2,075 research outputs found

    The Marriage Equality Act: A Legal and Moral Analysis

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    The Marriage Equality Act: A Legal and Moral Analysis

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    The Deliberative School Approach to Human Rights

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    Over the past few decades, certain currents in higher education have been engaged in a paradigm shift that highlights the importance of civic engagement and experimental learning as means to a comprehensive, holistic education in the service of social change. In this article, we argue that community-based research, as a component of service-learning, constitutes a vehicle through which we can address the topic of human rights—in much the same way as W. E. B. DuBois recognized both universal human rights for all people and case-specific human rights for particular individuals (Elias 2009). To this end, we offer a brief discussion of the basic schools of human rights thought, present two examples, and discuss the potential for community-based research and the Deliberative School in addressing human rights issues within the broad context of social justice. Finally, we examine ways not only to educate and empower university students and local residents, but also how to use community- based research as a catalyst for meaningful advancement of human rights

    Propuesta de sistema de eficiencia energética automatizado para la Planta Procesadora de Mariscos NICALAPIA

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    La realización de la presente propuesta de un sistema automatizado con el uso de Plc zelio para la planta procesadora de mariscos, busca mejorar el consumo de energía y garantizar la protección de los motores de los cuartos fríos con los que cuenta la empresa (en total 8 motores se controlaran 7 de ellos). El objetivo es realizar un software capaz de controlar los horarios de trabajo de los motores, el arranque (de los mismos) y protegerlos de las diferentes circunstancias que podrían dañarlos parcial o totalmente. Se realizara un estudio de la estructura energética de la empresa para poder realizar un diagnóstico el cual nos brinde la información necesaria de los puntos débiles a mejorar en la empresa en cuanto al uso y funcionamiento de los cuartos fríos. El software optimizara los recursos instalados en la empresa, los cuales servirán para la activación o desactivación de los motores, el monitoreo por medio de sensores ya instalados en la empresa, los cuales estarán conectados al Plc para garantizar el perfecto funcionamiento de los motores, además el software regirá el horario de trabajo restringiendo las horas Pico las cuales constan desde las 6 de la tarde hasta las diez de la noche ya que en estas horas el costo de la energía es mayor. Conforme vayamos profundizando se dará a conocer su funcionamiento, diseño y las variables que se pretenden controlar y automatizar, se explicará el funcionamiento del software, también se dará a conocer todas las herramientas que ayudaron en la realización de este trabajo. Por último se realizara un estudio de la factibilidad de la propuesta el cual pretende demostrar y/o justificar la inversión a realizar por la empresa

    Creating a Task-Analysis for Teaching Emergent Literacy Skills to Students with Autism

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    This article provides six fundamental steps for using a task analysis to teach emergent literacy skills to young learners with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Compared to general education peers, students with ASD score lower on reading measures and often have difficulty acquiring literacy skills via the instruction methods used in typical classrooms. An effective instructional technique for many students with ASD is systematic instruction via task analysis. Task analysis may be a useful tool for teachers of students with ASD to build literacy skills by aligning instruction in missing skills to the curriculum standards. The steps to consider when using a task analysis include what emergent literacy skills will be taught, defining expected steps and correct responses, the instructional method to be used, systematic prompting techniques, piloting and updating the task analysis, and teaching and collecting data. Considerations for implementation for practice are provided


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    Original text written by Leonor López de Córdoba (c.1362-1430) Spanish modernized by María-Milagros Rivera Garretas Guided-reading edition prepared by Christopher C. Oechler Una edición de lectura guiada de la autobiografía de Leonor López de Córdoba dictada en Córdoba entre 1401 y 1404. A guided-reading edition of Leonor López de Córdoba’s autobiography dictated in Córdoba c.1401-1404.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/oer/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Beyond osteogenesis: an in vitro comparison of the potentials of six bone morphogenetic proteins

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    Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) other than the clinically available BMP-2 and BMP-7 may be useful for improving fracture healing through both increasing osteogenesis and creating a favorable healing environment by altering cytokine release by endogenous cells. Given the spectrum of potential applications for BMPs, the objective of this study was to evaluate various BMPs under a variety of conditions to provide further insight into their therapeutic capabilities. The alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of both C(2)C(12) and human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) was measured after exposure of increasing doses of recombinant human BMP-2, -4, -5, -6, -7, or -9 for 3 and 7 days. BMPs-2, -4, -5, -6, -7, and -9 were compared in terms of their ability to affect the release of stromal derived factor-1 (SDF-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) from human bone marrow stromal cells (hBMSCs). Gene expression of ALP, osteocalcin, SDF-1, VEGF, and b-FGF following shRNA-mediated knockdown of BMP-2 and BMP-6 in hBMSCs or human osteoblasts under osteogenic differentiation conditions was also evaluated. Collectively, BMPs-6 and -9 produced the greatest osteogenic differentiation of C(2)C(12) and hASCs as determined by ALP. The hBMSC secretion of SDF-1 was most affected by BMP-5, VEGF by BMP-4, and b-FGF by BMP-2. The knockdown of BMP-2 in BMSCs had no effect on any of the genes measured whereas BMP-6 knockdown in hBMSCs caused a significant increase in VEGF gene expression. BMP-2 and BMP-6 knockdown in human osteoblasts caused significant increases in VEGF gene expression and trends toward decreases in osteocalcin expression. These findings support efforts to study other BMPs as potential bone graft supplements, and to consider combined BMP delivery for promotion of multiple aspects of fracture healing

    Energy Taxis toward Host-Derived Nitrate Supports a Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1-Independent Mechanism of Invasion

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium can cross the epithelial barrier using either the invasion-associated type III secretion system (T3SS-1) or a T3SS-1-independent mechanism that remains poorly characterized. Here we show that flagellum-mediated motility supported a T3SS-1-independent pathway for entering ileal Peyer’s patches in the mouse model. Flagellum-dependent invasion of Peyer’s patches required energy taxis toward nitrate, which was mediated by the methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) Tsr. Generation of nitrate in the intestinal lumen required inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which was synthesized constitutively in the mucosa of the terminal ileum but not in the jejunum, duodenum, or cecum. Tsr-mediated invasion of ileal Peyer’s patches was abrogated in mice deficient for Nos2, the gene encoding iNOS. We conclude that Tsr-mediated energy taxis enables S. Typhimurium to migrate toward the intestinal epithelium by sensing host-derived nitrate, thereby contributing to invasion of Peyer’s patches