35 research outputs found


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    This study was aimed to provide a comprehensive description of the analysis of the decreasing the numbers of students that misconceptions in the kinematics concepts. This quantitative research used the one-group pretest-posttest design on the 2019/2020 academic year. The populations of this study were 482 students in senior high school (8th grade) in Singkawang City and 168 students who had participated as samples. The instrument that used in this study was designed as four tier-tests in multiple-choice form dan structured interview form. The results of this study show that has been decreasing in the number of students whose misconceptions throughout the sub-concepts of particle kinematics with 6 sub-concepts reached the medium category and only one sub-concept reached the low category. Based on this data, it suggested for that further researchers can optimize the implementation of learning models to reach the higher decreasing misconception categorize or zero points (0%) of misconceptio


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    This program which was held in the form as instruction of work readiness skills in order to provide the prospective teachers who are able to compete in the globalization era of the work-world in the 21st century. The method of this program that was held at STKIP Singkawang campus is in the instruction about broader skills that intersect with readiness in the world of work. The results of this program indicate that there is an increasing of student’s understanding their self-skill such as broader skills for students if they later complete their education in higher education. In general, this activity went well and smoothly so that it was able to provide benefits to the participants as evidenced by the results of the questionnaire. The follow-up of this program is to prepare regulations or learning strategic in universities so that they are able to provide students with provisions for skills in the world of work in the futur


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    Kemampuan memahami konsep merupakan salah satu syarat dalam mencapai keberhasilan belajar fisika. Tetapi banyak siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami konsep fisika sehingga timbul kesalahan dalam memahami konsep (miskonsepsi) fisika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman konsep, penurunan kuantitas siswa yang miskonsepsi dan tanggapan siswa mengenai model pembelajaran POE berbantuan RT. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan control group pre-test – post-test design yang dilakukan di kelas IX salah satu SMP Negeri di Kabupaten Pandeglang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya peningkatan pemahaman konsep pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. N-gain untuk kelas eksperimen sebesar 0.53 dengan kategori sedang dan n-gain untuk kelas kontrol sebesar 0.46 dengan kategori sedang. Penurunan kuantitas siswa yang miskonsepsi yang paling besar untuk kelas eksperimen adalah miskonsepsi tentang besarnya tekanan hidrostatik berbanding terbalik dengan luas penampangnya dan yang paling rendah adalah miskonsepsi tentang zat cair yang lebih kental akan membuat benda terapung. Sedangkan penurunan kuantitas siswa yang miskonsepsi yang paling besar untuk kelas kontrol adalah miskonsepsi tentang zat cair yang lebih kental akan membuat benda terapung dan yang terrendah adalah miskonsepsi tentang benda terapung apabila volum wadah diperbesar. Tanggapan siswa terhadap penggunaan model pembelajaran POE berbantuan RT dengan rata-rata tanggapan siswa sebanyak 83.59% dengan kategori sangat positif

    The Response of High School Students In Singkawang City Towards Physics Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to get an overview of the responses of high school students throughout Singkawang City about learning physics during the Covid-19 pandemic. This qualitative research uses a survey method. The subjects in this study were all state high school students in Singkawang City. The research sample was taken using the Convenience Sampling technique. Students' responses to learning physics during online learning are less liked by students because of limited internet signals and lack of guidance from teachers when learning online. This makes students less understand the physics material that is explained. The results of this study are, student responses in Very Good category by 2%, in Good category by 3%, while in Moderate category by 16%, and in Bad category by 79%


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai peningkatan aspek pemahaman konsep siswa setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL) pada materi suhu dan kalor. Penelitian menggunakan metode weak-experiment design dengan desain penelitian one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII disalah satu MTS Singkawang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel berupa teknik cluster sampling. Penelitian dilakukan di kelas VII H yang berjumlah 23 orang siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes pemahaman konsep objektif 18 pilihan ganda. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pemahaman konsep siswa mengalami peningkatan disemua aspek. Peningkatan nilai tertinggi terdapat pada aspek pemahaman konsep menafsirkan yang nilai N-gain-nya sebesar 0,7 dengan kategori tinggi. Pada aspek mencontohkan sebesar 0,5 dengan kategori sedang, aspek mengklasifikasikan sebesar 0,4 dengan kategori sedang, aspek menyimpulkan sebesar 0,6 dengan kategori sedang, aspek membandingkan sebesar 0,3 dengan kategori sedang, dan nilai terendah terdapat pada aspek menjelaskan  yang nilai N-gain-nya sebesar 0,2 dengan kategori rendah. Dengan demikian, model pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL) dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi suhu dan kalor

    Profile of the Interpreting Ability of Students on Static Fluid

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    The purpose of this study was to get a description of the students' ability to interpret the static fluid material. This research was a quantitative descriptive study and the sample was taken by purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 26 students at one of the Madrasah Aliyah in the city of Singkawang. To achieve this goal, students had filled in questions about static fluids in a multiple-choice test. The results of this study were a quantitative description of the student's ability to interpret the static fluid material. The interpretive ability category was adapted from the n-gain category. The results showed that the category of students' ability to interpret the concept of hydrostatic pressure and Archimedes principle was in the high category with a percentage of 88% and on the Pascal principle it was categorized as low with a percentage of 19%. The results of this study can be a reference for future researchers to improve aspects of understanding interpreting categories in students

    A Development Design of Digital Story Conceptual Change-Oriented in Physics Subject

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    The result of need analysis shown that are difficulties still exist for teachers and students if they are learning in the new condition immediately. Therefore, this study aims to provide learning tools in the digital form and called as digital story conceptual change oriented (DSCC). This research was research and development by using ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) design. This media tested the small scale test. The product designed on the subject of physics (Heat and Temperature) was validated by experts and tested on 147 respondents from Junior High School in West Singkawang and Central Singkawang sub-disctrict. The developed design was measured based on Learning Aspect (LA) which consists of: 1) Contextual problems, 2) Solution / Answer to the problem, 3) Communication effectiveness. The results of small-scale product trials shown that the Problem Solution aspect got the highest percentage of 93% and the communication aspect becomes the lowest with 73% while also having the worst responses with a percentage of 10%. This study could be references for researchers to improve the product to be better media and it could be so that it can be used directly and produce good learning outcomes