6 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Masyarakat Desa Lubok Batee dalam Menghadapi Tanggap Darurat Pandemi Covid-19

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    This community service aims to provide education and socialization in understanding the dangers, prevention, transmission, and how to break the chain of the spread of covid-19. The method used in this community service is in education and socialization of a clean and healthy lifestyle to anticipate the spread of Covid-19 by distributing masks, making hand sanitizer s, washing clean and correct hands, and doing healthy exercise. The result of this community service activity is that residents gain knowledge through the education and socialization stages in distributing free masks, making hand sanitizer s, and washing their hands clean and properly. The implementation of education and outreach encourage residents of Lubok Batee Village practicing a clean and healthy lifestyle. They understand how to use masks, provide hand washing facilities, avoid direct contact with other residents, comply with health protocols, know the types of disposable masks and types of re-wash masks. Furthermore, they have better understanding the lifestyle patterns and behaviors in society by consuming healthy foods in a balanced manner

    Analisis Penerapan Sistem Modernisasi Dan Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Terhadap Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) Di Samsat Kota Lhokseumawe

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     Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis penerapan sistem modernisasi dan kepatuhan wajib pajak terhadap pembayaran pajak kendaraan bermotor (pkb) di Samsat Kota Lhokseumawe. Adapun penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kualitatif deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian berdasarkan keadaan yang sebenarnya dilapangan. Tekhnik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melalui sumber primer maupun sekunder yang di dapat langsung dari Kantor Samsat Kota Lhokseumawe dan 50 wajib pajak berupa Tinjauan Kepustakaan (Buku, Jurnal, dan Makalah) dan Studi Lapangan yang mana instrumennya sendiri yakni (Observasi Langsung, Wawancara dan Dokumentasi). Hasil penelitian Penerapan Sistem Modernisasi dan Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak berpengaruh signifikan meningkat terhadap pembayaran pajak kendaraan di Samsat Kota Lhokseumawe

    The Role of Halal Awareness on the Relationship between Religiosity and Halal Purchase Intention

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of religiosity and halal awareness on halal purchase intention and analyze the mediating effect of halal awareness on the relationship between religiosity and halal purchase intention. The cluster sampling method was employed to select the sample size, and the total sample was 400 respondents from three regions of Aceh Province. This study used Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) AMOS to predict a set of indicators of latent variables constructed by several dimensions and indicators, i.e., religiosity was measured by ritual, ideology, intellectual, passion, and consequential dimensions, while halal awareness was determined by five indicators, as well as halal purchase intention. The validity and reliability were tested, and all the latent constructs had a good discriminant validity value. Additionally, the full model after modification was utilized to raise the Goodness of Fit (GOF). The results demonstrated that religiosity positively and significantly affected halal awareness. Similarly, religiosity and halal awareness positively and significantly affected halal purchase intention. It indicates that increasing religiosity and halal awareness enhance interest in buying halal food. It can be concluded that religiosity and awareness are vital indicators in explaining the increasing interest in buying halal products. Moreover, the mediating effect results uncovered a partial mediation of halal awareness on the relationship between religiosity and halal purchase intention. It implies that halal awareness has an essential role in mediating this relationship


