33 research outputs found

    Tourist Literature and the Architecture of Travel in Olga Tokarczuk and Patti Smith

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    This chapter analyses two travel narratives within the scope of literature and tourism studies, aiming to explore the motivations to undertake journeying and the experience of (literary) pilgrims. The first is the novel Flights, by Olga Tokarczuk (2007), and the second is “How the Mind Works,” by Patti Smith (2017). This chapter defines the umbrella concept of “tourist literature” and takes a cross-disciplinary perspective combining the hermeneutics process with findings from the literature review on tourism studies. The analysis of Flights reveals the touring identity and experience of a pilgrim and reflections about airports, travel guides, tourists, and their syndromes. The analysis of Patti Smith’s short story uncovers the touring identity and experience of a literary pilgrim who is strongly motivated to undertake literary-inspired trips towards the authors’ places.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Understanding visitors’ experiences at Portuguese literary museums: an analysis of TripAdvisor reviews

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    In tourism studies, the analysis of online review websites is a gateway to understanding visitors’ experiences. After producing an updated inventory of literary museums in Portugal, this exploratory and qualitative research examines visitors’ experience at Portuguese literary museums, as revealed by national and international visitors on TripAdvisor. In the absence of national studies on visitors’ experience at these cultural attractions, this paper addresses this gap, using NVivo R.1.6 software and thematic analysis to identify the common experiential tropes in the visitors’ online spontaneous feedback. The findings indicate that most reviewers perceive this experience as a platform for gaining knowledge about the authors, work and historical context. The results also reveal that the writers’ objects (even when replicas), the curational options, and the tour guiding staff contribute significantly to sensing a connection with the author, stepping into the past and co-creating an aura of authenticity in the museum experience.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The foundation of literary periodicals in the third quarter of the nineteenth century: literature promotion or a political and educational agenda?

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    The article presents 8 first-editorials published in Portuguese literary periodicals (1855-1865). The research explores the aims of the publications established during a Portuguese literary controversy - Questao Coimbra. By applying detailed text analysis, it addresses the following: a) editorial orientations; b) relationship fostered with the audience(s); c) target-audience(s)? Analysis points to strong educational concerns, mirroring the socio-historic context that placed great emphasis on the promotion of public education, when over 70% of the population was illiterate and in some cases to tightening the links with Brazil.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reading between the scenes: cinematic representations of literary tourism

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    Departing from the assumption that cinema has always had the capacity to represent social structures and movements and provide valuable sources of information about societal phenomena, this chapter employs representation as a research approach to offer contributions to understanding realities “outside the film” regarding literary tourists’ motivations, experiences, and literary places. The authors analyse cinematic representations of literary tourism in feature films and take the perspective of literary tourism studies, reviewing the literature on cultural tourism, special interest tourism, niche tourism, literary tourism, and literary sites and landscape. The analysis and interpretation of the cinematic sequences reveal two opposed ideas of what literary tourism experiences might be: a shallow, disappointing, and inauthentic experience or a meaningful and authentic eventinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Key concepts in literature and tourism studies

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    Literature and tourism studies are an emerging research area. Therefore, there is much to be done, as it is important to develop a theoretical body and define a methodology. In this context, we have decides to write this book with the aim of contributing to the definition of literature and tourism studies as an autonomous scientific area. So, first, we set the conceptual framework for both literature and tourism, and then we proceed to describe the corpus and the key concepts of this research cluster. We hope this book will become an easy-to-use tool for use both in the classroom, as well as in an autonomous study context. In both cases, we would like our text to be a source of information and a starting point for a discussion on each of the topics covered. We also hope to encourage our readers to further expand interdisciplinary research in literature and tourism.Universidade deo Algarveinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Editorial of Issue number 4 of Tourism and Heritage Journal

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    I have my eyes fixed ahead : A contribution to the African literary landscape

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    This exploratory and conceptual paper aims to demonstrate the relevance of literary heritage to enhance the tourist experience and development of the Chão Bom Resistance Museum in Tarrafal (Cape Verde). This study contributes to the construction of the African literary landscape and lls the gap in the research on literary tourism in African destinations. Methodologically, the paper analyses primary and secondary data to identify literary texts and authors associated with the site that can help shape the site's literary landscape and suggest literary tourism products and experiences be implemented at the museum. The study is grounded in literary tourism studies, in the notion that literature can play a signi cant testimonial and enhancing role in tourism. It reviews the literature on literary tourism in African destinations. The main ndings point towards a substantive gap in the literature concerning literary tourism in African countries and a need for cultural promotion of literary tourist destinations aimed at both literary and non-literary touristsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contributes to the profile of the brazilian literary tourist: experience and motivation

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    This exploratory and quantitative research aims to contribute data on individuals engaging in literary tourism regarding organisation and preparation practices, visited literary places, travel motivations and surprising aspects of the experience. To collect data, an online questionnaire survey was sent to the participants in a literary festival, enquiring about previous literary-inspired visits. The findings indicate that writers’ house museums are the most visited literary tourist attraction and that visitors in an upper-income bracket prepare their literary-inspired visits autonomously by conducting online research and (re)reading the literary texts. In contrast, those in a lower-income bracket often rely on viewing audio-visual adaptations of books. Concerning the motivation to go on literary touring, most respondents indicate the amplification of knowledge about the literary work and the author. In the experience of literary tourism, the analysis of the data reveals there is an emotional and intellectual interaction in which imagination and visualisation intervene to co-create the literary place. These findings are analysed after the concepts of experience, motivation and de-differentiation in tourism studies and the concept of “realisation” borrowed from the transactional theory of meaning formation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O turismo literário e a promoção de uma nova literacia

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    Não obstante a carência de dados estatísticos precisos, nas últimas duas décadas, o turismo literário tem ganho visibilidade e aficionados, em resultado quer da necessidade da criação de produtos turísticos que proporcionem experiências mais próximas da verdade cultural de um dado espaço, quer da procura de produtos e experiências alternativos ao turismo massificado de pronto-a-servir. De facto, há um amplo número de turistas que tem a ambição de retomar o espírito do viajante e de fazer da viagem um processo que contribua para o autoconhecimento e crescimento pessoal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudos em literatura e turismo: conceitos fundamentais

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    A investigação em literatura e turismo passa desde logo por distinguir este campo de pesquisa dos estudos de literatura de viagens. é uma distinção fundamental, não obstante os diversos pontos de contacto entre estas áreas, começando por aquele que é o mais óbvio: o ato de viajar. Na verdade, tal como fica claro ao logo das páginas deste livro, nos estudos em literatura e turismo abre-se o espaço para a análise de um conjunto mais vasto de textos do que aquele frequentemente agregado sob a designação de literatura de viagens. Para além do mais, ao contrário da literatura de viagens, área científica com algumas décadas de existência, os trabalhos centrados na relação entre literatura e turismo são recentes em+, como tal, é ainda reduzido o número de estudos científicos sobre este tema.Universidade do Algarveinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio