7 research outputs found

    Understanding Repurchase Intention of Online Marketplace Customers in Jakarta with Trust as Intervening

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on the increased consumption and using digital services of Indonesian people. One of the digital services used is an e-commerce site. This phenomenon causes intense competition between e-commerce in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the significant effect of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on repurchase intention through trust. Data collection method by distributing online questionnaires through Google Forms. The sample in this study amounted to 252 respondents who live in DKI Jakarta, aged 18 – 38 years and have made purchases at online marketplace at least five times in the past year. Data analysis techniques used SPSS version 26 and SEM (Structural Equation Model) Lisrel version 8.8 to process data and analyze research data. The results showed that perceived usefulness has a significant effect on trust, perceived ease of use has a significant effect on trust, trust has a significant effect on repurchase intention, perceived usefulness has a significant effect on repurchase intention, perceived ease of use has a significant effect on repurchase intention, perceived usefulness has a significant effect on repurchase intention through trust, perceived ease of use has a significant effect on repurchase intention through trust

    Modeling of Service Supply Chain and Its Relationship on Repurchase Intention: Case study of Lion Air’s in Indonesia

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    Abstract— Over the past decade, the air travel passengers in Indonesia was recorded high and increased time to time. However, besides the big opportunities, the air travel providers have faced numerous issues such as airlines operation. In conjunction with the issue, this study aims to investigate the model of service supply chain and its relationship on repurchase intention in Lion Airlines. The design of this study is quantitative approach through survey questionnaire. A total of 200 passengers have participated in this study and the data analyzed using structural equation modeling that assisted by LISREL-8. The results of analysis show that Service supply chain and Complaint Handling have a significant and positive relationship on Corporate Image. Also, this study found that Delay has negatively and significant effect on Repurchase Intention. Service supply chain, Complaint Handling and Corporate Image have a significant positive relationship on Repurchase Intention. In conclusion, this study suggests the airlines must improve their strategies to provide the best service to passengers. It aims to increase their repurchase intention for Lion Airlines.Keywords— Service supply chain, Delay, Complaint Handling, Corporate Image, Repurchase Intention

    Infrastructure Impact and Sustainability: The Case of Public Sanitation Facility in Indonesia

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    Recently, the focus of infrastructure has been not only on its physical output per se but also on its impact on sustainability. This study aims to introduce an infrastructure framework based on Epstein and Buhovac’s model to better understand the step-by-step process of the creation of infrastructure sustainability for wastewater treatment facility in Indonesia. The study employs a qualitative approach using a qualitative data set from interviews, observations and a survey. We focused on the case study analysis of a wastewater treatment facility in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. Through this framework, stakeholders’ participation was found to play an important role, thus enabling the sustainability of the infrastructure project in the future. This active participation is the result of a set of impacts-social, economic, and environmental-that have been created by the wastewater treatment facility in their community. We provide a theory-of-change diagram to explain this process. Keywords: Infrastructure sustainability, Impact, Sanitation facility, Indonesi

    Investigation of Customer Satisfaction on Damri Bus Services at Soekarno-Hatta Airport

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the direct effect of service quality, trust, and price perception on customer satisfaction, and to determine the indirect effect of service quality, trust, and perceived value on customer satisfaction through service quality, trust, and perception of prices for Damri Bus passengers at Soekarno Airport.   Theoretical framework: This study uses quantitative methods. The number of samples in this study were 239 respondents from Damri Bus passengers at Soekarno Hatta Airport.   Methodology/Approach: The data collection technique used in this research is by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis in this study used SEM techniques assisted by SPSS 25.0 and LISREL 8.8 applications.   Findings: The results of this study indicate that service quality, trustworthiness, and price perception have a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction. Service quality has no positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction through price perception. Service quality has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction through trust.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Trust has a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction through price perception. Trust has no positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction through service quality. Price perception has no positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction through service quality. Price perception has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction through trust

