12 research outputs found

    Impact of castor meal on root-knot and free-living nematodes

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    Soil amendment may enhance soil quality as well as reduce plant-parasitic nematode. Despite the many applications already undertaken using castor meal, its efficiency in controlling root-knot nematodes (RKN, Meloidogyne incognita) when applied to melon (Cucumis melo) is still not clear. Three different amounts of castor meal (Ricinus communis) applied were evaluated in microplots planted with melon either with or without RKN. The impact of castor meal on soil free-living nematode communities was also determined. Total nematode genera richness was estimated as 37 for the entire set of microplots sampled across both sampling dates. Rarefaction analysis resulted in 12 collector's curves out of the total of 30 that reached the horizontal asymptote. Univariate ANOVA with two factors yielded differences (p < 0.05) only with regard to the time factor. Simpson, Shannon, Evenness and Equitability indices showed a trend toward moderate increases by the end of the experiment, while the other indices were higher for tomato in pre-transplant sampling compared to harvest. Nematode community and diversity changed during the course of the experiment, although there was substantial confounding heterogeneity within and between the factorial combinations from the beginning. Root knot population was not reduced by the castor meal but increased throughout the period, regardless of treatment. RKN reduced melon yield, number and weight of melon

    Torta de mamona no controle da broca-do-rizoma (Cosmopolites sordidus) em bananeira-Terra

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da torta de mamona sobre a infestação por Cosmopolites sordidus e o desenvolvimento de mudas de bananeira cultivar Terra. Avaliaram-se diferentes dosagens da torta de mamona (0 g, 12 g, 15 g, 18 g e 24 g) aplicadas a cada dois meses, a partir do plantio em mudas de bananeira dispostas num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com dez repetições. Avaliou-se a evolução vegetativa das mudas pela altura da planta, pelo diâmetro do pseudocaule e pelo número de folhas verdes. Efetuou-se a infestação das plantas com 25 adultos de C. sordidus em cada muda. Os danos causados foram avaliados por meio da percentagem de galerias no rizoma, número de adultos vivos e mortos, número de larvas e número de pupas. Determinou-se também o efeito dos tratamentos sobre o valor de absorbância relativo ao teor de clorofila nas folhas por meio do uso de um clorofilômetro. Observou-se baixa infestação da broca-do-rizoma nas mudas tratadas com a torta de mamona. O crescimento e a absorbância foram afetados positivamente pela aplicação da torta de mamona. Assim, a torta de mamona reduz a população de C. sordidus nos rizomas de bananeira cv. Terra, favorece o crescimento das plantas e aumenta o valor de absorbância

    Fitonematoides associados a bananais 'Pacovan' sob condição de cultivo irrigado: relação com a produção Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with banana 'Pacovan' in irrigated condition: connections with production

