10 research outputs found

    Impact of Green Manuring and Nitrogen Fertilization on Rice Cultivation: A Peruvian Amazon Forest Study in San Martín Province

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    Green manuring is an environmentally friendly technology aimed at providing nutrients to plants, enhancing soil fertility, mitigating soil degradation, controlling weeds and pests, and decreasing reliance on inorganic fertilizers. However, it requires dissemination and support to be adopted, especially in the poorest agricultural communities in Latin America. The study was conducted at the El Porvenir INIA in San Martín, Perú; it assessed two treatment sets: (1) green manure Crotalaria juncea (CroJ), Canavalia ensiforme (CanE), no green manure; and (2) nitrogen fertilizer dose (FN75, FN100). It was arranged in a split-plot design with four replications. During the experiment we detected an important fluctuation in soil parameters, however, it is the diminished levels of soil carbon and nitrogen, which were presumably the outcomes of microorganism processes. Otherwise, we observed that CanE significantly reduced the diseased tillers by "White Leaf Virus" (RHBV) by 2.82% compared to the control. The superior outcomes were achieved through CanE, and the highest yield was 8.36 t.ha-1 with the CanE - FN100 treatment. Additionally, the nutritional quality of rice was not altered by green manures or chemical nitrogen fertilization doses tested

    Microsatellite markers related to resistance of cocoa tree against witches'-broom

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar a resistência à vassoura-de-bruxa de plantas de cacau originadas do cruzamento entre TSH 1188 e CCN 51 (população segregante), por meio de dois métodos de inoculação em condições de campo, e identificar marcadores microssatélites específicos para grupos de plantas resistentes e suscetíveis. As plantas-controle avaliadas pelos métodos de inoculação natural e inoculação artificial em campo produziram os mesmos padrões de sintomas. As plantas da população segregante também coincidiram os padrões de sintomas em 90%, por esses dois métodos. O método de inoculação artificial em campo permite detectar falso-resistentes. Dos 18 pares de primers microssatélites amplificados, 15 foram polimórficos entre os genitores, e seis entre os grupos de plantas segregantes contrastantes quanto à resistência à vassoura-de-bruxa. Foram confirmadas três marcas previamente associadas a QTL (locos para características quantitativas) relacionados com a resistência à vassoura-de-bruxa, comuns a outras populações. Também foram identificados três novos QTL para esta característica, típicos desta população, o que comprova sua utilidade para o melhoramento genético do cacaueiro.The objectives of this work were to evaluate cocoa tree resistance against witches'-broom, in plants originated from the crossing between TSH 1188 and CCN 51 (segregating population), by means of two methods of inoculation in field conditions, and to identify microsatellite markers specific for resistant and susceptible plants. The control plants bore identical symptoms as the plants of the segregating population in 90% of the cases under the two methods. The method of artificial inoculation in the field allows the detection of false resistance to the disease. Of the 18 pairs of microsatellite primers amplified, 15 were polymorphic between genitors and six were polymorphic between the two groups of plants evaluated for resistance to witches'-broom. Three previously characterized markers were confirmed as associated to QTL (quantitative trait loci) related to resistance to the witches'-broom, which is common in other populations. Three new QTL for this characteristic, typical of this population, were also identified, which proves the utility of this population for cocoa breeding

    The use of symbiotic in multiple trauma elderly with chronic constipation

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to identify the physiological response of multiple trauma elderly with chronic constipation to the use of a symbiotic compost. METHODS: It was characterized as a non-controlled experimental study, which included 12 elderly patients, with multiple trauma and chronic constipation as a secondary disease and that were hospitalized in a public trauma referral hospital in Par&aacute;, Brasil. RESULTS: At the initial evaluation there was an average of 5.5 days of time off defecation. At the end of the intervention with the symbiotic held for eight days, 100% of patients had experienced episodes of defecation, especially for the type 4 stool (shaped, smooth and soft faeces - ideal type), according to the Bristol Stool Scale, present in 75% o the sample. The average of days to the first bowel movement after the use of symbiotic was 2.58 ± 1.72. CONCLUSION: The use of symbiotic was shown to cause a positive physiological response in the multiple trauma elderly, through the improvement of the constipation.</p