    Examining the Role of E-Satisfaction and E-Trust Toward Repurchase Intention on Online Marketplace Mediated by Electronic Word of Mouth

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    This study aims to determine the effect of e-satisfaction on electronic word of mouth, the effect of e-trust on electronic word of mouth, the effect of electronic word of mouth on repurchase intention, the effect of e-satisfaction on repurchase intention, the effect of e-trust on repurchase intention, the effect of e-satisfaction on repurchase intention through electronic word of mouth, the effect of e-trust on repurchase intention through electronic word of mouth, on Tokopedia online marketplace customers. The data collection in this study was by distributing questionnaires to 200 Tokopedia online marketplace customers. In analyzing the research data, the Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach was used with the Lisrel application version 8.8. The results of this study are there is a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction on electronic word of mouth, there is a positive and significant influence on e-trust on electronic word of mouth, there is a positive and significant influence on electronic word of mouth on repurchase intention, there is a positive influence and significant on e-satisfaction on repurchase intention, there is a positive and significant effect on e-trust on repurchase intention, there is a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction on repurchase intention through electronic word of mouth, there is a positive and significant effect on e-trust on repurchase intentions through electronic word of mouth, in the online marketplace Tokopedia


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    Abstrak: Berdasarkan analisis situasi yang dilakukan, permasalahan yang menjadi dasar pengabdian diantaranya masih terbatasnya kemampuan mahasiswa tingkar akhir maupun dosen di beberapa Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Dalam Negeri dalam mengidentifikasi research gap, terbatasnya kemampuan penguasaan teknik parafrasa dan pemanfaatan software plagiarisme. Berdasarkan masalah yang ada,maka tujuan pengabdian ini yaitu memberikan pelatihan komprehensif penulisan artikel ilmiah yang mencakup identifikasi research gap, penguasaan teknik parafrase, serta pemanfaatan software plagiarisme guna mendukung peningkatan publikasi pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Dalam Negeri. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan secara daring yang dilakukan bersama dengan YKPN Yogyakarta dan STIAB Jinarakkhita Lampung sebagai mitra. Pada pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 349 peserta yang terdiri dari dosen dan mahasiswa baik dari UNJ maupun dari perguruan tinggi mitra. Evaluasi kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan menyebarkan form yang berisi berbagai pertanyaan. Dari hasil form yang disebarkan diperoleh informasi bahwa 61,4% peserta yang menyatakan setuju bahwa mereka dapat memahami dengan baik mengenai materi yang disampaikan serta terdapat 66% peserta yang meningkat pemahamannya dan siap praktik.Abstract: Based on the situation analysis carried out, the problem that became basis of the service include the limited ability of students and lecturers at several Domestic Private Universities in identifying research gaps, paraphrasing techniques and the use of plagiarism software. Based on the problem, the purpose of this community dedication is to provide training in writing scientific articles that include research gaps, paraphrasing techniques, and the use of plagiarism software to support increased publications. This community dedication was carried out in the form of a brave training carried out together with YKPN Yogyakarta and STIAB Jinarakkhita Lampung as partners. This training was attended by 349 participants consisting of lecturers and students. Evaluation of activities by distributing forms containing various questions. From the results of the form distributed, information was obtained that there were 61.4% of participants who agreed that they could understand well the material delivered and there are 66% of participants who increase their understanding and ready to practice

    The Effect of E-Service Quality and Brand Image Toward Netflix Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction

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    This research aims to determine the effect of e-service quality and brand image on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty towards Netflix’s user. This research uses quantitative method and the data collection use survey method with questionnaires as the instrument. The sample of this research is 200 respondents who live in DKI Jakarta and have used Netflix in the past 6 months. Data were analyzed using software SPSS version 25 and SEM (Structural Equation Model) from Lisrel 8.8 to process and analyze the research data. The result of hypothesis testing shows that e-service quality has significant effect on customer satisfaction, but not on customer loyalty. However, e-service quality has significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. The result also found that brand image has significant effect on both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. And customer satisfaction has the most influence on customer loyalty