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    ABSTRACT The aim of this elaborate is to reconstruct the political formation of Bettino Craxi. The dissertation is composed by an introduction, eight chapters and a conclusion. In the first chapter Craxi\u2019s education and family behavior is analyzed. Also, it is reconstructed the time when Vittorio, Bettino\u2019s father, is vice prefect of Milan and civil servant in Como. The first chapter analyses Craxi\u2019s first political experience, when his father is candidate for the \u201cPopular front\u201d in the 1948 elections. After that, it is underlined Craxi\u2019s political activity in the \u201cGoliardia\u201d, which was the representative university council. The next chapters follow Craxi\u2019s growth in the Italian socialist Party. A particular attention is given to the steps towards the autonomy carried out by the socialist federation of Milan, led by Guido Mazzali, the political secretary. In the fifth chapter, Craxi\u2019s activity in the town council as assessor to the bursary and then to care and benefaction is explored. Craxi assumes a key-role in the socialist group, principally during Aniasi administration. While Craxi is attending his mandate in the town hall, he continues his training in socialist Party\u2019s federation. When he leaves \u201cGoliardia\u201d and the young socialist movement, he becomes executive in the socialist union of Sesto San Giovanni, a city in which Craxi can experiment the hegemony of the communist Party. In the same years he attends the central committee for the \u201cautonomists\u201d that are supporters of the national secretary Pietro Nenni. During the sixties, Craxi increases his role in the executive committee of Milan\u2019s federation. Thus, in 1965, he becomes secretary of the province. Next years, he works to prepare the reunification with the social democratic that were separated since Palazzo Barberini congress, in 1947. The efforts of the reunification did not have positive electoral outcomes at the elections of 1968, and after fourteen months social democratic Party has opted for a scission. During those years, Craxi becomes organic to the national direction, but after the political response of 1968, he leaves his responsibility in the Lombard federation to dedicate himself to the national context. Thus, after social democratic disengagement, Craxi is involved in the activity in the central committee and in the direction. In May 1968, the politician is also elected in Italian Parliament. In this role, Craxi participates to some delegations and at the end of 1969, he exposes his agreement to the divorce law. In April 1970, Craxi becomes vice secretary of the socialist party. During his growth, Craxi is influenced by the numerous activities of the socialist federation and by the important figures that have characterized the debate in Milan during the fifty and the sixties

    Strategi React dalam Pembelajaran Kimia SMA

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    Materi kimia SMA dirasa sulit untuk dipahami karena memuat konsep yang dianggap bersifat teoritis, abstrak, dan tidak nyata. Akibatnya, kegiatan pembelajaran kimia di kelas kurang bermakna. Kegiatan pembelajaran kimia perlu diarahkan pada kegiatan aktif siswa dengan mengaitkan materi pembelajaran dengan situasi nyata. Artikel ini merupakan gagasan mengenai penerapan strategi pembelajaran REACT. Strategi REACT merupakan implementasi pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual melaui tahap-tahapannya yaitu relating (mengaitkan), experiencing (mengalami), applying (menerapkan), cooperating (bekerja sama), transferring (memindahkan). Hasil kajian mendorong guru untuk merencanakan dan menerapkan kegiatan pembelajaran aktif menggunakan strategi REACT

    Solar Analysis Using Building Information Modelling with the Glass Box Method in Jakarta

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    The utilisation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) focuses more on the Schematic Design or Technical Design phase, while the Preliminary or the Conceptual design is pretty much skipped. This paper shows that a simple model could utilise BIM to gain rich information about solar radiation to give ideal orientation in Preliminary phase. On this case, a spot in Jakarta is analysed with Glass Box method to depict the ideal orientation that receive a minimum solar radiation in a year span

    Memaknai Studi Pergerakan Matahari dalam Perancangan Arsitektur: Kajian Beberapa Aplikasi Komputer Mengenai Studi Matahari

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    Investigating and rethinking process in academic world influenced the architectural design culture. Affordable supporting digital tools lead the unlimited exploration into new ideas and possibilities. Heliodon is one of the tools to represent the sun mobility that helps analyze architectural form finding process. The Sun evolution and revolution are mapped into a computerized framework. With this framework, vendors and research group can develope its capability to create a powerful exploration tool. This opportunity gives a redefined meaning of the design process where all information is exchanged digitally. This study discusses some applications such as Google Sketch Up, Rhino ceros with its Grasshopper plug-in, and Graphisoft ArchiCAD which record physical data of climatic factors, The aim of this paper is to describe how sun study in digital tools redefines the architectural design process

    Evaluasi Atribut Kesederhanaan, Ketepatan Waktu dan Stabilitas pada Surveilans Kesehatan Haji