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    Dentre os fatores que afetam a produtividade da bananeira, destacam-se as pragas, doenças e tratos culturais fitossanitários inadequados. Nesse contexto, os fitonematóides possuem grande importância devido à diminuição da eficiência na absorção de água e nutrientes pelas raízes, causando também o tombamento das plantas à medida que os cachos se aproximam da colheita. Cerca de 146 espécies de nematóides já foram relatadas associados à rizosfera da bananeira. Contudo, apenas Radopholus similis, diversas espécies dos gêneros Meloidogyne, Helicotylenchus, Pratylenchus e Rotylenchulus causam perdas significativas em bananais. Em bananais situados em perímetros irrigados nos municípios de Petrolina-PE e Juazeiro-BA, do Distrito de Irrigação Senador Nilo Coelho foram aplicados questionários para se obterem informações do histórico da área, incluindo nutrição das plantas, fertilidade, tratos culturais, ocorrência de pragas e pós-colheita. Observou-se que 90% da área era locada com pequenos produtores. Os maiores problemas levantados foram: manejo inadequado, colheita e pós-colheita, nematóides e ventos fortes. Na presente pesquisa, realizou-se um levantamento de fitonematóides. Objetivou-se identificar os gêneros dos fitonematóides presentes, e estudar a relação entre a produção de bananeiras dos diversos núcleos selecionados com as populações de fitonematóides presentes no solo e nas raízes. Em cada área selecionada, foram marcadas 20 bananeiras e amostrados solo e raízes, sendo uma amostra composta constituída de quatro subamostras de cada planta para representar a população de fitonematóides. Os gêneros de nematóides mais abundantes foram Helicotylenchus, Meloidogyne e Rotylenchulus. A produção de banana não esteve relacionada ao número de propriedades dentro de cada núcleo, nem à densidade dos fitonematóides (Helicotylenchus sp., Meloidogyne sp., Rotylenchulus sp., Pratylenchus sp. e Radopholus similis). Pôde-se inferir que o manejo adotado em cada núcleo de produção de banana irrigada influenciou na produção (peso de cachos) sob diferentes populações de fitonematóides.<br>Among the factors that affect the productivity of banana, stand out pests, diseases and inadequate cultural practices. In this context, plant parasitic nematodes have great importance for reducing the efficiency of water and soil nutrients absorption by the roots, causing the plants to fall down near harvest. About 146 nematode species have already been reported associated to banana roots. Nevertheless, only Radopholus similis, several species of the genus Meloidogyne, Helicotylenchus, Pratylenchus and Rotylenchulus cause significant losses in banana plantations. In plantations located in irrigated areas in the municipal districts of Petrolina/PE and Juazeiro/BA, questionnaires were applied to obtain information about the history of the area, including plant nutrition, fertility, cultural practices, incidence of pests and post-harvesting practices. It was observed that 90% of the area belonged to small farmers. The major problems pointed out were: inadequate management, including harvesting and post-harvesting practices, presence of nematodes and strong winds. In this research a survey of the occurrence of plant parasitic nematodes was carried out. Thus, this research aimed to identify the genera of the plant parasitic nematodes found, and to study the relationship between the banana production in the several selected areas with the population of plant parasitic nematodes in the soil and in the banana root system. In each selected area, 20 banana plants were marked and samples of soil and roots were taken. Each sample was composed of four samples of each plant to represent the population of nematodes. The genera of the most abundant nematodes were Helicotylenchus, Meloidogyne and Rotylenchulus. Nevertheless, the production was neither related to the number of farms in each location, nor with the plant parasitic nematode density (Helicotylenchus sp., Meloidogyne sp., Rotylenchulus sp., Pratylenchus sp. and Radopholus similis) associated with the soil or banana roots. It could be inferred that the cultural practices adopted in each location of irrigated banana production had a positive influence on the banana production (weight of bunches) under different plant parasitic nematode populations

    Damage quantification and reaction of bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to Meloidogyne incognita race 3 and M. javanica

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    The damage and the resistance levels of cultivars and accessions of common beans rescued in the South and mountain regions of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, to M. incognita race 3 and M. javanica parasitism were evaluated under a greenhouse. Four rescued bean genotypes ("FORT-10", "FORT-13", "FORT-16" and "FORT-19") and 2 commercial cultivars: "Pérola", and "Aporé", were tested. The cultivar "Rico-23" was included as standard of susceptibility to nematodes and non-inoculated plants constituted the control. Thus, the experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in 3 (treatments considering nematodes) x 7 (genotypes and bean cultivars) factorial arrangement, with 7 replicates. Data were measured at 50 days after plant inoculation. For damage quantification, the following variables were evaluated: plant height (PHE), number of nodes (NNO), number of trifoliate leaves (NRT), fresh matter weight (FWE) and dry matter weight (DWE) of shoots, root weight (RWE), number of root nodules (NRO) and final population (FPO) of nematodes per root system. There were no significant differences between the effects caused by M. incognita and M. javanica, but both species showed inferior values of PHE, NNO, NRT, RWE, FWE and DWE compared to controls. Concerning the levels of resistance of bean plants to M. incognita, the genotypes "FORT-10", "FORT-13", "Aporé" and "FORT-16" behaved as moderately resistant, the cultivars "Rico 23" and "Pérola" low resistant, and the genotype "FORT-19" as highly susceptible. When parasitized by M. javanica, the beans "FORT-19", "Rico-23", "FORT-16" and "FORT-13" were low resistant, "Pérola" and "Aporé" susceptible and "FORT-10" highly susceptible