15,541 research outputs found

    Agricultural Research Service research highlights in remote sensing for calendar year 1981

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    Selected examples of research accomplishments related to remote sensing are compiled. A brief statement is given to highlight the significant results of each research project. A list of 1981 publication and location contacts is given also. The projects cover emission and reflectance analysis, identification of crop and soil parameters, and the utilization of remote sensing data

    Agricultural Research Service research highlights in remote sensing for calendar year 1980

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    The AR research mission in remote sensing is to develop the basic understanding of the soil plant animal atmosphere continuum in agricultural ecosystems and to determine when remotely sensed data can be used to provide information about these agricultural ecosystems. A brief statement of the significant results of each project is given. A list of 1980 publication and location contacts is also given

    Fracture toughness and fatigue-crack propagation in a Zr–Ti–Ni–Cu–Be bulk metallic glass

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    The recent development of metallic alloy systems which can be processed with an amorphous structure over large dimensions, specifically to form metallic glasses at low cooling rates (similar to 10 K/s), has permitted novel measurements of important mechanical properties. These include, for example, fatigue-crack growth and fracture toughness behavior, representing the conditions governing the subcritical and critical propagation of cracks in these structures. In the present study, bulk plates of a Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 alloy, machined into 7 mm wide, 38 mm thick compact-tension specimens and fatigue precracked following standard procedures, revealed fracture toughnesses in the fully amorphous structure of K(lc)similar to 55 MPa root m, i.e., comparable with that of a high-strength steel or aluminum ahoy. However, partial and full crystallization, e.g., following thermal exposure at 633 K or more, was found to result in a drastic reduction in fracture toughness to similar to 1 MPa root m, i.e., comparable with silica glass. The fully amorphous alloy was also found to be susceptible to fatigue-crack growth under cyclic loading, with growth-rate properties comparable to that of ductile crystalline metallic alloys, such as high-strength steels or aluminum alloys; no such fatigue was seen in the partially or fully crystallized alloys which behaved like very brittle ceramics. Possible micromechanical mechanisms for such behavior are discussed

    Combining 137 Cs and topographic surveys for measuring soil erosion/deposition patterns in a rapidly accreting area1

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    Narrow, stiff grass hedges are biological barriers designed to slow run off and capture soils carried in run off water. This study was designed to measure quantitatively the deposition of soil up slope of a narrow, stiff grass hedge using topographic and 137Cs surveys. Topographic surveys made in 1991, 1995, and 1998 measured 1 to 2 cm yr - 1 of recent sediment deposited up slope of the grass hedge. 137Cs analyses of soil samples were used to determine the medium-term (45 years) soil redistribution patterns. Erosion rates and patterns determined using 137Cs measured medium-term erosion near the hedge do not reflect the recent deposition patterns near the grass hedge measured by topographic surveys. Using the combination of topographic and 137Cs surveys allows a better understanding of the role of grass hedges as barriers for capturing eroding soils and suggest that the recent deposition is associated with the grass hedge but that there is still a net loss of soil near the hedge position over the past 45 years

    Precursor ion scanning for detection and structural characterization of heterogeneous glycopeptide mixtures

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    AbstractThe structure of N-linked glycans is determined by a complex, anabolic, intracellular pathway but the exact role of individual glycans is not always clear. Characterization of carbohydrates attached to glycoproteins is essential to aid understanding of this complex area of biology. Specific mass spectral detection of glycopeptides from protein digests may be achieved by on-line HPLC-MS, with selected ion monitoring (SIM) for diagnostic product ions generated by cone voltage fragmentation, or by precursor ion scanning for terminal saccharide product ions, which can yield the same information more rapidly. When glycosylation is heterogeneous, however, these approaches can result in spectra that are complex and poorly resolved. We have developed methodology, based around precursor ion scanning for ions of high m/z, that allows site specific detection and structural characterization of glycans at high sensitivity and resolution. These methods have been developed using the standard glycoprotein, fetuin, and subsequently applied to the analysis of the N-linked glycans attached to the scrapie-associated prion protein, PrPSc. These glycans are highly heterogeneous and over 30 structures have been identified and characterized site specifically. Product ion spectra have been obtained on many glycopeptides confirming structure assignments. The glycans are highly fucosylated and carry Lewis X or sialyl Lewis X epitopes and the structures are in-line with previous results. [Abbreviations: Hex–Hexose, C6H12O6 carbohydrates, including mannnose and galactose; HexNAc—N-acetylhexosamine, C8H15NO6 carbohydrates, including N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine; GlcNAc—N-acetylglucosamine; GalNAc—N-acetylgalactosamine; Fuc–Fucose; NeuAC—N-acetylneuraminic acid or sialic acid; TSE—Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy.

    Testing and validating the CERES-wheat (Crop Estimation through Resource and Environment Synthesis-wheat) model in diverse environments

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    CERES-Wheat is a computer simulation model of the growth, development, and yield of spring and winter wheat. It was designed to be used in any location throughout the world where wheat can be grown. The model is written in Fortran 77, operates on a daily time stop, and runs on a range of computer systems from microcomputers to mainframes. Two versions of the model were developed: one, CERES-Wheat, assumes nitrogen to be nonlimiting; in the other, CERES-Wheat-N, the effects of nitrogen deficiency are simulated. The report provides the comparisons of simulations and measurements of about 350 wheat data sets collected from throughout the world

    The limitations of speech control: perceptions of provision of speech-driven environmental controls

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    This study set out to collect data from assistive technology professionals about their provision of speech-driven environmental control systems. This study is part of a larger study looking at developing a new speech-driven environmental control system

    A Roadmap for Change: Federal Policy Recommendations for Addressing the Criminilization of LGBT People and People Living with HIV

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    Each year in the United States, thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Two Spirit, queer, questioning and gender non-conforming (LGBT) people and people living with HIV come in contact with the criminal justice system and fall victim to similar miscarriages of justice.According to a recent national study, a startling 73% of all LGBT people and PLWH surveyed have had face-to-face contact with police during the past five years.1 Five percent of these respondents also report having spent time in jail or prison, a rate that is markedly higher than the nearly 3% of the U.S. adult population whoare under some form of correctional supervision (jail, prison, probation, or parole) at any point in time.In fact, LGBT people and PLWH, especially Native and LGBT people and PLWH of color, aresignificantly overrepresented in all aspects of the penal system, from policing, to adjudication,to incarceration. Yet their experiences are often overlooked, and little headway has been madein dismantling the cycles of criminalization that perpetuate poor life outcomes and push already vulnerable populations to the margins of society.The disproportionate rate of LGBT people and PLWH in the criminal system can best be understoodin the larger context of widespread and continuing discrimination in employment, education, socialservices, health care, and responses to violence

    Oxide-apertured microcavity single-photon emitting diode

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    We have developed a microcavity single-photon source based on a single quantum dot within a planar cavity in which wet-oxidation of a high-aluminium content layer provides lateral confinement of both the photonic mode and the injection current. Lateral confinement of the optical mode in optically pumped structures produces a strong enhancement of the radiative decay rate. Using microcavity structures with doped contact layers, we demonstrate a single-photon emitting diode where current may be injected into a single dot
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