7,208 research outputs found

    Effects of Bulk Viscosity on Cosmological Evolution

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    The effect of bulk viscisity on the evolution of the homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models is considered. Solutions are found, with a barotropic equation of state, and a viscosity coefficient that is proportional to a power of the energy density of the universe. For flat space, power law expansions, related to extended inflation are found as well as exponential solutions, related to old inflation; also a solution with expansion that is an exponential of an exponential of the time is found.Comment: 8 pages, latex, no figure

    Redesign of Schneider electric rack layout into a centralized warehouse layout

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    This capstone design project sponsored by Schneider Electric was to create a centralized warehouse layout based on provided part usages, forklift practices, ergonomics, and warehouse procedures. Previously, storage areas were separated based on assembly lines, resulting in long times to pick parts for orders. The objective was to optimize current part placement in a centralized storage area and develop a tool to determine where to place new parts after the layout was set. Through task analyses, employee interviews, and time studies, customer needs and product specifications were determined. A root cause analysis was done to determine the main causes to be addressed in the concept generation phase. Tools including VBA, FLAP, and ergonomic standards were considered in concept generation. Moving forward, each concept will go through several iterations of testing and refining before the most beneficial solution will be chosen and implemented at the plant

    Disorder from order among anisotropic next-nearest-neighbor Ising spin chains in SrHo2_2O4_4

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    We describe why Ising spin chains with competing interactions in SrHo2O4\rm SrHo_2O_4 segregate into ordered and disordered ensembles at low temperatures (TT). Using elastic neutron scattering, magnetization, and specific heat measurements, the two distinct spin chains are inferred to have N\'eel (↑↓↑↓\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow\downarrow) and double-N\'eel (↑↑↓↓\uparrow\uparrow\downarrow\downarrow) ground states respectively. Below TN=0.68(2)T_\mathrm{N}=0.68(2)~K, the N\'eel chains develop three dimensional (3D) long range order (LRO), which arrests further thermal equilibration of the double-N\'eel chains so they remain in a disordered incommensurate state for TT below TS=0.52(2)T_\mathrm{S}= 0.52(2)~K. SrHo2O4\rm SrHo_2O_4 distills an important feature of incommensurate low dimensional magnetism: kinetically trapped topological defects in a quasi−d−-d-dimensional spin system can preclude order in d+1d+1 dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Extreme Quiescent Variability of the Transient Neutron Star Low-mass X-ray Binary EXO 1745-248 in Terzan 5

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    EXO 1745-248 is a transient neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary that resides in the globular cluster Terzan 5. We studied the transient during its quiescent state using 18 Chandra observations of the cluster acquired between 2003 and 2016. We found an extremely variable source, with a luminosity variation in the 0.5-10 keV energy range of ∼3\sim3 orders of magnitude (between 3×10313\times10^{31} erg s−1^{-1} and 2×10342\times10^{34} erg s−1^{-1}) on timescales from years down to only a few days. Using an absorbed power-law model to fit its quiescent spectra, we obtained a typical photon index of ∼1.4\sim1.4, indicating that the source is even harder than during outburst and much harder than typical quiescent neutron stars if their quiescent X-ray spectra are also described by a single power-law model. This indicates that EXO 1745-248 is very hard throughout the entire observed X-ray luminosity range. At the highest luminosity, the spectrum fits better when an additional (soft) component is added to the model. All these quiescent properties are likely related to strong variability in the low-level accretion rate in the system. However, its extreme variable behavior is strikingly different from the one observed for other neutron star transients that are thought to still accrete in quiescence. We compare our results to these systems. We also discuss similarities and differences between our target and the transitional millisecond pulsar IGR J18245-2452, which also has hard spectra and strong variability during quiescence.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Plasticity and Damage Modeling of Stress Asymmetry and Dynamic Behavior of AFS Additive Manufactured Aluminum Alloy 2219

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    The Solid State Additive Manufacturing (AM) process referred as MELD that fabricated the samples in this study, provides a new path for repairing, coating, joining and additive manufacturing metals and metal matrix composites. This research will be the first application of a physics-based microstructure dependent internal state variable (ISV) plasticity and damage material model to capture the mechanical response of an AM Aluminum Alloy (AA) 2219 via the MELD process. In this research, a microstructure-based internal state variable (ISV) plasticity-damage model was used to capture the mechanical behavior of AFS 2219 aluminum alloy. Aeroprobe Corporation, creator and patent holder for the MELD process, fabricated the material by pushing a solid filler rod of AA2219-T861 material through a hollow rotating tool onto an AA2219 T851 plate substrate. As feedstock, solid or powder precursor metals are pushed through a nonconsumable rotating cylindrical tool. Herein, added layers are deposited and metallurgically bonded to substrate material or previously deposited layers by the heat generated from the rotating tool through plastic deformation of the filler material. Once a layer has been added, the tool height increases, and starts the deposition of the next layer. This process results in beneficial properties such as grain refinement, homogenization and reduced porosity (fully dense). This process will experience temperatures similar to those in the weld nugget zone (WNZ) in friction stir welding (FSW), ranging from 0.6-0.9 Tm, with Tm being the melting point of the material. MELD is highly scalable with AA deposition rates reaching over 1000 cm3/hr, which allows for MELD being used for repairs, coatings, and building components. A motivating factor driving the research for physics-based history dependent material modeling of MELD components is the ability to accurately capture the stress-state and strain rate dependence in the material caused by variations in material microstructure from the MELD processing of new or repaired components. The ISV model incorporates microstructural content and is consistent with continuum level kinematics, kinetics, and thermodynamics. These features allow the ISV model to capture large deformations at the structural scale using the kinematic and isotropic hardening, while microscale damage is obtained from the microstructural features. The benefits of the ISV model arise from the inclusion of structure-property relationships identified from microstructural characterization and experimentation. The Bauschinger effect (BE) is an important concept, vital in the accurate prediction of cyclic stress-strain response of ductile materials such as metals. The ISV model has been successfully used to capture the behavior and damage, and the BE of different aluminum alloys and steels. The ISV model uses kinematic and isotropic hardening to help capture deformations of the material at the macro scale. To understand this hardening relationship, calculating the kinematic and isotropic hardening relationship in the material is warranted for a high-fidelity model. Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) was used to characterize the as-fabricated microstructure, where a fully-dense equiaxed grain morphology with average grain size of 2.5 m was observed. Microhardness mapping of the as-built structures, monotonic tension and compression experiments at both quasi-static (0.001/s) strain rates, tension-followed-by-compression and compression-followed-by-tension experiments were performed to obtain the set of plasticity and damage constants necessary to capture strain rate and stress state behavior of this additive material. To calibrate the plasticity-damage model, a single set of constants were determined to capture the different stress states the MELD AA2219. One set of the constants was determined from experimental true stress-strain curves for the tension and compression data. Additionally, microstructural information and data from the open literature were used as the other model constants. This research is a first of its kind for AFS AA2219, includes correlating the ISV model to the monotonic experimental results that capture the isotropic and kinematic plasticity mechanical response

