1,747 research outputs found

    Remotely forced nearshore upwelling in southern California

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    [1] Alongshore winds in Baja California strongly influence nearshore temperatures hundreds of kilometers to the north at Point Loma, San Diego, California, on timescales of a week to a year. The time lag between wind and temperature is consistent with first mode coastal trapped wave phase speed. The nearshore cross-shelf circulation forced by the coastal trapped waves is, at least much of the year, oppositely directed at the surface and bottom. No relation is found between the winds and temperature for periods greater than a year. It is argued that similar results may be found elsewhere in the Southern California Bight. The relationship between stratification and bottom temperature varies over the 1.3 years of data, but for much of the time, warmer bottom waters are associated with even warmer surface waters and thus stronger stratification. The effects of the remotely forced cross-shelf exchange on coastal pollution, nutrient dynamics, and larval transport are briefly discussed

    On the trophic fate of Phaeocystis pouchetii: VII. Sterols and fatty acids reveal sedimentation of Phaocystis-derived organic matter via krill fecal strings

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    As part of a joint project on the fate of phytoplankton in Balsfjorden in Northern Norway, we investigated the trophic fate and sedimentation potential of Phaeocystis pouchetii by tracing the transition of biomarker patterns from a phytoplankton bloom to sediment traps and during a gut passage experiment. The phytoplankton biomass during the spring bloom 1996 was dominated by colonial P. pouchetii (ca. 85 %) and four members of the diatom family Thalassiosiraceae (ca. 10%). Particulate organic carbon in sediment traps largely consisted of fecal material from the Arctic krill Thysanoessa sp.. Sterol and fatty acid biomarker patterns in the phytoplankton bloom could be reproduced by combining the individual biomarker patterns of the isolated phytoplankters P. pouchetii and Thalassiosira decipiens in a ratio of ca. 75:25. In a laboratory experiment, Arctic krill (Thysanoessa raschii) fed with similar efficiency on Phaeocystis colonies and the Thalassiosiraceae. During gut passage, the abundance of Thalassiosiraceae biomarkers in fecal strings increased relative to Phaeocystis biomarkers, while biomarkers from krill became dominant. This transition of biomarker patterns due to gut passage in T. raschii closely resembled the biomarker transition from the surface bloom to material in sediment traps at 40-170 m depth, which was mainly composed of krill fecal strings. We conclude that krill grazed efficiently on Phaeocystis colonies in Balsfjorden, and caused sedimentation of Phaeocystis-derived organic matter below the euphotic zone via fecal strings. Hence, both transfer to higher trophic levels and sedimentation of Phaeocystis-derived organic matter can be more effective than commonly believed

    The intersection of motherhood and academia as conceptualized by female doctoral students

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    The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the attitudes of current female doctoral candidates who express an interest in pursuing a career in the professoriate, as well as express a desire to have children. The participants will explain how they conceptualize the intersection of academia and motherhood, by detailing how they negotiate and navigate their current status in as a graduate student and their future career and family goals. A limited amount of literature has been published that specifically explores the intersection of academia and motherhood as conceptualized specifically by female graduate students. Therefore, the intent of the literature review in this project was to explore the relevant topics that would best provide the background on the impetus of the study. The review of literature concludes by introducing Feminist Critical Policy Analysis (FCPA) as the theoretical framework for this study followed by an explanation of the tenets of FPCA and the impetus for employing it as an analysis tool in this study. The six participants in the project expressed interest in pursuing a career in the professoriate as well as a desire to start a family, among other specific criterion detailed in chapter three. The participants represented three academic clusters: (1) science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), (2) humanities and social sciences (H&SS), and (3) professional and applied sciences (Professions). Data was collected by means of one-on-one individual unstructured interviews. The participants provided rich detail about how they navigate the notion of starting a family while beginning a tenure-track position. They also detailed their feelings on the policies and structures of the academy as it relates to supporting dual-career faculty. This study has a three-stage data reduction plan described by Madison (2005) for analyzing the data: identifying codes using a coding strategy, reducing codes into themes, and creating a point of view by incorporating the theoretical perspective. Concluding the project are suggestions for applying this research to the greater higher education community

    The Political Intensification of Caste: India Under the Raj

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    Munchausen’s Syndrome: Towards a Psychodynamic Understanding

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    INTRODUCTION The third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders cites two essential criteria for the diagnosis of chronic factitious disorder with physical symptoms, more poetically known as Munchauseri\u27s Syndrome: a) Plausible presentation of physical symptoms that are apparently under the individual\u27s voluntary control to such a degree that there are multiple hospitalizations; b) The individual\u27s goal is apparently to assume the patient role and is not otherwise understandable in light of the individual\u27s environmental circumstances(I). Additionally noted is the frequent occurrence of a true physical illness entailing extensive hospital treatment during the childhood or adolescence of these patients, as well as the horrific incapacitation of the disorder due to a chronic course of repeated hospitalizations. Munchausen\u27s Syndrome is apparently more common in males than females, but the prevalence is in question. Some authors claim it is ubiquitous, but rarely recognized . Others believe it to be rare because certain cases are continually overreported (1). This paper presents a summary of the hospital course of a Munchausen patient recently treated by a psychiatric consultant in a community general hospital. Major themes and an historical perspective of the thinking regarding the psychodynamics of this intriguing illness will follow

    A Mathematical Procedure for Time-Space Diagrams

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    Some studies on infectious mononucleosis, with particular reference to etiology

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