    Marcadores microssatélites relacionados com a resistência à vassoura-de-bruxa do cacaueiro Microsatellite markers related to resistance of cocoa tree against witches'-broom

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar a resistência à vassoura-de-bruxa de plantas de cacau originadas do cruzamento entre TSH 1188 e CCN 51 (população segregante), por meio de dois métodos de inoculação em condições de campo, e identificar marcadores microssatélites específicos para grupos de plantas resistentes e suscetíveis. As plantas-controle avaliadas pelos métodos de inoculação natural e inoculação artificial em campo produziram os mesmos padrões de sintomas. As plantas da população segregante também coincidiram os padrões de sintomas em 90%, por esses dois métodos. O método de inoculação artificial em campo permite detectar falso-resistentes. Dos 18 pares de primers microssatélites amplificados, 15 foram polimórficos entre os genitores, e seis entre os grupos de plantas segregantes contrastantes quanto à resistência à vassoura-de-bruxa. Foram confirmadas três marcas previamente associadas a QTL (locos para características quantitativas) relacionados com a resistência à vassoura-de-bruxa, comuns a outras populações. Também foram identificados três novos QTL para esta característica, típicos desta população, o que comprova sua utilidade para o melhoramento genético do cacaueiro.<br>The objectives of this work were to evaluate cocoa tree resistance against witches'-broom, in plants originated from the crossing between TSH 1188 and CCN 51 (segregating population), by means of two methods of inoculation in field conditions, and to identify microsatellite markers specific for resistant and susceptible plants. The control plants bore identical symptoms as the plants of the segregating population in 90% of the cases under the two methods. The method of artificial inoculation in the field allows the detection of false resistance to the disease. Of the 18 pairs of microsatellite primers amplified, 15 were polymorphic between genitors and six were polymorphic between the two groups of plants evaluated for resistance to witches'-broom. Three previously characterized markers were confirmed as associated to QTL (quantitative trait loci) related to resistance to the witches'-broom, which is common in other populations. Three new QTL for this characteristic, typical of this population, were also identified, which proves the utility of this population for cocoa breeding

    O uso do medicamento na percepção do usuário do Programa Hiperdia The use of medication in the perception of users Hiperdia Program

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    O presente artigo discute a questão do acesso aos medicamentos como direito social, a partir da investigação de como o usuário do Hiperdia percebe seu acesso aos medicamentos. Para tanto, aborda o processo de medicalização vivenciado pela sociedade brasileira contemporânea, ressaltando a influência que esse processo exerce sobre o acesso aos medicamentos, comprometendo a concretização do acesso universal e igualitário. Utilizando técnica preconizada pela pesquisa qualitativa, foram realizados grupos focais com os usuários do Hiperdia nas unidades básicas de saúde de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. O estudo enfatiza a percepção que esses usuários têm de seus direitos em relação ao acesso aos medicamentos essenciais. Nesse processo, investigam-se suas crenças, saberes, atitudes, dificuldades, medos, dúvidas, anseios com relação ao uso dos medicamentos essenciais, bem como a visão sobre a(s) doença(s) que os acomete(m). Entre os resultados alcançados, evidenciou-se que a maioria dos usuários das unidades básicas de saúde não se considera portador de direitos e que o acesso aos medicamentos como direito social garantido constitucionalmente está longe de ser efetivado no cotidiano do serviço público de saúde brasileiro.<br>This article discusses the question of access to medication as a social right, investigating how users registered in the Hiperdia program perceive their access to medication. To achieve this, the process of "medicalization" experienced by Brazilian society today was assessed, highlighting the influence that this process has on access to medication, prejudicing the achievement of universal and equalitarian access. Using a technique recommended by qualitative research, focal groups with Hiperdia users in the basic health service of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, were set up. The survey emphasizes the perception that these users have with respect to their rights related to essential medication. In this process, their beliefs, knowledge, attitudes, difficulties, fears, doubts and anxieties concerning the use of essential medication are investigated, as well as their viewpoints on the disease(s) they suffer from. Among the results obtained, it was revealed that the majority of the users of basic health units do not consider that they have rights and that access to medication as a constitutionally-assured social right is far from being implemented in the Brazilian public health service today