587 research outputs found

    A Survey on Software Testing Techniques using Genetic Algorithm

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    The overall aim of the software industry is to ensure delivery of high quality software to the end user. To ensure high quality software, it is required to test software. Testing ensures that software meets user specifications and requirements. However, the field of software testing has a number of underlying issues like effective generation of test cases, prioritisation of test cases etc which need to be tackled. These issues demand on effort, time and cost of the testing. Different techniques and methodologies have been proposed for taking care of these issues. Use of evolutionary algorithms for automatic test generation has been an area of interest for many researchers. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one such form of evolutionary algorithms. In this research paper, we present a survey of GA approach for addressing the various issues encountered during software testing.Comment: 13 Page


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    A reduced-form model of developed land area was estimated with data from 49 states for 1982-1997. This area increases with a state's lagged population and its real economic growth rate. The area of developed land is also higher in states with larger areas of water and regions with higher educational performance. Developed areas are lower in states with higher real per capita agricultural production.Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Spanners in India\u27s Energy Ambitions: Negative Perception & Non-Committal Government

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    There is no denying the fact that developing countries, like India, would need energy to feed its development, while at the same time trying to keep in check its carbon emissions. If India intends to increase the living standard of its people, attain increased level of industrialisation and pursue the projects of national importance nuclear energy is an extremely reliable de-carbonised source of energy. The Indian Nuclear energy capacity, however, has not augmented even after the Indo-US nuclear deal. Also, the sluggish growth of the nuclear energy prior to the inking of the landmark Indo-US nuclear deal was attributed to the lack of adequate of financing, technological denial regimes, continued non-availability of uranium at low cost, the limitations of the Indian manufacturing industry and negative public perceptions about nuclear energy. This paper attempts to look into the two main challenges faced by Indian civil nuclear power programme. It attempts to compile various reasons as to why despite the nuclear energy being projected as one of the main energy sources since the inception of the Indian nuclear programme, the rise of nuclear energy has lacked progress. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.431856

    Ego as the Cause of Unethics and Approaches to Dissolve it

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    The investigation has been carried out to understand the mechanism of creation and dissolution of ego and in turn the ethical value of the teachings of Lord Krishna Ethics emphasize on the fact that one is to enjoy only that which is rightfully his The Lord showed that our body consists of two faculties one is the soul and the other is the body Soul gives life force to the body and makes it functional Soul is also the source of ethics but is neglected to the extent that human beings identify themselves only with their bodies and this leads to the creation of ego To overcome the problem of creation of ego the Lord advocated three approaches namely karma yoga gyan yoga and bhakti yoga The karm yoga is meant for action-oriented while gyan yoga for the intellectuals and bhakti yoga for persons who have faith in God and surrender to him completely In case of karm yoga body is not considered our own but an exaction of God The karm yogi utilizes his body and his resources for the welfare of others The case of gyan yoga is slightly different the gyan yogi gets absorbed in the soul and believes that all things are happening by natural forces He believes that soul is not the doer so does not claim any doer ship or ego The philosophy of bhakti yoga has a totally different mode of functioning The bhakti yogi works for the happiness of God as he feels that everything belongs to God and not to him When one follows any one of these approaches there is no way one can be unethical then only ethics prevai

    The Perception of Muslims in Germany: Decoding the German Media Coverage of the Islamic State

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    For decades now, ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslims’ have always been cause of raging public debates in Germany. The rise of the Islamic State has further dented the image of the second largest religion in Germany. A section of German population earlier was concerned about the changing demographics and took to streets against perceived ‘Islamisation’ of the country for which the Islamic State became the prime focus of the media. For a long time now ‘Muslimness’ has been taken as the antithesis of ‘Germanness’ which has not helped the situation to amicably settle down either. Here an attempt is made to study the patterns in the print media organisations focussed predominantly on the issues related to violence, fundamentalism and intolerance of other religions or pluralistic values; among other themes covered are women subjugation and mosque constructions.  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.346486

    A Study of Educational Guidance Needs of Elementary School Students with Learning Disabilities.

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    The present study was conducted on 140 learning disabled students from elementary classes 6 7 and 8 Sample was taken from rural and urban schools of Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh A self constructed scale on guidance needs was employed to measure the educational guidance needs of the students Results showed that all the students possessed average level of educational guidance needs Students did not vary in their educational guidance need

    Economic Analysis of Stormwater Management Practices

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    Structural stormwater management practices help reduce the quantity and improve quality of stormwater runoff. This dissertation focuses on costs and cost effectiveness of these practices. Design, construction and maintenance costs data that were collected from six different sources and adjusted for purchasing power differences over time and location are analyzed using stochastic Leontief cost functions. Effects on these costs of land prices, wages for engineering, construction, and landscaping services, water storage or treatment, and differences in designs of the SMPs and the biophysical regions in which they are located are estimated with the Leontief functions. Results indicate that all SMPs exhibit economies of size in at least one of the different regions considered. Land price significantly determines total costs of ponds and wetlands. Input prices and differences in biophysical regions and designs are also significant determinants of the costs of some SMPs. A comparative study of costs of the SMPs, given the same pollutant removal capacity, is provided. Bioretention cells are less expensive than ponds or wetlands in highly urbanized areas where the land costs are relatively high. Costs per milligrams of pollutant removed per liter of stormwater inflow are analyzed for two bioretention cells. A procedure to calculate the cost effectiveness of a particular SMP in removing pollutant and reducing runoff is illustrated

    The Perception of Muslims in Germany: Decoding the German Media Coverage of the Islamic State

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    For decades now, ‘Islam' and ‘Muslims' have always been cause of raging public debates in Germany. The rise of the Islamic State has further dented the image of the second largest religion in Germany. A section of German population earlier was concerned about the changing demographics and took to streets against perceived ‘Islamisation' of the country for which the Islamic State became the prime focus of the media. For a long time now ‘Muslimness' has been taken as the antithesis of ‘Germanness' which has not helped the situation to amicably settle down either. Here an attempt is made to study the patterns in the print media organisations focussed predominantly on the issues related to violence, fundamentalism and intolerance of other religions or pluralistic values; among other themes covered are women subjugation and mosque constructions.  DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.346486

    Mechanism of Learning Process

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    An attempt was made to understand mechanics of learning The information showed that children generally use right brain to learn while adults use left brain Learning is a function of conscious mind subconscious mind intellect and ego The conscious mind learns with the help of sensory organs the capacity of which is limited and its memory is also short-lived To convert the short term memory into long term one the material learnt by conscious mind has to be driven to sub-conscious mind by repetitions More the repetitions more strong the long term memory The knowledge in the sub-conscious mind can also be stored if it is linked with things that are easy to remember However the recalling of information from subconscious to conscious mind is not possible in a disturbed state of mind To alleviate this problem a silent exercise consisting of doing nothing for 10-15 minutes duration is described Besides the silent exercise also helps in increasing the capacity of conscious mind to understand and learn The intellect is the discriminative faculty of mind Its main job is to protect the ego If a learner considers himself to be excellent intellect will do every effort to protect his excellence The chanting of gayatri mantra is also advised as it sharpens the intellect of the learne
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