormente analizarlas en el laboratorio, con el fin de estimar sus coeficientes de digestibilidad y la distribución de la energía. Los coeficientes de digestibilidad de MS fueron superiores (P<0.05) para pasto amargo y marandú (0.80 y 0.88). Así mismo, los coeficientes de digestibilidad de la PC, GR, FC, ENN y EB fueron superiores (P<0.05) para estos mismos forrajes, observándose, el mayor coeficiente en la PC del pasto marandú (0.90) y el más bajo en la FC del pasto toledo (0.66). El pasto amargo fue el forraje mejor aprovechado por los cuyes, debido a una menor energía fecal (EF) desperdiciada (15.5%), dejando mayor disponibilidad de energía para las funciones metabólicas en comparación con los otros forrajes, siendo su EF del 25.4, 21.4 y 22.6% para el pasto mulato, toledo y marandú respectivamente. La energía digestible y metabólica fue mayor en pasto amargo a pesar de su menor contenido PC (6%) en comparación con el marandú (7.8%).O desenvolvimento na produção de porquinhos-da-índia (Cavalia porcellus), como uma fonte alternativa de proteínas para a população, é uma iniciativa que vem ganhando força na Colômbia; considerando que as espécies gramíneas de Brachiaria, representam uma fonte de fibra e energia para os trópicos, o inclusão em dietas para Cavalia porcellus é limitada pela falta de informação sobre o seu valor nutritivo e a sua utilização digestivo nestes animais, portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o valor nutritivo e coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), gordura (GR) e fibra bruta (FB), e estimar o extrato não nitrogenado (ENN), porcentagem de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), energia bruta (Mcal/kg MS) (EB), digestiva (ED) e metabólica (EM). Forragem e tratamentos utilizados foram: (Brachiaria híbrida cv. mulato (T1), Brachiaria decumbens cv. mmargo (T2), Brachiaria brizantha cv. toledo (T3) e Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandú (T4). Para o experimento foram utilizados doze machos crioulas Cavalia porcellus, com um peso médio de 778 ± 10 g, instalados em gaiolas metabólicas, distribuídos em um desenho inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos, quatro espécies de Brachiaria e três repetições cada um. É peso a quantidade de forragem consumida ad libitum, e também foram recolhidos e pesados fezes durante seis dias, para depois analisá-los no laboratório, a fim de estimar seus coeficientes de digestibilidade e distribuição de energia. Coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS foram maiores (P<0.05) para B. decumbens e B. brizantha cv marandú (0.80 e 0.88). Da mesma forma, o coeficientes de digestibilidade da PB, GR, FC, ENN e EB foram maiores (P<0.05) para estes mesmos forragem, observados, o rácio mais elevado no PC o B. briantha cv.  marandú (0.90) ea menor em FC o B. brizantha cv. toledo (0.66). B. decumbens foi o melhor gramínea forrageira utilizada por C. porcellus devido à menor energia fecal (EF) desperdiçado (15.5%), deixando mais energia para as funções metabólicas em comparação com outras forrageiras, siendo sua EF 25.4, 21.4 e 22.6% para a grama B. híbrida cv. mulato, B. brizantha cv. toledo e B. brizantha cv. marandú respectivamente. A energia digestível e metabólica o grama B. decumbens foi maior, apesar de seu PC de conteúdo inferior (6%) em comparação com B. brizantha cv. marandú (7.8%)

    Modulation of Antioxidant Enzymatic Activities by Certain Antiepileptic Drugs (Valproic Acid, Oxcarbazepine, and Topiramate): Evidence in Humans and Experimental Models

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    It is estimated that at least 100 million people worldwide will suffer from epilepsy at some point in their lives. This neurological disorder induces brain death due to the excessive liberation of glutamate, which activates the postsynaptic N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors, which in turn cause the reuptake of intracellular calcium (excitotoxicity). This excitotoxicity elicits a series of events leading to nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activation and the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Several studies in experimental models and in humans have demonstrated that certain antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) exhibit antioxidant effects by modulating the activity of various enzymes associated with this type of stress. Considering the above-mentioned data, we aimed to compile evidence elucidating how AEDs such as valproic acid (VPA), oxcarbazepine (OXC), and topiramate (TPM) modulate oxidative stress

    Valoración nutricional de los residuos orgánicos de banano en el cantón La Troncal, Ecuador