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    ABSTRAK Prarancangan pabrik gliserol didirikan atas dasar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gliserol yang dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat. Bahan baku pembuatan gliserol berupa palm kernel oil (PKO) di peroleh dari PT. Multimas Nabati Asahan dan PT. Bakrie Sumatera Plantations. Proses produksi secara keseluruhan menggunakan proses kontinyu dengan menggunakan metode continuous fat splitting yang terdiri dari tahap persiapan bahan baku, tahap hidrolisis dan tahap pemurnian gliserol, proses ini dipilih karena tahap untuk pemurnian gliserol lebih singkat dan tidak memerlukan katalis. Kapasitas produksi pabrik gliserol ini adalah 10.000 ton per tahun dengan hari kerja 330 hari pertahun. Bentuk perusahaan yang direncanakan adalah Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dengan menggunakan metode struktur organisasi garis dan staf. Kebutuhan tenaga kerja untuk menjalankan perusahaan ini berjumlah 117 orang. Lokasi pabrik direncanakan didirikan di daerah Kuala Tanjung, Kecamatan Sei Suka, Kabupaten Batubara, Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan luas tanah 17.160 m2 atau 1,716 ha. Sumber air untuk pabrik gliserol ini berasal dari sungai Sei Silau dengan total kebutuhan air sebesar 89.290,416 kg/jam, meliputi air sanitasi sebesar 5.148 kg/jam, air proses sebesar 10.474,09 kg/jam dan air make up water (steam dan air pendingin) sebesar 73.668,326 kg/jam, serta kebutuhan listrik pada pabrik gliserol sebesar 8,247 MW diperoleh dari generator diesel.Hasil analisa ekonomi yang yang diperoleh adalah sebagai berikut:1.Fixed Capital Investment= Rp. 553.996.123.1852.Working Capital Investment= Rp. 138.499.030.7963.Total Capital Investment= Rp. 692.495.153.9824.Total Biaya Produksi= Rp. 1.801.572.304.6085.Hasil Penjualan= Rp. 2.058.738.162.0096.Laba bersih= Rp. 192.874.393.0517.Pay Out Time (POT)= 4,9 tahun8.Break Event Point (BEP)= 29,13%9.Internal Rate of Return= 21,05% Berdasarkan studi kelayakan teknis dan ekonomis di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa prarancangan pabrik gliserol ini layak untuk dilanjutkan ke tahap konstruksi.Banda Ace

    Comparison of Standardization of Ash Content of Butterfly Pea Simplicia (Clitoria ternatea L.): A Systematic Literature Review

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    Butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) has been used extensively in traditional medicine due to its various health benefits. The ash content in the butterfly pea simplicia can provide important information about the mineral content and residues present in the material. This study aimed to carry out a systematic review in order to explore a comparison of the standardization of ash content of the butterfly pea flower simplicia. The literature search process was carried out on various databases (PubMed, Web of Sciences, EMBASE, Cochrane Libraries, and Google Scholar) regarding the comparison of standardization of ash content of Clitoria ternatea. This study follows the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) recommendations. Several studies have shown variations in the ash content of butterfly pea flowers (Clitoria ternatea L.). The ash content of the butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) is in the range of 3.8 ± 0.42 mg/100 gram dry weight to 10.93 ± 0.29 mg/100 gram dry weight. Each plant has unique chemical characteristics, including different mineral content. Therefore, the ash content may vary between different plant species

    Development of biosorbent derived from the endocarp waste of gayo coffee for lead removal in liquid wastewater—effects of chemical activators

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    This study reports the development of bio-based adsorbent by utilizing coffee endocarp (CE) waste as a raw material for lead (Pb) removal from liquid wastewater. The effect of NaOH and HCl as activation precursors on the characteristics and performance of the resulting adsorbents was investigated. The prepared adsorbents were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Surface Area Analyzer (SAA). The characterization results confirm the positive role of the activation by either NaOH or HCl in enhancing the surface properties of the resulting adsorbents. The chemical activations removed most of impurities leading to smoother surface, pore size enlargement and enhanced surface area to pore volume ratio, which result in an enhanced adsorption capacity and Pb removal efficiency. The raw adsorbent shows 57.7% of Pb removal efficiency and sorption capacity of 174.4 mg/g. On the other hand, after the chemical treatment using HCl and NaOH, the Pb removal efficiencies increased up to 63.9% and 89.86%, with adsorption capacity of 193 and 271.58 mg/g, respectively. Though both activated sorbents demonstrate better adsorption performance compared to the non-activated CE, overall results reveal that the NaOH-activated sorbent offers better characteristic and performance than the HCl-activated sorbent