1,718 research outputs found

    South American relationships with North American Indian languages.

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    Exploring the Variant Experiences Through Which Racial/Ethnic Minorities Select Art Therapy as a Career

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    This study implemented a phenomenological approach to the inquiry of the career decisions of racial/ethnic minorities leading to selection of art therapy as a career. Gottfredson’s Career Theory was used to design interview questions to elicit the perspectives of ten racial/ethnic minority members about their career choice of art therapy. This study used post-intentional phenomenological qualitative coding of data to understand the decisions and contributing factors to racial/ethnic minorities selecting a career in art therapy. The findings suggest factors including: personal characteristics, interests, personal and professional beliefs, cultural beliefs, influential people, social contexts, experiences, and encounters contributed to racial/ethnic minority participants choices of selecting art therapy as a career. Participants shared experiences through the life stages of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Overall, the career choice experiences and perceptions of racial/ethnic minority art therapists were like literature about white art therapists. Factors differing from the majority were the personal characteristic of determination and some cultural beliefs

    Nonverbal Communication Today

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    Aviation depot level repairable system gains

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    The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the aviation repairable system gains monitored under the UICP B35 carcass tracking program. It examines the composition of the system gains for selected activities and by aircraft type. Research was conducted on repairable turn-in procedures from the activity level to the carcass tracking program via the ATAC Hub. Emphasis was placed on identifying areas which would enable better retrograde management within the Inventory Control Point, at the activity level, and at the ATAC Hub. Seven areas were identified which offer potential repairable management improvement. Recommendations are provided which would assist in minimizing system gains and more accurately reflect the overall value of excess material.http://archive.org/details/aviationdepotlev1094527648Lieutenant Commander, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Pando Clone Recovery: Repeat Photos 2014-2019

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    The world\u27s largest known clone of aspen (Populus tremuloides), called the Pando Clone is located in the Fishlake National Forest in central Utah. For many decades, significant pressure from ungulate (deer and cattle) browsing has prevented growth of young aspen stems in to trees that would replace the mature trees as they die of natural causes. There has been concern that this impressive 104-acre Pando Clone could be lost altogether due to the excessive browsing of young aspen stems. In 2013, 16 acres of this clone were fenced to exclude all ungulates (deer and cattle) so that recovery of aspen could occur in a portion of the clone

    Spontaneous Mimicry of Emotional Facial Expressions as a Function of Trait Sadism

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    Using electromyography (EMG), it has been shown that facial muscles imperceptibly mirror the facial expressions of others, a phenomenon referred to as spontaneous facial mimicry. Facial mimicry may be involved in empathy processing, and is impaired in several empathy deficit disorders. It was previously believed to follow the direct-matching principle, a theory postulating that spontaneous facial mimicry involves the observer mirroring their partner’s expression exactly. However, several recent studies have demonstrated that context and individual differences may be influencing factors of spontaneous facial mimicry. In the present study, we propose to investigate the relationship between facial mimicry and empathy through measuring the EMG response of participants with high and low trait sadism. EMG recordings will be measured from the corrugator supercilii, zygomaticus major, lateral frontalis, and levator labii superioris. In Study 1, participants will view dynamic emotional expression videos, then identify the emotion and rate the genuineness and intensity of the emotion. In Study 2, participants will view images of limbs in pain or in similar neutral situations. In Study 3, participants will compete against an alleged opponent for the chance to punish their opponent. We hypothesize that mimicry does not follow the direct matching principle, but reflects the endogenous emotional state of the observer. This study will allow for a better understanding of the nuanced mechanisms of empathy, and may resolve the current debate regarding which theory best describes the operation of mimicry

    The Adaptation Challenges and Strategies of Adolescent Aboriginal Athletes Competing Off Reserve

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    Within the motivation literature, it has been indicated that athletes respond more effectively to sport’s contextual challenges through effective adaptation skills. Fiske identified five core motives as facilitators of the adaptation process across cultures: belonging, understanding, controlling, self-enhancement, and trusting. Through a cultural sport psychology approach, the adaptation challenges and strategies of Canadian Aboriginal adolescent athletes from one community (Wikwemikong) are described as they traveled off reserve to compete in mainstream sporting events. Concurrently, Fiske’s core motives are considered in relation to youth sport participants from the aforementioned Aboriginal community. Culture sensitive research methods among the Wikwemikong, including community meetings, talking circles (TCs), indigenous coding, and coauthoring, were employed in this article. Data are reflected in three themes: (a) challenges pursuing sport outside of the Aboriginal community in advance of bicultural encounters, (b) challenging bicultural encounters in Canadian mainstream sport contexts, and (c) specific responses to racism and discrimination

    The Lantern Vol. 35, No. 2, Spring 1969

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    • My Steps Alone • He Said He Hated Time • Communication • Evolution • Morning Almost Faded • Today I Looked • Gloucester • Have You Ever Tried • It\u27s Contact • The Galloping Camel • Life\u27s Flight • Haiku • Today is Monday • At the Waterfront • He Said to Me • Somewhere • A Darkened Window • The Stomach of the Sea • And When I Looked There Were Pinprick Holes in the Sky • Trinity • You Are a Goof • In Transit • Night Will Fall • Praise Be To...?https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1095/thumbnail.jp
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