61 research outputs found

    Vegetation stability in the Brazilian littoral during the late holocene - anthracological evidence

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    Anthracological studies carried out on six sambaquis from Rio de Janeiro State (southeastern Brazilian coast) and one sambaqui from Santa Catarina State (southern Brazil) showed that coastal vegetation presents a marked resilience to climatic changes. Charcoal samples were collected from vertical profiles along the entire sambaqui height and examined under reflected light microscope. In the southeastern Brazilian coast, the anthracological spectra is essentially the same between 5500 and 1400 yrs BP. Coastal sandy beach ridges were already colonized by the resting vegetation since at least the Middle Holocene. Depending on the site, the open resting or the resting forest are dominant. Forest and mangrove elements are present in all sites. In southern Brazil, no significant variation of the vegetal environment is recorded between 2500 and 1800 yrs BP. The studied site was established in the resting environment, and the inland Atlantic Forest was probably situated quite far away. Mangrove vegetation was probably already absent from this region, which is presently under subtropical climatic conditions. No major changes of the vegetal ecosystem has taken place during the second part of the Holocene, notwithstanding many centuries of human occupation, pointing out to the fact that the vegetation was not greatly affected either by climatic or by anthropogenic perturbations. However, significant oscillations recorded in the mangrove vegetation from the Cabo Frio region (southeastern Brazil) might be related to climatic variations, is probably due to the edaphic character of coastal environments, particularly the resting ecosystem, which is related to sandy soils and to the geomorphologic nature of sandy beach ridges

    Teoria e Métodos em Antracologia: 3. Validade Amostral

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    This paper presents a suite to a series of articles on the anthracological methodology in the tropics. Sampling validity, based on the analysis of saturation and Gini-Lorenz curves, is discussed. The study of the latter being still rare, we present the theoretical embasement of this approach, its use in temperate regions and its application to the tropical vegetation. Validation of palaeoecological interpretation based on statistical analyses are also presented, with examples of the results that can be obtained from its application to present vegetation and to anthracological data.Este artigo dá continuação a uma série de textos sobre a metodologia antracológica adaptada às regiões tropicais. Discute-se essencialmente a validade amostral, com base na análise de curvas de saturação e de curvas de Gini-Lorenz. O estudo destas últimas sendo muito pouco difundido, é apresentado o embasamento teórico desta abordagem, sua utilização nas regiões temperadas da Europa e sua aplicação para a vegetação tropical. É apresentada também uma validação da interpretação paleoecológica dos dados a partir de análises estatísticas, com exemplos dos resultados que podem ser obtidos e de sua aplicação a formas de vegetação atual e aos dados antracológicos

    Les amas coquilliers de la côte brésilienne : paléoenvironnement et paléoethnologie des pêcheurs-cueilleurs-chasseurs

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    International audienceLes vestiges les plus anciens d'occupation du littoral brésilien sont les sambaquis, des amas coquilliers construits par des populations de pêcheurs-cueilleurs-chasseurs qui ont habité la plus grande partie de la côte pendant au moins toute la deuxième moitié de l'Holocène. Les sédiments archéologiques sont constitués, en majeure partie, par des coquilles de mollusques, alternant fréquemment avec des couches sableuses. Leur principal trait distinctif est le fait de réunir au même endroit des témoins d'habitation et des sépultures. Ces sites sont établis en bordure de la mer et des lagunes, sur des secteurs où le littoral est découpé, à l'intersection de plusieurs milieux écologiques.Un nouveau courant de l'archéologie brésilienne pense que ces amas coquilliers correspondraient non seulement à des lieux d'habitation mais aussi à des « monuments » destinés à marquer le paysage ; l'unité de population était probablement le groupement de sites. Cela impliquerait des populations sédentaires dotées d'une organisation socioculturelle relativement complexe

    Teoria e Métodos em Antracologia: 1. Considerações Teóricas e Perspectivas

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    This paper presents a discussion of the theoretical methodological premises on which anthracological studies are presently based, with an emphasis on its application to the tropical vegetation. The major topics discussed are the palaeoecological representativity of archaeological and pedological charcoal, species selection, use of dead wood, carbonization, post-depositional processes, methods of charcoal analysis (ubiquity, weight or fragments counting), and the perspectives offered by anthracological analyses in terms of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoethnological information.Este artigo apresenta uma discussão das premissas metodológicas teóricas sobre as quais repousam atualmente os estudos antracológicos, com ênfase em sua aplicação ao meio tropical. Os principais temas abordados são: representatividade paleoecológica dos carvões coletados em contexto arqueológico ou pedológico, seleção de espécies, utilização de madeira morta, carbonização, processos pós-deposicionais, análise das amostras (ubiquidade, peso ou contagem dos fragmentos), e perspectivas oferecidas pela análise antracológica em termos de informações paleoambientais e paleoetnológicas

    Paleoam biente e paleoetnologia de populações sam baquieiras do sudeste do E stado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    Charcoal analysis of seven sambaquis from the southeastern Brazilian coast allowed palaeoenvironment reconstruction as well as various palaeoethnological considerations on wood use and on the fishers-gatherershunters’ diet. Restinga, dry forest, mangrove and Atlantic Forest ecosystems were present. Environmental stability has certainly been a main factor in the maintenance of the fishers-gatherers-hunters sociocultural system.A análise antracológica de sete sambaquis do Estado do Rio de Janeiro permitiu a reconstituição do paleoambiente vegetal e a elucidação de diversas questões paleoetnológicas com respeito à utilização da madeira e à alim entação dos sam baquieiros. A estabilidade do meio am biente vegetal, apresentando diversos ecossistemas como a restinga, a mata seca, o mangue e a Mata Atlântica, foi provavelmente um fator fundamental na manutenção do sistema sociocultural dos pescadores-coletores-caçadores

    First anthracological atlas of Brazilian species

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    Grãos de pólen de plantas vasculares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Estudo de fogueiras e antracologia em contexto Proto-Jê do Sul

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    The study of hearths in Proto-Jê do Sul sites, in the northeast of RS state, allowed us to understand issues related to fire technology and fuel economy of these groups. This was done through a qualitative description of the fire structures and an anthracological analysis of each site. We found structural characteristics that influenced the combustion, suggesting an accurate knowledge of the burning process and the construction of the hearths, correlated with its uses. The anthracological analysis allowed us to classify the firewood types, and to suggest some environmental characteristics of vegetation in the firewood resources area.O estudo de fogueiras Proto-Jê do Sul em sítios do nordeste do RS permitiu a compreensão de questões relacionadas à tecnologia de fogueiras e à economia de combustíveis destes grupos. Fez-se isso a partir de uma descrição qualitativa das fogueiras e da análise antracológica do carvão coletado em cada sítio. Encontramos elementos estruturais que operavam sobre a queima, sugerindo um conhecimento apurado sobre o processo de combustão correlato a seus usos. A análise antracológica permitiu a classificação dos tipos de lenha queimada, bem como a inferência de alguns elementos da vegetação das áreas de captação de recursos para queima