115 research outputs found

    Relationship among ethnic groups in the post-war context in the South Eastern coastal region of Ampara district, Sri Lanka

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    The internal civil war had taken place in Sri Lanka for last three decades which was resulted in numerous human civilian casualties in the country. It was ended with the military defeat of LTTE in 2009. The fundamental reason for this ethnic conflict was an ideology of ethnicity or misunderstanding of ethnic phenomena, and, which was the huge challenge for the sovereignty of the country. In Sri Lanka, there are many ethnic groups namely Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslims and Burgers and so on who determine their identity and solidarity in various levels. In the early period, these ethnic groups maintained their separate ethnic identities as well as they were living together in their common social life. In past history, Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims were maintained their rigid relationship and they were fighting as unity for the independent of Sri Lanka against British colonial masters. Then, ethnic relationship was broken by some collection of incidents in the past. In this context, this study attempts to emphasis the concept of ethnicity, ethnic relation, and the nature of ethnic relationship among ethnic groups those are living in the south eastern region of Ampara district in the post-war context consequently. The key objective of this study is to conceptualize the idea of ethnicity and ethnic relation and to understand the ethnic relationship in the south eastern region of Ampara district through the history. Further, this study examines the current progress of ethnic cohesion among Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims in the area of research. This is primarily a qualitative study. The study shows that the ethnic relation in the study area was strengthened in early period, and it collapsed during the war time and, after 2009 again they are maintaining the rigid relationship within the ethnic groups. But, pathetically, the new era of resettlement activities of the government and the emergence of Buddhist movements highlights as crucial issue to re-raise the same ethnic misunderstanding (prejudice) and discriminations as they had earlier during the war period. So, this situation has to be mitigated by the government and civil society organizations in order to ensure the democracy and the peaceful environment by considering all ethnic groups in the study area as well as in Sri Lanka


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    This study aims to analyze the influence of independent commissioners, audit committee, risk management committee, and auditor reputation on the disclosure of enterprise risk management in state-owned companies at Indonesia. The study population is all state-owned companies registered in the ministry of state-owned enterprises 2011-2014 period by using purposive sampling method. The research method uses multiple linear analysis. The results show independent commissioners and audit committee has no effect on the disclosure of ERM while risk management committee, and the auditor's reputation effect on disclosure of ERMKeywords: independent commissioners, audit committee, risk management committee, the auditor's reputation, enterprise risk managemen

    Health seeking behavior of people in western and ayurvedic medicines: a comparative study in Nintavur divisional secretariat

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    A medical activity in terms of health seeking behavior is an effective social and personal condition which experienced by each individual. People can choose any types of medical system when they want to heal from their sickness or the illness, wounds and other social diseases. There are number of medical systems available as western and alternative medical systems such as indigenous medicine (Ayurvedic), Unani, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, allopathic and etc to cure them for better health. Ayurvedic is one of the famous alternative medicines which was very popular and practiced widely by many people in India and, now it is widely consumed by the people in Sri Lanka. Therefore, this study is significant as it investigate why people have poor consumption of Ayurvedic medicine compared to western medical system although the government is promoting indigenous practices. The main objective of this research is to illustrate the conceptual explanation on health seeking or healing behavior and its practice on both western and Ayurvedic medicines in the Nintavur Divisional Secretariat area. And also this paper aims to understand comparatively the different healing behavior of people in western and Ayurvedic medical systems in the area of research pertaining to their different types of socio-economical and cultural backgrounds. This is primarily a qualitative study. Data was collected from primary as well as secondary sources. The primary data are collected through questionnaire, key informant interview, direct observation and focus group discussion (FGD). The secondary data was collected from the record of the District hospital, Nintavur and from the record of Government Rural Ayurvedic hospital, Nintavur. Finally, it can be given the result as the number of people go to western medicine for certain reasons and a few percentages of people go to Ayurvedic medicine for some other reason based on their personal and common consideration

    Health implication of water poverty: a study based on Dehiyattakandiya divisional secretariat of Ampara district, Sri Lanka

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    Political participation of women: with special reference to the Pottuvil divisional secretariat area

