407 research outputs found

    Polysemy in Advertising

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    The article reviews the conceptual foundations of advertising polysemy – the occurrence of different interpretations for the same advertising message. We discuss how disciplines as diverse as psychology, semiotics and literary theory have dealt with the issue of polysemy, and provide translations and integration among these multiple perspectives. From such review we draw recurrent themes to foster future research in the area and to show how seemingly opposed methodological and theoretical perspectives complement and extend each other. Implications for advertising research and practice are discussed.Advertising;Polysemy;Semiotics

    Entrepreneurial Government Attitude Towards the Performance of Local Government Officials

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    Public demand for the implementation of good governance in the public sector for several years has been increasing because the performance of public services does not seem to meet public expectations. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of entrepreneurial mental attitude on the performance of the government apparatus in the district of Sitaro Islands. The analytical method used is associative and relies on multiple linear regression. The results show that both simultaneously and partially, entrepreneurial government mental attitudes including innovator, brave and creative attitudes, creating value and recognizing opportunities, communication skills, human mobility, and resource have a positive and significant impact on the performance of government officials. The results also show the attitude of innovators has the lowest variable value which means that the leaders should enhance the attitude of Mental Entrepreneurial by improving the employees\u27 attitude of innovators, either through leadership training, entrepreneurship, or education quality improvement, therefore the performance of the officials may be enhanced.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v16i2.496

    Polysemy in Advertising

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    The article reviews the conceptual foundations of advertising polysemy – the occurrence of different interpretations for the same advertising message. We discuss how disciplines as diverse as psychology, semiotics and literary theory have dealt with the issue of polysemy, and provide translations and integration among these multiple perspectives. From such review we draw recurrent themes to foster future research in the area and to show how seemingly opposed methodological and theoretical perspectives complement and extend each other. Implications for advertising research and practice are discussed

    Zerreißprobe für die Hauptschlagader : "Center for Biomedical Engineering" (CBME) arbeitet an verbessertem Vorhersagemodell für Aneurysmenrupturen

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    Krankhafte Erweiterungen der Bauchschlagader (Aorten-Aneurysmen), sind wie tickende Zeitbomben: Wenn sie platzen, stirbt der Betroffene oft noch bevor er ein Krankenhaus erreicht an inneren Blutungen. Niemand kann mit Bestimmtheit vorhersagen, wann dies eintritt, aber gemeinsam mit Ingenieuren finden Gefäßchirurgen jetzt neue Anhaltspunkte dafür, wann eine Operation ratsam ist

    Ligand selectivity in stabilising tandem parallel folded G-quadruplex motifs in human telomeric DNA sequences

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    Biophysical studies of ligand interactions with three human telomeric repeat sequences (d(AGGG(TTAGGG)n, n = 3, 7 and 11)) show that an oxazole-based ‘click’ ligand, which induces parallel folded quadruplexes, preferentially stabilises longer telomeric repeats providing evidence for selectivity in binding at the interface between tandem quadruplex motifs

    Considerations for Soybean Insecticides and Fungicides

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    Several Iowa agribusinesses are offering soybean growers pest management plans that include applications of fungicide and insecticide. Although combining an insecticide and fungicide may be convenient, the results from our 2008 Pesticide Stewardship trials suggest this is a convenience that may not pay off

    New Perspectives on Ecological Mechanisms Affecting Coral Recruitment on Reefs

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    Coral mortality has increased in recent decades, making coral recruitment more important than ever in sustaining coral reef ecosystems and contributing to their resilience. This review summarizes existing information on ecological factors affecting scleractinian coral recruitment. Successful recruitment requires the survival of coral offspring through sequential life history stages. Larval availability, successful settlement, and post-settlement survival and growth are all necessary for the addition of new coral individuals to a reef and ultimately maintenance or recovery of coral reef ecosystems. As environmental conditions continue to become more hostile to corals on a global scale, further research on fertilization ecology, connectivity, larval condition, positive and negative cues influencing substrate selection, and post-settlement ecology will be critical to our ability to manage these diverse ecosystems for recovery. A better understanding of the ecological factors infl uencing coral recruitment is fundamental to coral reef ecology and management