14 research outputs found

    Harrastajakulttuuri-toiminnan ohjailu Neuvostoliitossa ja nyky-Venäjällä

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    Viestintä osana etäjohtamista terveydenhuollossa

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    Remote management skills are needed increasingly in health care. This challenges leadership and communication. The purpose of this study was to find out and describe the current state of communication in remote management and its development needs in healthcare. The study was conducted with an electronic questionnaire for the head nurses (n = 15) and employees (n = 120) of the psychiatric outpatient care of Turku University Hospital in spring 2019. The data was analysed by statistical methods and content breakdown. According to the results, the head nurses’ and employees’ assessments of the current state of communication in remote management were similar. No common organizational approaches had been created for remote management communication. Mainly traditional methods of communication, such as calls, text messages and emails were used. The tools and applications lacked availability, functionality and expertise and the skills of using them dependent on the person using them. Familiarity and trust in between the personnel were related to a natural remote communication. Regular face-to-face meetings were still considered important. In conclusion, for successful remote management and communication, the operating methods should be agreed through discussion. In addition, adequate support and training should be provided for the use of a wide range of remote communication tools.Etäjohtamisen taitoa tarvitaan yhä useammassa terveydenhuollon yksikössä, mikä haastaa alan johtamisen ja viestinnän. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli arvioida etäjohtamisen viestinnän nykytilaa ja sen kehittämistarpeita terveydenhuollossa. Tutkimus toteutettiin sähköisellä kyselyllä Turun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan psykiatrian avohoidon osastonhoitajille (n=15) sekä työntekijöille (n=120) keväällä 2019. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä ja sisällön erittelyllä. Tulosten mukaan osastonhoitajien ja työntekijöiden arviot etäjohtamisen viestinnän nykytilasta olivat samansuuntaisia. Etäjohtamisen viestintään ei ollut luotu yhteisiä organisaatiolähtöisiä toimintatapoja. Käytössä oli pääsääntöisesti perinteiset yhteydenpitovälineet, kuten puhelut, tekstiviestit ja sähköposti. Välineiden ja sovellusten käytön osaaminen oli henkilösidonnaista ja niiden käytössä oli puutteita saatavuudessa ja toimivuudessa. Henkilöstön tuttuus ja luottamus liittyivät luontevaan etäyhteydenpitoon. Säännöllisiä kasvotusten toteutuvia palavereja pidettiin edelleen tärkeinä. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että etäjohtamisen ja sen viestinnän onnistumiseksi tulisi yhdessä keskustellen sopia toimintatavat organisaation etäviestintään. Lisäksi etäjohtamisen viestinnän monipuolisten välineiden käyttämiseen tulisi tarjota riittävää tukea ja koulutusta

    Displaced Borders: The Written Traumatic Borderline between Pskov Province and Chechnya

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    This article examines the narrative construction of borders through an analysis of "non-professional writing" produced by the residents of Pskov. It discusses the construction of national borders and the symbolic meanings invested in them, with the empirical focus being placed on the symbolic Russian-Chechen border. The theoretical essence is the realization that due to the constructive and narrative na-tures of border production, the creation of a national borderline does not necessarily pre-suppose that the two sides share a geographical border. The article also addresses questions of traumatic memory and links border production with the concept of cultural trauma. By asking where Russia's borders currently located, this article provides an example of the cultural construction and symbolic displacement of the "national border", and a representation of how the national b/ordering processes differ when viewed from both "bottom up" and "top-down" perspectives in the contemporary Russian Federation

    Zooming in - zooming out: politics of photographic aesthetics across Finnish-Soviet borders in the 1930s

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    This article discusses ‘visual bordering processes’ and the aesthetic strategies used in border photographs. The two main objectives are, firstly, to discuss the politics of aesthetic strategies in photographical process of border-building and/or border-unbuilding in Soviet and Finnish photographs of the 1930s. Secondly, the aim is to show how the different aesthetics strategies of establishing and disestablishing ‘the other side’ create ambivalences about the border existence in the photographs studied. This article forms a comparative position on Finnish and Soviet border communities of the pre-II-World-War Finland and Soviet Union in the late 1930s. The aim is to draw a parallel between how photographic publications perceive and discursively construct borders and the aesthetic strategies used in the pictures themselves. I seek to show how the national border divides aesthetic strategies used in photographs. The studied photographs are similar by themes, but show the border of reference codes between two aesthetical systems

    Jälkineuvostoliittolaisen periferian muistin paikkoja

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    Preface: Writing at Borders

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    Effects of ‘participatory group-based care management´ on wellbeing of older people living alone : a randomized controlled trial

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    Background and objectives More knowledge is needed of the effectiveness of complex interventions that aim to promote the wellbeing of older people. This study examines the effects of ‘participatory group-based care management’ conducted among community-dwelling older adults living alone in Central and Eastern Finland. The intervention aimed to promote wellbeing and quality of life (QoL) using a needs-based and participatory approach. Methods The study was carried out as a randomized control trial (intervention group n = 185, control group n = 207). In this article, baseline and 6-month follow-up surveys were used. QoL (WHOQOL-Bref instrument), loneliness (Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale; single-item question), and trust (two items of generalized trust and six items of institutional trust) were used as outcome measurements, and generalized estimating equations (GEE) modeling as the analysis method. Both per-protocol and intention-to-treat analyses were applied. Results According to the per-protocol analysis, the intervention had no effects on QoL. Loneliness decreased among older people with poor QoL at the baseline. Additionally, the intervention enhanced trust in other people and some dimensions of institutional trust. The intention-to-treat analysis did not result in any significant effects on QoL or loneliness, but some small positive changes in institutional trust were found. Conclusions Based on some evidence of small positive effects, the intervention may be beneficial in alleviating loneliness and enhancing trust among older people living alone. Because of the contradictory results, more research is needed to examine the complexity of ‘participatory group-based care management´ from the perspective of process evaluation.peerReviewe