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    In a parliamentary democratic set up, politics, political parties, and political participation on the basis of social positions are the main components of common talks. Political participation has come to occupy an important place in the life style of all the people to gain their political rights properly. As it is the main key for the people to open the door of political program and propose political demands. So, this paper manly deals with women political participation in Pottuvil Divisional Secretariat area. Therefore, this study is significant as it explores why women has limited participation in politics, although they have been given many opportunities such as higher education, employment, administrative power and political opportunities and rights to develop their capacity for best contribution of the society. The main objective of this study is to examine women's political participation in the Pottuvil Divisional Secretariat area concerning their different types of socio-economical and cultural backgrounds. And also this study attempts to investigate the conceptual and material bases of women's historic exclusion from the formal arena of politics to identify internal and external conditions and factors that facilitate or hinder the creation of an enabling environment for women's political empowerment; and finally draw some recommendations for the national and international actors. This is primarily a qualitative study. Data was collected from primary as well as secondary sources. The primary data was collected through questionnaire, key informant interview, direct observation and focus group discussion (FGD). The secondary data was collected from the profile of the Pottuvil Divisional Secretariat Finally, this research found the result as the political participation of women is limited in the Pottuvil Divisional Secretariat area due to the socio, cultural, personal and religious circumstance

    a study based on CKD affected villages in Dehiyattakandia Divisional Secretariat

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    The lack of clean water is a major risk factor for poor health and sanitation, and it has major health impacts on rural communities. Safe drinking water is fundamental to health, survival, growth and development. The study is based on data collection through surveys, interview, focus group discussion, and consultation of medical reports at Ampara RDHS and project reports at Ampara NWSDB, and other relevant authorities. Using the secondary information, the paper demonstrates the status of CKD (Chronic Kidney Diseases) in the recent past in all Grama Niladhari divisions in the study community, and it explores Community Water Supply or Rural Water Supply (RWS) projects implemented by the National Water Supply and Drainages Board (NWSDB) with the support from Government and International Organizations in the CKD affected villages, in order to mitigate water crisis in Dehiyattakandia. This study found that the scarcity of safe drinking water was not an outright factor for endemic of CKD, perhaps, the scarcity of safe drinking water was one of the major factors to determine this health implication among rural communities in Dehiyattakandia. Further, this paper argues that prevalent of CKD has been controlled by eradicating water crisis through community participation mechanism implemented by the NWSDB and other stakeholders in the rural water supply projects in the study community. Thus, the CBOs were highly motivated to maneuver rural water poverty reduction at all levels. Hence, the real factor for this CKD also need to be investigated scientifically. However, this study suggests that the awareness programmes and community participation in the rural water supply projects need to be enriched to ensure the availability of adequate safe drinking water and protect rural communities from severe health hazards

    Obstacles in using money-metric measurement to alleviate poverty - a Study of 8th Grama Niladhari Division, Nintavur Divisional Secretariat

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    Poverty is the main cause for the suffering of mankind. It is an important aspect in Sociology, Economics as well as in many social sciences. These disciplines deal with the theories of poverty, causes of poverty, poverty measurement, poverty eradication and its importance in social, economic, cultural, educational and political life of human. Therefore, this paper basically considered the poverty alleviation approach especially, the “money-metric” measurement and its application in Nintavur Divisional Secretariat area, with special reference to the 8th Grama Niladhari division. This study tries to verify the Samurdhi program that is implemented to eradicate poverty from the country and to evaluate the government’s threshold for measuring poverty as well as its practical circumstances

    The response of police in preventing domestic violence in the Sammanthurai police area, Sri Lanka

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    The domestic violence is more crucial issue in many societies nationally and globally. Women and children were highly victimized and more vulnerable by this domestic violence. Therefore, this study examines the key types of domestic violence experiencing in the research area, and to realize the response of police in preventing domestic violence in the Sammanthurai police area in Ampara district, Sri Lanka. Data for this research have gathered from primary and secondary sources. Even though the response of police has perpetually operated as a key measure in controlling domestic violence in the study area, the domestic violence is occurring continuously due to many social, cultural, economical and political aspects


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah  kualitas  audit  meningkatkan kemungkinan   sebuah perusahaan yang mengalami kesulitan keuangan (financial distress) menerima  pendapat wajar dengan pengecualian (qualified opinion) untuk kelangsungan usahanya  (going concern).Hasil  pengujian dengan menggunakan regresi logistik memberikan bukti empiris bahwa  variabel kondisi keuangan perusahaan dan  opini  audit  tahun sebelumnya  berpengaruh  signifikan terhadap penerimaan opini audit going concern. Untuk variabel kualitas audit  dan pertumbuhan perusahaan tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap penerimaan opini audit going concern