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    Every year, the Indonesian pilgrims reached 200 thousand people and the health risks were still high. Hajj health surveillance are conducted to determine the progression of the disease in terms of place and time in pilgrims, and used for prevention efforts. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the attributes of surveilance performed by Dinkes Kota Surabaya in 2015. The research was done in Dinkes Kota Surabaya. This research was descriptive and its implementation using interview techniques using an instrument such as a questionnaire sheet. Respondents were a managing officer of health surveillance program Hajj in Dinkes Kota Surabaya and at Puskesmas. Results from this study is the evaluation of the attributes of surveillance shows that health Hajj surveillance systems in Dinkes Kota Surabaya in 2015 already meet the attributes of flexibility, timeliness, sensitivity, representativeness and acceptability. The evaluation of the attributes of surveillance is not fulfilled on health Hajj surveillance systems in Dinkes Kota Surabaya are attributes of simplicity, data quality and stability, while the positive predictive value can not be calculated. Advice that can be given are making plans a schedule for examining prospective pilgrims, monitoring the reporting and increasing the number of surveillance personnel

    The ability of the turnaround index to assess going concern assumptions: evidence from its application to Italian listed companies.

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    In times of crisis, entrepreneur often must decide whether to liquidate the company and the whole business or to renew it by activating a turnaround process. A tool increasingly used in international practice is the turnaround index, which can determine whether a company can continue its activities in the future according to the going concern assumption, which is the index measured as a function of the economic and financial performance of the company. This measure can take values between 0.1, for satisfactory performance and therefore unlikely to turn around, and 0.9, for unsatisfactory performance and therefore a high propensity to turnaround. The index determines whether there is a higher or lower risk for a company to enter into crisis. The aim of this paper is to test the effectiveness of the turnaround index in assessing the turnaround urgency by choosing a sample of the Italian companies


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    In 1992 David Nussbaum with the support of the law firm Graubard Miller devised the formula of the specified purpose acquisition companies (SPAC): a financial vehicle that has the flexibility and functionality typical of the blank-check companies, which could provide investors with the right protections and guarantees in order to be a reliable instrument. The first SPAC officially debuted in 2003 through the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Millstream Acquisition Corporation which then completed the merger with Nations Health in September 2004. In 2005 the first SPAC got listed in European Market and in 2011 the first SPAC joined in the Italian market. The aim of this research is to investigate the features of the Italian SPACs System because it\u201fs becoming a large phenomenon in Italy. This new type of investment is able to fit the needs of small-medium Italian companies, to solve crisis difficulties, to find new finance to grow, to be a good instrument for opening up venture capital and institutional investors respecting the past business history and the safeguard of corporate control. The study, then, performs an analysis on the Italian SPACs by examining their target firms, stock performance before and after the business combination and the impact of the SPACs on SME corporate governance models. These results will be compared with those of other research developed by academic literature

    Children and Adolescents in the Media: the Veneto Region Case Study

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    In our paper, we investigate the role of the media, specifically local television stations, in producing a shared culture of infancy and adolescence. We pursue this inquiry by analysing the varying representations of the under-aged, disseminated by local TV channels in the Veneto Region. We discuss the ways in which the television stations portray the under-aged, the presence and the role of children and adolescents in the local news and broadcasting, the status accredited to them and their role in the narrations that relate to them. We pursue this inquiry by analysing the varying representations of the under-aged, disseminated by local TV channels in the Veneto Region. The research was conducted within a Convention among the Regional Committee for Communications (Co.Re.Com.) of the Veneto region and the Interdepartmental Centre of Research on the North-East \u2018Giorgio Lago\u2019 of the University of Padua. In greater detail, we monitored the local news and the programmes transmitted during the restricted time-slot scheduling (reserved for minors, 4 p.m. \u2013 7 p.m.) of 7 regional TV stations during the week of Monday 24th February to Sunday 2nd March 2014

    Holomorphic Parafermions in the Potts model and SLE

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    We analyse parafermionic operators in the Q-state Potts model from three different perspectives. First, we explicitly construct lattice holomorphic observables in the Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation, and point out some special simplifying features of the particular case Q=2 (Ising model). In particular, away from criticality, we find a lattice generalisation of the massive Majorana fermion equation. We also compare the parafermionic scaling dimensions with known results from CFT and Coulomb gas methods in the continuum. Finally, we show that expectation values of these parafermions correspond to local observables of the SLE process which is conjectured to describe the scaling limit of the Q-state Potts model.Comment: 18 pages. v2: references to related work clarified. v3: minor corrections, version accepted for publication in JSTA
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