    New Cataclysmic Variables and other Exotic Binaries in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae

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    We present 22 new (+3 confirmed) cataclysmic variables (CVs) in the non core-collapsed globular cluster 47 Tucanae (47 Tuc). The total number of CVs in the cluster is now 43, the largest sample in any globular cluster so far. For the identifications we used near-ultraviolet (NUV) and optical images from the Hubble Space Telescope, in combination with X-ray results from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. This allowed us to build the deepest NUV CV luminosity function of the cluster to date. We found that the CVs in 47 Tuc are more concentrated towards the cluster center than the main sequence turnoff stars. We compared our results to the CV populations of the core-collapsed globular clusters NGC 6397 and NGC 6752. We found that 47 Tuc has fewer bright CVs per unit mass than those two other clusters. That suggests that dynamical interactions in core-collapsed clusters play a major role creating new CVs. In 47 Tuc, the CV population is probably dominated by primordial and old dynamically formed systems. We estimated that the CVs in 47 Tuc have total masses of approx. 1.4 M_sun. We also found that the X-ray luminosity function of the CVs in the three clusters is bimodal. Additionally, we discuss a possible double degenerate system and an intriguing/unclassified object. Finally, we present four systems that could be millisecond pulsar companions given their X-ray and NUV/optical colors. For one of them we present very strong evidence for being an ablated companion. The other three could be CO- or He-WDs.Comment: Published on MNRAS. 31 Pages, 23 Figures, 5 Tables. Minor changes with respect to previous arXiv versio

    Seroprevalence and risk factors for Neospora caninum in small dairy farms in central Chile

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    Indexación: Scopus.Objetivos. Proveer información sobre la seroprevalencia y factores de riesgo asociados a la infección por Neospora caninum en bovinos en Chile central. Materiales y métodos. La población estudiada corresponde a pequeñas lecherías que son parte de un programa gubernamental de Asistencia Técnica (SAT), en la región de O´Higgins en Chile central. Muestras de suero fueron recolectadas desde vacas en lactancia y analizadas mediante un kit comercial ELISA. Además, se aplicó un cuestionario a los dueños de los animales para la identificación de factores de riesgo a través de regresión logística. Resultados. Se identificó una prevalencia a nivel de granja del 67%, mientras que dentro de las granjas positivas, esta fue en promedio de 55%. El historial de abortos (p= 0.037, OR=5.09), la fuente de alimentación de perros (p= 0.0429, OR=6), la fuente de agua de bebida de las vacas (p=0.034, OR=4.5) y el manejo de los abortos (p=0.017, OR=7.43) fueron identificados como factores de riesgo para la infección. Conclusiones. Se observa una alta seroprevalencia de N. caninum en pequeños productores lecheros pertenecientes al SAT en Chile central. Los resultados presentados resaltan la necesidad de mejorar las acciones de vigilancia de esta enfermedad y el desarrollo de medidas preventivas para evitar las pérdidas asociadas a esta enfermedad.Objective. To provide information about seroprevalence and risk factors of Neospora caninum infection in bovines of central Chile. Material and Methods. The study population are small dairy farms that are part of a Government Technical Support Service (SAT) in the O'Higgins region in central Chile. Sera samples were collected from milking cows and analyzed by a commercial ELISA kit. Additionally, a questionnaire was applied to farmers to identify risk factors through logistic regression. Results. The farm level prevalence was found to be 67%, and within farms seroprevalence 55%. Abortion history (p= 0.037, OR=5.09), dogs feed source (p= 0.0429, OR=6), cattle drinking water source (p=0.034, OR=4.5) and abortions management (p=0.017, OR=7.43) were found as significant risk factors for infection. Conclusion. There is a high N. caninum seroprevalence in small SAT's dairy farms in O'Higgins region. These results highlight the need of improving N. caninum surveillance, and the development of preventive measures to avoid losses related with this disease.http://revistas.unicordoba.edu.co/index.php/revistamvz/article/view/92
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