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    The nutritional and degradability characteristics of the organic wastes of banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) in La Troncal canton, Ecuador, green leaf, stem and rachis of the CAVENDISH and ORITO varieties were evaluated. The composition of the samples was evaluated on a dry basis by means of: Bromatological analysis (dry matter, crude protein, ash, ethereal extract, crude fiber, nitrogen free extract); Fiber analysis (NDF, FDA and LDA); Energy analysis (gross energy); and in situ degradability in cattle, using animals fistulated at the rumen level, of Brahman crossbred mixed race of 450 kg ± 20 kg live weight. Samples were incubated in the rumen using nylon bags for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. The results showed acceptable values for cattle feeding in terms of chemical content, fiber, energy and dry matter degradability. It was concluded that banana wastes (green leaf, stem and rachis) in the genetic materials (CAVENDISH and ORITO) can be part of the ruminant diet, especially that of cattle, due to their characterized nutritional content and the in situ degradability of the dry matter of the samples analyzed.  Fue evaluada las características nutricionales y de degradabilidad de los residuos orgánicos de banano (Musa paradisiaca L.) en el cantón La Troncal- Ecuador, hoja verde, vástago y raquis en las variedades CAVENDISH y ORITO. Se procedió a valorar la composición de las muestras en base seca mediante: Análisis Bromatológico (materia seca, proteína cruda, cenizas, extracto etéreo, fibra cruda, extracto libre de nitrógeno); Análisis de Fibra (FDN, FDA y LDA); Análisis de Energía (energía bruta); y degradabilidad in situ en ganado bovino, utilizando animales fistulados a nivel del rumen, de cruce racial Brahman mestizos de 450 Kg ± 20 Kg de peso vivo. La incubación de las muestras dentro del rumen se dio mediante bolsas de nylon por 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 y 96 horas. Los resultados presentaron valores aceptables para la alimentación de ganado bovinos en cuanto al contenido químico, fibra, energía y degradabilidad de la materia seca. Concluyendo que, los residuos de banano (hoja verde, vástago y raquis) en los materiales genéticos (CAVENDISH y ORITO) pueden ser parte de la dieta de rumiantes, en especial la de bovinos, debido a su contenido nutricional caracterizado y a la degradabilidad in situ de la materia seca de las muestras analizada

    Vacunación del adulto en atención primaria: durante y después de pandemia

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    Immunization is one of the most important advances in medicine, achieving protection against numerous microorganisms that have put the health of the population at risk for centuries and is currently one of the main health prevention strategies; Recently, with the appearance of COVID-19, a before and after has been marked, since vaccination has regained visibility and importance after the pandemic. However, despite the available evidence, there is limited dissemination and promotion of vaccination in the adult, a situation that generates low coverage in this population. The current global context sets an urgent call to strengthen the implementation of vaccination plans and strategies not only in the pediatric population, but also in the adult population, so the objective of this narrative review is to synthesize the current recommendations for vaccination in the population. from Colombia and Latin America with a focus on primary care in the adult population. For this, a bibliographic search was carried out in the PubMed, Science direct, Redalyc, Scielo and academic Google databases; Including studies related to vaccination in adults in Colombia and Latin America, which allow to propose systematized vaccination strategies in primary care.La inmunización es uno de los avances más importantes de la medicina, logrando la protección contra numerosos microorganismos que han puesto en riesgo la salud de la población durante siglos y siendo en la actualidad una de las principales estrategias de prevención en salud; recientemente con la aparición del COVID-19 se ha marcado un antes y un después, pues a partir de la pandemia la vacunación recobró visibilidad e importancia, sin embargo, a pesar de la evidencia disponible, existe una limitada divulgación y promoción de la vacunación en el adulto, situación que genera una baja cobertura en esta población. El contexto global actual configura un llamado urgente a fortalecer la implementación de planes y estrategias de vacunación no sólo en la población pediátrica, sino también en la población adulta, por lo que el objetivo de esta revisión narrativa es sintetizar las recomendaciones actuales de vacunación en la población adulta de Colombia y América Latina con un enfoque en atención primaria en la población adulta. Para esto, se llevó a cabo una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed, Science direct, Redalyc, Scielo y Google académico; Incluyendo estudios relacionados con la vacunación en el adulto en Colombia y América Latina, los cuales permiten plantear estrategias sistematizadas de vacunación en atención primaria

    Arbovirus risk perception as a predictor of mosquito-bite preventive behaviors in Ponce, Puerto Rico

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    Mosquito-borne arboviruses are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the Caribbean. In Puerto Rico, chikungunya, dengue, and Zika viruses have each caused large outbreaks during 2010–2022. To date, the majority of control measures to prevent these diseases focus on mosquito control and many require community participation. In 2018, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched the COPA project, a community-based cohort study in Ponce, Puerto Rico, to measure the impact of novel vector control interventions in reducing arboviral infections. Randomly selected households from 38 designated cluster areas were offered participation, and baseline data were collected from 2,353 households between May 2018 and May 2019. Household-level responses were provided by one representative per home. Cross-sectional analyses of baseline data were conducted to estimate 1) the association between arboviral risk perception and annual household expenditure on mosquito control, and 2) the association between arboviral risk perception and engagement in ≥3 household-level risk reduction behaviors. In this study, 27% of household representatives believed their household was at high risk of arboviruses and 36% of households engaged in at least three of the six household-level preventive behaviors. Households where the representative perceived their household at high risk spent an average of 35.9(9535.9 (95% confidence interval: 23.7, $48.1) more annually on mosquito bite prevention compared to households where the representative perceived no risk. The probability of engaging in ≥3 household-level mosquito-preventive behaviors was 10.2 percentage points greater (7.2, 13.0) in households where the representatives perceived high risk compared to those in which the representatives perceived no risk. Paired with other research, these results support investment in community-based participatory approaches to mosquito control and providing accessible information for communities to accurately interpret their risk